Your name and village used to give you a unique ID. With growing populations there are not enough unique names to go round. The ID32b system enables people to have a unique 9 digit alpha-numeric number with enough capacity for 1 trillion people. Variants with 10 and 11 digits provide unique ID for places and objects. The 9th digit is a check character to ensure divisibility by 32. Using a 32-base number enables ID32b to be represented with a 9 by 5 matrix - a physical representation of the number.
Separating identity from security is key to the concept. Biometric security data linked to the number allows the appropriate level of security check to be applied.
ID32b enables refugees, the dispossessed and others that cannot use traditional location based data (address, utility bills etc) to establish their identity based on their own biometrics.
ID32b provides a unique identification number for every individual on the planet. The number is linked to your own personal biometric data, which is the only security data that you need. A single number provides access to all services, and may be used to identify you from birth to grave.
Separating ID from security means that your ID32b does not need to be confidential. Some of the data that it is linked to, such as bank accounts and medical data, needs to be confidential.
Identity theft is not relevant. Your ID32b identifies the record to be accessed, and your biometric data (iris or face scans, fingerprints and in future dna), provide the security to release the data.
Your email address, home address and other personal details are no-longer used for security. Hence homeless people and those without emails and social media still have an identity, and are not excluded from services.
The target population is the whole world. We need a better system, and one that works for everyone - placing everyone on an equal footing as far as their identity and linked biometric data are concerned.
The concept is deliberately inclusive, working for rich and poor alike. Hence ID32b is not a poverty label or gender badge.
- How can countries ensure that everyone—especially vulnerable and marginalized groups—are able to apply/register for an ID in a way that protects people’s health, data, and the integrity of the ID system?
A solution which only works for a sub-section of the world's people, focused only on a targeted population, is by definition self-limiting. For an inclusive solution it needs to work for everyone equally. It cannot be a poverty label or gender badge.
The solution needs to be future proof, not only in providing sufficient permutations, but also in accepting advances in technology. For example quantum computing will make passwords and other memory-held data useless, as all possible permutations of numbers and characters can be checked and cracked in seconds.
Security and Identity need to be separated. The one set of information that everyone has, whether dispossesed, homeless or homeowner, is biometric data. Hence a unique ID linked to biometric data is the only viable solution.
- Idea: A plan or concept by an individual or organization.
- A new application of an existing technology
The innovation involved in ID32b stems from a change to the way of thinking about data and security. Data that is freely available (your ID32b) cannot be stolen. Your own personal biometric data cannot be stolen. Linking these provides a solution that provides identities for all. The concept is flexible and future-proof, accommodating all future innovations in biometric scanning. It is the simplicity of approach that is unique.
The nearest comparable technology to ID32b is the Indian Aadhaar card. This technology has been used to provide 1.2 billion Indian nationals with a unique 12-digit identification number. The theory behind Aadhaar and ID32b is similar. However it differs in terms of simplicity (a 12 digit code is hard to memorise), and the concept of separating ID from security data has not been adopted. Hence Aadhaar cards include personal details, and tend to be used as identity cards rather than just providing the identity number.
From the success of the Aadhaar card, it is clear that the concept behind ID32b can be made to work.
Learning from the Aadhaar card is important. A principal concern has been information security. Currently private organisations are not permitted to use the state-held security data linked to the card. Also the adoption of Aadhaar numbers by state agencies is slow - most agencies still require their own numbers and sometime even identity cards, to be used.
- Big Data
The theory of change is based around the simplicity of the ID32b system, and its ability to bridge and coordinate other existing systems. While ID32b does not exclude anyone, thereby achieving full inclusivity, it also simplfies existing national ID, passport, licences and security systems that have become too complex.
However ID32b does not displace existing systems. It does not attempt to replace existing local databases with mamoth national record systems. It mearly provides a unique identifier that can be used to link existing databases and record systems.
Separate databases can be turned into relational databases by use of a unique identifier. ID32b provides this identifier, allowing linkage of any existing database.
Immigration departments can keep their existing records of passportsm visas, work permits and other documents; revenue offices can retain their existing systems based on social security or national insurance numbers; banks can maintain their existing account numbers; however ID32b provides a simple means of linking these, and also of an individual identifying themself.
The ID32b system provides the platform for digital identification systems. It is based on a unique identifier that has sufficient permutations (1 trillion) to cope with the world's population for the the foreseeable future, and linked with each individual's biometric data. It accommodates future changes in biometric scanning, database security and mobile technology.
ID32b can be introduced on the back of existing national registration systems which already have verified security, sometimes including biometric data. Existing passport numbers, ID cards, social security numbers, driving licences, work permits, visas and any other registration system can be linked to an allocated ID32b, simplifying systems and allowing cross-sector coordination.
The 32-base of ID32b can easily be represented using conventional digital technology. A simple spreadsheet enables conversion between the 32-base 9 by 5 matrix and the 32 alpha-numeric characters, which map directly to the integers 0 to 31. Hence any system that can access alpha-numeric characters can use ID32b.
The main focus of ID32b is to have a short (9 character) ID that can easily be remembered and has an in-built check code for error avoidance.
The physical representation of the number in a matric of 9 x 5 punched holes or dots, enables labels, dogtags and tatoos to be created, enabling illiterate (or non-roman/arabic literates) to use the system. Similarly it may be easily used by those with visual impairment.
ID32b works with the most advanced digital systems or traditional paper-based systems that may be used where electricity and internet are not available.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Informal Sector Workers
- Migrant Workers
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural Settings
- Low/No Connectivity Settings
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Stateless Persons
- Nomadic Populations and Pastoralists
- Persons with Disabilities
Currently: none - it is an innovative concept
One year: none - it will take more than one year to establish the registry and agree standards.
Five years: 2 to 5 billion - the number is only limited by the international adoption of the system. The aim is that everyone will be assigned a ID32b within 10 years.
By providing use of the ID32b concept in this competition, it is hoped that one of the subscribing agencies will adopt and promote the concept. It is unlikely that the concept will work on a fully commercial model, although it could be self-financing through registration fees.
It is strongly preferred that the registrar is not commercially motivated, as this could engender mistrust in the system.
Within five years it is possible that registrations will commence, and very rapid take-up could follow.
The main barrier is lack of knowledge of the ID32b concept among agencies involved in promoting universal identification systems.
Publicity associated with this submission, would raise awareness of the ID32b concept.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
I am an individual principal of McWilliams Energy.
I am an innovator working across a range of sectors, providing technical, commercial and legal solutions to major international issues. I take a holistic approach to problem solving, addressing technical, commercial and social aspects.
Although my business is generally commercially orientated, ID32b is not promoted as a commercial enterprise. The critical feature of ID32b is registration and maintenance of biometric data, possibly including dna. In order to engender public trust, this data should not be handed to a commercial organisation.
- Organizations (B2B)
If the ID32b concept is adopted by one of the international agencies, I would provide back-up information and ideas within the limits of my available time.
I do not expect to promote or develop the concept further, and it would be for the agency to source its own funding and develop its business model to act as a registrar. This will most likely be based on a fee per registration. In view of the large numbers of potential registrants, the fee level should be reltaively small.
No funds raised to date.
Funding to be sought by the promoting agency.
No significant expenses envisaged for 2020, unless the promoting agency requests physical meetings.
The main reason for my application is to create publicity for the ID32b concept, in the hope that it may be adopted by an international agency. Winning a prize or getting publicity through the competition could bring the concept to the attention of appropriate organisations.
I would consider global adoption of my ID32b concept to be adequate reward, as it would benefit everyone, especially those currently lacking any form of ID.
- Other
Development of the concept and roll-out on a global scale will require expertise in all of the above areas. The promoting entity will need to recruit any skills that it lacks.