Mobilemoney transfer and Insurance cover
1.The solution is to solve the problems of informal workers and poor people in communities from risks and shocks through establishing Mobile money transfer digital platform operation in all the beneficiaries’ communities that would be based on saving, withdrawal and insurance cover registration. 2. The solution is to establish Mobile money transfer digital platform operation and national insurance offices in the communities for purpose of registering informal workers and other vulnerable groups. 3. The solution will impact the informal workers economically, poverty and vulnerability reduction, increased resilient, sustainable social protected and well-being improvement. The registration of Social security insurance Schemes and Mobile money transfer digital platform operation for the informal workers and the vulnerable people has increased sustainable impact of economic activities in the communities resulting zero hunger, increased food security and social protection wellbeing for all informal worker. .
The specific problems are informal workers and pensioners in the rural and urban communities are living a state of vulnerability without support of registration of insurance covers, such as workers contribution insurance trust for contribution monthly earnings, they don’t have saving and receiving digital authentication mechanisms operation in most of communities where they can save and receive their monies. The factors are high levels of gender inequality and discrimination resulting job insecurity, and are often subjected to dangerous or unhealthy work environments, informal workers are not paid the legal minimum wages and do not have access to other social protection benefit and can’t afford financially for settling hospital bills by themselves since they don’t have health insurance cover and no insurance benefit for them after retirement. This problem is scaled across 36 Northern Region Districts communities; about 500,000 informal workers are affected. The problems related to our solution are lack of communication, information and transportation to reach the affected informal workers for support. The factors contributing to the problem is lack of digital authentication mechanisms operation-such as digital mobile money transfer operation platform for saving and non-available insurance institutions at remote areas.
The solution is targeting to serve 500,000 informal workers, pensioners including women and vulnerable in the society who has retired many years a go without insurance cover benefit for their well-being. Through our research we identified and grouped them into association for social security insurance scheme registration and the use of digital platform saving and receiving; this project solution will reduce poverty situation and protect informal workers and other vulnerable people from risks and shocks and ensure impact for their financial strength, capability and sustainable livelihood development. As a social protection partnership organization we met their association leaders and discussed the project thoroughly about registering them for benefiting Social Security and National Insurance Trust and establishing Digital Mobile Money Transfer Vendor Platform and economic business empowerment for addressing their needs, the leaders endorsed the project on behalf of the entire informal workers in the communities. The partnership solution supposed to promote social security insurance through a basic set of guarantees that should provide: a nationwide access to health care services; income social security insurance contribution for informal workers through cash transfers or withdrawals and ensure the access to social amenities- water, electricity, microfinance institutions, food security and education for children.
- Deploying features that promote the continuity of contributions to social insurance schemes from informal sector workers, incorporating behavioral tools that incentivize and encourage financial savings, transparency, and accountability
It related and aligned to the problems of informal workers in the communities who are in the state of poverty and vulnerability without support of insurance covers for their welfare and well-being . We designed the solution for establishing insurance Scheme and Mobile money transfer digital platform that are targeted to informal workers pensioners and poor people for reducing poverty and improve wellbeing. The target population and dimension of the problems are high across all Northern region districts communities. The partnership is going to show some possible prospects of the Social Protection Scheme, money transfers and receiving for informal workers.
- Scale: An individual or organization working in several locations and that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency.
- A new application of an existing technology
The innovation is a new form of digital money transaction and social insurance cover for implementations of Social Protection Schemes for informal workers and pensioners in the Northern Region’s communities. Many informal workers and poor people are excluded by their employers from the benefits of being insurance covered workers. We developed an innovation research in the communities by questioning the people and data collection to know their employment and unemployment status, through evaluation of collected data we got to know the number of companies whose workers are not social insurance covered and the number of retired informal workers. The other organization faces problem of how to integrate digital authentication mechanisms into the scheme. Our partnership organization is unique from the other organization because the partnership project team fined it wise to integrate digital authentication mechanisms and employed women and youth into the scheme as venders for transferring and withdrawing monies for informal workers and poor people. We also established new forms of innovation Social Protection Schemes with the partnership tripartite body made up of Local Government District Assemblies, organized labour and employers for addressing the problems of informal workers social protection. We also partnered with two Mobile Phone Communication Companies (MTN-Ghana and Vodafone-Ghana) for establishing digital authentication mechanisms mobile money transfer in the communities.
The solution is new application of an existing technology and widely used in all the district communities in Ghana. The operating companies in the other communities are MTN Digital Money transfer, Vodafone Digital money transfer, district-wide mutual health insurance and Social Security Insurance Trust schemes, they operate across a district where all residents can become members; the private mutual health insurance and private Social Security Insurance schemes is not restricted to a specific region or district, all Ghanaian can become members. The private commercial health insurance and private Social Security Insurance schemes,they provide health insurance services for public and private companies informal workers. The establishment of Digital Mobile money transfer for the beneficiaries will extend services to remote distant communities. There is a need for the people working in the informal sector to create a committee in order to be identified and categorized themselves into social groups concerning their insurance security to be registered into each of the various schemes to start contribution. The real core of beneficiaries are informal workers and pensioners, shall be listed and registered to start receiving their monthly pension wages from the National Health Insurance Fund and the other Private various Insurance Schemes listed above.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
- Software and Mobile Applications
The scheme has two important outcomes: The impact evaluation of data from interviews with our target population shows increasing digital money transfer use and registering social insurance scheme is increasing in the communities, reducing poverty and the families of informal workers and vulnerable people are taking care of their children and livelihood development, the poverty situation affecting social informal workers has eradicated and built up an effective future prosperity and sufficient Social Protection Scheme for the informal workers and other vulnerable groups and made them an important fundamental registered members to be inclusive in the schemes for long term. The solution out-come impact in general is progressive and it is a good base for efficient schemes that will sustain informal workers and other vulnerable groups’ well-being.
The Partnership has introduced innovation new forms of digital user money transaction and social insurance cover for implementations of Social Protection Schemes in the Northern Region of Ghana’s communities. Many informal workers and poor people are excluded by their employers from the benefits of being insurance covered workers. Approximately 60% of the population remains uncovered by adequate social protection schemes in most Northern Region’s communities and contributory social insurance schemes continue to cover only a fraction of the working population, typically only formal sector workers. There is the need to incorporate partnership solution technology of digital user money transfer and pension insurance scheme registration system and ensure effective research for identifying poor, vulnerable and informal workers at regional level who spend their lives in working without insurance scheme cover for massive insurance scheme registration covers and ensure effective utilization of digital mobile money transfer and receiving.
The solution is a user friendly that will incorporate into social protection program delivering services to informal workers, pensioners including women and vulnerable in the society in West Africa. Registering them with social security scheme and ensure digital platform saving and receiving; this project solution will increase the number of beneficiary informal workers and pensioners, reduce poverty situation and protect them from risks and shocks and ensure impact for their financial strength status. The partnership user friendly technology innovation would be incorporated into a social protection programs and delivery systems in West Africa through scaling the technology digital money operation and insurance registration by ensuring effective sensitization and capacity building education training for the West Africa communities' Civil Society Organizations to learn how our solution technology works for ensuring sustainable social protection programme through-out West Africa communities.
The partnership solution account for low network connectivity in the environment where digital money transfer venders and insurance registration cover can not operate well in such an environment; this technology will make simple and easier by increasing network connectivity and community wide education in the areas for quicker services for informal workers and also make simple through education for patronizing by users with low literacy and numeracy levels beneficiaries. This technology solution is based on gender registration model that will consider women, men, disables,illiterate and poor people registration entitlement to social insurance which is very important. Gender mainstream informal workers participation and access to social insurance and digital money saving will reduce the people vulnerability, increase resilient and well-being for all people.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Informal Sector Workers
- Migrant Workers
- Elderly
- Rural Settings
- Low/No Connectivity Settings
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Stateless Persons
- Nomadic Populations and Pastoralists
- Persons with Disabilities
- Ghana
- Ghana
We currently serve 1000 people; in one year time we will serve 50,000; in five years we will serve 100,000 people.
The goals of the project are addressing Partnership Programme solution interventions to increase the adaptability of social protection cover and digital mobile saving for transforming and impacting on the lives of the people especially informal workers. The partnership goal is to prepare the informal workers to respond to shocks and stresses and gender equality in terms of social protection insurance cover for informal workers and disable groups. Scale the solution to reach all five Northern Regions communities, recognize and value unpaid care and domestic works through the provision of digital money saving and insurance registration services, improve social protection policies and insurance institutions and the promotion of shared responsibility within the households and the families; To integrate policy development, programme design and service implementation for enhancing the lives of the people. To build social resilience and social capital, including integrated approaches to poverty reduction, re-discovering and re-defining the informal worker and other vulnerable in society identity, building community and social capital; To provide a clear framework for enhancing equity, efficiency and transparency in the delivery of social protection services; To promote synergies among agencies, programmes, and interventions; and to adopt life-cycle, human development and rights-based approaches in addressing the needs of informal workers, poor and vulnerable groups.
Barrier; Discrimination against informal workers especial women from registration social insurance cover.
The private sector companies employers are not willing of registering
insurance cover for their employees; No communication network covering
in some of the beneficiaries’ communities.
The Issues of vulnerability and fear of intimidation prevent most of the old aged informal workers from reporting their predicament for intervention.
The retirement Insurance Fund is accessible mainly to Government public workers who are formally employed; One objective identified in the social protection.
Barrier; Discrimination against informal workers especial women from registration social insurance cover.
The private sector companies employers are not willing of registering insurance cover for their employees; No communication network covering in some of the beneficiaries’ communities.
The Issues of vulnerability and fear of intimidation prevent most of the
old aged informal workers from reporting their predicament for
intervention.The retirement Insurance Fund is accessible mainly
to Government public workers who are formally employed; One objective
identified in the social protection.
One objective we identified in the social protection section of the ‘Vision for 2030’ is to rectify this under-coverage by extending social insurance to informal workers.
The private sector companies employers to ensure registering insurance cover for their employees
1. To include informal sector workers and low-paid formal sector vulnerable workers in the Social insurance protection and can access to Unemployment Insurance Fund;
2. To provide information on the implementation of exclusion of informal workers from formal systems of social protection for the national development agenda;
3. To explore options for extending social protection to informal workers, pensioners and vulnerable based on interviews with key stakeholders as well as lessons learned elsewhere.
4. No communication network covering in some of the beneficiaries’ communities; the companies such as MTN network and Vodafone network will be contacted for extending network to those communities. The Partnership will use national workers insurance law for private sector companies to register their employees and also negotiate with commercial insurance companies to reduce insurance premiums.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Full time staff 12; Part time staff 20 and contractors- technical service providers 4
The partnership working team are well-positioned for developmental experience approach to social protection for eradicating poverty and reducing inequality, in pursuit of both social equity and economic growth. Social protection is the policies and programs we designed to reduce poverty and vulnerability by promoting efficient labor markets, diminishing people’s exposure to risks through insurance cover registration, and enhancing their capacity to protect themselves against hazards and interruption or loss of income and improve the capacity of individuals informal workers, thereby contributing to the goal of inclusive, equitable, and sustainable economic growth. The team promote labor market programs that considered key elements of a social protection strategy for informal workers and poor people, since only through work and not assistance can people gain the capacity to provide for themselves and their families, exercise the right to make their own choices, and eventually become active members of the society in which they live. Transformative Experience: measures to address social inequities and promote social justice. Developmental Experience: measures that promote local economic development and enable poor people to access economic and social opportunities. The partnership Organization working team has designed the current social security policy system to ensure social protection of informal workers, for whom no safety net exists after retirement despise their qualification for the pension insurance scheme. The partnership Organization working team principles for social protection policy in mind are; to alleviate poverty; to contribute to self-reliant sustainable development for people and informal workers;
We partner with MTN Communication Network Company; Vodafone Communication Network Company; National Insurance Company; Social Security and National Insurance Trust and Northern Ghana Network for Development we work with them in contract bases.
The project solution model is mobilization, sensitization education and extending social insurance and digital money saving system to informal and low-income workers, covering a range of contingencies and delivering a range of benefits. There are obvious challenges with registration and collection of contributions from informal workers, which require creative administration arrangements and incentives to encourage compliance by both workers and employers. The solution services include approaches that imply moving towards an integrated social security insurance contribution system through digital Mobile money transfer making special provision assistance for registering categories of informal workers whose circumstances exclude them from existing institutional insurance arrangements. The solution model of work specifies nine contingencies for which social protection is needed: loss of income of informal workers due to unemployment, illness, care, and family responsibilities. Each of these is associated with specific social protection instruments such as pensions, workers’ compensation, survivor benefit will be supported. The informal workers need the solution to be linked mainly insurance registration, digital mobile money transfer and saving regulating and working as legal social insurance contributors and enjoin future retired pensions compensation duly legal to them.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The partnership will bring money through funds raising in the form of grant from Public Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations; Department of Social Welfare and human Rehabilitation Fund; and financial assistance from partnership agribusiness enterprise income.
Partnership quarterly financial contribution $10,000 and Northern Ghana Network for Development logistics and cash contribution of $10,000 = Total = $20,000
The partnership seek to raise funds in the form of grant from Ghana Government National Social Protection Strategy Fund $10,000; Ghana Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Program Fund $10,000; and District Assembly Social Protection and Pensioners Fund $10,000 for the partnership financial sustainability of the solution. Total = $30,000
Budget statement
1.Contracting Communication technical service providers MTN Communication Network and Vodafone Communication Network. Cost = $50,000
2. Project equipment; Digital Mobile Phones, computer lab-top, project motor-bikes for monitoring and vehicle for management and technical service providers project sites monitoring. Cost = $80,000
3. Project management and monitoring staffs salary. Cost = $15,000
4. Casual workers salary. Cost = $10,000
5. Project evaluating data documentation, Table computer and printer. Cost = $15,000
6. Monitoring, evaluation and administration and insurance registration materials. Cost = 10,000
7. Micro-finance for assisting unemployed informal pensioners’ social security insurance registration cover and income generating business activities; Cost = $20,000
Total project amount = 200.000
Partnership organization contribution = 50,000
Request to Mission Billion Challenge-West Africa Prize. $150,000
The Mission Billion Challenge will help us overcome the following barriers;
1.Help to over come inequality of Contributory social insurance (e.g. the Unemployment Insurance Fund) is accessible mainly to working-age adults who are formally employed but not include informal working-age adult from private companies.
2. Help to over come challenges of the private sector companies who are not willing of registering their employees for insurance cover;
The Partnership will negotiate with commercial insurance companies to
reduce premiums to minimal to meet low income workers earning so that
they can afford to pay.
3.No communication network covering in some of the beneficiaries’ communities the companies such as MTN network and Vodafone network will be contacted for extending network to those communities.
4.Human mobility and cross-border displacement in the context of a region prone to natural hazards: capacity education will help us to overcome barriers of human mobility and cross-border displacement in the context of a region prone to natural hazards, ensure no violence and conflicts as well as climate-related events for solving the existing problems and a burden on partnership organization services.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
The goals are to design and deliver social protection systems that extend to informal sector workers arise not only from informal sector workers’ lack of access to traditional forms of social protection, but more generally from the heterogeneity population of the sector itself. As a result, social protection programs that target informal sector workers must employ more creative and active forms of outreach than those used by formal sector programs. Ensure the availability of social protection to region’s large and growing informal sector labor force is one of the region’s major social policies for informal workers. Since insurance is a risk management strategy to protect individuals against shocks. The partnership Organization goal is to ensure social protection insurance and digital saving schemes in which social contributions are paid by employees or others, or by employers on behalf of their employees, in order to secure entitlement to social insurance benefits.
1. Partnership with National Insurance Company (NIC) to be responsible for social protection insurance cover and criteria of registration and categories insurance cover and beneficiaries;
2. Partnership with MTN Communication network and Vodafone Communication network are responsible for the solution consultancy work; establishing Mobile money transfer digital platform points and mobile network digital skills training in all the beneficiaries’ communities that would be based on saving and ID registration system.
3. Partnership with Organized Labor for identifying and organizing informal workers for training in labor laws and insurance registration.