Action Against Women Abuse in COVID-19
Obviously,fighting this scourge demands the involvement of every enlightenment stakeholders , government, civil society organization ,human rights activists , the judiciary , religious organization. In the face of available limited resources, ( OHCI ) is attacking the scourge started from the rural communities were the practice is very rampant . We are engaging it through massive enlightenment campaign educating them on the adverse consequences of giving out the hands of their under aged girl child in marriage . The benefits of assisting, training and equipping a girl and allowing her to marry at a ripe age of womanhood. We have been doing these through town hall meetings , symposiums, printing and distribution of handbills , using the churches and mosques. the village heads ,youth leaders and other organization to reach the target audience .through the efforts of the civil society groups , our government has come up with some programmes.
Health and well being of child bride is a problem especially now the world is facing unprecedented challenges as a result of Covid-19 pandemic . These we been carrying out by supporting and initiating to take charge of their lives
right to life is a basic human right that should be afforded to all global citizens regardless of social , economic status , gender, child abuse, A global problem too long ignored, child abuse , faces high risks of death or injury centered heavily on sexual reproductive health of women and girls. Child brides ,most of the child brides drops out school , thereby hindering personal development .Child marriage is existence because of the following compelling explanation in every society (a) Because girls have poor knowledge of their sexual reproductive health and rights and feel they do not oppose child marriage (b) No by –laws at community level to prohibit child marriage. Each year, 1in 3 girls, an estimated 14.2 million, are married before the age of 18. 1in 9 girls are married before the age of 15. Child marriage is a human rights violation with 95% occurring in developing countries (Nigeria). In low- and middle-income countries, complications of pregnancy
child marriage is rooted in gender inequality and the belief that girls and women are inferior to boys and men. In many communities where child marriage is practiced, girls are not valued as much as boys, Because child marriage happens across countries, cultures and religions, and affects so many aspects of the lives of girls and young women , Child marriage is existence because of the following compelling explanation in every society (a) Because girls have poor knowledge of their sexual reproductive health and rights and feel they do not oppose child marriage (b) No by –laws at community level to prohibit child marriage (c) traditional/religious community leaders promote child marriage (d) Schools and health centers do not provide comprehensive education on child marriage and sexual and reproductive health and rights to young people,
A wide range of programmes should invest in girls, their participation and their well-being. Programmes should equip girls with training, skills, and information, We emphasize the importance of digital technologies as apowerful catalyst for the economic, political and social empowerment and participation of women and girls. Digital technologies also serve as a tool to strengthen women’s and girls’ right inform their decision-making and to social disparities
- Deploying features that use regionally interoperable foundational ID systems and can be accessed across borders, network providers, and languages — allowing workers to receive services and make contributions or withdrawals regardless of origin or location
OHCI manual toolkit for training and awareness is distributed and made available with our partners Girls Not Brides in communities in Nigeria. Our approach is to combat poverty by understanding its root causes. We believe that by giving people tools investing in their welfare and quality of life, the poor themselves will have an increased capacity to serve as a force for change. We believe in the power of communities to have a collective responsibility to help.
Service providers must consider all barriers across education, health, justice and child protection sectors, and tailor innovative programmes to both married unmarried girl
- Scale: An individual or organization working in several locations and that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency.
- A new application of an existing technology
We believe that by giving people tools investing in their welfare and quality of life, the poor themselves will have an increased capacity to serve as a force for change. We believe in the power of communities to have a collective responsibility to help. With this focus, we envision empowered communities helping themselves.
OHCI’S platform offers many opportunities for protecting adolescent girls from HIV and for ensuring their overall safety and well-being. In addition to strengthening child protection capacity at all levels (from community up to national systems), other specific examples include the creation of “safe spaces, the provision of remedial education and other initiatives to ensure girls avoid early marriage and stay in school, and the establishment of post-rape care programs, Most of our competitors are African Association of Prevention Elder and Child Abuse, Catholic Women Association of Nigeria etc , Our solution address most variables and
OHCI’S leadership style collaborate with relevant communities and religious leaders, boys and men, media, in particular radios will assist in facilitating a more enabling environment for girls and young women’s sexual and reproductive also offers opportunities for engaging men and boys and
changing harmful norms.The main purpose of the project is the empowerment of widows and vulnerable women and girls . The target beneficiary of the project are 100 widows and vulnerable women and girls , Entrepreneurship Development and capacity development will be used to empower women and girls to be self reliance in skill acquisition
A wide range of programmes should invest in girls, their participation and their well-being. Programmes should equip girls with training, skills, and information, We emphasize the importance of digital technologies as a powerful catalyst for the economic, political and social empowerment and participation of women and girls. Digital technologies also serve as a tool to strengthen women’s and girls’ rights, inform their decision-making and to social disparities,
Digital Financial Inclusion and digital financial services that are accessible and appropriate for women and girls are particularly important as they may increase women’s financial autonomy and can improve the performance of their businesses.Digital skills and knowledge of digital technologies are key to provide access to information and to give women a voice online and offline . OHCI will develop innovative platforms which strengthen participation and women’s rights,support digital skills trainings for girls and young women through smartphone App, tablet agricultural and macro finance business etc , The business model is promoting role models of women and girls in tech Female role models who have created successful tech careers are an inspiration for young women and girls to discover STEM subjects as well as professions in the digital economy. The book “Women in Tech: Inspiration. No Fairytales” portrays 30 inspirational women from all over the world who have made their way into the tech industry and challenge existing gender roles and stereotypes. The #eSkills4Girls online platform showcases about 30 flagship projects on digital skills, shares stories about female role models.
- Behavioral Technology
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
It aims at providing the most vulnerable girls and young women with opportunities for social participation, leadership and life skills, literacy, economic empowerment and access to sexual and reproductive health services this programme aims to improving girls and young women’s sexual and reproductive rights by creating safe spaces for them to express themselves, be empowered to participating in claiming their rights, and influenced in relation to their attitude and behaviours in the area of sexual and reproductive health . this program takes into account that girls’ education operates as an enabling and protective factor for a variety of outcomes throughout their life-course, investing in girls and giving them health, social, and economic assets further expands their choices, allows them to exercise agency, builds their resilience to overcome the many threats to their rights, and ultimately empowers them. Reaching and empowering girls and young women to articulate their concerns and needs, and exercise their rights through a set of integrated approaches to increase the availability of age appropriate, gender responsive information, knowledge, capacities of girls and young women, will increase the demand by girls and young women for SRH services and for their rights to be realized. Providing support to girls and young women to obtain citizenship and documentation to return to school will further contribute to the agency and empowerment of the target group.This outcome intends to undertake an innovative set of evidence-based and integrated efforts towards addressing the gaps in behavioural outcomes under OHCI through strengthening the knowledge, agency and capacities of the most vulnerable girls and young women. The safe spaces model is at the core of this outcome, which includes the recruitment and training of young women as mentors to facilitate the mentorship and safe spaces for the target group , The results and impact achieved in outcome 1 and 3 will influence the extent to which the girls and young women will demand and access sexual and reproductive health services. The sustainability and continuous improvement of the youth-friendly services is further interlinked with the policy advocacy , 1000 women and 2000 young girls will be targeted
OHCI will work in accordance with the objective of the Mission Billion Challenge WURI West Africa Prize with human rights-based approach aims at addressing the specific vulnerability and marginalization of the three sub-target groups (10-14, 15-19 and 20-24 girls and young women); through examining and addressing systematic barriers and discrimination as well as sociocultural and behavioural barriers. The most vulnerable girls and young women constitute girls between 10-14 in school; girls out-of-school above 10 years; girls below 19 years who are married and/or pregnant; girls below 19 years who are mothers; girls and young women living with HIV/AIDS, with disabilities, victims of violence, and obstetric fistula between 15-24 years. Increasing the access to and scale up of quality SRH youth-friendly services for girls and young women, particularly at the school and community level with the aim to take the services to the target group further underline the program’s alignment with the principles of non-discrimination. The purpose of the initiative is to support government in making targeted investments at scale over 5 years, to reach girls at risk of child marriage and adolescent pregnancy through interventions that provide opportunity for social participation and leadership, gaining life skills and literacy, and accessing health services including family planning and HIV services, while at the same time striving to create a more favourable environment for adolescent girls at the community and national levels.
OHCI believes that adolescent girls are less likely than boys to have robust friendship networks, someplace they can go if they need a place to stay, a friend from whom they can borrow money if in need, or resources that can protect them if they are in danger at home The safe spaces programs involve social contact among girls to help foster such social networks. In general, mentors are young women from the community with whom the girls can identify. In addition to implementing the curriculum, mentors serve as role models for the girls. In contrast to peer programs, mentors are slightly older than the girls in the program. Even in distressed settings, there are frequently some girls who have gone further in school than others and have the skills needed to serve as mentors. In other settings girls may face specific needs that call for older women as mentors.In that respect, the program intends to respond to the renewed attention to the equality agenda, which provides an opportunity to refocus the approach towards these multiple barriers and underlying causes access to quality services, poverty, gender relations related to sexual and reproductive health and rights,power relations, socialization processes, decision making in the community, perceptions and expectations to femininity and masculinity, cultural norms and practices, survival strategies by men and women, boys and girls etc. leading to the marginalization and vulnerability of girls and young women in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights
OHCI initiative is interoperable with existing technology and open standard base exchange of information with other cohorts working in similar thematic in West African region especially in area of information technology, digitization, and grassroots mobilization campaign initiative .OHCI launched the programme DREAM - HIV prevention among adolescents and young girls. The main objective is to reduce new HIV infections in adolescents and young girls by 25% in local communities Nigeria during the period 2015-2016. Nigeria is one of these. The four key interventions are to empower girls and young women and reduce their risk; mobilize the community or change; strengthen families and; decrease risk in sex partners of adolescent girls and young women. The interventions include to establish or revitalize school-based adolescent friendly sexual and reproductive health services to increase access and uptake; addressing barriers to access and uptake of services; develop youth focused programmes to screen for and respond to GBV and VAC in a variety of settings: schools, clubs, clinics, social services; expand uptake of family planning and contraceptive commodities; education subsidies and economic empowerment,similar programme will be replicate in the region especially now Covid-19 pandemic is having devastating effects on families , communities in the well being of women and young girls in Nigeria ,similar technology maternal health services, and life skills training, empowerment .
OHCI believes that lacking vital literacy skills holds a person back at every stage of their life. As a child, they will not be able to succeed at school
they will not be able to succeed at school, as a young aadult , they will be locked out of the job market, and as a parent, they will not be able to support their own child’s learning. This intergenerational cycle makes social mobility and a fairer society more difficult. Literacy is a fundamental right and the foundation for lifelong learning. It imparts knowledge, skills and the self-confidence to transform lives, leading to better health and income as well as fuller participation in the community. Literacy is a key skill and a key measure of a population’s education. OHCI solution is connected to high literacy level , better education , higher employment income , better health , reduced poverty , 85% of all teenagers who are involved in criminal activities are functionally illiterate. High crime rates have a direct relation to low literacy skills, 188 million people were unemployed worldwide in 2019, with many unable to find a decent livelihood due to a lack of literacy and numeracy skills.Literacy promotes gender equality as a fundamental condition for the full enjoyment of human rights providing better skills for work and socio-economic participation by women and men.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Informal Sector Workers
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural Settings
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- Nigeria
OHCI in 2019 we reach more than 1 million people around the world through coverage in the news, online petitions, blogs, social media, conferences, and publications. We strived to 2019 the UN Year of Indigenous Languages but women have the highest levels of illiteracy. we launched in the Indigenous Literacy Project in 5 remote communities in Nigeria, this digital app aims to close the literacy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous women. The app gives them access to a local e-library and educational resources in English and their mother tongue especially on gender violence mainstream and to eradicate all forms sexual violence impeding the growth of children and youth in Nigeria In five years, we believe we can make important steps forward in establishing violence prevention as a policy priority, within a growing number of countries and globally. We believe we can begin to create a virtuous cycle where measurable reductions in violence help create political will for greater efforts to prevent and address violence, further strengthen the case for investment, and increase the capacity to implement evidence-based strategies. And we believe we can start to build a powerful movement that will work to keep children safe and in which children will themselves play a central role, , to achieve this, our strategy must: be driven by results Our organization must live up to the ambition of the SDGs and be based on a convincing theory of change for how it plans to help communities deliver measurable reductions in violence ,
In five years, we believe we can make important steps forward in establishing violence prevention as a policy priority, within a growing number of countries and globally. We believe we can begin to create a virtuous cycle where measurable reductions in violence help create political will for greater efforts to prevent and address violence, further strengthen the case for investment, and increase the capacity to implement evidence-based strategies. And we believe we can start to build a powerful movement that will work to keep children safe and in which children will themselves play a central role, , to achieve this, our strategy must: be driven by results Our organization must live up to the ambition of the SDGs and be based on a convincing theory of change for how it plans to help communities deliver measurable reductions in violence , OHCI level outcome will be strenghthen an track through
Increasing government commitment to targeted investment in marginalized and vulnerable girls. Education and other support workers should receive training to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and prevent violence against girls, and the risk of child marriage, through safe referral practices and protection services.OHCI will collaborate with governments and those involved in humanitarian response must take into account the needs of women adolescent girls during humanitarian efforts.Programming should be comprehensive and cross-sectoral, and address both life-saving, immediate needs, and promote long-term resilience, Prevention and protection needs, particularly those rooted in harmful gender norms,and life skills training.
The cost of machinery and equipment (70 per cent) and quality inputs (50 per cent) were the
two biggest challenges. The results speak to the large percentage of entrepreneurs that are
planning to engage in mechanized agricultural production but that challenges outside their
control inhibit their capacity to achieve it. This presents an opportunity for governments and
donor agencies to identify ways in which they can incentivize, for example, local assembly of
machinery and equipment manufactured outside the country and a subsidized or government
guaranteed lease-to-own programme targeted to entrepreneurs and SMEs. This indicates that
government intervention should focus on incentivizing new business development locally in
these two areas.Lack of land and lack of funding locally are the two biggest obstacles to doing business The agriculture supply chain I operate in is male dominated, so as a young female farmer, I have to work much harder to make people believe that I have the capability.The biggest challenge to many agricultural/digital technology entrepreneurs is finance. Many farmers lack access to credit and the financial resources required for large-scale crop production to supply value-adding processing equipment, even when there is an available market. There is also a challenge when it comes to insurance for small-holder farmers, leaving them more vulnerable to occurrences beyond their control like drought , and pestilence
The program takes into consideration the effect of girls and young women’s economic empowerment on their agency, and consequently on their health, uptake of health care services, number of children, health of their children etc. Based on the fact that women’s capacity to bring about economic change for themselves increasingly is viewed as the most important contributing factor to achieving equality between women and men. Among the many barriers to young women’s access to economic opportunities prominence goes to a combination of lack of skills or possession inadequate skills due to gender prejudice which often results in orienting them to market saturated areas, inadequate financing and weak of coordination and complementary among the institutions which work on economic empowerment of young people .OHCI’S leadership style collaborate with relevant communities and religious leaders, boys and men, media, in particular radios will assist in facilitating a more enabling environment for girls and young women’s sexual and reproductive health.Our team have resources at our disposal to tackle of the barriers in other response effectively in our community , we have been able raise funds to support our project locally , through the our partners with Mission billion challenge can help us to expand grow and scale up our programme and delivering on its commitment to step up investments towards ending child marriage and reducing adolescent pregnancy by supporting government to reach the most marginalized adolescent girls
- Nonprofit
Girls Not Brides The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage, Global Partnership to end Violence Against Children , International Network of Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) is a larger organization we share the same value in mitigating the well being of women , children , youth and elderly in our community by implementing integrated sustainable development strategies that go far beyond current policy commitments across 17 goals. Prevent violence , Protect childhood,and help make societies safe for all. Presents convincing solutions to resonant and urgent problem and mobilize political champions and broader campaign & stronger evidence base for violence prevention
Emmanuel Eze full time staff, Patricia Ogwuma full time,Jessy Ego Eze full time , Emeka Onwujuba full time, Chiemela Odinaka part time , Eucharia Eumeokwe partime , Pastor Engineer Chukwu , Contractor , 15 local volunteers in the community , Girls Not Brides Partners part time , Women and Youth organization , part-time , Religious and community leaders par time , Medical team part time, Training Facilitators part- time , Drama units part-time
OHCI is team build on formidable,resilient and resurrect structure of many years of experience on social protection innovation, build political will to end violence against women and children and also make prevention global policy priority , accelerate action to tackle the danger women and children face and support pathfinder countries to prevent and respond to violence and our unique position have helped us to work together with other countries to tackle violence against children -tackle transnational to women and children and create platform for sharing knowledge. our team will bring
to bring about significant and enduring improvements for millions of women ,youth and children
support a small number of transformative systems change initiative through sustainable livelihood enhancement for rural and urban dwellers in Nigeria to reduce ignorant , poverty, illiteracy and gender inequality and discrimination , equitable provision of quality and essential social services ensure improved well being for all vulnerable groups in Nigeria and with an overview to support pathways to achieve
specific outcomes in health / education and economic opportunity and effective engagement with political economy and governance in other address issue of marginalzation of the vulnerable groups. and
facilitates the development social process and reduction of inequality from the perspective and promotion of human rights ,focus on collaboration efforts , youth movement,
mapping and collection of data , civic engagement , and community development with an equity and social justice frame work
OHCI is currently working with Girls Not Brides, The Global Partnership to end child marriage, CIVICUS ALLIANCE TEAM, Thomson Reuters foundation trust law, Global Partnership to end child violence Against children etc committed to ending child marriage and enabling girls to fulfil their potential. We share the conviction that every girl has the right to lead the life that she chooses and that, by ending child marriage, we can achieve a safer, healthier and more prosperous future for all. Girls Not Brides members work on multiple levels to achieve our vision and mission on ending child marriage. They help bring the issue of child marriage to global attention, build an understanding of what it will take to end child marriage and call for progressive changes in laws, policies and programmes at the national and community levels; all actions that will make a difference in the lives of millions of girls.Youth participation is an effective and important way of addressing child marriage at the community level. Our experience shows that when young people become active agents of change.We will seek to respond to threats against civil society and democratic values by initiating and supporting people-powered movements for change.create and convene spaces for interaction and innovation -- both physical and digital -- between individuals organizations and communities.Our partners introduce our organization to international donor agency for support opportunities like grants etc
In Nigeria , it is people who live at the margins of society including women in rural and urban slums, women refugees and prisoners, women in the informal economy like street vendors, care and sex workers, women with disabilities and those with HIV & AIDS among other chronic illnesses, and gender non-conforming people all face structural barriers in accessing information, water and sanitation, soap, sanitisers and protective gear to protect themselves and their loved ones. It is these same groups of people who fall into the low-income bracket thus lack basic social safety nets of health and OHCI is doing business with , we offer support through literacy, social protection and skill development , empowerment, women, children and youth are our major beneficiaries, but our business model is based on grant and donations funded locally through support of our partners , such grants or donations may vary in seize and location of donors. chain of services, grants remain low, but services and products remain high , while approaching investors for funding's , the team of OHCI'S had to face difficulty of changing their conventional thinking about non profit business , there are 3 things on which a company needs to have in control, technology, leadership, and delivering it on time to the customer , this includes through investments in creating positive role models in technology and enlisting existing youth in technology leadership and innovation achievement and promoting positive images of youth in technology in media and developing learning , networking.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
OHCI is holistic in its approach towards empowering Nigerian startups , That is, they tend to invest the majority of their income in the household and for their children, and they tend to undertake small, manageable activities rather than risky ventures that could bankrupt families. By providing loans to women , this is very possible because of grants and donation received from donors , to engage in farming , poultry , small scale business (SME) , and offer training on digital technology . OHCI
will be empowering a marginalized group by enabling women to have ownership of assets Access to credit helps them to overcome vulnerability. Women have been designated as the target group both because they are the most marginalized and because women tend to use resources more productively than men do, sometimes we give out seeds grants in terms of loan depending on emergency situation faced by our members , we are building an agricultural entrepreneurship that will yield a revenue in long term, so that our organization will funds projects rather entirely depending on grants , our revenue is determined by income and expenditure in a given year , either is in deficit or surplus .
In 2019 - 2020 OHCI has been able to raise funds locally to support our work through grants and donation received from business ambassador groups such Celestine Okeke venture who supported with the sum of 1,132,000 Naira , equivalent of $3144 USD, ODINAKA groups supported us with 900,000 a equivalent of $2500 USD , NNANNA CHINYERE COMPANY donated the sum of 661,000 equivalent of $1836 these are 2019 donation received to empower the vulnerable to start up small business in our community, In 2020 we the following grants and donations from the following individuals in our community EMEKA DUKES donated the sum of 1,000,000 naira ,equivalent of $2500 based on falling depreciation naira in the market at 400 naira per a dollar, BO UKAUMUNNA JOVI donated the sum of 7,730,000 naira equivalent of $19325 as palliative for covid-19 pandemic , the amount is used to buy food items and soaps and hand sanitizers for local women , youth and children in Aba Nigeria , BLESSED NKJAY VENT donated the sum of 7,786,000 equivalent of $19465 USD , etc you can verify the financial transaction with the United Bank for Africa account number 2121191001 or contact
OHCI seeking funding to support the post covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria , especially the vulnerable women and youths . we need approximately $50,000 USD to overcome the challenges by those affected with COVID-19 pandemic in Aba Abia state Nigeria . currently OHCI is seeking support from international donor agencies , foundations and foreign embassies , Our partner Girls Not Brides is in front line seeking support to every member of the group to engage with activities that will support the partnership. through the vision and mission . We hope the raise the money before the end of the year through Canadian grand challenges, Zeyad Sustainability prize . In working with Global giving acceleration and FLANE acceleration coming next month to raise funds for our projects , all these program have been tested and they are very useful tools for the growth and expansion .
OHCI developed a mechanism of budgeting in form of a periodic estimated expenses annually and it was based on assumption because each finacially year depends on our income and expenditure based on proposal
Income Sources
Annual Dinner $1,000,00
Individual Donations $5000.00
Major Donor Gifts $1,000.00
Board Contributions $3,000.00
Other Benefits/Events/Honoraria $1,000.00
Program Income $1,000.00
Space Rentals $1,220.00
Business Members $5,000.00
Annual Dinner Sponsorship $5,438.00
local Grant I $5,000.00
local Grant I $6,000.00
local Grant II $2,980.00
local Grant I $2,000.00
faithl Grant $2,000.00
faith Grant II $2,700.00
Foundation Grants $5,000.00
Total Revenue $49,368.00
Total Expenses $49,230.00
Excess Revenue over Expenses $138.60
Expense Categories
Advertising $500.00
Bank Charges (inc. merchant services) $550.00
Contract Labor & Professional Services $1000.00
Dues and Subscriptions $500.00
Food and Beverages $1,000.00
Volunteer/Staff Appreciation $400.00
Insurance Health Insurance $1,000.00
Dental Insurance 1,000.00
Workers Compensation $1.000.00
Liability Insurance $743.00
Officers Insurance $800.00
Licenses and Permits $150.00
Mileage $1,300.00
Office Supplies $2,400.00
Postage and Delivery $1,600.00
Printing and Reproduction $2,000.00
Program Expense 2,500.00
Rent $5,944.00
Repairs, Upgrades and Maintenance $1,000.00
Space Rental $2,500.00
Staff Salary, FICA and Taxes Executive Director $5,317.83
Program Director $1,912.19
Part-Time Advocate $2,848.00
Program Co-Director $2,816.12
Program Co-Director $2,469.20
TOTAL PAYROLL $15,363.40
Payroll Service $480.00
Telephone/Interne $1,000.00
Training: Staff $2,000.00
Board\Volunteers $500.00
Utilities $1,000.00
Website and new software (paypal) $500.00
Miscellaneous s $500.00
Total Expenses $49.230,40
Total revenue ($49.368) x 363 17,918,769
Total expense ($49,230) x363 17,870,490
Excessive Revenue expense $138 50.094
OHCI solution is to deepen our presence in West Africa in to built a suitable ground to serve the purpose , mission billion challenge targeting feminism society through the action for adolescent girls and women initiative in West African countries, WURI is delivering on its commitment to step up investments towards ending child marriage and reducing adolescent pregnancy by supporting government to reach the most marginalized adolescent girls. The purpose of the initiative is to support government in making targeted investments at scale over 5 years, to reach girls at risk of child marriage and adolescent pregnancy through interventions that provide opportunity for social participation and leadership, gaining life skills and literacy, and accessing health services including family planning and HIV services, while at the same time striving to create a more favorable environment for adolescent girls at the community and national levelsthrough a joint project focusing on economic development and empowerment of youth. WURI played a role in creating the synergies between economic empowerment and sexual and reproductive health as a gateway to reach the most vulnerable girls and young women with a relevant combination of interventions. The implementation of this program therefore aims to draw from and complement the existing experiences and structures in place in Aba. supporting improved health service delivery for the least served communities and provides a context for the up scaling and improvement of access and quality and educational services for young people, including the most vulnerable girls and young women .
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Our Partnership goal will help to strengthen integration between cluster plans and, together with cross-cluster targets, helped us choose activities that will best improve progress against our strategy. Planning Outputs: Cross-organizational priorities. This is an opportune time to take stock of where we are against the outcomes we want to achieve by 2022, and what alignments or reinforcements are needed to ensure momentum and address challenges that may be holding us back or changes in context that we need to accommodate as we plan our future course of action.And committed to ending women and girls abuse and enabling girls to fulfill their potential. We share the conviction that every girl has the right to lead the life that she chooses. and call for progressive changes in laws, policies and programmes at the national and community levels; all actions that will make a difference in the lives of millions of girls.
OHCI will like to partner with organization that share the same value such as World bank,global fund for Women,Mama cash ,Funds for Global Human Rights , Global funds for Children , Disability Rights funds Co-impact.The organization can help us advance to our solution by supporting the government’s goal to increase access to livelihood support for women and to boost access to secondary education for disadvantaged adolescent girls in extremely poor households in selected districts and with livelihood packages, including, life and business skills training, mentorship, and support to form savings groups recognizing the dire needs of these girls and women .also supports regular and predictable cash transfers to 245,000 extreme poor and vulnerable beneficiaries through the government’s Social Cash Transfer (SCT) Program. Such cash transfers have improved basic consumption, resilience and investments in productive activities in Nigeria.and are crucial to protect the basic needs and human capital of the poor— particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is negatively impacting the country’s extreme poor and vulnerable. The strength of the multi-donor trust fund approach is that it provides a mechanism for international partners to pool funding, with strong controls, around a common goal. It is envisaged that the trust fund will help facilitate support for social protection at a critical time “With this support, we are hopeful that better human capital outcomes will be attained through educating adolescent girls, empowering women and supporting the poorest households with longer-term investments, as well as enhancing government’s capacity to manage such interventions
