Prevent reverse and end chronic disease
We propose a way how to reverse symptoms of chronic disease, prevent chronic diseases from arising. We propose to scavenge the damaging oxygen radicals superoxide and hydroxyl radicals by taking twice daily the antioxidants pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ, 10 mg) which quenches superoxide and N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 1200 mg) that removes hydroxyl radicals. Preventing chronic diseases and reversing early symptoms will free people fearing chronic diseases and let them live well beyond 100 years, enjoying their golden years while also boosting the longevity economy. The fear that health care systems will collapse because of an aging population and increasing drug prices would go away.
We attempt to show that chronic diseases are not inevitable. If our solution is implemented the whole world will benefit the health of people but will also help lift the burden of poverty.
Our solution consists in scavenging the damaging oxygen radicals superoxide and hydroxyl radicals by taking twice daily the antioxidants pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ, 10 mg) that quenches superoxide and N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 1200 mg) which traps hydroxyl radicals. All our solution requires are the two antioxidants, PQQ/NAC, made available for cost and convenience in one pill. that we call Novapyrin and are in the process of making commercially available. Novapyrin will take its place in the therapeutic armamentarium alongside penicillin preventing chronic disease or reversing its early symptoms. Two conditions illustrate the benefits of PQQ/NAC in preventing and or slowing down disease progression. The first one concerns a volunteer who presented ten years ago with prediabetes that reversed with PQQ/NAC supplementation and prevented the onset of insulin-dependent diabetes, thereby causing a savings of ca. $100,000 in treatment costs. Alao, when fed to a sunsetting dog, a model for human pre-Alzheimer's disease symptoms, markedly delayed the progression of symptoms. We are seeking funds to show a similar effect in humans and extend the use of PQQ/NAC to patients suffering from Parkinson's disease. We are in the process of testing with the help of a grant from the ALS Foundation in ALS patients.
Our solution will profit the entire world population, including native populations by removing the economic burden of the expense for treating chronic disease. In America alone some 900,000 people die annually from chronic disease inflicting over one trillion dollars in attempts to help them.
- Other
Our solution will help any ethnic population reverse the early symptoms of chronic disease and prevent the onset of neuroinflammatory diseases. Importantly, it will allow participants to live out their natural health span without the risk of impending chronic disordsdes.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new technology
Our solution is innovative in two ways, Ao far the use of two antioxidants has not been tried. Also, sofar no attempt was made to address all chronic diseases with one therapeutic approach
The use of the antioxidant PQQ together with NAC has never been attempted. Because of its potential to prevent multiple chronic conditions it is important to try it on a larger, world-wide basis
We showed that PQQ/NAC alleviates migraine pain, suppresses pain from chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, provides instant itch relief, reverses prediabetes, prevents the onset of insulin-dependent diabetes, reduces average long-term blood glucose levels as assessed by HbA1c measurements, heals a psoriatic lesion and markedly delays the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in a sunsetting dog. PQQ/NAC positively impacts psoriasis.
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
We consider treating and ending chronic disease change worth pursuing.
- Children & Adolescents
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- Conneticut
- Conneticut
currently some 50 people we know personally profit from PQQ/NAC. The number of people we reached by social media posting is unknown. We expect to serve the world population once our therapeutic approach is published.
Once the financial barrier is overcome we will initiate clinical trials in specially hard hit patient populations.
Without start up financing we have to rely on mouth to mouth recommendation.
We will continue to beg for financial contributions from parties with skin in the game.
- Not registered as any organization
Four, all members of our family-owned nonprofit organization. everybody volunteers their time.
The most important reason is that because we are affected by the relevant condition, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Most recently we discovered that pain receptors are not only activated by oxidation but that protein binding chemicals like synthetic food colorants and carbonyl group containing molecules also activate pain channels.
We work with Dolvias, Basel Switzerland as well asd with colleagues and friends who report their observations with us. As an example a colleague taking PQQ/NAC and noticed a slight angina noticed that when he also takes cannabidiol (15 mg, once daily symptoms disappear. as PQQ/NAC/CBD appear to be vasodilatory. Our approach is predominantly evidence driven and includes following up on occasional serendipitous observations.
We rely on volunteers relating their experiences to us which we share with others free of charge. We anticipate to raise some revenue by selling our planned product Novapyrin
- Organizations (B2B)
We solve an important medical problem with our antioxidant therapy. Therefore, Solve is the obvious organization to approach it appears to us.
- Marketing, media, and exposure
- Other
We tried unsuccessfully to announce our therapy by mentioning it in letters to editors who refused to publish our information because of editors concerns. Also uninvited contributions to non peer reviewed magazines were left unpublished. We tried World Wide banding, an organization that promises to air a radio interview but did not do so unless we paid them again, totally ignoring their written commitment to provide life-time support. Also. as a former member of the Boston Harvard Medical School from which faculty we were removed because we overstayed the allowable sick days because of the treatment of our lymphoma would not mention our finding in their news outlet. Therefore our advance remained the best kept secret that we communicated to all parties with skin in the game.
We would like to partner with Life Extension, because of their extensive distribution network. We also would like to partner with the new owners of Solvias to have the production of synthetic PQQ up as soon as possible