Your Voice, Your Choice, Your Community
Being raised in Los Angeles for years I felt my family were the only Natives in the area. Who's dad sang pow wow songs in the garage. It wasn't til my older years that I realized my dad continued to sing to represent our culture, songs and prayer. Problem - 'Providing a space for Native youth in urban areas to find common ground- Each other, find a voice to express their pride, goals,further connections to each other and their culture." Solution-Bringing youth in LA area together to provide cultural workshops, leadership training and youth opportunities. Everyone should be loved, encouraged and learn to be a proud Native American. Not ashamed of being different because of tribe, race or religion. This leadership program could be used in any urban community and the youth will eventually be the instructor to encourage other youth to use their voice, choice and change their community.
Los Angeles County, home to more Native Americans/ Alaska Natives than any other county in the United States, totals around 140,764 people. Los Angeles County is home to three Native American Indian tribes that predate the establishment of California Missions: the Ventureño, Gabrieleño, and Fernandeño. Several Native American families and individuals call LA home due to relocation or coming to area to find employment. However with no real one area in Los Angeles to identify as a Native area for all it is hard to find the Native American community if you don't know anyone. Youth can feel a sense of disconnection to their tribe/cultural. Leadership program will allow youth to grow into a leader with workshops, cultural workshops and teachings to use voice to change local community. By giving back, volunteering and taking pride in knowing who they are and where they come from. Culture is prevention and can change your life once you incorporate and learn the old ways. From prayer, songs, introducing yourself/tribe, medicines of the land and learning who and where we come from.
Solution would bring Los Angeles Native American groups/youth and families together to learn more about themselves, culture and voice. This solution will provide virtual gatherings, training's and opportunity for youth and families to learn about communication, planning and using their voice and ideas to make change. Solution will bring Los Angeles Native American youth and community together to allow for a safe space to express what they are missing in their lives and their surroundings. To identify their own journey of tribal/cultural enrichment and empowerment. Solution will focus on improving the leadership skills of the community so in return they can educate self and others on topics in which youth find important. From education, self identity, 2 spirit, mascots and language. Asking youth what they want to learn and being a connection to cultural teachers, leadership and role model to assist in answering youth/community request. Virtual meetings will assist in getting this project completed and will be a big factor due to recent pandemics on Turtle Island.
The target population will be mainly in the Urban Los Angeles area however any indigenous community member is welcome to participate. As a urban Native it is not always easy for youth or families to have a connection to tribal teachings/culture. Womenhood ceremonies, sweat, traditional ceremonies will be explored as well as mental health reflection. Data will be a strong factor and focus groups will be had to identify the need of the community/youth who participate. Solution will be a direct result of the community feedback given. Cultural connections will be made through presenters and teachings provided to youth/community. With teachings the individual who participates will then carry on that teaching and will allow others to learn. As a Native youth, individual will grow with proper teaching and instruction. Native youth will be role model to other youth/community who want to learn similar skills received.
- Support language and cultural revitalization, quality K-12 education, and support for first-generation college students
Solve is committed to bring change to a community. What better way to provide a improved community by improving the cultural sense, traditional teachings and leadership of the those who envelope that community. As a Native entrepreneur AC and Associates will use funding to connect, empower and educate the local Urban Indian community. The project can be used in any community and will Increase skill development opportunities, Support language and cultural revitalization, quality K-12 education, and support for first-generation college students in identify cultural teachings in their everyday life.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new business model or process
I have been working in the Los Angeles Indian Community for over 25 years. There are several youth groups and youth that are not connected to their own sense of culture. Several youth have more then one tribe and do not have a sense of how culture is prevention in more ways then one. Cultural healing, Cultural connection, Cultural pride or Cultural practices. Working in the community I have connections and youth leadership training that will allow project to be a success. Being a youth in the Los Angeles area I had to assimilate to the world around me. Never was it Native driven. This project will allow Native youth to drive the program and encourage others to be pride, make change, have a voice and give back to their community.
The core technology that will be used is laptops,mobile devices, internet and virtual meeting spaces. During this time of pandemic it will be essential to utilize a virtual meeting/training place. This will allow community to be connected to cultural teachers who are on their homestead and able to teach from their homelands. Giving the youth/community a sense of connection to the teachings coming from "back home".
The technology used will be zoom or Facebook meeting rooms. The technology has proven to be a connection during the pandemic times keeping all safe in their homes while still being connected culturally. The American Indian Community Council and Pukuu Cultural Community Services are two entities I currently work with and have had recently "community gatherings" which allow community to be connected even through these self isolating times.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Behavioral Technology
- Big Data
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
- Internet of Things
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
This solution will allow youth to participate in training events and virtual community gathering which reflect traditions and culture. This will allow participant to feel connected to community that is unseen or under served. Teaching our youth and community to feel empowered and supported will be a lesson of life and long term connection to self and everyone around. When a community comes together all can be done. Self respect, Self motivation, and sense of knowing cultural traditions improves the lives of one and a community. When the youth/community learn culture it will be a longtime teaching that can be carried on for generations.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- U.S. Veterans
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- California
- New Mexico
- Arizona
- Minnesota
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Washington
- California
- New Mexico
- Arizona
- Minnesota
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Washington
AC and Associates in 2020 has conducting virtual events due to the pandemic and has served over 300 people from March to July.
In one year AC and Associates plans to serve over 600 people.
In 5 years AC and Associates plans to have immediately serve 1400 youth and community members.
As a independent consultant I was employed for so long by non profit doing this type of cultural work and events. I have learned from training, professional development and have a connection with the community, youth and cultural warriors wanting to teach and give back to others. I have several friends, family and community members that have skills and lessons to be taught. All who want to see traditional teachings be continued and taught to the next generations. My life and life's work have been impacted by those around me. Those that believed in me. I plan to give that sense to others that I know will make change, be a voice and continue to be an impact to the community. My goals for the next year is to establish a thriving business with a business model and be a role model to not only my grandchildren, other youth and to my community. Allowing the community to become stronger as I have through the many teachings and opportunities I was provided. Seeing youth, individuals and community be proud of their native teachings, understandings and language. I always emphasis its never to late to learn, culture is prevention and when someone knows where they come from they learn about themselves and the way they effect those around them.
As a new business I lack business sense and financial support. I would like to have a better sense of business and a check list of how one becomes more financially secure. I love what I do and would love to see others (youth) know that they can also run their own business in what ever capacity they want. Knowing that a business comes with ups and downs just like life and how does one respond, react and deal with that. By proper training, support and help from those around them. The solution I have presented and currently work towards are empowering ourselves to become better neighbors, become cultural warriors and allow one to use cultural values on a daily from prayer, smudge, traditional foods, cultural gatherings, cultural teaching, being proud and educating others on Native Americans in the now instead of referring to wrong information found in today's text books.
Currently I am a active participant of the local Native American workforce development department at a local Native non profit. With their help I have had to opportunity to obtain a laptop and contractors insurance. I also taking small business development classes at the local Citrus college community education building. I attend free small business training's through the local American Indian Chamber of Commerce and Small Business Development center. The training's have helped with some barriers and I will continue to work towards bettering my business sense to better myself and community.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
As a entrepreneur I am sole individual as full time staff. Contractors will be utilized as Associates and will be in the number of 20. Youth will be utilized to provide training's once lessons are learned and youth feel confident to give training's to others and community. Role modeling and teaching others will be a great step for youth to take ownership of lessons learned and give opportunity to youth to grow in leadership, public speaking, community engagement, personal involvement and give back.
The work that will be done with project funding will be work of the community. AC and Associates have 45 years of teaching and cultural knowledge under hat. I, Avril Cordova have lived, worked, volunteered in local community and currently sit on the board of directors for local Native non profit. I am known in the community, have done work with positive outcomes for families, youth and community members for many years. AC and Associates currently conducts virtual workshops for local organizations, tribes and entities. Many events such as community pow wows, virtual bingo, virtual Native Fashion Show and Tell, monthly inter tribal gatherings, Positive Indian Parenting classes and training's to Social workers have been facilitated and conducted by AC and Associates. Training's for youth will be series and conducted with solve funding. Associates are of the community, have connection to community and have great feedback to what community needs are and how they can be met.
The following organizations and non profits are currently in partnership:
American Indian Community Council
United Native Youth of Los Angeles
Pukuu Cultural Community Services
Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
United American Indian Involvement
California Native Vote Project
California Indian Rural Health Board
Big Heart Ranch - Malibu, Ca
Financial sustainability is important for all businesses. The future of a business is based on the need and want of a service. The future funding will rely on grants, collaborations, contracts and selling of service through pay for service events and training's offered to community, Department of mental health and internships to youth.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Recently I facilitated a virtual youth gathering. The purpose of the meeting was to bring Native youth together to check in and provide a safe space to speak on the different issues happening through out Indian Country. The topics included but not limited to: protest, Black Lives Matter movement, Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women (MMIW), Dakota Access Pipeline, Indigenous Education and tribal connection. The youth had some powerful words to say. All of these grown up topics are not grown up topics but issues that effect us all including the youth at this meeting. The youth talked about the need for a Native American movement and uprising. To speak truth to Native issues and give proper education to others who only read about Indians in history books. Not being informed on the real truth and pride one has in their culture and ancestors. The real talk the youth had struck a cord with me. These youth need someone to believe in them, support them and encourage them to be the best neighbors, family members and current leaders they are.
This funding and project would be an important part of molding a Native youth to be proud of who they are, build positive role models for their community, family and tribe.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Collaboration, partnership and a sense of community work does not fall upon one person. In our cultural teachings it always takes many to raise a child. A grandma,a father, a auntie, a tribe, a village to raise a child. To love, support, teach and encourage individuals takes a team and partnership will be an important part of this project. To utilize the teachings of one person will not due as Los Angeles is home to the largest population of American Indians. That means different tribes, different teachings. Partnership will be a vital part of this project and will shape the life of a Native leader today, tomorrow and the 7 generations to come.
Partnership with tribal nations would be amazing. For tribes to come to Los Angeles to honor, sponsor or encourage cultural teachings, engagement or newsletters updating off reservation tribal members a better sense of connection. Providing information on enrollment, high education and tribal involvement is being done by some tribes but not all.
Community partnership will be a important part of the project as Los Angeles has no real area that is designated to or for Native Americans. The partnership will allow Native American youth to be seen, heard and connected.
Support or partnership from MIT faculty for business insight would be amazing. Fellowship and personal insight with past Solve Indigenous grantees would help to give insight to how they as an Indigenous felt or dealt with struggles or barriers.
Your Voice, Your Choice, Your Community