We are in the process of coming up with a porotype. Our system shall be called UIMS – to mean Unified Information Management System.
After the initial digital registration, my organization in collaboration with government can make an online platform where a vulnerable person can request for one service on a one click. The platform shall provide an authentication that is accessed through a simple phone without necessarily accessing internet. This will through a dial up.
Dial *9999#
It prompts; ENTER YOUR IDENTIFICATION NO (If the information is wrong then; INVALID CODE) It prompts; ENTER FIRST NAME."
This whole process will need a data base(SYSTEM) that is linked with all the government departments of Registrar of persons and the Social Services. With a 24 hours personnel responsible to checking the system requests and delegate the same for household visiting, registration and verification.
In a country with 48 million people and almost half of the
population vulnerable, people have to go for every service to the government
offices. The government of Kenya has a opened a registration of persons office
in almost every district. This might not solve the issue of registration of
vulnerable groups especially during this Covid – 19 Pandemic. During this
period most of the of the offices termed as non-essential services are partly
open. The essential services departments are Ministry of interior, the Police
department, the health department, food stores and supermarkets and Judiciary
on special occasions.
The vulnerable groups among them are; orphaned children, people living with severe disability, chronically ill, teenage mothers, street families and older persons. During this pandemic times it is even more risk for this vulnerable groups to travel distances for long distances to seek these services. It is a health danger since chronically Covid – 19 has been proved to affect people with other predisposing conditions like Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Blood pressure, diabetes etc.
Given a chance I wish to save the population from exposure to more health risk and increase access to social services.
Out of a total population of 47,564,296 people, 36% of the population are vulnerable and are in dire need of the Social services including the registration in the registrar of persons and Basic Needs.
We plan to improve the livelihood of the Vulnerable groups especially Orphans a other disadvantaged groups like People living with disability, The Older persons, youth and adolescent young mothers, orphaned children, internally displaced and street families who have no ways of supporting themselves. Over time the Organization has been identifying and assisting these groups with a very small package contributed by its members monthly.
we also support them in linking them up with the relevant authorities for life skills training and possible support to start their own income generating SMEs especially the persons living with severe disability. We do this by the assessing what each people are good at assist them in their areas of interest.
If we are supported we will have the capacity to make they are registered with the government's registry of persons, enroll them in Life skills training centers, provide them with seed Money to start SME's. This will improve their Social standards and even create more Jobs for the other Vulnerable.
- How can countries ensure that digital authentication mechanisms—which often require smartphones, computers and internet access—are accessible to marginalized and vulnerable populations to facilitate remote access to services and benefits?
Out of a total population of 47,564,296 people, 36% of the population are vulnerable and are in dire need of the Social services including the registration in the registrar of persons. Our Target population is 17million people who are vulnerable.
We intend to have a system that allows the vulnerable population to request and access services from wherever they are. this can only be made possible if we have ready personnel trained in a way that they can offer this mobile services. the initial rollout will therefore be to ensure each vulnerable has access to a mobile phone.
- Idea: A plan or concept by an individual or organization.
- A new application of an existing technology
The goodness with this system is that it will not necessarily need internet for one to access/request services online. however, those who are able tpo access internet have the option of using an an android apk based application to access the same services/request for the same.
The notion is that most of our target groups will not be able to afford internet nor a smart phone so instead of providing internet then we will go for the option of giving out or providing a basic phone per a need household. It is therefore sustainable to have the dial up services as compared to accessing internet which might not be sustainable over time.
We also intend intend to introduce a toll free number for those those who may not be able use either the dial up or the apk system. this will provide an opportunity for those with good intentions who have identified such cases and wish to report on behalf of our target group. we will therefore with government on the systems like; NIMS, NEMIS, Single Registry, CPIMS and all other systems in order to access data easily and share it to avoid duplication of same services to the same target groups.
We are in the process of coming up with a prototype. Our system shall be called UNIONE – to mean Unified and all Information in One place
After the initial digital registration, my organization in collaboration with government can make an online platform where a vulnerable person can request for one service on a one click. The platform shall provide an authentication that is accessed through a simple phone without necessarily accessing internet.
Dial *9999#
It prompts; ENTER YOUR IDENTIFICATION NO (If the information is wrong then; INVALID CODE)
It prompts; ENTER PHONE NUMBER REGISTERED TO YOUR ID NUMBER. (If the information doesn’t match the Id registered then; INVALID CODE)
It prompts; CHOOSE THE TYPE OF SERVICE YOU WANT TO ACCESS (provide a dropdown of the different services including NHIF, Cash Transfer, )
It prompts; SUMBIT (if the individual is trying to register a new household member who is vulnerable then the system will automatically send a request to the nearest registration agent to visit and verify the information at the Household level)
If it is another service then this person will be advised accordingly.
For those who can be able to access internet we will still provide provide the an APK application providing the same platform as in the *9999# Dial up.
- Big Data
- Blockchain
Kisii County is one of the forty-seven counties in Kenya. It shares common borders with Nyamira County to the North East, Narok County to the South and Homa Bay and Migori Counties to the West. The County lies between latitude 0 degrees 30‘and 1-degree South, and longitude 34 degrees 38‘and 35 degrees East. The County covers a total area of 1,317.5km2 and is divided into nine constituencies namely: Kitutu Chache North, Kitutu Chache South, Nyaribari Masaba, Nyaribari Chache, Bomachoge Borabu, Bomachoge Chache, Bobasi, South Mugirango and Bonchari. Kisii County is divided into 11 Sub-Counties, 33 Divisions, 103 Locations and 237 SubLocations. These administrative units are headed by Deputy County Commissioners, Assistant Deputy County Commissioners, Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs.
The population projection by 2018 is estimated at 1,406,043. (KNBS 2018) With an approximated poverty index of 44.5% as projected by the KNBS 2018/Kisii County Planning Unit, 2018.
But based on the 2020 Kisii County population projection there is a total of 814,063 children in the county. With a total 407269 males and 406, 794 females. Calculating by the Kisii county poverty index there are 362,259 possible OVS in the county and the number is likely to increase especially after Covid-19.
Therefore 56.7% of the population projected in 2020 are children, whereas 710,349 children fall under the category age group of 9-24 which is 49.4 %. Out the total population projected 69,970, 4.9% are older persons of age group 60-80 years.
- A total of 23,314 OVCs are enrolled in different programs.
- A total of 334,945 are not enrolled in any of the program
This whole process will need a data base(SYSTEM) that is linked with all the government departments of Registrar of persons and the Social Services. With a 24 hours person responsible to checking the system requested and delegate the same for visiting and verification.
This can be done immediately because of the rising cases of Covid- 19 in the Country.
I believe if this is done then we shall be able to handle and help our vulnerable group with the various government services without real exposing these vulnerable groups to more danger than before.
In accessing the 9999 service then the charges must be waived because our target groups might not be able to afford the charges per dial up.
This number shall be linked directly to the system developed. The cost of providing gadgets to the vulnerable groups and making sure that they are connected to internet in order to access these services might not be sustainable. Therefore, my organization will adopt the system above comprehensively.
As indicated we will collaborate with other government existing systems like the Huduma number, NIMS, NEMIS, SINGLE REGISTRY, CPIMS, HIT among others so that the information will be shared across board.
The technology will give options to users options depending on their knowledge and availability of devices. It has the following options.
1. DIAL UP NUMBER. This is a number anybody can dial from any basic phone and the system prompts the use with options of the services they might need. For instance *#9999#
Dial *9999#
It prompts; ENTER YOUR IDENTIFICATION NO (If the information is wrong then; INVALID CODE)
It prompts; ENTER PHONE NUMBER REGISTERED TO YOUR ID NUMBER. (If the information doesn’t match the Id registered then; INVALID CODE)
It prompts; CHOOSE THE TYPE OF SERVICE YOU WANT TO ACCESS (provide a dropdown of the different services including NHIF, Cash Transfer, )
It prompts; SUMBIT (if the individual is trying to register a new household member who is vulnerable then the system will automatically send a request to the nearest registration agent to visit and verify the information at the Household level)
2. ANDROID APPLICATION. This will be available to users who already have smart phones and can access internet. they can be able to download this android app and they can use it to access this services instead of the dial up number.
3. TOLL FREE NUMBER. We provide a toll free number for person on one reason or another cant access our services. they shall call freely for directions.
Our system will include a module with a reporting format where it will provide an option for downloading reports in required formats and be used to track the progress of the organization and identification of gaps.
This particular reporting format can be used to report back to World Bank in the required format and in turn the Donor officials will granted the access rights for accountability and system strengthening.
In third and second world countries we have a low connectivity on internet but the normal GSM network has covered most of the areas.
Our approach is that we shall a link person in every geographical and depending on the needs of a locality then we preferably use the option of DIAL UP NUMBER and TOLL FREE compared to the android apk. However as one way of rolling out we will need to empower the personnel working for the organization at the same time we must empower our target group on the use of this technology preferably by the use of our local media which reaches many people.
- Women & Girls
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Low/No Connectivity Settings
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Persons with Disabilities
- Kenya
- Kenya
We are currently 40 households. I can say that we started small because we have been doing is contribute we as members, identify a very vulnerable household and assist them with the most basic needs like food and clothing. we also work closely with the department of disability and that's how we refer relevant cases for registration.
We intend to reach out to 334945 vulnerable people in Kisii County before the end of 2022 that's if we support and 17million people in the Kenyan who are believed to be vulnerable by the year 2030.
- Empower Our Society with skills that can help individuals generate income through their own means. This will by providing life skills training and providing seed money where possible.
- To promote and advance children and youths’ talents through participation to identify and nature different talents by Creating a cultural center for the society to promote their talents, such areas like, sports, music acting and in door games.
- To liaise with relevant institutions and governments (e.g. national government, county government, NACADA, etc.) in carrying out our activities. This is a continuous process that we are doing.
- coming up with a centralized with a database for all vulnerable members of the society so that they can be easily be accessed and be assisted where there is need. On Progress.
1. Financial Capability. Our biggest barrier is our financial capability. We feel sorry that as an organization we are not able to assist the vulnerable the way we have always dreamed.
2. Cultural Beliefs. Some of the practices in Our african culture are an automatic constraint to our performance. FGM is actually not reported but it is practices in high secrecy. We intend to focus more on the mindset of people.
3. Illiteracy Level. Most of the people who are vulnerable are also very illiterate because of affordability of education or proximity to enlightened centers.
4. Political Good Will. Nothing can be done without the involvement of the leaders of the land.
1. Financial Capability. We are currently doing proposals to different donors to get some support before stand alone. we hope for the best.
2. Cultural Beliefs. We intend to focus more on the mindset of people. When our understand the dangers of FGM and early marriage then we will be able to eliminate. we also intend to use all inclusive approach where we engage; Men, Women and Children. This will help in eliminate the wrong mindset and eliminate the right one.
3. Illiteracy Level. Ensuring these access the most basic education. Education is light.
4. Political Good Will.
Collaborating with the local leaders and always inform them the goods ide of our project. Develop a sense of recognition for them.
- Nonprofit
Wesley Mogire Nyabuto - Founder - +254 727 833 513
Joseph Nyang'aya Maticha - Co - Founder +254 713 732 829
Glady Kwamboka Ongeri - Co - Founder - +254 718 353 119
Maureen Nyatichi Makori - Co Founder +254 725 802 773
Douglas Nyaberi Bosire Co- Founder +254 724 478 874
Wesley Mogire Nyabuto has worked with the county government and has sufficient knowledge in the Social services linkages and has 3 years work experience. He is a graduate with a Diploma of Social Work and Community Development. He is in charge of the General running of the organization.
Joseph Nyang'aya Maticha has a expertise of 4 years in the finance and data Management. He has a certificate in Data demand and use from Kenya School of Governance. He also has a degree in Finance. In Charge of Information Management.
Glady Kwamboka Ongeri is a Business Lady for the Last four years. She has access to the Business sector. She is in charge system strengthening
Maureen Nyatichi Makori is a graduate with a Degree in Social Work and Community Development. She has worked with the Disability office for 2 years. In charge Organization Programs and activities. Vital in creating awareness.
Douglas Nyaberi Bosire has a bachelor in arts and has been a teacher for 4 years. he is good at creating linkages to the organization. He is Charge of organization's Funding and sourcing.
We partner the Disability office. We identify people living with disability for initial registration as they await for other Services like the Cash Transfers.
We also work closely with the Ministry of Health for waivers for those patients who don't and cant afford the cost of medical services.
The Local Administration helps to track the progress of the Families we have supported.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
1. Financial Capability. Winning this challenge will help us with the finances we need to start off our long-term idea of have a centralized database for all vulnerable members of the society and help start off the Digital registration system/Social system.
2. Cultural Beliefs. After we get funding we will be able to focus more on the Norm change in order to change the mindset of our society. If we successfully do this then we will solve the all the vices attached attached to cultural beliefs like FGM, GBV/SGBV, Child Marriages and the position of women in the society.
3. Illiteracy Level. This will assist us in enlightening the society by increasing the percentages in accessing basic education and life skills training. This will actually empower the low social economic class. and a society empowered is a society enlightened.
4. Political Good Will. Anywhere in the world the leadership will always be behind any successfully projects that brings benefits to the people of the land. Leaders will even donate to assist the project prosper when actually learn its benefits to the society.
5. Sustainability. This fund will offset and allows us work towards a sustainability criteria. We shall partner with government persuade it the take up the project at Maturity. All citizens belong to government. After we empower masses the number of vulnerable people will reduce, the Social economic of many people will improve and the country's economic status therefore will change.
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
To comply with the State's rules and regulations.
To comply with the International of finance and spending.
Develop linkages with other partners working in the same field.
Focus on Evidence based results rather than theoretical results.
We will wish to partner with government for integration of our system into the existing government systems. This will also work work for us that we seek information and assistance with other world bank sponsored partners in order to work towards efficiency of our digital machine. Will partner with the Kenya Bureau of statics in the Compliance on data Management. Information Authority of Kenya will provide the guidelines and we will ensure we abide with the country's laws and regulations. We need other key department like Registrar of persons and Social Services