RMOD " Rostov Volunteers"
"LIGHT YOUR SPARK of KINDNESS!" the project includes a competition among more than 30 non-profit organizations, which will result in the financing of 10 short-term projects of organizations. The role of the partner will be to facilitate: a competition, a short training course for these non-profit organizations in the development of the network, as well as to facilitate the writing of a good practical guide ( brochure) that would benefit - will be replicated. After the pandemic, the project is important in terms of providing assistance to solve the problems and meet the needs of the local community in the Rostov region, as well as in terms of helping to protect those categories of the population that would otherwise become marginal.
It is planned to hold a fair of projects of non-profit organizations, support the development of mutual assistance and self-help systems.
The poverty rate in Russia in 2019 for the second quarter rose to 19%, while a year ago it was 18.4% - according to Rosstat. However, if compared with the first quarter, this indicator decreased by 1.6 points. Such statistics are conducted annually and each year there is an increase in the poverty rate. Official indicator. The second quarter, according to Rosstat, is marked by the fact that more than 18 million people fell below the poverty line during this period, which is almost 12.8% of the population of the Russian Federation and this percentage continues to increase. The low level of computer literacy of teachers leads to a decrease in their authority in the eyes of students, who are much better oriented in the digital world. Thus, the NAFI study has identified the main areas that should be given special attention when developing digital competencies. ... it is Planned to focus on their training, including in the regions. Young people are also not doing well, despite the fact that young people are well versed in it. Thus, the study of digital literacy of children and parents, conducted this year by Qiwi Bank and NAFI, showed that children are vulnerable.
Word count: what specific problem are you solving? (Improving the financial literacy of a vulnerable group of the population. Development of a software product by students of the southern Federal University to ensure the availability of information products for a vulnerable group of the population. The scale of the problem that your solutions are trying to solve locally, and the ability to replicate globally. This pandemic has affected more than 18 million people.How many poor people do we actually have in Russia, who these people are and how to improve their well-being, the expert told AIF. ... Ekaterina Barova, Kudrin says that 12.5 million people live below the poverty line in Russia, and predicts a social explosion. Golikova reports that, on the contrary, already as much as 400 thousand can be deleted from this sad statistics. Who to trust? ... Poor people are recognized only if their income does not reach the subsistence minimum: this is 11,655 rubles a month for the working population. From this money, you need to pay for mandatory housing services, buy food, clothing and other necessary things
- How can countries ensure that digital authentication mechanisms—which often require smartphones, computers and internet access—are accessible to marginalized and vulnerable populations to facilitate remote access to services and benefits?
We need to make the right decision on whom and how we are going to influence. ... This way we will work on the same wave and it will increase their loyalty to you. ...Portrait of the target audience: the poor and working young, the unemployed, the disabled, and refugees.We will significantly increase the effectiveness of the strategy as a whole. Our solution serves the target audience by increasing access to educational resources that will have a positive impact on their lives.
- Growth: An individual or organization with an established product, service or model rolled out, which is poised for further growth in multiple locations.
- A new application of an existing technology
"LIGHT YOUR SPARK of KINDNESS!" the project includes a competition among more than 30 non-profit organizations, which will result in the financing of 10 short-term projects of organizations. The role of the partner will be to facilitate: a competition, a short training course for these non-profit organizations in the development of the network, as well as to facilitate the writing of a good practical guide ( brochure) that would benefit - will be replicated. After the pandemic, the project is important in terms of providing assistance to solve the problems and meet the needs of the local community in the Rostov region, as well as in terms of helping to protect those categories of the population that would otherwise become marginal.
It is planned to hold a fair of projects of non-profit organizations, support the development of mutual assistance and self-help systems, and help people rely on the results they plan to achieve to improve their quality of life. It is planned that 10 short-term projects of organizations. they will act as defenders of those categories of the population that are at a disadvantage, but gradually create a new layer of democracy, where the needs and aspirations of people at the lowest rung of the social ladder will be able to find expression.
1st direction: Main sources of income, labor relations and protection of employees ' interests.
2nd direction: fundamentals of legislation, including registration for work in full compliance with the labor code of the Russian Federation (employment contract, "white" wages, payment of sick leave and vacations).
3rd direction: Management of financial instruments for personal purposes, protection of social and economic rights.
4th direction: volunteerism.
The volume of hours is 64 hours.
1. Conduct at least 4 training sessions for young people, NGOs and interested participants to gain knowledge based on the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. Organize at least 20 personal meetings with young people, help them contact the employment service in the Rostov region.
3. Organize at least 40 consultations throughout the project in the villages of the Rostov region. After the end of the project, continue conducting consultations.
4. Place at least 18 ads on websites, media, and social networks. Networks, through information resources: TimePad, etc., analysis of questionnaires and responses to invitations – number, age, problems. Number of hours 40
When planning the work, it is important to take into account regional characteristics, positive legal and informational assistance, assistance in consulting and informational assistance, including for people with disabilities.
Provide proof that your solution works.
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
We expect that our decision will affect the problem. access to resources, this is called the theory of change,and it relates our activities to immediate results and long-term results for our target population. A strong theory of change provides evidence to support the existence and strength of these relationships, such as third-party research conducted during the "Spring week of good" campaigns... interviews with the target audience. Our estimated expenditure for 2020 is us $ 20,000.
the information field of the Rostov region will provide information for young people in difficult situations, and their access to information, volunteer and educational resources. This information will also indicate the problems of this category of people, first of all-the lack of opportunities to work, in order to get a job you need to rent an apartment, and to rent an apartment you need money. It turns out a vicious circle. We want to give a "fishing rod". Sign with the management of 6 publishing houses in the Rostov region for the charitable transfer of RMOD "Rostov Volunteers" 5% of the circulation. Give young people who are in a difficult life situation the opportunity to earn money for the first time-by selling these Newspapers, and in the future help in employment and provide access to information, volunteer and educational resources. Meetings and communication are one of the forms of solving legal and similar problems.
Describe how "convenient" your solution is for inclusion in the digital identification system.
Maximum of 250 words 5 training sessions:: fundamentals of legislation, main sources of income, labor relations and volunteerism. The success of project activities depends largely on the interest and includes the identification of project locations. Practical work, describe, summarize and publish a brochure. Create a project website, make the project open, and regularly publish up-to-date information on the site.
* Rmod "Rostov Volunteers" does not have an unfulfilled obligation to pay taxes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees. The project was supported by the Oktyabrsky district Administration. The project Manager was awarded a certificate of Honor from the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation for success in implementing the state youth policy. Order No. 577 of 07.04.2008
Trainer-teacher of author's seminars on taxation and financial management at the Moscow business school:
1. "Assessment of financial and tax risks in projects and transactions" (link http://mbschool.ru/seminars/52618),
2. "Chief accountant" (link http://mbschool.ru/seminars/7881),
3. " Financial strategy of the company in a crisis. Government grant. Tax policy" (link http://mbschool.ru/seminars/27076?bc=category/96914)
4. New developments in tax and accounting in 2013-2014
The trainer-teacher of the author's seminars on taxation, financial accounting and control in the Training center "Finkont", Moscow
1. Course for Directors General on tax risks and tax liability in accordance with the civil code, code of civil procedure of the Russian Federation, tax code, criminal code.
2. New developments in tax and accounting in 2013-2014 (http://www.fcaudit.ru/training/all/novoe-v-nalogovom-i-bukhgalterskom-uchete-seminar-v-moskve/)
3. Tax risks of contractual relations (http://www.fcaudit.ru/training/all/nalogovye-riski-dogovornykh-otnosheniy-seminar-v-moskve/)
4. Tax planning in 2014 taking into account changes in legislation (www.fcaudit.ru/training/all/nalogovoe-planirovanie-s-uchetom-izmeneniy-zakonodatelstva-seminar-v-moskve/)
The mission is to change the attitude of young people to life, including those with disabilities, to participate in socially useful activities. We want to expand the social and economic rights and opportunities of people to save their lives.
It is expected that the project will increase the number of social entrepreneurs engaged in training new professions, career guidance, socialization and employment of people with disabilities
- Women & Girls
- Poor
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
I'm going to increase the number of from 300 to 1000;
give interviews to mass media with the prospect of expanding volunteer activities in Russia and around the world.virtually with the participation of your network partners and volunteers to organize an online discussion and assessment of the needs of the community in which you work, to determine what can be done together to involve more volunteers in solving social problems of communities, i other priorities of GNI-2020, on the basis of which to develop an action plan that would eventually improve life in communities with the participation of more volunteers.
1.We suggest devoting some time to rethinking the role of volunteerism in society for 5 years and integrating it into the Global Agenda 2030 for achieving the sustainable development Goals (sdgs). Redefining the role of volunteerism and removing the boundaries that constrain volunteerism called " Integrating volunteerism in peace and development: a plan of action for the next decade and beyond»
2. Taking into account that the project is dedicated to the sustainable development Goals (sdgs), we suggest that based on your previous GNI materials, you conduct an analysis by correlating and systematizing the activities carried out during the GNI in relation to the relevant sdgs. The results of the analysis in the Rostov region and their generalization at the national level are extremely important, given that the role of volunteerism in achieving the sdgs in the coming Decade is significantly increasing.
Barriers currently exist to achieving our goals next year and in the next five years:
financial , cultural, and market barriers that may limit our influence in the next year and the next five years.
Business risk: "are we doing the right thing?"
Social risk: "can we do what we need to do?"
Technical risk: "will the project work on this platform?"
Risks with the cost and timing of implementation: "do we have enough time and money?»
Winning the Mission Billion Challenge. can help overcome these barriers. The presentation will also include an introduction to the new platform — "Point of Growth" and the educational program "how to start a social business".In the future, the work on interests will expand and provide activities in at least five areas, it is Expected to include visitors in the production of a unique product, intellectual or made with their own hands.People get the opportunity to self-actualize, transfer experience, socialize in active interaction with students and group members. .The invitation of volunteers to participate in the organization of events within the framework of the movement's activities will continue. We are considering options for financing the project from the state authorities of the Rostov region (grants from the Committee for youth policy of the Rostov region). Because they previously received subsidies.
- Nonprofit
Regional youth movement " Rostov volunteers »
Organization name: regional youth movement " Rostov volunteers »
Type of organism: social movement
Date of creation: December 27, 2001 registered in the Department of justice of the Rostov region, registration number 4761.
Legal form: non-profit organization
Goals: to gradually promote the full realization of the rights and freedoms of young people in contrast to the situation of human rights and freedoms, to participate in the development and implementation of programs aimed at improving the situation of young people in all spheres of activity.
Goals and objectives of the organization
1. The activity is carried out of the project implementation. Main functional responsibilities:
Implementation of project management.
- Providing meaningful preparation and content of events:
• development of documentation for Project implementation;
* organizing and facilitating Project activities.
2. The project accountant. The activity is carried out within 12 months of the Program implementation. The paid period is 6 months.
Main functions:
• maintaining primary accounting records and performing financial and
3. Teacher project. The activity is carried out within 3 months. Main functional responsibilities:
- development of a methodology for collecting, processing, and analytical
Valentina Khilchenko Chief Executive
Karyavkina Elena
financial Director
Nina kuvichkina Coordinator
Parfenova, Galina Psychologist
Zathina Irina Teacher
The movement reports annually to the IFNS of Russia for the Oktyabrsky district. (balance for 2016-18). The Movement's activities are supported by volunteer resources. The regional youth social movement "Volunteers of Rostov" is included in the regional register of youth and children's public associations that are supported by the Administration of the Rostov Region. Letter of the youth policy Committee No. 33/1185 dated 03.06.2016. On the basis of order No. 69 dated 02.06.2016 "on approval of the Regional register of youth and children's public associations that enjoy state support" on the inclusion of Your organization in the regional register for 2016. Attaches. The regional youth social movement "Volunteers of Rostov" is included in the regional register of youth and children's public associations that enjoy state support. Order No. 94 of 31.05.2018 on approval of the Regional register of youth and children's public associations that enjoy state support
The movement has a thank you letter.
Why are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?
Describe your team’s skills, background, and experiences that uniquely position you and your team to deliver the solution and solve the problem.
awyer candidate of law
Teacher Conducts training at seminars
Teacher candidate of sociological Sciences conducts
Coordinator provides coordination and information.
Account Secretary
Volunteers 20 participants
Committee on youth policy of the Rostov region
Providing information and organizational support
The newspaper "OUR TIME"
Providing information support
SKF law firm"
ROO all-Russian society of disabled people of the Oktyabrsky district of Rostov-on-don
The assessment of Russians ' own level of knowledge continues to decline-this is evidenced by the results of the all-Russian survey of the National Agency for financial research (NAFI), conducted this year.
We suggest devoting some time to rethinking the role of volunteerism in society for 5 years and integrating it into the Global Agenda 2030 for achieving the sustainable development Goals (sdgs). Redefining the role of volunteerism and removing the boundaries that constrain volunteerism called " Integrating volunteerism in peace and development: a plan of action for the next decade and beyond» 2. Taking into account that the project is dedicated to the sustainable development Goals (sdgs), we suggest that based on your previous GNI materials, you conduct an analysis by correlating and systematizing the activities carried out during the GNI in relation to the relevant sdgs. The results of the analysis in the Rostov region and their generalization at the national level are extremely important, given that the role of volunteerism in achieving the sdgs in the coming Decade is significantly increasing
- Organizations (B2B)
To see some examples, take a look at these common revenue models.
the information field of the Rostov region will provide information for young people in difficult situations, and their access to information, volunteer and educational resources. This information will also indicate the problems of this category of people, first of all-the lack of opportunities to work, in order to get a job you need to rent an apartment, and to rent an apartment you need money. It turns out a vicious circle. We want to give a "fishing rod". Sign with the management of 6 publishing houses in the Rostov region for the charitable transfer of RMOD "Rostov Volunteers" 5% of the circulation. Give young people who are in a difficult life situation the opportunity to earn money for the first time-by selling these Newspapers, and in the future help in employment and provide access to information, volunteer and educational resources. Meetings and communication are one of the forms of solving legal and similar problems.
Volunteer resources.
Source of income and amount earned in the last 12 months; information about the organization participating in the financing of the project, indicating their share
Limited Liability Company "ASTI Pharmaceuticals" USD 500
the type of funding grant, Limited Liability Company "ASTI Pharmaceuticals"
US 20000 dollars
To apply for participation in the mission of the Billion Challenge. Rethinking the role of volunteerism in society and integrating it into the Global Agenda 2030 for achieving the sustainable development Goals (sdgs). Redefining the role of volunteerism and removing the boundaries that constrain volunteerism is now a global challenge that UN Volunteers and IAVE invite everyone to join. To do this, you can easily find relevant materials on the sustainable development Goals on the Internet, especially UNGA Resolution 70/129 of 17 December 2015, entitled " Integrating volunteerism in peace and development: a plan of action for the next decade and beyond»
Interest and investment in digital ID systems (along with other
digital platforms) are likely to surge as countries seek to target their
stimulus packages, adapt to the ‘new normal’ and strengthen their
There is an opportunity to use this momentum to promote digital ID
systems that are inclusive and trusted (see Principles on ID for
Sustainable Development).
• Safe registration practices, with minimal physical contact
• Remote authentication methods for online service delivery that
• It is planned that with the implementation of the project "School of legal and financial literacy" in the information field of the Rostov region there will be information for people of labor, and their access to information educational resources. This information will also indicate the problems of this category of people, first of all-the lack of opportunities to participate in public life.
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
The role of the partner will be to facilitate: a competition, a short training course for these non-profit organizations in the development of the network, as well as to facilitate the writing of a good practical guide ( brochure) that would benefit - will be replicated. After the pandemic, the project is important in terms of providing assistance to solve the problems and meet the needs of the local community in the Rostov region, as well as in terms of helping to protect those categories of the population that would otherwise become marginal.
It is planned to increase the number of training courses for the unemployed or temporarily unemployed, which are particularly in demand in economically unfavorable and decadent areas of the Rostov region – coal mines are closed.
The partner conducts awareness-raising activities among the media and the local community in search of new ways to develop inter-generational interaction for the exchange of experience and knowledge,
The partner makes a preliminary agreement with the management of the educational institution to attract young volunteers. The partner makes a preliminary agreement on the provision of premises for events.
Consultations by phone (lawyer). The organization of a consultation service is in demand for project participants. (approximately 10 people per month will receive consultations)
Meetings with specialists 1-2 times a quarter
meetings will be arranged with a lawyer, representatives of the Pension Fund, social services,. During the meetings, you will be able to get advice directly from specialists. Partner organizations Committee on youth policy of the Rostov region
tel.: (863) 244-23-43, <kmpro@donland.ru>
Providing information and organizational support.
ROO all-Russian society of disabled people of the Oktyabrsky district of Rostov-on-don, tel.: (863) 234-47-78, the Organization provides premises for training. Invites participants to participate in проекте.prikovota@mail.ru
SKF law firm, tel.: (863) 263-73-28,
<volkov_net@mail.ru> Consultations.