Highly interested in solutions to development issues and business since secondary school, I finally set up LDP COMMUNICATION, a language solution center, in 2010. As a business owner and manager, I have experienced the growth process and challenges of most entrepreneurs working almost all the time for the well-being of my business thinking, planning, implementing and assessing strategies and learn from them. I have to recrut, train, motivate and communicate with my collaborators. I have to think ahead. I have learnt a lot from my experience. Today, coping with the severe Covid19 economic crisis, I have started working on early decisions and new ideas that aim to maintain and move LDP COMMUNICATION to the next level: a Learning and Management Sofware, an internet-based TV, a Big Technological Innovation activity. The ultimate goal is impacting my country, the region and the world.
Scaling up LDP COMMUNICATION English training activities for higher impact including offering free classes and tools to vulnerable or poor people and sharing experience; creating schools that set a better model for development; creating and promoting technology innovations to solve and/or improve life in Benin and West Africa; developing foodcrop agriculture as a way to provide energy to everyone to work for development; promoting the use of solar energy as a way to a better environment and life.
The project will result in more people in the region living happier thus creating balance with the remaining part of the world. A poor region is a threat to the other ones.
1. A lot of people are living on a day to day basis
2. High cost of food stuffs
3. Income is low for a lot of workers
4. Education system does not encourage real initiatives. Little application is made with knowledge from school. More theoretical education system.
5. Government system uses classic methods for development, not dynamic, not energetic and more dependent on the outside world.
6. Full potential of the country is not used.
Move LDP activities to a new level
Develop paradigm change communication activities via an internet-based TV channel
Develop agricultural projects
Develop technology developement projects
Develop Model Schools for development
Benin community, West Africa community and the world
- Elevating issues and their projects by building awareness and driving action to solve the most difficult problems of our world
while working for LDP COMMUNICATION and trying to contribute to my well being and the one of my community
I a made to impact positively the world
My experience and the kind of vision I always have
I am curring saving the asset of LDP COMMUNICATION via the archiving of the whole process and developing a Management software though time is very hard and I am finalizing work tools/Manual for the center
Experience as a founder and manager of LDP COMMUNICATION
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Though there is SEME city in Benin, a very great initiative of the Benin Government, the development objective is still too far to reach.
Besides, development should be viewed from different angles and requires various actions.
Moreover, more such initiatives like SEME city are necessary, especially as from non govermental profit and non profit-making organisations, to get the expected result. So it is my way of contributing to the work of the government, which I really appreciate.
I want to open the mind of my community showing them that DEVELOPMENT IS POSSIBLE. We can avoid scarcity, poverty and high dependency.
My post on the facebook page Development is a MUST says it all.
Most people think money first: no money, no growth.
Though financial resources limit a lot, I think will, ideas, actions and open-mindedness are crucial.
I think we create money, I mean financial resources. We create good life we want.
Hard and smart work is necessary for communities to improve their lives. If they do not work for a change, noboby can help them.
For that purpose, communities should think, plan, take actions and learn from them. That is crucial. And above, love to humanity.
Initiatives that encourage people of my community to create technologies to improve their lives will greatly change their attitudes. Once they realise they can create small technologies that impact their daily lives, they will want to do more.
Developing new agricultural projects that reduces the cost of food crops will definitely change the perspectives of a lot of people.
Creating model school for development will result in the questioning and change of the existing schools.
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 4. Quality Education
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13. Climate Action
- Benin
- Burkina Faso
- Mali
- Togo
1. Reinforced English Training activities with more trained people including people with small financial resources
2. First edition of Big Technological Innovations completed with a selection of a set of projects
3. First agricultural project group is established with ongoing activities yielding good production plus conservation and distribution activities well-run
4. The first model school for developemnt is created and operating very well
The first barrier is human resources
In fact, what is most needed is the people with the required knowledge and skills to plan, develop and implement the project.
The second barrier is technical tools
The third is market barrier
The fourth is legal
Direct financial support is not necessary.
We just need to build the system for the different aspects of the project. And for that we need human resources and technical tools
Of course, the human resources should be paid. What I should highlight here is that LDP COMMUNICATION does not need direct financial resources. LDP COMMUNICATION has to specify what technical tools are needed and what human resources are needed so that support be given.
The partners can directly buy the technical tools and pay directly the human resources.
Market barriers can be solved first by creating technologies and products that really take into account the reality of the community and the purchase power, second by involving the community and third by creating efficient cooperation with government entities and other kind of institutions
As regard legal issues, the technical team can help solve them. Cooperation with government will also help.
For now, no partner organisations
1. English communication-based communication skills
2. Competition and coaching for technological innovations
in various fields (transport, management, agriculture, food conservation, etc)
3. Agricultural products, especially food crops, manufactured foods, etc
4. Education and trainings centers generating new types of people that create new sustainable busnisses and good jobs right from the schools and training centers.
(To be developed)
1. Grant, just once (short term and maybe medium term)
This is to help mainly for technical and human resources support
2. Raising investment capital (Short term, mid term and long term)
This is to build groups of investors and entrepreneurs interested in the projects. The same groups act as discussion groups and or board
3. Selling products and services
Designing, developing and selling products based on sound market study.
Besides, I am already operating LDP COMMUNICATION which is a source of resources for the project : the income from the trainings, translation, the facilities of the center - the classroom - the computers- the internet connexion - the printers - the website and facebook pages - the Video/TV communication platform beeing set up - the Management and Training Software being developed, etc are resources that can be used for the project.
With the assistance of a finance specialist, appropriate budget can be elaborated and operated.
nd services
Want to share my vision and my experience.
The scope of my project definitely requires working with my community and other people interested in similar ideas or vision.
The project needs high technical and human resources support to reach quickly a high scale, which The Elevate Prize (TEP) has carefully planned to tackle.
QUOTES from TEP's website :
- Professional management and development services, mentorship and coaching, ...
- A tailored media and marketing campaign aimed ...
In addition, financial support where it is really necessary can be provided.
However, direct cash is the last the project needs.
I started my business with 60 dollars used to buy teaching and learning resources. I used the player initially bought for home. In addition, I developed a business plan which I can send you upon request. I submitted the business plan with BSIC bank Benin. The Plan was rejected failure to meet the bank requirements: no bank account with BSIC BENIN, activity did not properly start yet, no business registration yet.
The project idea was good, the Credit Director said, but...
Immediately, I set my mind to go the other way. I mean, I started persuading bank clerk to take lessons to communicate better for their job.
It worked. The good news is that my first top client was met in the same bank. I got from him/ his enterprise a contract that worths more than the initial credit I was expecting from the bank.
There I laid the foundation of LDP COMMUNICATION.
- Funding and revenue model
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Board members or advisors
- Marketing, media, and exposure
1. I cannot pretend I know well all the aspects of the project that will lead to its success.
2. Marketing and media exposure is vital to initiatives. Evidence is that I got information about The Elevate Prize via a facebook publication by SEME CITY, the government development agency in Benin.
3. I need to join hand with people that share my vision and are ready to contribute to make it happen and share the results.
The Elevate Prize
Any business Institutions that share the project vision.
Any other institutions that share the project vision.