Stop Infections by Helicobacter Pylori
1.A Step to decrease the risk of Cancer Gastric
1.Year by year die thousands of people around the world for cancer gastric, many of them have involved high levels of Helicobacter Pylori in their results, which for many Doctors is a Matter key as responsable of this kind of Cancer. also gastric ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux
We propose launch campaign of preventions taking test in places like factories, communities, schools, colleges, to diagnostic where or what's kind of people show high levels of H.P, also using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, to discover factor of risk like water, food, etc, where geographically is focus the high levels, and others data than are very important for the prevention and get a decrease of case of infection for H.P.
Our Solution will help people to achieve a better level of life, avoiding people suffer of:
Gastric Ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux, and finally decreasing the risk of cancer gastric.
- Effective and affordable healthcare services
The health system is limited to giving a pack of antibiotics, the patients finish that treatment and they continue to be exposed to the bacteria, as they are not identified, the causes continue to contract the infection again and again as well as increasing resistance to antibiotics. Our Solution is an innovation because it identifies through statistical data areas of greater epidemiological spread and causes that make these people vulnerable and on this way put a stop to the acquisition of this Bacterium
We seek to create a database with a large volume of data such as; geographies, type of food, origin of water, types of population, which allows us to use the algorithms of AI, identify the causes that make these people vulnerable to the acquisition of this bacterium, obtaining the causes a measure is made preventive that leads to the reduction of an incidence factor in the causes of gastric cancer
1.Build the software we need to develop our work. (2 months).
Start working with communities, factories and schools to take the test and discover high levels of HP (8 months).
For 10 months I have started to use artificial intelligence to discover what is the risk factor of the matter in the higher levels, we discovered for the geographical areas.
Share the data we collect and our knowledge with medical institutions and private companies to help these people reduce the high levels of HP
1. Share our experience with Medicals Institutions to help this people in the prevention of the risk to get infections by H.P
- Adult
- Non-binary
- Suburban
- Lower
- Latin America and the Caribbean
1.Making use of deals with Big factories of clothes, Town Halls, Private Companies, Insurance Companies, Churches, and Schools. to can bring our teams and get the test of them, and with the info we get build our Big Data.
1.actually we benefit 700 people by year helping them to get a better solution in the area of visual care,we give them options to get their optical solutions, through the use of lenses, and optical surgeons, given them financial help without interest,aft we want bring this same people a new help with our Project of decrease the infections for Helicobacter Pylori.
1.this people is people who earn just $300 by month, whom even don't know whats risk they have for an infection of H.P, we expect give this benefit alright to 1,000 people the first year, and after 3 years see how decrease the patients in hospitals who got gastric issues.
- Non-Profit
- 15
- 5-10 years
Initiative, love for serve others, we count with help of Doctors, and also a team on IT to develop a successful software needed to achieve our goals.
the cost of a test for H.P cost around $25.00 here when the minimum baggage is just $300.00 by month, we pretend help them decreasing the cost till $15.00 and also using the data we collect to insurance companies to they can create an insurance in agree for this people and companies.
1.We need your help to buy our laboratory equipment, also we are sure the help on technology to build our Big Data will be essential that's because we need of you
1.the main would be the conscience of the people to they recognize they have an issue and they need take a test to be helped
- Grant Funding