Prepare, prevent, detect and respond to data analystic project
Global collaboration and sharing data on public health emergencies is important to fight the spread of infectious diseases. If scientists and health workers can openly share their data across region's and organisations, countries can be better prepared and respond faster to disease outbreaks.
Lumbani Mvula Executive Director at Youth for Change Int'l organisation.
- Respond (Decrease transmission & spread), such as: Optimal preventive interventions & uptake maximization, Cutting through “infodemic” & enabling better response, Data-driven learnings for increased efficacy of interventions
Lack of trust when it comes to sharing data in North-south collaborations.
This has raised a lot of challenges and problems in the health sector.
Covid pandemic has raised a lot of misconceptions towards the globe. Equal Access and opportunities to internet, WiFi networks also helps in facilitation of data sharing because to some developing countries like malawi the price's of data bundles are very expensive and high including poor connectivity of wireless internet challenges hence hindering health personnel's to access to data sharing in different hospitals in Africa.
This great project will engage different health centers and health personnels including women,men and children in different communities and districts of malawi and nebouring countries beyond Malawi.
Youth for Change will help different health centers by building partnership among the issues that need to be addressed. This will help on how database can be managed and implementation of systematic reviews. This is critical to prevent the next epidemic. The ministry of health will also be encouraged to take part in the project hence achieving the project goals and objectives.
- Pilot: A project, initiative, venture, or organisation deploying its research, product, service, or business/policy model in at least one context or community
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
It's easy to communicate with local communities and urban communities about any information about disease outbreaks and any other important information hence achieving the project goals.
The project will help a lot of people Such as women since they're are not aware of some other things like maternal health and wellness, food security and other important information.
By monitoring and evaluation including reporting on how the project has changed the well-being of people in their respective communities. Conduction of follow up surveys will be conducted with deligence to indicate as to whether the project has meet the success criteria.
Monitoring and evaluation process.
- Malawi
- Zambia
The gap between men and women since women are eager to take part than men.
Lack of technical know-how on the project of data sharing.
Political interference within the project course.
Lack of enough resources to build a project such as funding and infrastructure.
- Nonprofit
We do not have enough resources and trainings in such projects hence we do run projects without real knowledge of operations.
Trinity college
Executive Director