N.O.A Health
The NOA Health Project consists of transforming your smartphone into a tool allowing you to measure your medical conditions, your blood pressure, your temperature, your blood sugar level ... A simple video of your face coupled with imaging technology transdermal optic delivers 95% reliable diagnosis.
General manager
Descamps Steeve
Accompania Company
- Respond (Decrease transmission & spread), such as: Optimal preventive interventions & uptake maximization, Cutting through “infodemic” & enabling better response, Data-driven learnings for increased efficacy of interventions
Poor treatment adherence is a real public health problem. According to the OMS, "solving the problem of non-adherence to treatment would be more effective than the advent of any medical progress." In France, in 2014, out of the following 6 pathologies, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, heart failure, hypercholesterolemia and osteoporosis, only 40% of patients had to be compliant. The resulting consequences (multiple consultations, emergency room visits, hospitalizations) are estimated at more than 9 billion euros each year.
Vital signs checks are therefore the most common medical examinations that almost everyone has had at one time or another. Several devices are used for this, on the respondents sphygmomanometer, oximeter, ... and despite many advances, these devices are still difficult to access and limited for many people around the world.
The main advantage of this new research is that it does not use any additional sensors. Indeed, smartphones equipped with sufficiently powerful photo sensors are quite capable of carrying out all these analyzes.
The visual aspect of the application is also necessary, a virtual assistant offering games and advice will be integrated for greater use by all. This program is developed in 15 languages around the world.
Many people in the world are potentially carriers of pathologies such as: Arterial hypertension which affects more than 10 million people in France alone. Blood pressure variations can be numerous during the same day depending on the context (example of the white coat effect during the test) ... Its control is however essential in the prevention of cardiovascular risk. Measuring devices must therefore be easy to use. For type 1 and 2 diabetes with 463 million people affected worldwide, according to the International Diabetes Federation. This qualifies the phenomenon as a real pandemic, because the progression is considerable. WHO predicts 622 million people with diabetes by 2040. This makes monitoring personal parameters necessary for many people around the world.
- Pilot: A project, initiative, venture, or organisation deploying its research, product, service, or business/policy model in at least one context or community
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
Fight against difficulties in accessing and monitoring care
There are many disparities in access to health care in France and around the world. Some areas are called “medical deserts” although there is no official definition. The French Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics Department (DREES) estimates that 8% of the population residing in a territory considered to be under-density of general practitioners, defined as an accessibility threshold of less than 2.5 consultations per year and per inhabitant. Despite the various measures already in place, this phenomenon should intensify in the years to come.
Faced with this failure, e-medicine is currently the subject of a strong desire for development on the part of the public authorities. The 2017 Court of Auditors report considers that it could be one of the solutions to this problem of access to healthcare, on the basis of data already existing in various countries. The use of a scale and a connected oximeter has already shown us that it is now possible to partially overcome the physical presence of the caregiver in order to anticipate a possible cardiorespiratory decompensation, ...
The patient actor of his health:
The place of the patient in relation to his disease has changed a lot in recent years. The American sociologist TALCOTT PARSONS was one of the first to attempt to define the sick doctor relationship in 1951. During this period, medicine was able to establish its omnipotence linked to the treatment of infectious pathologies thanks to antibiotics. There was an asymmetric relationship, with the doctor on the one hand imposing his knowledge and his authority, and on the other hand an obedient and passive patient. With the aging of the population and the increase in the prevalence of chronic pathologies, the goal of healing has gradually given way to that of fighting disease. The patient, anxious to make the most of his illness, felt the need to be better informed ...
At the same time, the advent of the Internet has made it possible to share medical information with the general public, until now almost exclusively held by healthcare professionals, giving full meaning to informed consent and shared decision-making. . . The NOA Project brings new possibilities to the patient, who can become an actor in his own health. It is now possible for any individual to know at any time his heart rate, his blood pressure ... and to modify his lifestyle accordingly without waiting for a medical consultation.
The major challenge for the years to come will be to be able to offer more services with fewer resources. Our period is characterized by an aging population where the doctor / patient ratio is decreasing: fewer and fewer doctors on the one hand, and more and more patients on the other.
However, the use of NOA should be well understood and not lead to addiction or obsessive behaviors, nor induce pathological concerns that one might call the neologism of e-pochondria. In addition, if these innovative technologies can improve medical care, they can also raise ethical questions about the control of the data collected. Vigilance must be placed on the security of these data and their possible use for purposes diverted from the sole care of the patient's health.
The use of this program is still in its infancy, but could herald a real revolution in medical practice. The information thus provided enables the patient to adjust his behavior more appropriately and to prevent
probable risks. As such, these tools bring real progress in the knowledge, monitoring and therapeutic adaptation of many pathologies. With the data continuously generated in this way, we are entering the era of predictive, ultra-personalized and complementary medicine. A trend favored by the miniaturization of objects, their simplification of use, even the multiplication of medical deserts.
The classic scheme of an active knowledge relationship - the doctor - in front of a passive patient is in a hurry. The consultation framework is changing considerably. Information circulates outside the practice and the patient becomes an actor, taking more control of his health than ever ...
- France
Funding problems are identified to optimize this project:
- Increase and distribution of the company's staff, ...
- personal financing will be a lever used if necessary
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Accompania Company
3rd Eyes Info Tech Company
Onirique Factory Company
We are looking for a diffusion and financing capacity that cannot be reached within a limited timeframe for our young company. Our funding model currently insufficient, uses investor funds, no external aid is currently developed. Participation in this type of competition would increase our capacity for financing and disseminating current projects.
We would like to work optimally with companies like Noldus and Vicarvision; university centers such as MIT allowing machine learning and AI to be combined with our services optimally for the future.
A lot of society comes to mind but the time has not yet arrived ...