Reaching the marginalized
الحل مبني على خدمة المهمشين الذين لا يستطيعون استخدام الإنترنت أو الهاتف المحمول. يعتمد هذا النظام على إنشاء شبكة اجتماعية تعتمد على الرسائل الورقية المحمولة.
إنشاء نظام للوصول إلى المهمشين الذين لا يستطيعون استخدام الإنترنت أو الهاتف المحمول. يعتمد هذا النظام على إنشاء شبكة متابعة قائمة على نظام المصادقة.
Meaning that in the event that those involved in humanitarian aid do not have a mobile phone or access to the Internet service, then in this case they can be reached by sending letters of authentication to them to inform them of their financial dues.
This certification system follows door-to-door financial office service.
In the sense of sending letters of approval to the entitlement holder, it is necessary to go to the financial offices and financial institutions concerned to obtain their dues.
In the event that the specified deadline is met, the benefit holder can activate the mobile financial office service by moving to the benefit holder in his place of residence.
As these offices spend their dues in their place of residence without the need to go to the financial offices to spend them, which may result in overcrowding in the offices, which is no longer acceptable, especially in light of the exceptional circumstances of the spread of the new epidemic Corona.
يخدم نظام المصادقة هذا الفئات المهمشة التي ليس لديها هواتف محمولة أو لا يمكنها الوصول إلى خدمة الإنترنت لأنها توفر مسافات ويمكن لهذا النظام الوصول إليهم لإبلاغهم بمستحقاتهم المالية ، خاصة في ضوء الإجراءات الاستثنائية لفيروس كورونا ، حيث أن نظام المصادقة يوفر هذا الوقت والجهد ويحمي حياة الناس من انتقال العدوى إليهم حيث يعتمد هذا النظام على إنشاء شبكة اجتماعية تعتمد على الرسائل المحمولة الورقية.
- Deploying features that encourage contributions regardless of literacy and numeracy levels — including in contexts with limited internet coverage
الحل هنا يعتمد على خدمة المهمين الذين لا يستطيعون استخدام الإنترنت أو الهاتف المحمول لأن الحل هنا هو إنشاء نظام بريد يدوي حيث يقوم بتمثيل الخدمة لتسليم رسائل ورقية لمن يحق لهم الحصول على المنح التي كانت الوسائل الإلكترونية غير قادر على الاتصال بنظام يسمى نظام المصادقة الورقية.
- Idea: A plan or concept by an individual or organization.
- A new application of an existing technology
The solution here is to create a social network based on portable paper messages with a system called the paper authentication system where a service representative delivers paper messages to the recipients of the grants who the electronic methods have been unable to contact.
In addition to the paper authentication system, it is also possible to perform mobile financial services in a door-to-door system without the need to go to the financial offices and relevant financial institutions to obtain them.
This accelerates eliminating the risk of corona pandemic by preventing overcrowding and crowds in financial institutions.
The solution is implemented in all parts of the world, especially the Middle East in post offices, where letters of authentication are sent to the customer by notifying him of the process of withdrawing or depositing from the savings books. The marginalized are unable to use the internet or mobile phone.
- Big Data
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
The solution is simple and has great importance in reaching the marginalized who are unable to use the Internet.
As this solution is rightly considered the real key towards achieving the marginalized support system in the world easily and easily without the risk of infection with the Corona virus and to alleviate its effects and repercussions.
The solution can be integrated into the protection systems, and it also achieves positive results in reaching the marginalized who are unable to use the internet or mobile phone.
The solution is easy to use and implement as it is actually applied all over the world as it was used before the emergence of modern technology and mobile communication systems and therefore we are dealing here with a marginal group that does not use the mobile or the Internet.
The solution is to deal with that category in the old system.
By sending paper letters through a service representative to inform them of the existence of financial dues.
Indeed, in addition to this system of approvals, it may also require the establishment of mobile financial offices in a door-to-door system without the need to go to the financial offices and the financial institutions concerned to obtain them, which means further reducing the risk of Corona pandemic.
The solution is applicable with modern communication systems, as it is a very important solution in reaching the marginalized who are unable to use the Internet or mobile phone.
It is a simple and easy to use solution that is still applicable in all parts of the world, especially the Middle East to this day.
The solution here is for this marginalized group of the population who cannot use the internet or mobile phone, so the solution here is directed especially to them.
It only works with that category except the system referred to in the solution.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Informal Sector Workers
- Migrant Workers
- Elderly
- Low/No Connectivity Settings
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Stateless Persons
- Nomadic Populations and Pastoralists
- Persons with Disabilities
The solution here focuses on the marginalized, who are unable to use the Internet or mobile phone all over the world, and therefore this solution serves all the marginalized, who are estimated at millions in the world.
Not only from one to five years but for long periods until these marginalized groups merge towards modern technology and mobile communication systems and therefore can be dealt with electronically.
My goals are to serve the marginalized, who are unable to use the Internet or mobile phones all over the world.
And try to open opportunities for their service.
Whereas, the applicant has a previous proposal on that platform titled Accounting for international wars, security and peace towards achieving sustainable development.
The researcher is always thinking about finding solutions that serve humanity, especially the marginalized among them around the world.
there is no
There are no obstacles or obstacles in this solution, as as the solution provider indicated, it is simple and easy, and it is possible to reach the marginalized who are unable to use the Internet or the phone with ease.
It is also widely recognized worldwide.
- Not registered as any organization
[عدل]أنا فقط (الباحث العلمي والدراسات العليا، جامعة بورسعيد).
The researcher is constantly working to serve humanity.
He has a project presented on that previously gracious platform entitled Accounting for international wars, security and peace towards achieving sustainable development
The researcher is interested in serving humanity, especially the marginalized among them around the world
There is no
The solution here is to reach the marginalized group of the population that there is nowhere in the world to this day without them.
The solution here is to serve them by helping them access their financial dues.
This is done by creating a social network based on paper based messages through the paperwork authentication system where a service representative delivers paper messages to those who are eligible for grants who the electronic methods have not been able to contact.
This system of approvals follows the mobile financial offices service by moving to the grant owner and delivering it in their place of residence without the need to go to the financial offices and the financial institutions concerned to obtain them, which means reducing the risk of corona pandemic.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
There is no
There is no
Only the prize amount
Only the prize amount