Idea Launch Thrive
The RMMFI “Idea Launch Thrive” model operates on the fundamental belief that everyone has a unique mix of skills, experiences, and personalities defining their greatness. When the struggles and the barriers of the world muddy our vision, it’s hard to see what we’ve got inside ourselves. RMMFI creates the space to unleash the potential of people and communities through entrepreneurship. Working together as a community, our goal is to build the RMMFI Entrepreneur into a business owner who can successfully shift and adapt to changing environments in their business and their life. Personal foundations are essential for success, and RMMFI works with its entrepreneurs to focus on personal stability, entrepreneurial spark, and business feasibility.
As families struggle to create self-sufficiency, they are often stuck with options limiting their growth and potential: continue low-wage employment with little to no upward mobility; access public assistance such as food stamps, rental assistance, and childcare subsidies – which are limited, can be cut off at the slightest increase of income, and are difficult and time consuming to access; or move to another community because their neighborhood is no longer affordable. RMMFI exists to provide another solution: income and wealth generation through business ownership.
During IDEA entrepreneurs determine the feasibility of their business idea and ability to remain personally stable while growing that business. Entrepreneurs learn the interconnectedness of person and business and business foundations. RMMFI offers Business Idea Lab classes and one-on-one mentorship.
LAUNCH provides entrepreneurs with twelve weeks of intensive classes on the Four Pillars of Business (Marketing, Operations, Management, and Financials) while also providing mentorship focused specifically on launching a business that is successful and has the potential to grow.
THRIVE provides ongoing support to RMMFI's launched entrepreneurs and helps navigate the challenges of operating a live business. Business Builder Loans: Loans ranging from $250-$75,000 with an interest rate of 8% and term lengths of six months and up. Technical Assistance: Entrepreneurs have access to customized expertise, meetings with business coaches, workshops, peer-educational groups, and the support of the RMMFI team. Access to Markets: RMMFI offers an entrepreneur Retail Incubator with discounted subleases to entrepreneurs demonstrating a level of business readiness. RMMFI partners with other community retailers and large-scale pop-up markets.
Historically, RMMFI Entrepreneurs are 50% Black, 20% Hispanic/Latino(a), and 100% from underestimated/underinvested/low-income backgrounds. RMMFI Entrepreneurs have businesses representing a healthy mix of products and services across a variety of industries (such as food, auto, wellness, professional services, retail, light manufacturing).
The average RMMFI microbusiness generates $22,000 in annual benefits through job creation, tax revenue, and local expenditures. 82% of RMMFI entrepreneurs also give back by volunteering, donating, and serving on local boards, thereby creating positive ripple effects for entire communities. RMMFI’s model prioritizes leveraging existing community assets: we partner with and invest in trusted local organizations, and we recruit local mentors to support the entrepreneur journey.
- Drive resources and support to Black, Indigenous, and Latinx entrepreneurs and innovators
RMMFI exists to help define pathways to self-sufficiency for its entrepreneurs by creating impact in the following areas:
The creation of a more vibrant and inclusive local economy
Increased self-awareness and self-worth of the entrepreneur
Increased household income and decreased dependence on income supports
Increased access to traditional/mainstream business development and financial services
- Colorado
- Colorado
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
The current RMMFI Programs team, includes seven full-time, one part-time and two contract members. Three additional positions are currently being filled. When staffing needs cannot be met by future RMMFI local partners, additional staff will be hired from within that community.
RMMFI creates the space for communities and people of all backgrounds to realize their unique potential through the power of entrepreneurship. RMMFI’s Equity Committee works to strengthen RMMFI’s commitment through racial equity and justice recognizing this is paramount to replicate with strength, consistency, and non-bias practices.
Program graduates serve as mentors to new entrepreneurs with the unique perspective and empathy as alumni. Graduates also volunteer their time as leaders in the "Bamboo Club", a graduate run peer- learning group that holds regular meetings, networking opportunities, and specialized workshops.
RMMFI staff are 39% male, 61% female; 33% African American, 11% Latinx, 1% Asian, 55% Caucasian; ages range from 28 to 59; 22% are program graduates and 17% have experienced incarceration. Diversity amongst staff strengthens the organization's ability to craft inclusive programming, build trust with entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds and to engage a diverse group of volunteers and funders.
- A new business model or process
RMMFI doesn’t just invest in businesses; we invest in people, and we do it with more than dollars. While we’re proud to be a community-based lender and CDFI, we view entrepreneurship more broadly as a system of people, businesses, and community. Our distinct approach brings these elements together to allow individuals of all backgrounds, geographies, and income disparity to tap into the social and economic benefits of business ownership.
Preparations for program expansion began in 2018. The first two program expansion sites were intentionally near the Denver Headquarters location - North Aurora (2019) and Westwood (2020). RMMFI’s current 10 year vision is site replication in 10 Colorado locations, and 10 locations beyond the state. To be ready, RMMFI has:
Created eight video learning sessions to be used along with group classes. These videos, which accompany the eight core learning modules of RMMFI’s Launch program provide consistent instruction across program locations as well as enabling different learning styles to view engage with material prior to and follow class time.
Successfully completed four virtual Launch program cohorts of entrepreneurs, minimizing the need for entrepreneurs to be able to gather in one location for class.
Designed the RMMFI Implementer Training Toolbox. This training program allows RMMFI to train staff with partner organizations to consistently deliver RMMFI programming, when they prefer to utilize their own staff instead of RMMFI staff. All of these tools work equally well to onboard new RMMFI staff in new locations.
Secured $1,000,000 investment from The Colorado Health Foundation to activate and deliver RMMFI’s programming for entrepreneurs involved with the justice system. This program Returning Entrepreneurs Idea Launch Thrive (ReBILT) will include in-prison as well as post release programming. Currently, roll out of the program is paused due to the lockdown of correctional facilities.
Identified key Colorado cities with communities in need and began exploring partnership with established nonprofit organizations in those communities.
In 12 years, RMMFI is proud to have:
Graduated 32 Launch cohorts with an 85% graduation rate, which resulted in the launch or expansion of 253 businesses in Denver and Aurora, Colorado.
Distributed over $700,000 across 241 loans with a 93% repayment rate
Been certified as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) with the U.S. Treasury
Named a member of the 2020 Catalyst Program cohort of the Stand Together Foundation
Won the 2019 Colorado Impact Challenge (one of five winners)
Won the 2019 National Innovation Award from American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Won the 2016 Small Nonprofit of the Year award from Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce
Won the 2011 Colorado Innovation in Philanthropy Award from Bank of the West
RMMFI's Theory of Change focuses on the four areas of: Entrepreneur Impact, Community Engagement andSupport, Community and Neighborhood Development, and Advocacy.
- Rural
- Urban
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- US Veterans
- 20-40%
- Nonprofit
Second Chance Center in Aurora Colorado with a focus on Returning Citizens and Re:Vision in Denver's most highly concentrated Hispanic community, both are program partners bringing RMMFI and Idea Launch Thrive into their communities, and sharing program delivery.
First Southwest Community Fund in Pagosa Springs Colorado is a new program partner for 2021 where Idea Launch Thrive will be delivered in Colorado's San Luis Valley to the Rural Women's Network a group of indigenous entrepreneurs.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
RMMFI has developed a diversified funding strategy to generate the resources needed to fulfill its strategic goals. Six primary areas of funding are government, foundations, individuals, financial institutions, corporate and investments. Over its first 12 years, RMMFI received significant investment from foundations, totaling 63% of funding in 2019. In December 2019, The Colorado Health Foundation made a $1 million investment in RMMFI’s REBILT program, supporting program and infrastructure development along with three years of program delivery support. A key area targeted for revenue growth is bank support. Currently, 10 percent of revenue comes through bank CRA donations as well as from bank foundations. RMMFI’s five year goal is to build bank support to 15 percent of its growing revenue budget. RMMFI is building its social fundraising tools to further broaden its individual donor support. In three to five years, RMMFI intends to build its support from individual donors from 8 percent to 15 percent. RMMFI maintains a variety of relationships with local, regional and state governmental agencies. RMMFI’s partnership with the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade focuses on technical assistance for RMMFI businesses. RMMFI has contracted with the City & County of Denver to deliver its programming since 2012.
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
RMMFI currently has three program sites: North Aurora, the Westwood neighborhood, one of Denver's most disadvantaged, and its headquarters site in the Denver Housing Authority Mariposa Community. All programs are available for virtual or in-person delivery and available in English and Spanish. In light of COVID-19, RMMFI is focused on scaling across Colorado in urban, rural, and suburban communities. RMMFI has the capability to rapidly deploy multiple entrepreneurial incubator sites across Colorado. This will include the flexibility to hire additional RMMFI staff or train staff and volunteers within other organizations to deliver RMMFI’s proven programming.
This deployment will include four or more new sites in strategic regions of Colorado in 2020-22.
MISSION BASED EXPANSION To determine the priority expansion sites, RMMFI looked at:
What Colorado communities have low-income communities that could benefit from RMMFI's Idea Launch Thrive?
What organizations are already doing impactful work in this community?
Which of these organizations align with RMMFI’s values?
What connections does RMMFI have with this community and/or organization?
Next steps to establish and build a mutually beneficial and trusting relationship with this organization and broader community.
Development Director