Global Health Provision Scheme
The GHP Scheme is a plan dedicated to providing basic health care services to the Global community using cutting-edge technologies.
1. GHP Scheme aim at making health care services available to all corners of the globe using technological transformation; making low cost health packages transport system that allows for easy transportability and access to valuable and low cost health supplies. It also focuses on using bleeding-edge technology to enhance and simplify production of medical supplies locally, ranging from medications to health kits.
2. Many locations around the world desperately seeking health services are the most remote and inaccessible, but many aircrafts from around the world pass above these locations frequently, harnessing that, scarce and essential supplies can be airdropped and with the aid of modern technologies like GPS, packages can pinpoint its own landing site and can be tracked and retrieved by health personal proximal to its landing location.
Western medicine is the most used health giving medication around the world, but herbal alternatives are on the horizon, these alternatives fortunately can be locally grown almost anywhere around the world. Replacing expensive and hard to find drugs with herbal/natural alternatives will help millions needing medical aid. Funds if pumped into research into these herbs and how they can be rapidly grown to provide quick alternative medication will help so many lives.
3. Like we all know, so many million lives are lost every year to preventable and treatable causes, but the lack of supplies hinder that, with this new scheme, research can be channeled into ways crucial medical supplies can be provided or locally grown/produced in remote locations around the globe.
- Other (Please Explain Below)
- Effective and affordable healthcare services
- Supply chain strengthening of medications and medical supplies
Airdropping supplies and ise of herbal medications ain't a new approach to doing things, our solution only tries to find that connection by rerouting that technology or improving on it to fit the immediate urgent need of health lacking communities. We plan to research into breeds and varieties of herbs that can be grown in almost any environment/conditions and provide healing to many minor and major aliments, and also ways supplies needed can be efficiently transported into demanding locations; lives of millions and millions to come might depend on the little impact we offer.
Technology is the key centroid which this solution is built around, the underlying foundation that makes or breaks the breakthrough of this solution's approach. We are focused at how we can improve technologies like airdrop transport systems, drones, genetically enhanced breeds of herbs, adaptive and dynamic farming, and many more tech along the way. Improved technology means there's a good chance that we can save one more life if the system can do just a little better, so we aim at making it as effective as possible.
We plan to go into major research and running a trial to test key components of the system, and we seek collaborations from organization and companies for partnerships and funding. The startup is just emerging out of it shell and if it's gonna get off the ground, it will need major support, our dreams are big and our goals are for the sake of humanity, but we lack the capacity, and if this is gonna go any farther, we can't do it alone.
By then we should have spread across the globe like a viral plague, building greenhouses across communities and refugee camps and building stations in different countries where supplies can be tagged to vehicles and vessels (primary targets are aircraft), and have a self deployment system that can automatically activates and transports the package to the right location at the most proximal location along the path of the craft to the supply destination.
- Child
- Non-binary
- Rural
- Lower
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Middle East and North Africa
- East and Southeast Asia
It's a plainly obvious fact that we need frontline health personnel to operate, and we're planning on recruiting when the demand becomes ever present, and we're looking forward to working with other organizations to achieve that and many more supplementing additives. We plan to make assessments and set our priorities, then we work with locals to enhance the process, do couple of testing with the people and analyze the effectiveness and response, then we go in, equip and distribute personnel across, add the area to our list of supply locations and make as much impact as we can.
Literally Zero! But, we've been doing surveys, planning, designing, and making derivative medication out of ginseng and testing it effectiveness on locals around our present location. The results and feedbacks have been promising and it shows a great future for this scheme.
That strongly depends on the progress of development of the system, with adequate funding and workforce, we may be serving more than a hundred in the next few months, and in three years we really hope we'll be exploring the globe saving lives already.
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- 3
- Less than 1 year
We're mainly science nerds and problem solvers, and we work on requirement and constraints to created a game changing technological solution to achieve a purpose. We can deal with the transport mechanism aspect of the solution, but we still need a team of botanist and agricultural folks to take care of the herbs part of the plan. We're really passionate doing this and we're planning to make it a nonprofit org. that focuses on helping the weak and lacking with the help of humans out there willing to help.
As a nonprofit, I assume we have to depend on other sources of funding. We hope to secure scores of collaborations with companies with the aim of receiving financial and other aids to become a resilient and sustaining organization with focus on longevity and durability. To better secure our future, we may resort to use of our supply technologies to provide transport service of goods and supplies to generate internal revenue saved for future contingencies. We make plans, let the world know our goals, crowdfund, and just make sure we keep our heads above water; sure it's gonna be difficult, but I'm sure it gonna worth all the struggles in the end. Helping, sacrificing, and caring for each other is what makes humanity humanity.
I'm applying because Solve provides an opportunity to seek aid and let the whole world know what you believe in, and chances are, great things can emerge from there. Solve provides a platform where people can advocate for something they believe in and let the whole world hear it, and with that the entire world can be linked up with people sharing the same believes and goals around the world regardless of anything, come together and make a difference. That's why I'm applying.
Well, I doubt if there's any barrier greater than money. Funding and support is all we need to scale this scheme to a level the entire world will benefit, and nothing matches that better than partnership with the right people and organizations. By support I mean research institutions like MIT can also get involved by helping our engineering and biology team reach fruition with help with the technicalities. Solve is a vehicle that can get us there.
- Technology Mentorship
- Connections to the MIT campus
- Impact Measurement Validation and Support
- Preparation for Investment Discussions
- Other (Please Explain Below)