Maximizing Pandemic Signal Reliability for Every Type of Region
Only insights that are relevant to a region should be applied to the region. A one size fits all approach will create regional inequalities/unreliability. An algorithm may be used where atleast two insights have to be positive for a pandemic signal.
A palette of 100+ insights to choose from.
Harsimran Dhaliwal
- Identify (Determine & limit the disease risk pool & spill over risk), such as: Genomic data to predict emerging risk, Early warning through ecological, behavioural & other data, Intervention/Incentives to reduce risk for emergency & spill over
There is a problem with using one or a few insights for all regions in the world to predict/respond/recover from a pandemic. For example, the poor parts of a region will have different pandemic predictive system needs than a rich area due to different infrastructures in place.
The system provided has a goal to affect the worlds population from the poorest tribes to the richest lands to predict a pandemic, respond to a pandemic, and recover from a pandemic.
There are over a 100+ insights which can be chosen for each region based on its relevance value for each region.
Another problem is created by focusing on only using a few insight methods. This may cause inequalities for certain regions because they aren't useful there. Also, some insights may focus on dense areas, however the virus may originate from a farm, so we must not focus only on where the virus spreads rapidly, but implement insights relevant to other places it may starts also.
Using only one insight creates a false positive unreliable pandemic signal problem. We need multiple confirmations from multiple insights/databases to back up the signal.
Covid itself causes false positives when trying to predict a new pandemic.
Worldwide focus on all types of audiences to allow prediction, response or recovery in all areas. The system will serve poverty stricken persons in the poorer regions in Africa to densely populated downtown cities in other countries.
We seek to help all different races, people with mental illnesses, the majority, the minority, or region whether its densely populated or sparsely populated. A global solution for all.
- Proof of Concept: A venture or organisation building and testing its prototype, research, product, service, or business/policy model, and has built preliminary evidence or data
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
The public good is the reliable identification, response, or recovery to a pandemic for the entire world. Pandemic prediction may be unreliable if it ignores some areas as that area may be the source of another pandemic.
It will save billions of lives over the centuries and trillions of dollars in economic value within the next few years which would also have wreaked further havoc on the people.
The globe will not face a new pandemic or highly likely not to. The economic impacts of a new pandemic will not be seen and many livelihoods will be saved due to this.
We will make sure to implement our system to be future compatible with data driven techniques that may be future proofed for the coming food shortage crisis and climate change crisis to lessen their impacts.
Vaccines will go where they need to go, people who need the most help will be helped, viruses in their beginning pandemic stages will be found.
The impacts on the target population are all populations. Some populations may be impacted more than others.
The goal towards trying to implement a system for all populations is the right first step to prevent further inequalities from compounding.
Using the keyword strings to find news articles, the tangible nature of the insight will be in the form of a predictive news article which will get published describing an infected animal or a puzzling new sickness or an uptic of a known diseases.
1. This is a tangible result:
"China investigates respiratory illness outbreak sickening 27"
published December 30 2019
2. The tangible impact will be acting upon this data and preventing the next pandemic when another article similar to this is written
Due to advancing technology, knowledge of the seriousness of pandemics, and increase in social media use where reporters get there news stories from, news articles of a new virus will occur sooner and sooner to the patient zero infection date. Covid taught us the seriousness of outbreaks. News articles of new outbreaks of known viruses are increasingly published, an unknown virus outbreak will be published for sure.
Tangible results using my methods will occur increasingly quicker.
I will create ideas on ways to make the current insights more efficient as time goes on by analyzing how they work and are implemented. I will also come up with newer standalone insights.
By TTC helping with finding the smartest people in the world to implement the system, it will make sure the system will scale up.
Firstly we will use the most reliable insights that are proven to show results which humans can perform and analyze. While this is occurring, computer infrastructure needs to be built so more and more insights can be added to the system allowing maximum analysis..
I can monitor where I am able to. For example, I can monitor for recent articles to find new keywords which I can add to the keyword string to make the keyword string more reliable.
I will also be helpful in monitoring reports of how the system, or each insight, is used and be able to provide further insights to make the insight more efficient. I can also disclose new standalone insights as well which may be helpful.
We can also run past simulations of all 100+ insights based on all previous and relevant data sets relating to each insight a year before and leading up to any previous pandemic using Ai or massive computers to see which insights or insight combinations would have given a positive pandemic signal if those insights were used in the past. We will then use those reliable insights for each region.
- Canada
The barriers that exist are an expectation to become a someone who can implement the idea on the infrastructural and technical level. My skill is in coming up with insights. I would need someone efficient and experienced in implementing the insights.
Using any industry as an example, some people create because they are the best at it, but other people put the infrastructure in place because they are the best at it, and neither can do the others job.
- Individual
I am applying because my purpose in life is to help advance humanity. You will not find someone as passionate as me. This is why I have come up with 100+ insights. I will be there to help with ideas on the coming food crisis and climate change when these issues get out of control.
My barriers are technical expertise to build, implement the platforms, creating the infrastructure, and no relationships with key contacts.
An organization with Ai and large computing power machines.
An organization that can make key contacts anywhere.
An organization that believes in advancing humanity.
An organization with genius scientific minds.
An organization serious about predicting pandemics.
An organization who will be very negatively impacted by the next pandemic in terms of profit loss and therefor has great incentive to prevent the next pandemic.