Workforce development agencies list a lack of intrinsic motivation and limited soft skills as biggest barriers to success of people in their programs. Gooddler's science and evidence-based entrepreneurial mindset development app helps clients of these agencies to develop growth mindset and increase learning agility. The content is delivered online through strengths-based, self-paced microlearning, which fits easily in the workflow of any program. It can be customized to bring some elements of the offline training online, improving its effectiveness.
The development of the app was funded by National Institute of Health. People using our app will increase their resilience, self-efficacy, resilience and hope. They will know what to do in uncertain situations, will find value in their own past and will learn to adopt to changing circumstances. Our app has a potential to improve skills training and job placement outcomes by 50%.
More than 80 percent of all jobs in today’s economy require some form of education or training beyond high school and virtually all new jobs created since 2008 have gone to workers with at least some postsecondary education.
However, fewer than 40 percent of working-age adults have any form of postsecondary attainment.
Some of the barriers to attaining non-degree credentials are low levels of psychological capital, such as resiliency, self-efficacy, optimism. Added to learning disabilities, mental health challenges and lack of intrinsic motivation, these factors make learning very difficult for most of the people who lack education.
Our AI-powered, program-agnostic entrepreneurial-mindset development app is an online microlearning tool for clients of workforce development agencies. The bite-sized content uses a variety of media and is delivered online either as stand-alone courses, or as a supplement to any other educational programs.
The app includes short series of lessons wrapped in an individualized inspirational content. Clients engage with the content daily, which provides valuable client-driven, just-in-time data to workforce development agencies. Our content is based in clinical models like cognitive behavioral therapy, contingency management, strengths-based approaches. PsyCap.
Users of the app are able to stay engaged with their instructors, case workers and peers to get community support. The backbone of the app is the AI-powered, strengths-based algorithm, which creates individualized daily tasks. It can offer suggestions on
Gooddler's entrepreneurial mindset development app allows individuals to stay motivated during the time of transition. The development of the app was funded by NIH/NIDA (Phase I grant) to help women in drug abuse recovery programs to re-enter communities after the treatment. Our outreach was expanded since then to include any individual served by workforce development agencies.
Most of our clients are men and women ages 25-40, have no formal education, recipients of public assistance.
We make learning easier, develop a growth mindset, increase psychological capital and receive support from instructors and peers, when needed.
- Increase access to high-quality, affordable learning, skill-building, and training opportunities for those entering the workforce, transitioning between jobs, or facing unemployment
Majority of people we serve have no formal education. Most of them have some form of learning disability and for a variety of reasons have very low intrinsic motivation. They don't have success stories to tell, have hard time understanding their own strengths and loose interest quickly. More than 80 percent of all jobs in today’s economy require some form of education or training beyond high school. It puts a pressure on workforce development agencies.Our strengths-based curriculum, helps an individual to understand their strengths, to make sense of the past/present experiences and to stay engaged in any educational course.
- California
- California
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
Our team includes 2 Full time employees (CEO, COO)
2 Part time employees (CTO, UX/UI)
3 Contractors (engineers, designers)
Outside of all formal policies in place, our company was founded by women. By the nature of our work, we have to understand communities we serve. Thus, we engage people from these communities in our work.
We also work through strategic partnerships to amplify the impact of our work.
Gooddler is a member of the Compact for Young people in humanitarian action, a UN-led policy making group. We work with people in many communities in need around the world and deeply understand the need for equitable and inclusive work environment.
- A new technology
Gooddler aspires to bring an artificial intelligence (AI) - powered, online entrepreneurial mindset development platform to provide workforce development agencies with a cost-effective option to address both, strengths-based, growth mindset development and employment matching. Microlearning content combines elements of cognitive behavior therapies, contingency management, PsyCap and Strengths-based methodology. Through the process we are able to learn about an individual and his/her preferences and suggest employment opportunities.
Gooddler's AI-powered platform serves as a virtual matchmaker and aims to find opportunities similar to those that were previously matched on the platform successfully. It will look for signals - collected directly from a user of the app during microlearning process - that people may miss but AI can catch. It first learns users preferences to predict points of mutual benefits between them using collaborative filtering. Then it can output the results in a plain-English way by feeding the results to a generative language model. The program learns about you and your potential community opportunities and then makes informed matchmaking modeled after human processes done during vocational rehabilitation services, where social workers or intake assessors and job developers interview their clients and hold their hand, in this case AI does all the work. The product will be truly unique and offer cutting edge technology inspired by the latest tech trends, AI.
we use currently successful tech and methodologies adopting them in a new market.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
Mission: Gooddler's mission is to connect local needs with local resources. For this project we help local communities become a "local workforce" to cover the needs of local job market.
Activities: clients of workforce development agencies use Gooddler online entrepreneurial mindset development platform (microlearning app); matching users with available employment opportunities (AI)
Outputs: Beneficiaries's specific strengths/needs/skills/desires will be identified without use of formal paper surveys; WD agencies will get just-in-time data necessary to evaluate and modify programming
Outcomes: Beneficiaries will be matched with better opportunities and will stay in the job longer; WD agencies will be able to address the needs of population they serve better and stay engaged with them longer, they will be able to make necessary changes to programming based on real time data; employers will get better matched employees; funders can get specified data
Impact: Beneficiaries will be able to financially support themselves fully or partially, increase psychological capital results in a more peaceful, happy community; WD agencies will be more effective in delivery of their programs, and will stay engaged with alumni longer; employers will reduce their new employee training costs and increase retention; funders of the programs will maximize the impact of their $.
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 41-60%
We are in the process of applying for NIH Phase II Grant to finish the development of the technology to address substance use disorders in the US. Majority of people in drug recovery centers once gone through recovery will be clients at the workforce development agencies. Right now there is a big gap in the transition process. Our app is designed to cover the gap. We have set partnerships with NAATP and a couple of vocational rehabilitation agencies to pilot our technology. We will be looking for other opportunities for strategic partnerships.
We just finished NIH, NSF funded i-Corps program that prepared us for commercialization of our technology. We are now in the process of applying for Phase II grant.
This grant will help us to bring our solution to the market.
PsyCap measurements
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
We have extensive experience of building tech solutions for impact.
Tatiana Fedorova, co-founder is a serial entrepreneur with 1 exit under her belt. She is philanthropist, raised millions of dollars for a variety of causes
Kevin O'Brien, CTO is ex-CTO of He is knowledgable technologist creating solutions for social impact
Galina Fedorova, co-founder has decades of experience working with non-profit sector, she teaches social entrepreneurship and innovation and comes from corporate finance background. (
NIH - grant
NAATP - access to drug recovery centers
SF Department of Public Health - pilot
Customers: Workforce Development Agencies
1.Improve Client Engagement in the program;
2. Staying engaged with clients for at least 1 year post program
3. collect in-time data to make necessary changes to programming;
4. tools for evaluation of programming
1. Better end-users outcomes: increase % of graduates,
2. better job matches: staying in the job for at least 12 mos
- Organizations (B2B)
NIH SBIR Grant Phase II
Grants through partnerships
Sales (after 12 mos), fee per user/ per year; subscription model with 3 year contract.
Can provide financial calculations upon request.
Equity $100k
Phase I Grant $225K
i-Corps Grant $55K
SBIR Phase II Grant $2.5M for 2 years
We are looking for partners to pilot our solutions with and for additional funding.
We just heard about this opportunity on 11/19 and ready to jump in. We would be ready to provide all the necessary documentation upon request.
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
We need workforce development agencies to pilot our solution.