Gender and Climate change exist evidenc
The impacts of climate change are already being experienced by each and every person around the world.However, these consequences are not being experienced evenly, and certain individuals are disproportionately affected. These individuals tend to face social, economic,cultural, and political inequalities and often live in places, such as coastal regions, that are heavily impacted by disasters related to climate change or COVID-19 pandemic .In addition, they often lack the resources and capacity necessary to adequately respond to these challenges . OHCI is proposing climate financing is an important mechanism for funding projects designed to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change or epidemic in developing countries that are likely to experience some of the greatest impacts, but often lack the necessary resources to develop infrastructure and institutions to address its effects. renewable energy development, sustainable infrastructure development, and capacity building to develop climate-resilient livelihoods practices is scale in future
Climate change threatens the ability of women to access family planning services, making it harder for women to choose if and/or when to have children. Climate-linked natural disasters are likely to hamper access to reproductive healthcare, as occurred COVID-19 pandemic or post COVID-19 in Nigeria Additionally, the impacts of disasters may exacerbate the effects of preexisting barriers that women have to seeking reproductive health services, such as race and class, as documented after COVID-19 pandemic , 1.5 millions were affected because of the lock down , and rights-based family planning programs as a strategy for reducing vulnerability to climate disruptions. In particular, integrating family planning with other forms of development designed to promote resilience, such as through population health, and environment initiatives, is an increasingly popular approach for jointly improving human health and environmental outcomes, Such initiatives are associated with improved reproductive health as well as environmental outcomes, helping to facilitate local resilience to environmental changes, including climate change impacts of 500 adolescents girls and 1000 women in the area .Providing women with greater control of their fertility empowers them to make choices that can improve their resilience to the effects of climate change.
Climate change is also likely to impact pregnancy outcomes and care in part as a result of an increase in the infectious disease burden among pregnant women, which will affect those in the developing world the most especially rural women in Nigeria who lacks the ability and knowledge to examining the impact of these diseases on pregnancy outcomes varies between diseases,OHCI will be collaborating front line social workers , and researches believes that Climate change-related disasters often trigger displacement However, systems designed to facilitate evacuation and safety during disasters are heavily gendered, and can disproportionately harm marginalized women in several ways.Decision-making regarding when and where to evacuate sometimes excludes women, decisions which have a direct bearing on women’s safety during and after a disaster. Shelters may lack facilities for women and/or place them at risk for assault. incidents of gender-based violence have been shown to increase after disasters.Much of the evidence regarding the role of gender in ensuring health and safety in climate change-related disasters comes from responses to COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria There is a growing body of evidence illustrating that marginalized women in Nigeria tend to be unable to make independent choices about whether or not to evacuate
- How can countries ensure that digital authentication mechanisms—which often require smartphones, computers and internet access—are accessible to marginalized and vulnerable populations to facilitate remote access to services and benefits?
Women, particularly in many developing countries and low-income communities of developed countries, often lack access to assets and power, and this serves as a major source of vulnerability and barrier to adaptation. The lack of control that women have over these vital resources makes it harder for women to influence how resources are used in response to climate shocks, however we use Digital authentication mechanism .
are used and understood differently across the world, and differing perceptions needs, values, and knowledge change the way smartphones,app ecosystems, and the web affect people's lives , professionals and volunteers ,community organizers and
- Growth: An individual or organization with an established product, service or model rolled out, which is poised for further growth in multiple locations.
- A new business model or process
OHCI is enforcing a holistic intervention approach in transforming the future of women and girls in the digital / agricultural economy as a means to develop innovative solution to address and seeks solution
solutions that make identification systems and social protection programs more accessible and
responsive to the needs of vulnerable groups, such as informal workers, particularly at a time. We emphasize the importance of digital technologies as a powerful catalyst for the economic, political and social empowerment and participation of women and girls. Digital technologies also serve as a tool to strengthen women’s and girls’ rights, inform their decision-making and to promote gender equality. Digital technologies also have the potential to reduce economic and social disparities. Digital Financial Inclusion and digital financial services that are accessible and appropriate for women are particularly important as they may increase women’s financial autonomy and can improve the performance of their businesses.Women and girls are totally in control of their future , We emphasize that the participation of women in the digital economy, including in leadership and decision-making positions, is indispensable to economic growth and recognize the need to establish enabling environments to thrive . We promote inclusive education systems with a focus on digital literacy skills. We encourageage governments to create, promote and support projects and programmes that aim to bridge the gender gap in STEM. Integrating digital skills training into curricula and ensuring these curricula remain up-to-date are key priority areas of the initiative.
The sector offers the highest potential for sustainable and scalable socioeconomic transformation, as growth in digital tech and agriculture GDP results in a significant increase in income for the lower income segment of the population employed by the agriculture sector , with advancement in digital technology, agriculture is by far the continent's most inclusive sector. Increased investments in agriculture results in reduction in hunger, poverty and increase in a agricultural productivity . Entrepreneurs are competing head-on with existing, imported products with higher quality locally-made ones of their own, Their business strategies emphasize modern techniques in consumer-facing activities such as marketing, branding, and sales, There exists a strong culture of innovation with respect to the products they will offer and the processes employed to create them, Core investments in ICT and advanced management techniques are being employed as enablers in developing an integrated supply chain. www.tonyelumelufoundation/africapitalisminstitute . The process works with an evidence recognize the need for reliable, coherent and comprehensive data on women and girls in ICT to support evidence-based decision-making at country level and acknowledge the importance of strengthening national capacities to collect and analyze data in this respect and encourage national statistical organizations to work together with all interested parties and stakeholders to enhance national capacities to collect and analyze data on women and girls in ICT.
- Behavioral Technology
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
Providing agricultural producers with appropriate financial services – such as credit and insurance – will reduce their exposure to risks that threaten production, output, and risks that threaten production ,output and revenue
Access to long-term financing will also enable small-holder farmers to invest in equipment to modernize their practices and increase productivity.Agricultural training should focus on different links in the supply chain including food processing, livestock rearing, poultry, fishing, and forestry value chains. Sustainable techniques such as conservation practices, crop rotation, companion planting, and pest control should be taught to farmers and small agricultural business owners.Increased private sector participation in operations focused on leasing farming equipment, low import duties and fees on imported equipment, and finally, a deliberate industrialization of African economies to reduce dependency on imports are some recommendations to explore that can offer respite to entrepreneurs in this space.In general women are more likely to participate in urban agriculture when they are expected to provide for household food security and when they possess lower levels of education (and thus have fewer job opportunities). In contrast, when gendered barriers to accessing agricultural resources exist,such as gendered land tenure regimes or differences in access such as gendered land tenure regimes or differences in access to capital, men are more likely to participate . To make Agriculture more attractive to young people (OHCI )needs to invest in education at all levels , supports innovations ,build market infrastructure, improve business environments in way that would raise income and expand agriculture value chain, OHCI would train 320 young and 80 women in areas of entrepreneurship , agriculture , ICT, and life skill, activities were designed to take the youth through the process of developing a business idea and and creating a business plan that included key elements eg marketing strategies , sourcing of finance and a timeline and with experiential activities such as expeditions and exchanges, innovation labs, individual mentoring and coaching, networking opportunities,and the chance to learn about other resources available to them such as financial services. select business idea would be awarded a seed funds to start business
OHCI could incorporate digital identification systems to meet the objective ,especially for the marginalized groups by provide a Holistic Approach to Training, In Africa, 89 percent of rural women are employed on family farms or are self-employed, with only 30 percent having completed primary school . As a result, young entrants into the agricultural sector often require a mix of both technical and soft skills. The unique needs of rural youth can be addressed through a holistic approach that places high-quality small business and life skills training alongside relevant technical training (e.g., in agronomy, animal husbandry, handicraft production, dairy science, horticulture). Life skills development plays a particularly important role to help youth hone competencies such as self-confidence, creative thinking, risk taking, and decision making, along with skills, such as project and money management. Secondly the digital transformation is changing our world
and the ways we live, work and learn. Particularly people
in developing countries , The acquisition of relevant digital skills for
women is often restricted by multiple factors at the individuals,family , school and society level eventually leading to the under representation of women in digital education and the tech industry. Greater female inclusion online and in the digital sector can also turn into a threat for girls’ digital privacy and security, manifesting in cyber violence, sexual
harassment and gender.
OHCI will use friendly solution as means of incorporating a digital identification system by promoting role models of women and girls in tech , Female role models who have created successful tech careers are an inspiration for young women and girls to discover STEM subjects as well as professions in the digital economy. and Setting up new networks to foster learning between grassroots initiatives , The event offered a unique opportunity to network, discuss challenges and effective approaches and further develop capacities and strategies for successfully running and scaling up initiatives related to girls digital skills development. An online platform to allow knowledge exchange and showcases about 30 flagship projects on digital skills ,shares stories about female role models and bundles information about studies, data and events by different groups .
digitization has the potential to create new, well-paid
jobs. However, since the IT-sector is traditionally a masculine domain, so far mainly men have profited from this development We note that a lack of access and affordability are amongst the most important barriers to
women and girls’ initial access to and use of ICT in low income, developing and emerging countries.
Considering that existing gender stereotypes make it difficult for women and girls to fully
develop their capacities as users, employees, innovators and leaders, we recognize the crucial
importance of gender equality in education and the need to address gender discriminating social
We promote inclusive education systems with a focus on digital literacy skills. We encourage
governments to create, promote and support projects and programmes that aim to
bridge the gender gap in STEM. Integrating digital skills training into curricula and ensuring
these curricula remain up-to-date are key priority areas of the initiative. It further requires
gender-sensitive learning materials and gender-neutral learning environments for STEM
subjects, practice-oriented pedagogies and more and better ICT training for teachers. Of
particular importance is support for effective, interactive ways to teach digital literacy in resource-constraint settings .
We emphasize that the participation of women in the digital economy, including in leadership
and decision-making positions, is indispensable to economic growth and recognize the need to
establish enabling environments Digital technologies also have the potential to reduce economic and
social disparities. Digital Financial Inclusion and digital financial services that are accessible and
appropriate for women are particularly important as they may increase women’s financial autonomy
and can improve the performance of their businesses. In this regard we support the
work of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) to advance financial inclusion of
underserved and vulnerable groups
OHCI will provide educational resources , books and literacy tutoring to books and literacy tutoring to disadvantaged women and young girls who are struggling to read and write , we gather literacy leaders and organization around the globe to share ideas and and collaborate within the sector . OHCI will empower community and people to advocate for literacy in their community, using innovative software, computers, Apps, literacy and reading skills to reach their potentials , succeed at school and beyoud, we provide free access to quality educational materials and innovative solution for low literacy and numeracy levels . We believe in literacy as the foundation of lifelong learning and education. People that cannot read or write experience difficulties in developing and experience low connectivity enviroments in the society . Despite the large improvements in the expansion of basic education , and the continuous reduction of education inequalities there are substantial challenges ahead. The poorest countries in the world, where basic education is most likely to be a binding constraint for development, still have very large segments of the population who are illiterate. Most illiterate persons now live in Southern Asia or Sub-Saharan Africa , especially west Africa
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Informal Sector Workers
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural Settings
- Peri-Urban
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Nigeria
- Gambia, The
OHCI currently serving in rural community and urban settlement in Nigeria with enormous humanitarian setting in different sectors , We
engaged with local producers, production systems,agribusinesses, and other key stakeholders. With technical support from Girls Not Brides and staff will implement this food security vision with the training services of local government extension officers from Aba District. Our team’s local staff are highly familiar with the region and the stakeholder ecosystem that needs to be fostered and supported to ensure its success,to target about 500 women and 300 girls currently , in one year OHCI will improve on
Climate change effects will worsen unless serious commitments and steps are taken by stakeholders at every level. Without a shared local vision and action plan that changes Aba’s trajectory and a policy framework and resources to support them, the potential of Aba’s rich land and human capital will be squandered. Without an infusion of investment, training, and technology to recover from recurring disasters, Aba will stagnate and fail to progress. If farmers do not feel secure about their land ownership, they will not invest in climate-smart agriculture to preserve and sustain the soil and water. If the private sector finds investments to be too risky due to unclear property claims and lack of farmer investment, companies will not invest. If women are not empowered to own and manage land there will be higher malnutrition, lower incomes, migration, and a less vibrant future in coming year and in the next 5 years
OHCI believes in sustainable development goals (SDG)s for enterprise development is fundamental to poverty alleviation, job creation, economic growth,
and human development. It can help the entrepreneur achieve financial security, create jobs
and incomes in his or her community; generate tax revenues for governments; and catalyse a
range of multiplier effects, from food security to improved nutrition to better access to health
care and education for future generations. Over 18 months, OHCI trained 100 young people, ages 16 to 24, from the Nigerian cities of Aba in the areas of entrepreneurship agriculture, ICT, and life skills. Activities were designed to take youth through the process of developing a business idea and creating a business plan that included key elements (e.g., marketing strategies, sources of financing, and a timeline and action steps for implementation,
Youth participants benefitted from a blended learning approach that paired classroom training with experiential activities such as expeditions and exchanges, innovation labs, individual mentoring and coaching, networking opportunities, and the chance to learn about other resources available to them such as financial services. Select business ideas were awarded small seed funding at the end of the course to support youth in starting up their businesses, based on the quality of the business plan, marketing and financing strategies, and the overall likelihood of success in realizing the business. These platforms not only helped the young entrepreneurs to showcase their projects and demonstrate their credibility, but also emphasized the need to reduce the barriers for young entrepreneurs to access finance
In five years, we believe we can make important steps forward in establishing violence prevention as a policy priority, within a growing number of countries and globally. We believe we can begin to create a virtuous cycle where measurable reductions in violence help create political will for greater efforts to prevent and address violence, further strengthen the case for investment, and increase the capacity to implement evidence-based strategies. And we believe we can start to build a powerful movement that will work to keep children safe and in which children will themselves play a central role, , to achieve this, our strategy must: be driven by results Our organization must live up to the ambition of the SDGs and be based on a convincing theory of change for how it plans to help communities deliver measurable reductions in violence such as in Technological factors : Here the tribal people are not using any technology in agricultural and other non form cultivation and poor people unable to access any technology intervention, Transnational practices only following in their day to day livelihood and food security.Legal factors : In this area, a few registered NGOs only working on various education, health and other livelihood sectors. At community level, any registered cooperatives and other community based organisations not available for sustainable development of the people.
Illiteracy, ignorance, insufficient awareness and lack of organized effort appear to be the root
course of the major problems of socio-economic, educational, health and backwardness of
these people in Nigeria
We encourage taking steps to address gender-based discrimination and close the gender
digital divide, including online gender harassment, gender-based cyber violence, including
by working to overcome socio-cultural barriers to women’s access to, and use of ICT. We
support public information and awareness-raising campaigns to engage boys and men, local
communities, teachers and families as well as all stakeholders in digitalisation policy to
challenge stereotypes related to gender and ICT, and to prevent and respond to cyber violence.
We work toward lowering the cost barrier, including through public-private partnerships
that offer specialized incentives for female customers to adopt ICT. We support the use of
financial resources from universal service funds to support ICT access for women and girls
with special attention to broadband network roll-outs in rural area
We work towards improving an enabling environment – including through private sector
engagement – for women to facilitate their entrepreneurship, innovation and participation
in the digital economy including through support programmes such as entrepreneurship
education and training, financing schemes, incubators and support networks. We support
initiatives for strengthening womenʼs and girlsʼ ability to generate and disseminate their
own content that reflects their viewpoints and experiences. We also support initiatives to
develop digital financial services that are accessible and appropriate for women. We support existing and promote action to create public safe spaces for women and girls to
access ICT together with non-governmental organizations and other local and international
- Nonprofit
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
International Network for the prevention of elder abuse (INPEA) Nigeria is a major local organization and Girls Not Brides is a larger organization
committed to ending child marriage and enabling girls to fulfil their potential. We share the conviction that every girl has the right to lead the life that she chooses and that, by ending child marriage, we can achieve a safer, healthier and more prosperous future for all.
They help bring the issue of gender equality to global attention, build an understanding of what it will take to end child marriage and call for progressive changes in laws, policies
The OHCI organizational team/structure comprises of the CEO/Founder Emmanuel Eze. The Secretary and Human Resources Manager Mrs Patricia Anezi Ogwuma, Managing Director Mrs Jessy Ego Eze , Mr Emeka Onwujuba , Head of Cooperate Office Lagos,full time staff, Chiemela odinaka part time, Eucharia Eumeokwe Phd part time , Dr christian chukwu country representative international Network for the prevention of elder abuse part time , Dr Jonathan Ananaba full time , Girls Not Brides monitoring and evaluation team , 20 youth volunteers
OHCI is team build on formidable resilient and resurrect structure of many years of experience on social protection innovation, build political will to end violence against women and children and also make prevention global policy priority , accelerate action to tackle the danger women and children face and support pathfinder countries to prevent and respond to violence and our unique position have helped us to work together with other countries to tackle violence against children -tackle transnational to women and children and create platform for sharing knowledge. our team will bring
to bring about significant and enduring improvements for millions of women ,youth and children support a small number of transformative systems change initiative through sustainable livelihood enhancement for rural and urban dwellers in Nigeria to reduce ignorant , poverty, illiteracy and gender inequality and discrimination , equitable provision of quality and essential social services ensure improved well being for all vulnerable groups in Nigeria and with an overview to support pathways to achieve
specific outcomes in health / education and economic opportunity and effective engagement with political economy and governance in other address issue of marginalization of the vulnerable groups. and
facilitates the development social process and reduction of inequality from the perspective and promotion of human rights ,focus on collaboration efforts , youth movement, mapping and collection of data , civic engagement , and community development with an equity and social justice frame work.aiming to enhance resilience and long-term adaptationin communities affected by climate change.
Girls not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage, is one of our major partner, , our members are youth-led, or youth-facing organizations and working closely with young people through programmes and projects, supporting and empowering them to shape their own futures .We believe that we will not achieve our goal to end child marriage without the sustained and active engagement of youth. Our experience shows that when young people become active agents of change, they have achieved great things in their communities. This includes helping to increase the reach and scale of interventions and programmes, and to engage a range of different groups, particularly marginalized groups, Working together with young people can open up what are seen to be “closed” policy spaces with influential people.Provide exciting resources and innovative guidance for young activists on how Support trainers (both youth and work on the issue of child marriage in their countries and communities.adults) to effectively guide and support young people to advocate on issues relating to gender equality , by fighting this scourge demands the involvement of every stakeholders . the government, Civil society organization ,human rights activist, the judiciary, religious and community leaders etc .In the face of limited resources . OHCI is attacking the scourge from the rural and urban communities where the practice is very rampant .We are engaging it through massive enlightenment campaign , educating them on the adverse consequences of gender equality to the climatic change with child marriage and in their communities.
In Nigeria , it is people who live at the margins of society including women in rural and urban slums, women refugees and prisoners, women in the informal economy like street vendors, care and sex workers, women with disabilities and those with HIV & AIDS among other chronic illnesses, and gender non-conforming people all face structural barriers in accessing information, water and sanitation, soap, sanitisers and protective gear to protect themselves and their loved ones. It is these same groups of people who fall into the low-income bracket thus lack basic social safety nets of health and OHCI is doing business with , we offer support through literacy, social protection and skill development , empowerment, women, children and youth are our major beneficiaries, but our business model is based on grant and donations funded locally through support of our partners , such grants or donations may vary in seize and location of donors. chain of services, grants remain low, but services and products remain high , while approaching investors for funding's , the team of OHCI'S had to face difficulty of changing their conventional thinking about non profit business , there are 3 things on which a company needs to have in control, technology, leadership, and delivering it on time to the customer , this includes through investments in creating positive role models in technology and enlisting existing youth in technology leadership and innovation achievement and promoting positive images of youth in technology in media and developing learning , networking.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
OHCI is holistic in its approach towards empowering Nigerian startups , That is, they tend to invest the majority of their income in the household and for their children, and they tend to undertake small, manageable activities rather than risky ventures that could bankrupt families. By providing loans to women , this is very possible because of grants and donation received from donors , to engage in farming , poultry , small scale business (SME) , and offer training on digital technology . OHCI will be empowering a marginalized group by enabling women to have ownership of assets Access to credit helps them to overcome vulnerability. Women have been designated as the target group both because they are the most marginalized and because women tend to use resources more productively than men do, sometimes we give out seeds grants in terms of loan depending on emergency situation faced by our members , we are building an agricultural entrepreneurship that will yield a revenue in long term, so that our organization will funds projects rather entirely depending on grants , our revenue is determined by income and expenditure in a given year , either is in deficit or surplus
In 2019 - 2020 OHCI has been able to raise funds locally to support our work through grants and donation received from business ambassador groups such Celestine Okeke venture who supported with the sum of 1,132,000 Naira , equivalent of $3144 USD, ODINAKA groups supported us with 900,000 a equivalent of $2500 USD , NNANNA CHINYERE COMPANY donated the sum of 661,000 equivalent of $1836 these are 2019 donation received to empower the vulnerable to start up small business in our community, In 2020 we the following grants and donations from the following individuals in our community EMEKA DUKES donated the sum of 1,000,000 naira ,equivalent of $2500 based on falling depreciation naira in the market at 400 naira per a dollar, BO UKAUMUNNA JOVI donated the sum of 7,730,000 naira equivalent of $19325 as palliative for covid-19 pandemic , the amount is used to buy food items and soaps and hand sanitizers for local women , youth and children in Aba Nigeria , BLESSED NKJAY VENT donated the sum of 7,786,000 equivalent of $19465 USD , etc you can verify the financial transaction with the United Bank for Africa account number 2121191001 or contact Since the beginning of 2020 financial year OHCI raised $100,000 USD through donations and grants
OHCI seeking funding to support the post covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria , especially the vulnerable women and youths in other to address gender equality and climatic change The impacts of climate change are already being experienced by each and every person around the world. we need approximately $50,000 USD to overcome the challenges by those affected with COVID-19 pandemic in Aba Abia state Nigeria . currently OHCI is seeking support from international donor agencies , foundations and foreign embassies , Our partner Girls Not Brides is in front line seeking support to every member of the group to engage with activities that will support the partnership. through the vision and mission . We hope the raise the money before the end of the year through Canadian grand challenges, Zeyad Sustainability prize . In working with Global giving acceleration and FLANE acceleration coming next month to raise funds for our projects , all these program have been tested and they are very useful tools for the growth and expansion
Income Sources
Annual Dinner $1,000,00
Individual Donations $5000.00
Major Donor Gifts $1,000.00
Board Contributions $3,000.00
Other Benefits/Events/Honoraria $1,000.00
Program Income $1,000.00
Space Rentals $1,220.00
Business Members $5,000.00
Annual Dinner Sponsorship $5,438.00
local Grant I $5,000.00
local Grant I $6,000.00
local Grant II $2,980.00
local Grant I $2,000.00
faithl Grant $2,000.00
faith Grant II $2,700.00
Foundation Grants $5,000.00
Total Revenue $49,368.00
Total Expenses $49,230.00
Excess Revenue over Expenses $138.60
Expense Categories
Advertising $500.00
Bank Charges (inc. merchant services) $550.00
Contract Labor & Professional Services $1000.00
Dues and Subscriptions $500.00
Food and Beverages $1,000.00
Volunteer/Staff Appreciation $400.00
Insurance Health Insurance $1,000.00
Dental Insurance 1,000.00
Workers Compensation $1.000.00
Liability Insurance $743.00
Officers Insurance $800.00
Licenses and Permits $150.00
Mileage $1,300.00
Office Supplies $2,400.00
Postage and Delivery $1,600.00
Printing and Reproduction $2,000.00
Program Expense 2,500.00
Rent $5,944.00
Repairs, Upgrades and Maintenance $1,000.00
Space Rental $2,500.00
Staff Salary, FICA and Taxes Executive Director $5,317.83
Program Director $1,912.19
Part-Time Advocate $2,848.00
Program Co-Director $2,816.12
Program Co-Director $2,469.20
TOTAL PAYROLL $15,363.40
Payroll Service $480.00
Telephone/Interne $1,000.00
Training: Staff $2,000.00
Board\Volunteers $500.00
Utilities $1,000.00
Website and new software (paypal) $500.00
Miscellaneous s $500.00
Total Expenses $49.230,40
Total revenue ($49.368) x 363 17,918,769
Total expense ($49,230) x363 17,870,490
Excessive Revenue expense $138 50.094
OHCI solution is to deepen our presence in West Africa in to built a suitable ground to serve the purpose, mission billion challenge targeting feminism society through the action for adolescent girls and women initiative in West African countries, Global Prize is delivering on its commitment to step up investments towards ending child marriage and reducing adolescent pregnancy by supporting government to reach the most marginalized adolescent girls. The purpose of the initiative is to support government in making targeted investments at scale over 5 years, to reach girls at risk of child marriage and adolescent pregnancy through interventions that provide opportunity for social participation and leadership, gaining life skills and literacy, and accessing health services including family planning and HIV services, while at the same time striving to create a more favorable environment for adolescent girls at the community and national levels through a joint project focusing on economic development and empowerment of youth. Global Prize played a role in creating the synergies between economic empowerment and sexual and reproductive health as a gateway to reach the most vulnerable girls and young women with a relevant combination of interventions. The implementation of this program therefore aims to draw from and complement the existing experiences and structures in place in Aba. Supporting improved health service delivery for the least served communities and provides a context for the up scaling and improvement of access and quality and educational services for young people, including the most vulnerable girls and young women.
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Our Partnership goal will help to strengthen integration between cluster plans and, together with cross-cluster targets, helped us choose activities that will best improve progress against our strategy. planning outputs: cross-organizational priorities. This is an opportune time to take stock of where we are against the outcomes we want to achieve by 2022, and what alignments or reinforcements are needed to ensure momentum and address challenges that may be holding us back or changes in context that we need to accommodate as we plan our future course of action. And committed to ending women and girls abuse and enabling girls to fulfill their potential. We share the conviction that every girl has the right to lead the life that she chooses. and call for progressive changes in laws, policies at the community levels; include gender as a central focus seek to reduce gendered differences in vulnerability and adaptation capacity.
OHCI will like to partner with organization that share the same value such as World bank, global fund for Women, Mama cash ,Funds for Global Human Rights , Global funds for Children , Disability Rights funds Co-impact. The organization can help us advance to our solution by supporting the government’s goal to increase access to livelihood support for women and to boost access to secondary education for disadvantaged adolescent girls in extremely poor households in selected districts and with livelihood packages, including, life and business skills training, mentorship, and support to form savings groups recognizing the dire needs of these girls and women .also supports regular and predictable cash transfers to 245,000 extreme poor and vulnerable beneficiaries through the government’s Social Cash Transfer Program. Such cash transfers have improved basic consumption, resilience and investments in productive activities in Nigeria. and are crucial to protect the basic needs and human capital of the poor particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is negatively impacting the country’s extreme poor and vulnerable.The strength of the multi-donor trust fund approach is that it provides a mechanism for international partners to pool funding, with strong controls, around a common goal. It is envisaged that the trust fund will help facilitate support for social protection at a critical time “With this support, we are hopeful that better human capital outcomes will be attained through educating adolescent girls, empowering women and supporting the poorest households with longer-term investments, as well as enhancing government’s capacity to manage such interventions
