I am looking at solutions that addresses gender equality and inclusion of vulnerable populations by putting all people at the heart of identification system, that will enable relevant authorities and persons adopt proactive measures aimed at protecting right of vulnerable equality in all gender.
My project will be able to solve the following problem;
1. Women's economic equality in business and inclusion of vulnerable in empowerment programs.
2. The problem of less women participation in labour market around the world.
3. The problem of more women representation in informal and employment of vulnerable in hard jobs.
4. Declining rate of women's, girls and vulnerable educational attainment.
5. Closing gender gap in world works and empowering women and vulnerable.
Globally, over 2.7 billion are legally restricted from having the same choice of jobs as men, over 188 economies assessed in 2018. Labour force participation rate for women aged 25 to 54 is 63% compared to 94% for men, over 103 economies still have laws preventing women from working in specific jobs. There are 59 economies that have no laws on sexual harassment in work place.
Some countries and economies have laws that restrict women and vulnerable from having equality of right.