Kefikilo Foundation
Access to identification by people living in rural and the per-urban areas in Namibia. These people have no access to the services that provides ID and birth certificates. The project proposal shall to provide information on the importance of ID and help vulnerable people to have access and enable them gain identification documents. In Namibia there are over 400,000 people living without identification documents that makes them excluded from the economic opportunities in many cases. For example in March 2020 the government of the Republic of Namibia provided stimulus package to mitigate COVID-19, which include among others providing 750 Namibian dollars to all unemployed citizens. Those who were are not in a possession of identifications were left behind. Access to identity documents by poor and vulnerable people will improve lives and enhance the standard of living of people by enabling them have access to services and security.
As mentioned earlier, people particularly from lower income groups, often struggle to obtain birth certificates for their children due to internal administrative and financial procedures within the system. Documents lost: One scenario, which came up several times, was that the parents have lost their birth certificates and ID’s, and that they cannot afford to go back to where their birth certificates were issued. Without documents they cannot register their children. A high number had failed to register the child while still being at hospital because the Ministry of Home Affairs Immigration office was close, the day they were discharged from the hospital. Parents need to go back to the hospital where the child was born. In many cases the parents cannot afford to go. If the certificate is lost or damaged, the public has to apply for a new one. Many people cannot afford to travel forth and back. Some mothers do not have the funds to travel to Home Affairs. and often cannot afford to pay for the taxi money and food, while waiting. In addition, the majority of people in rural and semi-urban have no idea and information at all on to obtain identity documents.
Access to identity by residents living in the rural and per-urban areas in Namibia has to be resolved. These people have no access to services that provides identifications. The project proposal shall be implemented in favour of those who are left behind in this process. The part of this programme is to identify beneficiaries in the following regions in Namibia; Khomas, omaheke, otjozozupa, oshana, ohangwena, omusati, kavango west, kavango east, kunene, erongo, hardap and oshikoto region. The ability to prove one’s identity is essential to securing both rights and access to a number of life-enhancing services including healthcare, voting, education, financial services, employment and social protections. As we continue advancing in the digital age, identification becomes ever more critical to gaining access to mobile connectivity and a range of mobile services particularly across countries where ‘mandatory SIM registration’ policies are in place
- How can countries ensure that everyone—especially vulnerable and marginalized groups—are able to apply/register for an ID in a way that protects people’s health, data, and the integrity of the ID system?
The Kefikilo Foundation Identity Programme is uniquely positioned to play a key role in advocating and raising awareness of the opportunity of enabled digital identity and life-enhancing services. Our programme will work with private and public actors including the governments and the development community to demonstrate the opportunities, address the barriers and highlight the value of technolgy as an enabler of digital identification.
- Idea: A plan or concept by an individual or organization.
- A new application of an existing technology
So far in Namibia, it is only the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration that deals with identification matters both at governing and production. In addition the ministry do provide information dissemination on identification documents. However, the ministry is not pro-active in some areas of information dissemination and data collection. Kefikilo Foundation will work to ensure that the gap is filled through targeted intervention by providing the MHAI with relevant data that enable them to assist more people obtain identifications. The project will identify people have no identifications in the targeted region. This process will take place in full cooperation with the with the MHAI and Regional Councils, in the areas or towns where the projects would be implemented. The beneficiaries will be asked questions if they will want to benefit from such a project and will be explained to them properly on the need for identification documents.
The project would be defined as one social project, the first of it's kind implemented by NGO in addressing the ‘identity gap in Namibia. The assessment of success of the proposed solution would be that it touches many people's life that has been transformed from a hopelessness to that of confident families, proud of their citizenship for having ID and birth cerificates supplied through this program.
The Namibian government through the Ministry of Home Affairs has introduced the electronic biometric system that enable immigration officials for management control and security. Kefikilo foundation will works with government to identify more new system such as blockchain and crowdsource and others to place identification on a digital technology. The proposed solution is the best because it would introduce social changes, improved living conditions and better for disadvantages including young and women.
- Big Data
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
This project proposal has come at time where the United Nations has recognised the importance of addressing the ‘identity gap’ through its
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 to ‘provide legal identity for
all, including birth registration, by 2030’. At the World Economic Forum
2018 in Davos, leaders from government, business, international
organizations, civil society and the humanitarian community have called
for greater multistakeholder cooperation on digital identity and
announced their commitment to strengthen collective action to pursue the
opportunities that come with digital identities and ensure protection
of rights in a sustainable and responsible manner.
It is believed that Kefikilo Foundation digital identity project will be supported by the the state hence the government of Namibia is a signatory to the sustainable development goals of the united nations.its believed that more people will be aware and educated to understand better and be able to accept digital approach on identity documents. Once the finance is secured for this proposal, Kefikilo Foundation will create an understanding with the key stakeholders on the this programme to in order to build a multi and holistic approach on this matter for successful implementation of this programme. will improve lives and enhance the living standard of people. If implemented, it is envisioned to improve the lives and enhance the living standard of many people including poor,women, youth, minority, disabled and elderly.;
The project success is bordered around various key stakeholders, mainly the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Local Government, Housing and Rural Development, the Local and Regional Councils and Ministry of Health and Social services in their respective areas of jurisdiction. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration which is the custodian of energy Identity documents in the country.
The relationship between the project proponent and these key stakeholders shall be build right from the beginning of the project. This will start soonest we receive notification of financial assistance approval from SOLVE/World Bank 2020 Mission Billion Challenge. This is important to do because achieving cohesion within or amongst key stakeholders is crucial to the success of the project.
This can be done by calling on the offices of these key stakeholders to make presentation of our approach to assist government in achieving legal identity for all, including birth registration, by 2030’.
The collection of data from earmarked communities to Identity Project would be collected through physical or person to person interviews led by the management team of the project. The information to be obtained from the families who want to participate in the project would be treated with respect of confidentiality and shall not be revealed to any third party and if such happened should be related to the project and proper conscent shall be given. The process of data collection shall be handled by people who are trained in community engagement taking into consideration that the targeted people are vulnerable and poor, should not be seen as outcasts or disadvantaged but be treated as human beings who simple need assistance. The data collected shall be kept with respect and confidentiality and a Data Base Bank shall be established where qualified personnel shall be in charge of keeping the Data Base Bank. The targeted families shall be informed that participation in the project is voluntary and not forced on them and they have the right to reject taking part
Our software will be interoperable with the ministry of Home Affairs application server standards and it is subjected to negotiation
The design process of the project will be taken into consideration to be understood by everybody and is not complicated to be carried out. The project will be designed to fit those project will represent particularly those whom the digital technology services have left them behind,especialy the poor, women and marginalized. Therefore, Kefikilo Foundation will involve the beneficiaries from inception to implementation of this proposal
- Women & Girls
- Informal Sector Workers
- Rural Settings
- Urban
- Poor
- Middle-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- Namibia
- Namibia
The proposed solution will make about 250 000 people who would benefit from identity project directly during the project period.
The fact that Kefikilo Foundation is doing something about improving accessibility to the digital identity documents to formerly disadvantaged communities, is a good effort but the financial resources are not sufficient to cater for more beneficiaries, hence the need to solicit financial assistance as this project proposes.
The project would be designed for implementation in phases to cater for proper planning and execution. Its hoped that if this project run in five years time and implemented on scale about 400,000 people will directly or indirectly benefit from this intervention
By building an ID system will enhance the efforts of developmental needs of people and give opportunity for change. We believe that by engaging in the identification process will help us to contribute to the autonomy and dignity of people targeting Development Goals Goals No 16.
Our goal is to a civil society organization in Namibia that coordinates programmes which allows people to have access to identification in the country. On the government side, the ID scheme space tends to be a fragmented one, with multiple overlapping and incompatible identity systems.
We will advocate for the system of multstaholder approach, a coordinated system between civil registration * and identity, and with other state systems that have their registration and credential systems. So that, each departments with its registration infrastructure, identification, and verification processes are harmonized.
By using PEST(ELI) analysis Kefikilo Foundation use the following barriers as follows:
Political: Freedom of press, rule of law and levels of bureaucracy and corruption, Likely changes in the political environment
Economic: Current and project economic growth, inflation and interest rates, Likely changes in the economic environment, Lack of financial support
Technological: Impact of emerging technologies, Impact of Internet, reduction in communications costs and increased remote working, Research and Development activity, Impact of technology transfer
Ecological factors: Air quality, transportation, parking, pollution discharge, water quality, waste management, land use, coastal resources etc.
Legislative requirements: Primary and secondary legislation in relation to Health Bills e.g. employment laws, contracts over rights of staff, rights of patients, direct payments etc.
Industry analysis: Demand, liaison and selection for services, products and/or component parts on the basis of price, quality, delivery times and services support; market knowledge, forecasting, purchasing strategies, liaising with users, business efficiency;
(Adapted from
The project success is depend on various key stakeholders, mainly the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Local Government, Ministry of Health and Social services, Ministry of Housing and Rural Development, the Local and Regional Councils in their respective areas of jurisdiction. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration is the custodian of identity documents in the country.
The barriers that may be faced by this proposal includes financial and technical support that enable this project to be implemented successful and without delay. The bureaucracy and delay in the process of the implementation between the project proponent and these key stakeholders. Its is imperative that the good relationship be build right from the beginning of the project. This will start soonest we receive notification of financial assistance approval from Solve. This is important to do because achieving cohesion within or amongst key stakeholders is crucial to the success of the project. In addition, Kefikilo Foundation has a small secretariat and the technical personnel will be required for this project including equipments and machineries.
- Nonprofit
This proposal propose that Kefikilo Foundation place 50 full-time staff, 100 part-time staff, and 100 contractors or other workers for this project.
The team that is in place is one that propose solution in other social sectors and they change makers, they have experience in high level administration and management skills. They worked accross various spheres of important sectors from national youth council that deals with formation of youth cadres as leaders of tommorow. The other member worked in the energy sector for over 20 years in the area of energy policy formulation to Electrification projects through rural Electrification project. The cadre of leadership of our is unique in the sense that they are always determined to make a difference in many people' s life. The proposed solution will change about 250 000 families members who would benefit from digital identification project across the country.
The proposed project will work with Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Shange Investment Consultancy to provide high technical capacity. The current information as maintained in the in the Home affairs and Immigration in conjunction with Ministry of Health, and Ministry Local Government. The additional information or data that will be obtained through further research will be kept by KEFIKILO Foundation through a Data Base that will be created and kept for future references. Furthermore, the Data capturing process would be gathered in close cooperation with the Ministry of Home affairs, Health, and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development and other relevant stakeholders.
Type of intervention
1. Workshop
2. Services
3. Products
Key activities
1. Collecting data
2. Identifying and implement Digital Identity Technology
Value proposition
1. Measuring social indicators through monitoring and evaluation
2. Customer services and value products
1. Targeted individual and communities
2. Civil society actors, humanitarian organizations and government
Partners and key stakeholders
1. Government ministries and departments, Donors, non-governmental
2. No special requirement is needed as longer as it is operated within the law
Key resources
1. Human resources
2. Finance
Cost structures
1. Administrative cost, services cost, equipment's and suppliers cost
2. Cost of some items may be reduced due to numbers of supports involved as the project scale up other cost may be increase due to currency fluctuation
1. Explore investment planand other sources
1. Donors 40%
2. Investment returns 30%
3. others 30%
1. Media
2. Community interaction and information sharing
3. Organization/project and stakeholders focal points
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Kefikilo Foundation will create a funding mechanism to fund its mission for social program. The proposal that provides forecast in terms of financial benefits will done through various business ventures which includes fisheries and marine resources, hospitality, telecommunication/mobile industries and in agriculture sector.
How it worksThe aims is to sell the products/services in the local and external market, the profit will be used to fund other social programmes.
Company established to provide business service/product
Key Assessment
Share holders have common interest/needs and profit accrued reinvested in social program
Kefikilo Foundation is seeking a grant to fund this proposal. The amount requested is U$150,000
Administrative/support staff
Purchase or rent of vehicles
Furniture, computer equipments
Machines, tools
Equipments for machines, tools
Fuel cost
Office rent
Consumables - office suppliers
Studies, research
External Audit
Evaluations costs
Translations, interpreters
Finacial services ( bank quarantee costs etc
Costs of conferences/seminars
We know now more than ever that sustainable development is not just programs and project, it is above all a matter of people. people whom development has left behind, women, disabled and marginalized whose accessibility to social services is compromised due to many factors including exclusion, political divide, inequality, poverty and unemployment. And this means that those who are not able to get an ID are further excluded from the system andthe Sustainable Development Goals should give us the opportunity for radical change: they present the possibility that, with concerted effort, the most pressing developmental needs of our time can be tackled. This included identity. By building an ID system, the barriers are reinforced: either formally or through more subtle forms of “function creep”- the presence of ID means that ID is made a prerequisite for more and more things. And this means that those who are not able to get an ID are further excluded from the system. it is essential to interrogate the other ways in which these problems can be solved. Key to this will be birth registration.It is the key to have identification documents“Identity” is an important part of all our lives and having the ability to prove who we are is empowering. Having control over our identity can help not only achieve the necessities of life, but also more fundamental concerns of dignity and autonomy.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Our goal for partnership is to enable us to meove where we are to where we want to go. Kefikilo Foundation is a non-profit-making organization established as a non-profit association Incorporated under Section 21 (incorporated association not for gain) under the Namibian law. The organization was established to enhance the standard of living of rural people, provide support and services to the underserved areas and contribute to sustainable community development in Namibia
Partnership for inclusive development is exactly what we need. If we’re serious about breaking the cycle of poverty, exclusion, and inequality, and if we want to make a solid impact on the Sustainable Development Goals, then we need to act smarter. That means moving from opportunis-tic projects to strategic (i.e. pursuing long-term im-pact) opportunities. It also entails a shift away from articulating differences and towards bridging barri-ers and seeking synergies driven by complementary competencies and resources.
Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration
They will provide necessary tools including rules and procedures for obtaining identifications,
Regional and Local Government and Housing Ministry
They will assist in terms of bringing information close to the people
Shange Investment Consultancy
They assist in terms of research and training
Telcom Namibia
They will assist in terms of data and digital support
Solve/World Bank
For financial and technical support