Manufacturing Skills, Cultural Resources
What is proposed is a program where job boards can teach Statistical Process Control (SPC), System Modeling Languages (SysML), and Geographical Information Systems(GIS) skills for job seekers as well as for the job board staff. This gives an application of the knowledge as both groups learn the same material.
The application to the job board is for determining the success of job placement. For example, SPC allows the job board to evaluate the success of job placement and determine with outliers of results what can be improved. Some displaced factory workers will likely already have a familiarity with SPC from applications in factory output evaluation. The GIS would be for finding job markets based upon demographics in specific locations.
With both job seekers and job board staff becoming familiar with SPC, other data management techniques become more accessible for the future. SysML presented in a later section.
Many job seekers, especially in jobs such as manufacturing and construction have had some experience in the workplace with SPC and GIS, respectively. How can these skills be applied to finding new jobs? How can job seekers obtain jobs with the greatest growth.
Various communities can learn important job skills from the various backgrounds of their culture. For example, what unites many African languages are the tonal languages. Andrew Plots for high dimensional generate graphs which could be described as tonal. This could be a way to the presentation could be of extra interest to those of African origin, or the African American community. The Andrew Plot and its application to the project are explained in the video.
Ergative is found in some Native American languages. An example in English would be "the glass broke", where the object is essentially the subject of the action. System Modeling Language (SysML) generates graphs of objects, brakes and so on, which are also the subject of an action (stopping and so on). This could make the presentation of extra interest to those from communities speaking those types of languages. Maya in El Salvador is a good example for this use of language.
Using SysML (Systems Modeling Language) as a teaching tool for an introduction to computer programming skills, workers with prior experience with machinery should find this a good introduction to computer programming skills. From the UML (Unified Modeling Language) can be taught later on if possible.
GIS is presented in terms of the job market demographics in specific locations. Both job board staff and job seekers can learn GIS from the application.
With Statistical Process Control (SPC), job seekers from factories can utilize a skill they may be familiar with and apply it start at jobs needing workers with some familiarity to these types of topics.
The types of jobs where this can be applied to are entry-level positions in adminstrative as well healthcare management positions.
In terms of various cultures, the topics are introduced in way that connects and relates to various cultures. For example, many languages in Africa are tonal. Andrew Plots generate graphs that could be described as tonal. This is a topic that could make the topic of extra interest to this from the African-American background. This is explained in greater detail in the video.
Job seekers seeking new jobs from previous professions as well as job boards. People who have worked with machines should have an easy term becoming familiar with SysML. This could encourage them to learn computer programming skills with the confidence of starting from skills learned on the job in their previous professions.
It also serves people from the African American and Native American communities.
It reimagine a new pathway to employment based upon the application of knowledge learned from on the job professional experience.
As a means to convey some of the technological issues, it also uses cultural issues of language found in some of the Native American communities as well as what may be of interest to people of African descent.
- Increase access to high-quality, affordable learning, skill-building, and training opportunities for those entering the workforce, transitioning between jobs, or facing unemployment
The program reimagines pathways to employment for rural communities.
It utilizes skills from other industries and community resources as a way to introduce various job skills.
It reimagine a new pathway to employment based upon the application of knowledge learned from on the job professional experience.
As a means to convey some of the technological issues, it also uses cultural issues of language found in some of the Native American communities as well as what may be of interest to people of African descent.
- Florida
Yes, by expanding the reach of the online course audience. The main objective would to coordinate the distribute access to the online course with job boards in various states.
- Florida
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
Using the languages of different cultures to encourage cultural pride as well as to create jobs skills from aspects of the language. For example, many of the languages in Africa are what is called tonal languages. The Andrew Plots are graphs for data science that use tonal structure are used in the program. Student from the African American community may find the material of extra interest because it conveys a connection of cultural issues to job skill training.
Another application is with System Modeling Language (SysML) where the objects are function almost as if they were the subjects in a sentence. This related the ergative found in some languages in the Native American communities. Maya in El Salvador is a good example. Another example are some of the Native American languages in the Pacific Northwest.
- A new application of an existing technology
The program is using GIS, Geographic Information Systems in a new application for job skill creation.
One innovation is using SysML (Systems Modeling Language) based upon factory and related work experience and then having the option to learn UML (Unified Modeling Language) with its applications.
The use of the Andrews Plot and ergativity for teaching SysML are also innovations. More information on the Andrew Plot and SysML/ergativity can be be found in the Diversity Section of this application.
System Modeling Language (SysML), Geographical Information Service (GIS), and Statistical Process Control (SPC) are the core technologies. What is proposed is a way for these technologies to be teaching tools for computer programming skills.
The program would determine if the education technology works.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Big Data
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Manufacturing Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
Taking existing resources to create new jobs. For example, this program may benefit students from the African American community and Native American communities to participate in the program because uses language topics such as tonal and ergative from the African and Native American communities to explain engineering topics that apply to job skills.
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 0-20%
To create a nationwide program. Ideally, for the program to be implemented in Africa for online job training courses.
Cost for the online service.
Grants would be the main way to overcome this barrier.
Success in terms of competency based learning.
- Not registered as any organization
The applications of GIS and BIM to computer programming skills allows the project to deliver solutions.
Free online courses for skills training based upon informal prior skills. The primary goal is for the courses to be distributed by job boards.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Grants would the main pathway for financial sustainability.
Negligible expenses are expected because it will be an online course.
The idea I am presenting, I believe, can create many jobs for many diverse groups across diverse geographic settings.
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Board members or advisors
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
I will need assistance in, primarily, in the development of the online courses as well as the distribution and monitoring of the online course's success.
There is a key part of an engineering component for creating job skills.
I would like to partner, if possible, with the US Department of Education and various engineering societies.