Our solution is we're create an App name ' Change'
- Pre-Seed
Our solution, we're create an platform App name ' Change'. That's a quiz game challenge. Also, this app can change mind set of men to help women in family life. We want to reduce violence that happened on women. We want to see they live in happiness and happy life.
1. Our solution is create an app name ' Change' that's to reduce the use of violence in the family, as well as violence against women in the community to reduce the violence that occurred in men receiving alcohol concentration focuses on changing mindset of men as partners or husbands, intimate partner reduction and prevention of violence against women, which causes rising from the men are drunk and change them mindset to help men empathetic wife and helping out in the community, such as helping cook dishes, cleaning the house to understand the consequences of the use of violence in the community, etc.
2. It address the challenge by can change mind set of men to help women or his wife to do anything. In fact, it can be reduce the violence on women and it make family have a new life of happiness. They're can play the quiz game in the app or select quiz for give challenge to partner and then they will see how much their partner can help. If partner(husband) completed, they will got engorge message from wife or his partner. In fact, they also can get reward and be come a good man in public. Men will change his mind set step by step after they get engorge from another people around them.
3. It will effect change across the world to bring to new life that always happiness and no violence on women in the world. This app will make them love to each other and Peoples will start to help another peoples, especially women.
Now a day, we're saw many problem that happened in family life. Mostly, we saw the women got violence form her husband and never got help from husband. She was the one who's look after baby and home, go to market and made food for family. However, the relationship of them begin not good and happiness. In fact, women has get violence from another activity in public not just in family. By the way, it's a big problem for the world have to solve on it.
Because it's a application that can help women to reduce the violence and change mind set of peoples to help each other and love each other. We're also made survey with a lot of peoples from age 18 to 50 years old. And they said it's a good application that can make them happy and do something good for family. I believed this application will bring a new life for peoples and solve the violence against on women and change mind set of men.
Our impact solution is some of men, they didn't like to do it, they said they busy with his work and relax with friends no time to do it and help women. Adult or wife and husband, whose have love will get benefit from our solution. It will be deployed to them by play the game of this application.
Track download in the app store - 1000 people in Pnhom Penh download our app
Download the app - 100,000 people in Cambodia download our app
Use the app - 10,000,000 people in Asian country download our app
- Adult
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Bachelors
- Male
- Urban
- Europe and Central Asia
- US and Canada
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
- Something so new it doesn’t have a name
Our solution is innovative because we did research not yet to have application like this to reduce the violence against and change mind set of men by the game quiz challenge. We use new technology to create a new platform for user and build it to share in social media.
Of course, technology now had be come a main point to develop society, by the way it still have many citizen don't know how to use technology bring benefit in life. So our technology will bring them to know about what happiness and great life. They will live in a warm family, no more violence and discriminate on women.
Our solution will deployed by share information to social media and user can download our application to test new technology. And we will put it on the play store and App store to user for download it. It will be use for free for user, they can affordable and accessible in the communities. We want to see them and bring them to live a new life style and happiness.
- 4-5 (Prototyping)
- Cambodia
For sustaining myself financially as research, pilot, grow, and scale our solution is we have plan to partner with organization that work on women and find solution for women. Also, we get money from advertisement and several service from the challenge in application.
For factor limiting the ability of our solution to succeed, we also challenge with many people and difficult to find information. We got no supporter while we start do it.
- 1 year
- 6-12 months
- 1-3 months
- Technology Access
- Financial Inclusion
- Future of Work
- 21st Century Skills
- Food Processing
I applying to solve because it's an opportunity for we change the world from many problem in face. In fact, we're challenge and show my ability to the world and make them know about what we had done. I hope to achieve to become a solver, by the way i can join a part to help many solve problem for many people.
Our current partner is USAID Cambodia and Asia Foundation Cambodia.
We're have no yet competitor.