Kampung Marketer accesses digital world
Kampung Marketer is founded to solve unemployment issues in our village due to village youth in our area not having skills to be competent human resources especially in the new era digital 4.0.
We are teaching and training village youth about e-commerce and preparing them to be skillful human resource, then after they finish the program we will empower them with our partners which are SMEs in Indonesia.
By this collaboration village youth can get decent work and good monthly income without leaving their hometown. Currently we have empowered 807 village youth to be collaborating with 270 SMEs in Indonesia and make total income around USD 95,872 each month and that amount is fully distributed to 807 village youth without any deduction for what they have learned.
The problems that we are trying to solve are:
Unemployment issues.
High urbanization rate.
Low skills
There are more than 1000 village youth unemployed in our village after they finish their education. The problems were coming due to the village youth not having any skills and knowledge, especially in the new era digital 4.0 which all processes are digitized. They who want to get work need to wander to big cities and it is creating a high urbanization rate in our village.
As per data from the ministry of SME Indonesia, there are 63 million SMEs in Indonesia and only 18% of them have started their business online. Still so many SMEs run their business conventionally due to they do not have skills in the e-commerce, and we need to help them to be competent SMEs to survive and grow in new era industry 4.0.
Our target of solution is village youth who are not having skills and still unemployed in Purbalingga. Kampung Marketer is an opening chance for village youth to come and learn the e-commerce curriculum free. With our learning program village youth will get new knowledge about e-commerce and they can upgrade their skills to be competent human resources.
They will not spend any money for the learning process, after they finish the training program they will be filtered-matched-and collaborated with our partners which are SMEs in Indonesia. By this collaboration they will get decent work and good monthly income without leaving their hometown. Now village youth are not underestimated by people from the big city because they have skills and knowledge.
By collaborating with Kampung Marketer, SMEs no need to worry about skills to promise their product online, we can help to maximize their business online and we will monitor village youth performance to keep their satisfaction.
- How can countries ensure that digital authentication mechanisms—which often require smartphones, computers and internet access—are accessible to marginalized and vulnerable populations to facilitate remote access to services and benefits?
In era digital 4.0, almost all the processes are digitized and computerized through online but not all the people understand about the technology especially people from villages, they don’t have a chance to learn about technology, they feel difficult to get decent work because they are not skillful for the jobs in this era.
Kampung Marketer is giving village youth access to the internet, how to maximize their cellphone in the e-commerce field through our curriculum program. After finishing the training, we will collaborate with our partners which are SMEs in Indonesia.
Now, SMEs in Indonesia are not confused about how to manage human resources, because we will manage and monitor human resources. They do not need to spend big money because the cost of human resources from Kampung Marketer is based on our area which is located in a small village, it will be smaller than their area.
- Scale: An individual or organization working in several locations and that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency.
- A new application of an existing technology
Kampung Marketer is having value proposition which make us different with others, there are:
Remote → all the working progress of human resources are fully controlled and monitored by management of Kampung Marketer as well as SMEs who collaborate, we have an application to make our working progress up to date and easy to be remoted anywhere and anytime.
Collaborative → SMES who collaborate with us need the provided device such as laptop (for advertiser) and cellphone (for customer service), those devices are inventory, we will return back the devices if they stop the collaboration.
Low cost → SMEs who collaborate with us need to spend the cost to pay the human resources, but the cost they spend is smaller compared with the cost in their area because we are located in a village.
No Contract → We are understanding that business is not always making profit, based on this we are not making any contract / agreement to SMEs who collaborate they can add / reduce the total of village youth they want to hire.
Dedicated → We are dedicating 1 human resource to collaborate with 1 SME only, it will make human resource focus and fully understand about their selling product, and it leads good result of collaboration.
Kampung Marketer is having an application to optimize collaboration between SMEs and village youth. Village youth who come from Kampung Marketer will be trained before the collaboration to make them skillful and can operate the application. Currently this application has been used by 270 SMEs in Indonesia and in total they have collaborated with 807 village youth in our area.
By this application, they can update their working performance, reporting and communicating easily. SMEs also can see the absence performance of village youth even if they are in a different island. If there is any issue found, we have assisted the leader to help human resources for handling the issue as soon as possible.
- Software and Mobile Applications
With Kampung Marketer, we have make village youth are aware about technology and they can decent work, beside thats SMEs in Indonesia also can get the impact of our program, since Aug 2017, there are positive impact we have made:
More than 1000 village youth have learned about e-commerce and 807 of them have collaborated with SMEs for a decent work.
More than 270SMEs collaborated with us and now they can make their market coverage wider
From the total above collaboration, village youth have made a total income around USD 95,872 each month.
Looking at the current dta, that SMEs in Indonesia has reached 63 million SMEs, but only 18% of them are running their business online. With this data we can see our market size are still big and we have target for the next 1 years make bigger impact, such as:
Empowering 1400 village youth in the next 1 year in the e-commerce field.
Collaborating with more than 630 SMEs in the next 1 year.
We have a management team who control village youth from registration until they are empowered. Once the village youth are passing the training program, they will be collaborated with SMEs, they will be given a cell phone and new SIM CARD only for their business purpose. On their cell phone, we will install our application and register their ID there.
Kampung Marketer is having database to fully control them, we will know if there is village youth still have low skill and makes the collaboration result not optimize, we will call and giving special training program to them.
Application from Kampung Marketer is having 3 modes, there are:
Mode for village youth as human resource
We are making this mode as simple as possible to be operated by village youth, with the 1st step of using this application is inputting their identification by the management team. They will use this application to support their work performance.
Mode for our partner (SMEs)
Our team will input details of our partner’s mode when they start the collaboration, and by this application SMEs will be easily monitoring and controlling the performance of village youth. If they are not satisfied with the performance, they can contact the leader to improve village youth’s performance.
Mode for Management
Our team will use this application to keep monitoring the collaboration between SMEs and village youth, if the performance of village youth is not good, management will call them and do more training to achieve the SMEs requirement.
Our solution is connecting village youth and SMEs in Indonesia, and some SMEs which collaborate with us are not coming to our village yet, they just put their trust to collaborate with us. We use this application to support working progress and connect the report up to date,
While communicating between SMEs and village youth, we will make groups on Whatsapp applications. In this group, there will be leader, village youth, and SMEs. We put 1 leader on this group to control and monitor village youth performance and help them if there is any issue.
To solve this issue, we have make management team to do filtering of village youth with some steps:
1. Human resources department, this team will be the first screening team for village youth when they register for joining with Kampung Marketer program.
2. After they registered, we will filter them based on their performance.
3. After they pass the registration, we will invite them to join our training program which is taking 1 week for customer service and 1 month for being an advertiser.
4. After they finish the training program, we will do screening again to match their knowledge and product of our partners.
and for those who has low literacy and numeric levels, Kampung Marketer will ask them to learn and do the registration again on next time.
- Women & Girls
- Rural Settings
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Indonesia
- Indonesia
Currently we have served 807 village youth,
and for the next 1 year we are planning to serve 1400 village youth,
while for the next 5 years we are targeting to serve 3800 village youth.
We are planning to scale up our social enterprises to help more village youth in Purbalingga, below is our planning:
We are targeting to empower 1,400 village youth within one year and it will increase into 3,800 village youth within the next five years, currently we are empowering 807 village youth in Purbalingga.
We also plan to collaborate with 630 SMEs in Indonesia within one year and total 2,070 SMEs in Indonesia within the next five years, as of now we have collaboration with 270 SMEs in Indonesia.
To achieve the above goals, we are promoting Kampung Marketer on social media such as Instagram, Youtube, and our website. And during the pandemic issue, we have conducted a webinar every week to attract SMEs who still do conventional business to join and understand the benefit of do business online.
Currently the barriers which are exist for us is below:
1. Keeping good performance of our human resources to meet SMEs requirements. It is very critical to keep SME satisfied with our performance, we have to keep and monitor our human resources in their best performance.
2. We need additional income for making apps for supporting working our human resources and SMEs.
3. Convenience and change mindset of SMEs in Indonesia to collaborate with Kampung Marketer to start their online business and use our human resources.
4. Currently we have issues Covid-19, some SMEs are breaking the collaboration with Kampung Marketer and it is affecting human resources income.
Below are plans to overcome those barriers.
We support the human resources which are empowered on a daily basis to keep their good performance and we have a leader of the group to assist their human resources.
For additional income for making apps, we hope we can get a chance to win this grants event to cover making apps cost.
For convenience SMEs to join with us, we held exciting events online by inviting expert guests in e-commerce and we shared the quote from our SMEs about the benefit of using human resources from Kampung Marketer.
To keep the collaboration with SMEs during this issue, Kampung Marketer gives discounts for SMEs who are still collaborating with us.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Kampung Marketer is running this solution by own selves. But we have a relationship with campaign.com and Instellar as we have activated in organization in Indonesia and we have given positive impacts.
Totally our solution has 43 people for full-time staff and 1 person for part-time staff.
I learned the e-commerce field by autodidact, from this autodidact knowledge I could do my own business and cover my daily needs when I was in university. After graduating from university, I have my own e-commerce team.
After graduated, I worked as civil servant in financial department and the main jobs there are managing competence increasement, behavior and skills of human resources
Based on e-commerce skills and working experience to manage human resources, I am attracted to build and share my knowledge in the e-commerce field through Kampung Marketer.
In Kampung Marketer we have teams to ensure that village youth are getting learning and training programs in the e-commerce field and being qualified human resources. After the learning and training program, our team will make the collaboration between village youth and SMEs in Indonesia.
Kampung Marketer is having collaborations with SMEs in Indonesia with all areas of business. We are providing the human resources such as advertiser, customer services and social media admin for promoting and assisting their business.
SMEs who are using our human resources will pay their salary monthly and they only pay administration costs to Kampung Marketer.
Kampung Marketer has a business model, we are providing human resources from village who are competent in e-commerce to collaborate to maximize SMEs business through the internet. With this partnership, we hope can solve SMEs issue such as:
Difficulty to find competent human resources in the technology area.
Inconvenience in teaching human resources and keeping their performance in e-commerce.
High regional minimum wage and it is increasing every year.
Can not bear to fire a worker.
All above issue can be solved by Kampung marketer, because:
SMEs do not have to worry about hiring, training and keeping worker performance because Kampung Marketer will provide competent workers, train them and watch their performance on a daily basis.
Low operational cost due to Kampung Marketer was building in a small district with low minimum cost wage, so SMEs can use the balance of cost to be allocated to others usage.
SME who are using human resources from Kampung Marketer has to pay the administration fee with nominal IDR 500,000.00 each month to Kampung Marketer, and this income will be used for covering operational costs such as electricity, internet, management salary, devices, equipment, and other expansion.
- Organizations (B2B)
Kampung Marketer is getting income monthly from SMEs who collaborate with us, this monthly income is allocated for supporting the training and education process at Kampung Marketer.
Currently we are trying to collaborate with more SMEs in Indonesia, with this collaboration with more SMEs we can receive more monthly income.
As we would like to expand our social enterprises and give more chance to village youth, we are participating in the grants event, this award will be used for improving some equipment and we also on developing apps to support the working process of human resource and SME.
In 2020 Kampung Marketer is using funds from 2 sources, there are:
- Last year revenue which is total $160,027.59
- Prize from Hyundai Challenge around $7135.72
We are seeking funds around $100,000 to support our team with below details usage:
We would like to develop mobile apps to support human resources working with SMEs. This application will make Kampung Marketer easier to control around 3750 village youth and 2050 SMEs within the next five years. We will allocate $ 27,500 with the below amount per year.
2. We will use the funds for marketing and promoting Kampung Marketer total $25,000, by promoting and marketing we can attract more SMEs to join with us as we are targeting 2050 SMEs will join with us within the next five years.
3. We will use the funds for buying equipment for supporting the training process of 3750 village youth. For this equipment we will allocate $10,000
4. We will allocate $5,000 for Education / Training 3750 village youth, the education / training costs include as below list:
Team building and soft skills training
E-commerce Training cost.
Training for instructors costs.
5. We will allocate $15,000 from the funds for expenses of digital marketing, training instructors.
6. For supporting our working, we will allocate $5,000 from the funds for general expenses, such as Internet fees, subscription Fees with bellow allocation
7. We will allocate $10,000 from the grant for rental of the training centre.
In 2020 we have estimated expenses around $40,000 with below details list:
For making apps estimate expenses around $12,500
Marketing and promoting Kampung Marketer to attract more SMEs estimate expenses around $12,500
Buying and upgrading equipments estimate expenses around $5,000
Training cost estimate expenses around $2,500
Internet fess, subscription fees estimate expenses around $2,500
Rental training center estimate expenses around $5,000.
By applying for the Mission Billion Challenge Global Prize, we are trying to get help to support our solution especially in funds. We would like to expand and help more village youth in our village and my districts if possible to give them jobs in the e-commerce field.
We will maximize the funds to support village youth. As of now we are using social media chat to follow up and update the work between village youth and SMEs, by this year we are going to make apps to make communication and the way of working more efficient. We will utilize the funds for attracting more SMEs to join with us by seeing our promotion through online media a.
Our hope is that more SMEs are attracted and joined with us, they will require more human resources from our village.
- Funding and revenue model
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Partnership goals on funding and revenue model is we are seeking funds to expand our social enterprise by upgrading equipment and making apps.
Partnership goals on marketing, media and exposure is to promote Kampung Marketer to attract more SMEs in Indonesia, after they knew about Kampung Marketer they are interested to join and collaborate and hire human resources from our village youth.
We would like to partner with all SMEs in Indonesia, by preparing qualified human resources from our village who are experts in the e-commerce field for helping our partners to run their online business. SMEs who are hiring human resources from our village means that they have given jobs to them and reduce unemployment issues in our village.