Reconnect with Konane
Konane, a Hawaiian game, was one of those cultural gems almost lost to the radical change from pre-contact times. Konane was a board game played by all Hawaiians and revered by chiefs as a strategic training tool that prepared them to manage their resources, both natural and human. Today Konane offers Hawaiians and people of all cultures an opportunity to revitalize the Hawaiian identity. Konane teaches resources management, strategic planning, and leadership skills, just as important today as in the past. Known as Hawaiian Checkers, Konane is rich in strategy like chess but with the simplicity of black and white pieces like checkers. Konane is seen as an educational tool and a practice emanating from the roots of Hawaiian culture. Reconnecting with Konane means building an educational base for Konane, developing competitive opportunities for players, and designing boards which can be placed and played in the community at large.
The Hawaiians evolved a unique relationship with their scarce resource - land. Their approach to problem-solving in this environment disappeared with the erosion of the culture brought about by an influx of new people and practices.
Our challenge solution ultimately contributes to the revitalization of the Hawaiian identity. We see similar objectives within the State of Hawaii’s Hawaiian Language Immersion Program which has grown to 25 sites in public schools across five islands since 1987 ( Konane is a direct reflection of how Hawaiians approached the world around them. Unlike chess and checkers, Konane does not capture or destroy opponents. Konane is about how and when to utilize resources. The Konane game ends when a player runs out of options and cannot move. In the simplest terms, knowing what resources are available and when to use them against a dynamic opponent is at the heart of this ancient game with profoundly modern application. Konane is a gift from Hawaii’s past to the players of the world’s future.
The solution is the reconnection with Konane thinking. The thinking associated with playing Konane when extended beyond the board, promotes an approach to managing people, resources, problems, and opportunities that adds another option to our systems frameworks for community development. We propose three parallel pathways to reconnection: 1) education, 2) competition, and 3) self-sustaining public boards. To expand the education pathway, we would like to publish a book, produce a series of videos, and develop a train-the-trainers program. The competition pathway involves developing local and regional tournaments. We would like to partner with Instant Interactive to at least promote the use of the app and call attention to the leaderboards and achievement features and at most develop and expand a regional tournament structure within the app. The third pathway, self-sustaining public boards, arose out of an interest in placing Konane boards in community gathering places like Konane was pre-contact. We have some preliminary mechanical designs for table 1.0 underway. A table 2.0, will have public boards with the dedicated app installed. With an IOT component the players could be part of the larger leaderboards and tournament network.
Our solution starts within Hawaii’s communities. The solution being led by the Native Hawaiian community will focus on the State’s Department of Hawaiian Home Lands communities and Hawaiian Public Charter schools. Hawaii’s native community takes great pride in promoting Hawaiian culture. Konane is currently being introduced into schools and exhibited at cultural events state-wide. There are many communities in Hawaii that have adopted the Hawaiian culture in a deep and meaningful way. They will undoubtedly be important in promoting Konane play and benefitting in doing so. Hawaii is a crossroads to many communities around the world and we see exposure to Konane as a benefit to all those relating to and visiting Hawaii.
- Support language and cultural revitalization, quality K-12 education, and support for first-generation college students
We are not addressing a problem. We are addressing an opportunity. We have designed an approach within education, society, and design that calls on current technological tools to promote an ancient cultural practice into a modern way of thinking. Our excitement of applying the latest in technology to the promotion of Konane and its benefits is appreciative in its outlook. The Challenge inspired us to see the opportunity in a new light and we thank you for the insight.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model.
We have no option but to start at the beginning.
- Yes
- A new application of an existing technology
Our approach identifies three distinct pathways to reconnection with Konane. Education of Konane has never gone beyond word of mouth. We are initiating an educational program that includes a book, a series of instructional videos, and a train-the-trainer course. All three will embrace state-of-the-art cultural, educational, and technological opportunities. One of the identified constraints to Konane’s spread is sustaining interest (Bordner, Personal communication). We feel formal and informal competition, our second pathway, can fill the sustainability void. Our most ambitious pathway is the design of a board/table that can be installed in public spaces. Since Konane requires pieces, a board design that incorporates the pieces in a weather-proof and vandal-proof way is imperative. Part of this pathway is understanding the community planning and design environment to further public tables.
Our three pathways to reconnecting with Konane are education, competition, and design. For education we have three approaches, a book, videos, and a train-the-trainer course. The educational pathway is proposing traditional means delivered using state-of-the-art technologies. Part of this grant will help us determine a culture-friendly and cost effective level of technology.
The competition pathway will also follow traditional means but with the augmentation of cost effective technological enhancements. We will need to develop a competition model that not only fits our cultural audience but also attracts users from a wider gaming population. Gambling was always a part of playing Konane and is part of what brought about its decline in Hawaii’s conservative-led leadership post contact. The gambling component may offer a currently untapped option in the gaming industry.
The design pathway will first look at a mechanical implementation of a Konane board. The mechanical design of table 1.0 will have a self-contained board of rotating spindles, in place of a black or white pieces, embedded in a standing game table. This design will be refined to develop manufacturing specifications for an outdoor board and table. Table 2.0 will be electronic (solar powered), use our common app, and support IOT,
A technological approach to education “ushers in fundamental structural changes that can be integral to achieving significant improvements in productivity” (US DOE, Our solution wants to ride the wave of technological change at every opportunity across our three pathways of reconnection. One exciting platform that may integrate our book and video pathways is Scalar ( See this video ( Although Scalar is targeted at visually rich academic material, it seems to be a natural for introducing education, culture, and game play interactively on a cloud-based platform compatible with a linear or non-linear approach.
Our model for competition is initially influenced by ( Their website integrates tournaments and rankings among players. It is our hope to use Instant Interactive’s current online app as the basis for a redesigned cloud-based app. The app would include play and competition through various leaderboards and achievements (;
Konane boards were originally carved in stone. Our project lead has produced wooden boards, cloth “boards” that can be folded and easily transported, and even boards painted on picnic tables in the parks. The boards require pieces. Our next step is producing a self-sustaining board with integrated pisces. See the picture of a simple tic tac toe board with integrated Xs, Os, and blanks. Our design would be similar with at least 8X8 and up to 14X14 piece positions. We would like to develop specifications for weatherproof and vandal-proof boards integrated into public tables resembling the ancient stone boards, what we call table 1.0. Table 2.0 would be a similar table but electrified and connected to the Internet of Things.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
For Konane to revitalize the Hawaiian Identity, we assume people recognize the benefits derived from Konane are in fact associated with a Hawaiian approach to the world. We will infuse Hawaiian history, language, and legends into the educational component to help make the Hawaiian/Konane connection. Another assumption is that other Hawaiian cultural practices will begin to bring Konane into their fold.
In terms of our three pathways, there are several assumptions we are making that could introduce risk into achieving our objectives. Education’s fourth activity, outreach, and the second and third pathways themselves, competitions and public boards, are actions taken to mitigate the reported difficulty in sustaining interest in Konane beyond its introduction (Bordner, personal communication).
Within the competition pathway, we are assuming the platforms developed will be accessible, easy to understand, and attractive to players. Instant Interactive’s current platform is Apple-based. This is a limitation. The involvement of Instant Interactive in redeveloping a larger board and expanded features in a cloud-based environment is a major assumption. Communication with Instant Interactive is ongoing. Without their or others’ development expertise the competition prospect is severely limited.
Determination of an organizational structure(s) which incorporate(s) the potential for intellectual property and licensing is assumed. There are also assumptions with regard to City and State permitting of tables being installed in public places. Although real estate developers are mandated to include cultural spaces in development, there is the risk Konane will not be considered as a viable alternative. Across all pathways, funding is assumed.
Reconnect with Konane
Revitalize the Hawaiian identity
Reconnect with Konane as a cultural resource
1. Establish Konane educational programs
2. Establish competitive Konane opportunities
3. Provide sustainable Konane tables/boards across Hawaii
4. Project Management
Establish Konane Educational Programs
Reconnect with Konane as a cultural resource
Establish Konane educational programs
1 Book
1.1 Collect materials
1.2 Organize materials
1.3 Develop manuscript
1.4 Contract publisher
1.5 Establish distribution
2 Video collection
1.1 Design collection (based on book)
1.2 Contract producer/editor
1.3 Establish distribution
3 Train the trainer course (for educators, parents, social workers, and organizational trainers)
1.1 Design curriculum
1.2 Design courses
1.3 Develop support materials
1.4 Test courses
1.5 Refine courses/materials
1.6 Package courses/materials
4 Community outreach, events, and workshops
1.1 Document marketing, media, and event plans
1.2 Design and purchase promotional materials
1.3 Establish web presence and communications hub
1.4 Attend events
1.5 Provide workshops
Establish competitive Konane opportunities
Reconnect with Konane as a cultural resource
Establish competitive Koanane opportunities
1 Establish local and regional tournaments
1.1 Determine tournament formats
1.2 Pilot tournament formats
1.3 Hold island competitions
1.4 Hold state competitions
2 Online platform
2.1 Developer partnership formed
2.2 Development funding secured
2.3 Platform developed and launched
2.4 Platform maintenance planned and contracted
3 Online competition
3.1 Competition model selected
3.2 Competition promoted
3.3 Competition held
3.4 Format refined
3.5 Periodic competitions planned
Provide sustainable Konane tables/boards across Hawaii
Reconnect with Konane as a cultural resource
Provide sustainable Konane tables/boards across Hawaiii
1 Self-sustaining board
1.1 Design
1.2 Build prototype
1.3 Develop specifications for manufacture
2 Table
2.1 Design
2.2 Build prototype
2.3 Develop specifications for manufacture
3 Public access
3.1 Research access processes and policies
3.2 Introduce Konane access policy - developers
3.3 Introduce Konane access policy - public (city and state)
3.4 Install pilot tables
3.5 Reassess success
Project management
Output 1: Establish project team/stakeholders
Output 2: Document plans
Output 3: Seek funding opportunities
Output 4: Periodic and annual progress reports
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
People currently served: Uncle John currently interacts with five hundred people a year.
People served in one year: Initial outreach will interact with about two thousand people in year 1.
People served in five years: About one million people will have heard about Konane through the program. Twenty five thousand people will have been introduced to Konane and its cultural significance. About ten percent will be active players.
Reconnect with Konane
Revitalize the Hawaiian identity
Reconnect with Konane as a cultural resource
1. Establish Konane educational programs
2. Establish competitive Konane opportunities
3. Provide sustainable Konane tables/boards across Hawaii
4. Project Management
Our impact goals for the next year are based in the outputs above. We recognize the need for an educational, social, and accessibility foundation before we see tangible impact. After the first year we see compounding growth in the interest and involvement with Konane. The one factor we have not emphasized is the Hawaii community at large and tourists to Hawaii. We are focusing on the reconnection with Konane and the revitalization of the Hawaiian Identity first within the local Hawaiian community. If, as we suspect, the reconnection with Konane extends to the community of Hawaii, then the hospitality industry would be included. The hospitality industry entertains almost ten million people per year. The reason we are proposing train-the-trainer courses and putting tables in public places (and resorts) is because of the incredible scaling potential. Hawaii is marketed world-wide. Being a part of that, Konane can help revitalize the Hawaiian Identity.
Reconnect with Konane
Revitalize the Hawaiian identity
Indicator: The Hawaiian approach to supporting and managing a dynamic environment is recognized in the development literature as a viable systems development framework by the year 2030.
Reconnect with Konane as a cultural resource
Indicator: Konane is established as a game representing a Hawaiian outlook by community leaders by 2026.
1. Establish Konane educational programs
Indicator: Over five thousand people have accessed the Konane book/video resources on the Konane website.
Indicator: Konane is offered as a curriculum resource in all Hawaii public schools by 2024.
Indicator: Over three hundred people have been trained in the train-the-trainer course by 2024.
Indicator: Konane featured at all major cultural events on all islands by 2024.
2. Establish competitive Konane opportunities
Indicator: Competitions on all islands by 2024.
Indicator: Online leaderboards, achievements, rankings, and tournaments by 2024.
3. Provide sustainable Konane tables/boards across Hawaii
Indicator: Self-sustaining boards in production by 2024.
Indicator: At least one Konane table in each City and State park by 2026.
Indicator: Konane tables represented at all hotels and resorts by 2026.
4. Project Management
Indicator: A Konane organization (profit or nonprofit) formed by 2022.
Indicator: Plans and quarterly progress reports posted online by 2022.
Indicator: At least three funding opportunities realized by the end of 2022.
Within the educational pathway, financial and technical barriers exist with the development of the book/video and course materials in the near-term. There are also policy barriers that arise when dealing with the State's Department of Education in introducing curriculum resources. Outreach to all schools, public and private, will require a consistent coordinated approach and requires dedicated people to introduce the message and materials.
The competitive pathway has financial needs in coordinating events. The online platform requires financial, technical, and legal assistance.
The realization of boards and tables also requires prototype development funding and technical design expertise. There will also be legal needs in protecting intellectual property and establishing any organizational structure or licensing of materials or designs. Investment in manufacturing will require financial resources.
Market barriers are unknown. Konane is a niche game but simple to replicate. Games have been marketed in the past with little success.
Long-term barriers are less understood. Part of our initial planning will include a better understanding of long-term implications.
Educational pathway
Book/video and course materials: The financial and technical barriers can be overcome by funding that allows the hiring of professional developers. We have introduced our program to a local publisher of Hawaiian books. He is very interested but suggests the video format may be more successful for a "how to" approach.
Outreach to State Department of Education: Policy barriers can be overcome by building political allies. Konane being rather non-threatening may find supporters easier than polemic issues.
Outreach to public and private organizations: Staffing barriers can be overcome by sustaining dedicated trainers.
Competitive pathway
Event coordination: Dedicated staff and financial assistance can help to overcome barriers to holding events.
Online platform: The technical barrier will require a partnership with an existing software developer. Instant Interactive represent a natural partner. However, communication and discussions are ongoing.
Board design: A design engineer has expressed interest in board design as a community service. Professional volunteers will be sought for design and manufacturing assistance.
Table 2.0: Local state agencies and accelerators/incubators represent a source of expertise and product development.
- Not registered as any organization
Currently two.
Uncle John Kaohelaulii is a native Hawaiian living on the Hawaiian Homelands in Anahola, Kaua`i. He has been teaching Kōnane on the Hawaiian Homesteads and on the islands of Kaua`i and Oahu since 2010. Teaches Kōnane with Hawaiian organizations and Hawaiian public charter schools. He also teaches at many community events throughout the year. John runs a small business in Kapaa, Kaua`i.
Larry Rowland Ed.D. PMP is not a native Hawaiian. He lives in Aiea, Oahu. Larry founded and operated an aquaculture/agriculture consulting firm for fifteen years. For the last twenty two years Larry has been a faculty member at Hawaii Pacific University. Larry is in the College of Business and teaches in the Information Systems program. Larry co-founded the Honolulu chapter of the Project Management Institute and was on the board for twenty years. He has been active in CAPM/PMP certification training. He recently co-authored a book on project-based learning in higher education.
We see our team as content and process specialists.
John, the project lead, has dedicated himself to Konane and what it can mean for Hawaiians and the Hawaii community at large.
Larry contributes process. Larry's work background includes several start-ups. He maintains relationships with local accelerators and incubators (Blue Startups, Sultan Ventures, Bizgenics Foundation, Purple Maia, etc.) promoting entrepreneurship and student involvement.
We see ourselves as a network of resources dedicated to program and project processes. Team members respect leadership within the respective content and process areas. Our Theory of Change is our unifying model for both visioning and project management.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We are applying to Solve to join a network of innovators. We see selection as a door opening to new opportunities. We have just begun formalize our program and welcome any direction and guidance possible. We highly respect the MIT community as leaders in innovation would consider it an honor and a validation to be among the selected. We designed our pathways to success with feasibility in mind. We can do this. We will do this.
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
Business model - We do not know all our options. We need to know what options exist and the consequences of each. Given more information we can finalize a business model.
Financial - We can see going either as a community service or as a more product oriented small business or both. Either way seems to require different financial strategies. We need again to know options.
Legal - We want to understand what kind of legal entity under which we can best operate, if any. Again, we need to know our options. Also, is IP and licensing an issue?
Product/service distribution - We have at least three very different products/services to develop. The timing as well as the dependencies of these products and services needs to be understood. We see this related to the business model. What options exist and have been successful?
Technology - Our entire educational pathway is dependent on learning and finding ways to support learning with technology. We want to be sensitive to our cultural audience but also take advantage of any technology that can help. Our competitive pathway depends on developing a cloud-based competition forum. If our desired partnership does not pan out, we would require a massive development effort, possibly beyond what we can support. In terms of boards/tables, we invite makers of all types to lend ideas and techniques that could make the boards and tables a reality.
We would like to partner with the following:
Hawaiian-focused public charter school in the State of Hawai`i
Bess Press; Publishing
Instant Interactive; Software Development
G70; community planning and design
State Department of Education; curriculum outlet
Corporations, hotels, and resorts; exposure to Konane
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
