Paul Livingstone Ngaba
1.I,am committed to solve a community economic empowerment problem to those illiterate and those women who can are part of economic contributes to the per ca pita incoome in the GDP but have no access to insurance,financial and entrepreneurship solutions.
2. I'am proposing that these women should be enlightened about the money mobile servicing and table banking among the women groups where they will also be able to access insurance services and later have their own community banking services and own the bank as the major share holders and become a house hold in the finance sector in their countries
3.My solution will help the so many women majority of whom are not literate but are very active in economic building of a nation,this women will own their organization and they will be empowered from the ground level to access finance and thus building themselves socially feed their family and this education forum will be used to empower them on domestic violence,the women rights and make them have a voice in the government legislature and also access information on hiv/aids and women mutilation[fgm] among girls and how to curb child pregnancies and health care on maternally issues where everyone can access this services anywhere anytime
My solution is about how to empower women economically,socially by helping them to build strong community networking through table banking among the women grouping and it will empower those marginalized ,illiterate and help themselves have a voice in the community but regionally and even internationally
This has been a major problem regionally especially in the third world whereby majority of the women have no access to services especially on the ares of finance thus making many women become powerless without a voice and they remain economically impoverished and hopeless .this is a major problem in Africa and even in other third world countries as well.
almost 1/3 of the women in the region of Africa who are the majority are affected badly
uneducated person is powerless due to lack of information though with great potential, remains to be a waist to many, so this solution is about empowering a women to get access to the right information to become economically empowered and thus they become socially and economically powerful through mobile money exchange technology and groups table women banking
if for example majority of women in Kenya have not been able to get the 2/3 majority legislative platform, which they have fought for a long time and this tell and anytime the bill come to the house it fall to pass to get the number that is require by law to pass it.that is the case in the current governments in Africa. women have less voice and less power .unfortunately many are suffering for lack of economic power and social connection among them its a big problem in Africa as a whole.
The target population is in general the woman and all have been affected including those in the government and those in the community
I have with my small community based organization been campaigning ,training on women and the social implication on gender issues ,how best they can have a voice through training them on health care matters and economic empowerment through starting small bossiness
by helping them form groups on the community levels to have a voice as a team among st other training on women matters
training is key to any empowerment on women i have to bring them in groups and help them understand the key issues on women empowerment,they have to come up with the a method that is simple to help themselves to solve a particular problem like forming a community based group to be able to have a voice.
Once they are together as group which must be registered by the government and ,then it will be a group work not an individual business it easy for their voice to be heard and be able to get assisted by the concerned person or the goverment.
- Deploying features that use regionally interoperable foundational ID systems and can be accessed across borders, network providers, and languages — allowing workers to receive services and make contributions or withdrawals regardless of origin or location
my solution is very clear in that its will address the less fortunate ,marginalized women of wuri west Africa if it will be adopted.
1. First I'm addressing a global challenging problem which has a great negative impact on women especially in this region,whereby women have been left behind in solving problems due to lack of information,economic empowerment and social knowledge on women rights and lack of tidal information that is currently being used by many nation in accessing information and services like mobile money services ,insurance services and saving through grouping in table baking, that has empowered many other women elsewhere that adversely affect them thus contributing to more suffering and poverty in the community.
2.Women are the majority in any given country especially in west Africa but majority have no say due to illiteracy lack of information ,documentation access to vital services like maternal health care services among other services and information.its by accessing information through technology [digital wireless technology through mobile services providers] that can the way forward for this women
my solution is touching on the way forward to seek a lasting solution to this women by training them on access to information and money transfer and table baking on the women to be economically empowered and how their lives can change for the better if the implementation of this solution bears fruits which i have confidence if supported can work.
- Idea: A plan or concept by an individual or organization.
- A new business model or process
My solution is very unique in that it seeks to address a problem that exits among the women and its this same group of women who,when empowered will bring change among st themselves.the solution is solved from within the women group setting in the community,the" table banking mobile solution initiative is a network that works top support and empower the women to become economically strong and stable in terms of women finance and gender issues.the women will own the process rather than having a third party that propels and deals with their money issues and also social issues from the outside.
my competitors are other money service providers who have quite a big no of women as their customers,thus making it a bit tough to get this women to start a similar programme and convince them how it will help and empower them, which will be competing with them in this field of finance and private financial management programme as this new programme will seek to address
This solution is working very well among st the women in Kenya. we have a great number of women teams formed from the grass root to the national level where majority of this women in the social economic and social integration groups have been trained and empowered through this groups on
a] how to save money among the members and banking them and later borrow this monies among st members and later pay through the banks with minimal low interest
b]through the mobile application called" MPESA" a mobile money transfer soft ware governed and supervised by the central bank of Kenya that allows any person to receive and transfer money to the bank without necessarily visiting the bank, and also one can buy or sell goods and services to any person without carrying any money with them thus making it to become a secure and safe process with less risks on money issues.
3]women have through this programme managed to own and bequeath properties like land,homes,housing and access to education without necessarily depending with men or their family members to help them financially .
4]it also gives a platform for women to be trained on gender issues like the women rights ,hiv/aids women maternal issues and other sensitive issues
5]Kenya can be used as a platform for visibility studies because the programme is vibrant and working well, we have Kenya Women Finance Bank fully owned by the women,we have "Maedeleo Ya Wanake Organization"[a women development body an umbrella of all women groups that supervises and oversees othe small women groups. which has a national leader and they have a voice in the government and own many properties in the major towns in Kenya
- Software and Mobile Applications
my solution is one that will bring a very big and great impact on women's world and thus making them powerful and have a voice in the society since it will empower them economically and they say,"knowledge is power"and that being forewarned is begin forearmed"It a process that will arm the women with knowledge on how to go about their daily live work and have a say in women forums in the legislative line and build themselves from the very low income earners and the less fortunate and the marginalized women in any given area in wuri.
the solution is not meant to just solve a small problem for a short time but it a lifetime process and one that require commitment and it will go all the way to many years after implementations, its a solution that will bring change to a generation and impact to the governments of the days since we all know women are the majority in any given African countries, and therefore if empowered economically and socially we are sure the nation is empowered also.they say" if you educate a woman its like educating a whole country"
the link between the output and outcome in this activities is that the women will be exchanging and borrowing small loans from their groups and banks and thus in the process the money will flow and whereby in the process this groups will come up with their own process of buying land properties or building or educating their family members a process that impacts them economically and socially as they move along.
in the process their capital and money figures will keep on growing and thus making it possible to acquire even huge loans to enable them do bigger business as individuals and as groups,in the process the economic activities will thrive and many women who were poor before the process began will be somewhere smiling and able even to provide and sustain their families.this is a revolving solution to all around the women and those around them.
My solution is very clear and in line with the mission billion challenge WURI West Africa prize in that
1.this is an already tested and existing technology in other places which is a mobile connected service delivery where by any person with a simple mobile garget can access this information even the illiterate and those from very least developed areas
2.this is a social incorporated solution since it works with citizen and locals who have to exchange goods services and money through this network and mostly when the women come together as groups it bring a very strong bong enlightening of information and knowledge and connectivity even with others in others regions as well is also a public service delivery since it bring together all persons to connect due to exchange of information and service where by banks are involved insurance companies hospitals schools and others due to payment of services and goods connected to individuals and women as groups.
this will make services in the informal sector simple available and with an easy way to flow among st all members and even the outside world among st the women and other citizens in terms of money and service delivary
this a very clear and friendly service and solution since all persons of any walk of life will have access it does not block any given individual who have an interest to use i,t it incorporates all without partiality even to those very low and alliterate. It work well in group net working and it embraces all to become a team and not marginalizing individuals
this will empower and help the west Wuri women to connect as groups and become empowered to help their region and beyond.
This is an application provided by the service provider and does not in any way interfere with other service providers in any way and can not also be interfered with by any other service providers its independent,secure and reliable. there can never be any lock in at any given time.
individual data is secured and even that of groups without any leakage whatsoever and it has worked in other regions without ant hi cups whatsoever.
with the aid of the government and the mobile service providers the mobile service solution is made possible since, many countries availed access to internet services and money exchange to all regions,for its citizen.
the service can be available all over if the government is willing for its citizen to be given the mobile service linkage through the mobile connectivity wireless cable connection, which is provided by the private companies on this programme .once the connectivity is done the mobile money service provider is accessible to all those in the less developed areas, and the illiterate can also have access to this service anywhere anytime provided the wireless mobile connectivity has a station to control information in that region.
- Women & Girls
- Kenya
- Kenya
My solution if implemented will in the first one year serve over one million people depending on availability of resources and manpower
In the next five years the solution will and should affect at least over ten millions people in a region if all process is dully followed
My goals in the next five years is to have this plan and idea worked on by the team of experts to start rolling the process,my target is first of all to reach out to the women groups that must be constituted in order to receive education and start their networking money exchange programme as we work on the next stage of implementing the connectivity of the mobile service providers and other networking involved in the whole process.
Once we get the required licences ,teams,approvals,education forums and we get the hand of fellowship required by all major stake holders in the first one year there should be some light that shows the way out
this is a major big programme that required a lot of expertise and resources and commitment for it to sail through.thus within the next five years we should witness at least over 1000 women groups duly registered and actively doing business and having some great changes in their regions
1.My barriers is first of all to sell this ideas to other like minded and it gets an approval both to the government,private sector and the community
2.secondly i must get well wishers who are ready and willing to support and work with with others to implement this great ideas,just like the Ford,Disney Kings who had great dreams which was just an idea but they believed in themselves and shared their idea out with other who helped the implement those dreams to become a liality which is what they are today after struggling for long periods.
3.there is a lot of mobile service providers competition out there therefore its a challenge to get to convenience a mobile service provider to get into this market and those willing also should be willing to do business in this area otherwise the market is ready but the service providers are always at war on the market share value which to me is a major challenge
4.bringing together legal experts government agencies and others on one table to agree is another challenge since most people who wants this solution implemented are corrupt and become a wall of barriers in many countries its because of personal interest rather that community interest in implementing the process
my plan is first of all to come up with a blue print process and the great achievement this process has achieved in other countries like Kenya for example where the money service provider is cashing in billion of tax profit to the government and easy cash flow among the citizen all over the country.
I will use the same or a similar team that are experienced to sell this idea to the west Wuri people and convince them how important the solution is to their citizens
if the mission billion solution chips in to provide partisanship solution and advice it will become easy for me to convince those were are targeting and the willingness to bring a great change on the locals in this area.
my plea is that if this solution is one that when implemented can bring great impact to the people of this area in many years to come i would kindly request the experts advice and intervention from the Mission Billion Challenge which i know they will do
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
I have a great team of experts drawn from various institution that can form a team of experts who have a great wealth of experience in various sectors and organization
this institution are the mobile service providers.the women finance banks and the women table banking women groups organizations.this will be brought together if this solution is given support from the Judges
this is a team work programme and we can only succeed if various groups of experts are drawn together
1.a team from safari-com [a mobile service provider with digital technology]
2.a team of women in finance in table banking technology that have great experience in money matters.
3 a group from information and population data management technology
4.a group from banking sector on sme who have a great wealth of experience in financial matters on groping and business establishment and loan applications and properties management
all this are on contractual basis
1.Majority of the experts have a great wealth of experience drawn from various institutions like the mobile banking institutions and those from the women banking sector ,from the identification data center who are well experienced
2.the legal sector and the private sector as well
engineers who have knowlege on mobile technology and site construction centers
I am currently working with the women groups and the mobile money transfer experts the social groups and the women table banking experts as well all who are knowledgeable on women financial and malformation
all have been to this field in the last 20 years and above in Kenya and their work can show the fruits of the women economic prowess
my key solution is targeting the women in this region those who have been marginalized and in need of services to empower them socioeconomically trained and introduced to this programme the impact on these women economically will change they will be able to do bossiness from their location and be able to socialise and also contribute to the well being of their families as well
the product is about exchange of services and table banking that will enable them acquire soft loans and thus making them borrow and deposit money in their groups and banks with ease
this will be done through money mobile service which will be accessible to all the women in the groups
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
I Plan to sell my idea to great minds out there who can be willing to support my idea and,by sharing my blue print toward the lialization of my goals,the impact of the solution to the individuals and the financial implication as well
i will have to share my budget t on the way to achieve this solution with the donor funding agencies
I haven't raised any funds this can only happen if my solution gets a grenn light
As stated earlier i will doing a budget of about USD$ 10,000,000 in oder to help raise my equity to more than 1000 women groups to seek soft loans from the bank
As stated earlier i will seek the expert advice on the way forward from the Mission Billion Challenge on expert advice and the financial support since its a huge amount required to help empower women groups through soft loan acquiring process to help them empower themselves economically through various agencies like the banks women groups table banking among st other avenues in west Wuri region
- Business model
My goals in partnership is a great financial partners with those organizations that have a social economic impact on individuals while providing services and money and thus helping raise the standard of living among the citizens.
1] First i would like to partner with a service provider that has brought a great change Kenya in offering solution in the money mobile service providers to the locals which has made business and money to freely flow in the community so many can earn a living in an easy way without visiting the banks
2.I would like to partner with various financial institution that supports the women economic agendas on financial matters to help the women acquire a voice and a forum to get access to finical matters
3.would also like to partner with the women table banking programme leadership to seek advice on the way forward on women table banking grouping movement in Kenyan process,that has brought about great change in the women financial and social lives in this region which can be replicated else where in the region.
4.I would also love to partner with other major partner with great interest on women economic empowerment from the onset on the way to go about this project and solution
What organizations would you like to partner with, and how would you like to partner with them?
I would like to partner with Safaricom a mobile technology service provider which invented the mobile service provider in Kenya this organization has brought great mobile service money service to every Conner in the country which has made major business to grow in tune of billions people no longer visit bank to receive or deposit monies one can access this services through a mobile up which is simple to all even the illiterate ones anywhere anytime
2.I would also like to partner with Kenya women table banking programme a programme that empowers women groups on how to manage finance from the village level how to save and borrow loans from the groups and how to socially interact and build their lives economically.this has brought a great change in the women to learn and become and have a voice in the community as well.
3 we have financial institution that has done a turn around positive impact on women on the financial areas this is this Equity Bank[Kenya] helping the common persons down there to help build the lives of individuals financially
4 I would like to partner with other great institutions that deal with women on economic matters that can help implement and give advise on this matters
I would like to partner with Safaricom a mobile technology service provider which invented the mobile service provider in Kenya this organization has brought great mobile service money service to every Conner in the country which has made major business to grow in tune of billions people no longer visit bank to receive or deposit monies one can access this services through a mobile up which is simple to all even the illiterate ones anywhere anytime
2.I would also like to partner with Kenya women table banking programme a programme that empowers women groups on how to manage finance from the village level how to save and borrow loans from the groups and how to socially interact and build their lives economically.this has brought a great change in the women to learn and become and have a voice in the community as well.
3 we have financial institution that has done a turn around positive impact on women on the financial areas this is this Equity Bank[Kenya] helping the common persons down there to help build the lives of individuals financially
4 I would like to partner with other great institutions that deal with women on economic matters that can help implement and give advise on this matters
