Social Doctors Ghana
PROBLEM: lack of informal authentic information dissemination & networking for Market linkage, for semi formal micro Savings, Pension contribution, health and social insurance and micro informal investment advisory.
SOLUTION: oneshop membership based social enterprise NGO that provide network for marketing linkage and disseminate info, and has financial subcontractors as service providers to provide members with Credit Union for savings, and out of savings pay micro insurance, pay pensions contribution and invest through a USSD (scratch card) system and personal mode of collecting and depositing savings via registered agency system
IMPACT: member, selfcontrolled marketing and sales network, Financial, health and pensions independence for members without traditional formal banking system
1. Ghana has over 70% informal economy to GDP with over 70% of over 30,000,000 population living in the rural areas
2. The informal sector lacks specific trusted network of relevant information for innovation, produce, market and sales as well as credible self-control financial service that understands and suits their situation
3. Mobile phone networks coverage is less than 80% with broadband data subscribers less than 60%
4. High unemployed rate causing university graduates to think, create and sell for living without trusted effect marketing system, as COVID discourage foreign travel for pasture
5. Increased number of non banked informal sector due to lack of trust in the financial sector following the collapse of banks
The solutions serves informal folks who are at the bottom and lower middle part of the social piramid
Association Membership is district Community based. Members are led by executives elected by themselves and understand themselves and their aspirations
Community elected executives reports to headquarters through their both directly and through their geographical regional executives
Solution team members are representatives of the members of the problem origin. Concerns applications form contains suggested solution(s) developed by the complain group
Every community group of members has engagement team made up of fairly elite level who receives instructions, guidelines and training from headquarters (both virtual and physical) before presenting to association members.
- Deploying features that promote the continuity of contributions to social insurance schemes from informal sector workers, incorporating behavioral tools that incentivize and encourage financial savings, transparency, and accountability
The problem relates to the lower and middle class of the Ghanaian society, both peasant individuals and informal startups and SMEs including aged rural farmers.
The solution targets informal sector operators who wish to access larger market to sell their output, do savings, contribute pensions, pay life and health insurance and have a Democratic administrative control of all above entitlements...without formal complex systems but with social behavorial controls
- Growth: An individual or organization with an established product, service or model rolled out, which is poised for further growth in multiple locations.
- A new business model or process
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The model is novel and have proved successful at the inception.
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The solution is at the moment a manual one with the use of existing social media platform with online radio, Facebook TV and YouTube channel to reach out.
We have representatives in village, town, district, municipal and metropolitans who are elected executives of the local association.
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
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The summary Activity-Outcome-Impact model is available ans highly positive
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Depending on the readiness of the government of Ghana, our district based government structure makes it easier to be absorbed.
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Our model has nothing new and complex, it is manual with easy access and user interface
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There is no technology usage yet apart from traditional social media platforms for members to engage
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Executive members are in every local assembly to attend to members need. In Ghana, all district capital have mobile connectivity
- Informal Sector Workers
- Rural Settings
- Low/No Connectivity Settings
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- Ghana
- Nigeria
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Current = 430
A Year now =6,000
5years = 5,000,000
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Developed and use an App
Establish bank for the informal
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We need an App
Less National internet coverage
Expensive internet data
Regulators unfavourable informal rules in the financial sector
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Raise funds for app development
Push Parliament and regulator with research for favorable operating environment
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
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4 full time
22 parttime
290 volunteer
we have multidisciplinary team of various concentration
the provide concessional loans
Many project implementation partners
Provide membership based platform...disseminate relevant public information and education to the information class and business....advertise members product and services....form credit Union for members to join....provide loans to members...provide health and life insurance through 3rd party underwritter....provide pension and welfare scheme foe members....receive donations to support community and the need
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Internal activity and service to members
Donor funds
Members subscription
Concessional loan facilities
Has obtained concessional loan with lowest interest from Netherlands =€6000
As above sources
$ 1200
for upscale
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Marketing, media, and exposure
equity support
providing either equity inkind or incash support