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pag'wuni company limited supports swomen who are in to crop farming and raw shea butter processng. the company is a leading agro-production and marketing company in northern Ghana specialize in capacity building of smallholder farmers in basic entrepreneurship and modern agronomic practices, promotion of inventory credit (tractor service, seeds, fertilizers, herbicides), storage, and linking farm produce to marketing outlets in Ghana
Pag’wuni company limited vision is to alleviate poverty and banish hunger in the northern region, Ghana, and Africa at large. and the mission is to empower women farmers through access to input credit, warehousing and marketing in order to alleviate poverty and banish hunger in the region.
the company main objective is to;
- Strengthen the capacity of women farmers in sustainable agriculture practices.
- Strengthen women’s self-reliance.
- Increase women farmers’ access to timely input credit.
- Increase market access to women farmers.
- Alleviate poverty among women.