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Developing an ID System for Nigeria for Managing social protection programmes during The COVID-19 pandemic which involves the collection, processing, storing, and use of data for decision-making and the support of operational delivery.
It will provide solution for effect “reductions in the overall welfare bud-get, a narrowing of the beneficiary pool, the elimina-tion of some services, the introduction of demanding and intrusive forms of conditionality, the pursuit of behavioural modification goals, the imposition of stronger sanctions regimes, it will also “eliminating human interaction and compassion, Enabling broader digital innova-tions (not just government led) that build on the digital platform to better inform beneficiaries and deliver bet-ter services to boost outcomes around a set of common standards, rules and principles, Lastly it will also Ensuring that the rationale for policy decisions is clearly understood and that all program-mes demonstrate accountability to their beneficiaries, civil society, the government and funders