The vulnerable and marginalized groups in Thogoto Sub location,Kiambu (Kiamburi Slum) have been left out OF services that require online verification ID as they are either not aware the service exist or have no access.
A resource center for the vulnerable and marginalized will be set up to:
- create a pleasant environment in use.
- obtain biographic data from the vulnerable groups for registration.
- provide a range of information services.
- encourage people to use the the resource center.
- help users gain access to online services.
Smartcards will be used to authenticate identity using multiple authentication factors for varying levels of assurance. A PIN will be used for low risk and a digital signature based on public key infrastructure technology for high risk use cases.
Fingerprints will be used to establish a non-ambiguous link with the user.Finger prints will be useful with those who cannot read or write. Because they store data locally on a chip, smartcards will also be used for offline digital authentication or remote locations where connectivity is limited.
This service will later be expanded to the County level and later to the National level and finally to Global level.
The problem :
Unfair exposure of the marginalized and vulnerable in accessing online services especially during this period of Covid 19.They walk for long distances to the service location incurring travelling expenses and line up for online services.Sometimes when these people end up loosing money to the service givers in the pretense of serving them.
A local registration center will be put up for safe use. The online service center will enable them obtain services where they are.Locally,only a few people can access these services near or in their homes. .The cost of both the computers and the smartphones is not affordable to them.
Problem scale
According to the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census, Kiambu County population was 1,623,282 , projected to be 1,942,505 by 2018. The population was further projected to reach 2,090,592 by the end of 2022.
Kiambu County had a population of 638 persons per square kilometre, according to the 2009 census, projected to be 936 persons/km2 by the end of 2022.
Kikuyu has a population of 155,664 persons with the population density of 885 persons/km2.
Currently ,Kiamburi slum,Thogoto where the solution will be based has 3000 persons settled on a five acres piece of land.
The solution will improve the lives of:
1. The old people above the age of seventy years.Thy are exposed to Covid 19 virus as they have to travel to the bank every time they require banking and other online services.When they finally get to the service providers they use strangers to assist them to log in. In some cases they have lost money as when they transact with the help of strangers who later on use their ID to access the same services.
In Kenya the government gives allowance to any one over seventy years old. With this solution they will not have to go to the banks or travel long distances to get this money and any other service that can be accessed online.Some of these people are bedridden and travelling is a main challenge.
2.Those who cannot afford to buy the smartphones and computers.Given IDS,they will be able to transact at the service center.
3.Those who have smartphones and are unable to use them because they are illiterate or believe they cannot do so.
4. People living with disability.
5.The youth from the marginalized families.
6.Girls who have been victimized during this period.
- How can countries ensure that digital authentication mechanisms—which often require smartphones, computers and internet access—are accessible to marginalized and vulnerable populations to facilitate remote access to services and benefits?
There has been a major problem locally where a majority of the people cannot access services online due to their financial status and literacy level.This group of people have therefor been left out where online services require identity for access. The marginalized are in this category.The old people have lost money to their relatives and other criminals who they seek for assistance.
A local digital online center with trained personnel will solve this problem where the group in question can access the online services using computerized service cards.
The solution is in line with the global mission billion challenge as it targets the vulnerable and the marginalized in the use of Technology in order to address economic, cultural, and social barriers to create opportunities for all.
- Growth: An individual or organization with an established product, service or model rolled out, which is poised for further growth in multiple locations.
- A new application of an existing technology
- The Government of Kenya is advancing citizen-centered public service delivery by deploying digital technology and establishing citizen service centers across the country through a multichannel approach, with digital service platforms to ensure that citizens with differing levels of literacy and access to the Internet .
This solution(CCMET ONLINE SERVICES) will offer access to financial online services to only the marginalized and the vulnerable within the local society.They will not have to travel for long distance for this service.
- Bank agents are licenced to give only deposit and withdrawal services to customers are not able to go to the bank.The bank agents also assist in dicongestion of the banks during working hours.
The solution (CCMET ONLINE SERVICES) will be different in that it will be tailored to a specific group and the customers do not have to walk long distance to the service area.
CCMET ONLINE CENTER will be connected to more than one service giver which the customer can access easily by use of a Swap card at the center.
- MPESA service which only offers sending of money and receipt services.
- Cyber cafes assist the marginalized in accessing online services.Sometimes The cyper cafes" attendants later access the clients information long after they leave.
The solution (CCMET ONLINE SERVICES) at hand is different because of security and the integrity of the service providers.
- National identification cards in Kenya are only used for particular functional purposes and cannot be used to access online services.
This solution is a new application of an existing technology,The technology (online identification) has been in use by all the competitors.
The existing technology has been in use at the cyber cafes,huduma centers in Kenya,Smartphones and lab tops/computers have been in use to access online service.
The solution will work because:
It is Tailor made for a specific group.
Proximity: The solution center is within the community and will be easily accessible.This will be an advantage to the old and those living with various challenges in the slum.
Cost;The online accessibility service will be available at an affordable cost.All sales by CCMET ONLINE SERVICE CENTER will be subsidized.
Availability:The service will be available to all the marginalized and vulnerable groups mentioned within Kenya legal working hours.
Covid factor:Most people have lost their meager incomes obtained from casual labor and need to be assisted to access all online services within their area of residence.
- Internet of Things
Funding for the incorporation of registration for the registration of the marginalized and the vulnerable
- The marginalized will be able to register in a dignified manner.
- There will be a reduction in the number of the amount of money lost by criminals in the guise of assisting the marginalized to access online services.
- Easy access to online services by this group of people.
- Integrity in the registration system.
- Train personnel to be used in registration of marginalized and vulnerable people
- vi. Fair involvement of the marginalized in accessing the government services.
- More marginalized and vulnerable people will be registered.
- Financial inclusivity by the government, access to health services and social protection by the government.
- Better understanding and more knowledgeable.
- A reduction in the amount of money lost each year to conmen by the marginalized and vulnerable people.
- Improved government efficiency, accountability and transparency. Through online transactions and other e-services, digital ID systems reduce operational costs and the corruption and theft occurring in paper-based systems, where entitlement payments are siphoned off from their intended recipients.
- Save on time required in travelling to the service providers.
- Raise awareness on the chances available for the marginalized and the vulnerable.
- A feeling of security in the transaction of business.
- More marginalized and vulnerable people will be able to use online services.
- A greater number will use online services.
- More marginalized and vulnerable people will be encouraged to register to access the online service.
- Increased access to finance, healthcare,education, other critical services and benefits.
- Improved efficiency and enabling innovation for public- and private-sector services,
- Provide the country with the opportunity to leapfrog paper-based systems
- A greater pool of registered online users from this group will give them equal chances with everyone else.
- Only authorized personnel will be used for registration.
- Confidence in the process of registration.
- A greater representation of the marginalized and vulnerable in development of the country.
To implement this, an interoperability framework is required, including
minimal technical requirements relating to the connection of nodes of different systems, protection of privacy and confidentiality of data exchanged, storage of data, data integrity and message formats.
A hardware and software will be developed where the information obtained from the grass root registration will be stored and linked to the main identification register.
The bridge that mobile identity can offer between public and private makes it all the more useful. Private participation in the design of public identity systems will lead to improved interoperability and standardization among public bodies and with private commercial service providers.Government agencies will focus on identity for accessing government services, private firms will recognize the commercial potential for interoperability, have an incentive to seek the broadest possible usage and return, and bring experience from private sector identity systems to bear, enhancing digital government and the digital economy together.In face of the significant diversity that exists, consistent use of technical specifications, standards and procedures will increase interoperability and simplify the user experience.
- Encourage Infrastructural ID System Design in the Activity Design Process: Provides ideas for donors who would like to signal support for and interest in ensuring that any ID-related components of a project take into account the local ID infrastructure.
- Engage Multiple Partners in the Design Phase: Provides tools for mapping existing stakeholders who are working on and with ID in any given context, as well as for convening partners to create an ID systems map.
Design for Reuse and Interoperability:
- The digital ID systems will be robust, inclusive, and interoperable to ensure access to finance, healthcare, education, and other critical services and benefits by the marginalized and vulnerable people without proof of ID,
- Provision of guidance to consider so that the system designed by CCMET ONLINE SERVICES for the project or activity will consider, from the start, how the components can be reused by future projects or partners.
The use of smart cards:
CCMET ONLINE SERVICES will acquire data from the service provider which it will sell at subsidized rates to the users in low connectivity areas .Smart cards will be used to store the data locally on a chip, for offline digital authentication or remote locations where connectivity is limited.
- Elderly
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Stateless Persons
- Kenya
- Kenya
This solution is a new one in operation.CCMET ONLINE SERVICES expects to serve fifty clients in the first year of operation.This number will gradually rise in the next five years through rigorous marketing.
Short term goals (one year)
- Sourcing of funds for the project.This is through writing of several grant proposals to donors for funds.
- Purchase a parcel of land in the locality once the funds are available ONLINE SERVICES will identify a suitable piece of land within the budget.
- Put up the online resource center from which the project will be conducted.
- Purchase and installation of equipment and machines required for the project.
- Create project awareness in the local slum.
- Fulfillment of all online and connection legal requirements by the CCMET ONLINE SERVICES.
- Collect data of the target population from the local slum area.Research assistants will be deployed to the local slum to collect specified data.
- Create templates in which to enter the data collected from the field by building tables, forms, reports, and other database objects.This will be done by a research assistant.
Long term goals(five years)
- Employ more qualified personnel to run the project.This will be done through advertising and selection of the best for the identified employee positions within the project.
- Start IT literacy classes for those who have the smartphones and cannot use them because they lack computer information technology skills.
- Issue of an increased number of computer enabled cards for use by the marginalized and the vulnerable.
- Provision of online services to all persons who lack them.
Financial Barriers
Access to finance
Technical Barriers
Digital literacy Skills.
Lack of professional employees and training.
External Barrier Threat of new entrants,
Low Demand of the services.
Social Barriers
Networking to reach those that are eligible.
Trust by the target group.
Legal or Institutional Barriers
Complicated laws and regulations in Tax system .
Financial Barriers
Solution: Budget allocation and identification of the most beneficial allocation of money at any given time, constantly evaluating which investments will provide the best returns in the short as well as the long term.
Ensure that any proposed spend is securely anchored in the overall vision for the business.
Continuous sourcing of funds
Social Barriers
Solution: By quantifying improvements to efficiency, in order to link the technology to the marginalized and the vulnerable. Get the user base comfortable with the technology, introducing it to them early and helping them understand how it makes their roles more efficient.
Communication: Have a communication plan in place to roll out so that the target market is getting the correct information rather than being misinformed with hear say from the media.
Technical Barriers
Solution:Recruitment of skilled personnel. Use of digital consultancy services. Continuous training of the employees.
Legal or Institutional Barriers
Solution: A lawyer will be contracted so as to deal with legal issues.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
CCMET is a registered women group.It can also change its management to a Non-Governmental Organization, SACCO, Limited Company or any other body legally acceptable for the member’s benefits. It is a Christian Center for Mentor ship, Training and Empowerment which empowers young girls and couples virtually and through organised seminars
To be God’s co-workers in transforming lives for excellence
To transform lives for individuals to realize their full potential for a better world through consultancy, research, mentor-ship, training and empowerment
Nurturing for Excellence
The solution falls within the vision ,the mission and the motto of the organisation.
Employee Title Number of employees Required
- Project Leader 1
- Assistant Project Manager 2
- Hardware/Software Expert 1
- IT Trainers 1
- ICT Manager 1
- ICT Assistant 1
- Receptionist 1
- Security guard 2
- Storekeeper 1
- Research Assistant 1
Total staff 12
Why we are qualified and well qualified to deliver this solution for the following reasons:
- We are qualified and have the passion to educate and nurture young minds to realise their full potential despite their background that may be wanting.
- Running a community based organization CCMET that aims at training and mentoring the youth.
- We have been involved in mentorship programme for youth in church and community equipping them with life skills and ensuring that they grow up to be responsible citizens.
- Qualified to offer training and capacity building for young leaders
- Knowledge in computer skills and technology to manage a community resource center for online activities.
There has been no partnership with any organisation.
The proposed business model will be:
Key Resources:
- Donor Funds(SOLVE FUNDS).
- The marginalized and the vulnerable.
- IT Consultants.
- Lawyers.
Key Activities:
- Assisting the marginalized and vulnerable to assess online services.
- Increasing access to government, financial, health and other services;
- This is a service to the marginalized and the vulnerable.
- CCMET ONLINE SERVICES.This will be done through registration of the marginalized and the vulnerable.
- The marginalized and the vulnerable will benefit from this intervention.
- The customer will be able to access online services.
- A feeling of security in the transaction of business
- More marginalized and vulnerable people will be able to use online services.
- A greater number will use online services.
- More marginalized and vulnerable people will be encouraged to register to access the online service.
- Increased access to finance, healthcare,education, and other critical services and benefits.
- improved efficiency and enabling innovation for public- and private-sector services,
- Technologies provide countries with the opportunity to leapfrog paper-based systems
- A greater pool of registered online users from this group.
- Only authorized personnel will be used for registration.
- Confidence in the process of registration.
- A greater representation of the marginalized and vulnerable in development of the country.
- Involvement and increased use of government services.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The primary funding needed within the next calendar year is for startup costs for launching the resource center. Given that the program is operated by a not-for-profit organization, we are primarily seeking donor and grant funding to jump start. Funding will be used to both pay personnel, buy materials and services. In addition, funding is also sought for monitoring and evaluation, an important component to assess the effectiveness of both implementation and effectiveness. It is expected that the funding needs, will be highest in the first two years and progressively decrease in years 2-5. We will also identify different strategies to generate recurring revenue. CCMET ONLINE SERVICES will identify new sponsors and apply for grants.
Low-income client.These are clients from the local slum area.(Kiamburi Slum) The solution will charge a fee-for-service in terms of offering services to clients but will focus on providing access to those who couldn’t otherwise afford it.The clients in this case will be required to pay a subsidized fee when they visit the resource center.
A similar subsidized additional fee will be charged for basic IT training.Registration and Access to internet services for the marginalized and the vulnerable.
Photocopy and printing service will also be offered at subsidized fees.
Stationary will also be sold at the center.
The use of internet services will be charged per duration of use.
The organisation will acquire WI-FI internet connection from the internet providers and later sell it at subsidized rates to those who can use the online sevice at home after training at the center.
CCMET ONLINE SERVICE will develop Creative distribution systems, lower production and marketing costs in order to achieve high operating efficiencies.
This is a start up service.
For the success of the project, equipping the resource center with ICT infrastructure, trainers will be key. Infrastructure like computers, software, internet, training content, human resource, stationary will be relevant.The total cost for the Project for one year is estimated as follows:
Cost Element Total Estimated Cost
Direct Labor [$]181,100
Equipment & Materials [$]246,000
Travel & Misc. [$]182,500
Total – [$]609,900/Year
EMPLOYEE TITLE Number Total Total Salary/
Required Salary/month Year
(TITLE) ($) ($)
Project Leader 1(no) 3000 36,000
Assistant Project 1(no) 2500 30,000
Manager 1
Assistant Project 1(no) 2500 30,000
1(no) 2000 24,000
IT Trainer 1(no) 3200 19,200
ICT Manager 1(no) 1500 18,000
ICT Assistant 1 1(no) 1300 15,600
Receptionist 1(no) 600 7,200
Security Guard 2(no) 400 9,600
Store Keeper 1(no) 300 3,600
Research Assistant 1(no) 300 3,600
Totals 14 18100 156,200
Item Description Number Unit Total
Required Price Cost
(ITEM DESCRIPTION) (no) ($) ($)
Lap tops 12 1000 12,000
Work tops/tables 8 600 48,000
Office Chairs 30 600 18,000
Flash Disks 15 100 150
Printing/photocopy machine 1 1000 12,000
Miscellaneous Office Costs Unspecified 10,000 120,000
Premises ( Rent) 300/month 36,000/year
Total 246,150
Travel & Misc. Expenses
Expense Type Description Total Estimated Cost/year
Marketing Cost $$100/month 1.200/year
Equipment Installation $1000 1,000(once)
Electricity $200/month 24,000
Cleaning Equipment/Material $300 300(once)
Travel Costs $300 36,000
Miscellaneous Expenses $200/month 24,000
Registration and licensing $300 300
support services
(Legal,Internet,Bank etc)
Insurance $500 60,000
TOTAL ($$)146,800 .............................................................................................
Premises $600 $7200/yr
Given the above, the total cost for the project for the first year is estimated as follows:
Cost Element Total Estimated Cost
Direct Labor ($$) 156,200
Equipment & Material ($$) 246,150
Travel & Misc ($$) 146,800
Premises ($$) 7,200
Total- ($$) 546.300/Year
I am applying to the Mission Billion Challenge Global Prize for financial assistance for:
- Purchase a piece of land on which to put up the ICT resource center.
- Planing.preparation and building of the resource center.The costs will include the architectural and the approval costs.
- Employment of skilled employees for the resource center.It will be necessary to recruit qualified staff for the project.
- Research.collection of primary data for the group.
- Training of the marginalized and the vulnerable in Digital literacy Skills.In this group of people are those that are illiterate and require training by qualified personnel.
- Marketing of the online services: Preparation of the marketing tools and channels to create awareness of the CCMET online service.
- Purchase and installation of equipment.Once the selection of the best equipment for the amount of money available is done,the purchases will be done followed by installation for use at the resource center.There will also be equipment transportation costs from the point of purchase to the resource center.
- Travel and miscellaneous expenses. Moving from place to place in search of products and services required by the service center.It will also be necessary to communicate with several people in the process of setting up and running the resource center
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
Drawing on the different perspectives, knowledge, experience and skills of partners should result in better designed, more context-appropriate solutions. Bringing in wider stakeholders (including ‘beneficiaries’)
as partners should also build buy-in and ownership to the solutions. Bringing together organisations with different mandates can cut across inter-connected SDGs to deliver more holistic solutions.
Safari com Limited.
This is for the provision of internet services.
Local Administration.
To access the local slum area homes.
Education Institutions
Exchange of knowledge and skills.
