50|50 Tech
Retooling and Reskilling the Workforce of the Future
There are many concerns about how emerging technologies will affect the human workforce. Many believe that Artificial Intelligence, Automation and process efficiencies will eliminate many jobs "in the middle". Blockchain is seen as a threat to those who perform "intermediator" roles. Changes are coming to the workforce and to the roles and job titles we know today. At 50|50 tech, we take the inclusion approach to building the workforce that will be needed by Industry 4.0.
Many non-technical and under-represented individuals will find themselves scrambling when companies automate. The economic pinch will be felt by all. We, at 50|50 tech, develops work-ready programming and events to aid the community in gaining the necessary skills to be viable candidates for the next generation workforce.
Whether you are a nurse who wants to gain a technical competency because your work environment is now fully automated, or a line worker in a manufacturing plant who's now face with running the robotic interface that assembles the parts, technology will change the skill sets required for the future workforce.
Our programming is proactive and will lead to strong economic outcomes as we Retool and Reskill those that will be in the labor market for the next twenty years.
- Upskilling, Reskilling, and Job Matching
- The Flex and Gig Economy
Our innovation comes in our novel approach for inclusion in tech and the way we help our participants create their own way forward based on their desires, background and interest. Because no one knows what jobs are needed until they are needed, we have partnered with Industry to do some intelligent analysis of the types of skilled labor that will be needed and when. We are also looking to partner with Corporations for those hard to fill roles. We look forward to preparing communities for the new Economies.
Technology is the foundation of all that we do. Our programs focus on solutions that aim to drive economic stability. Whether the vision is entrepreneurial or becoming work-force ready, we see technology as an enabler, be functional and productive contributors. Smart Cities and all of the things that will become part of our Connected Society, will be very dependent on adoption. The Elderly, disabled, and other parts of our society that lag in participation, will be given a chance to participate because of our programs. We foster Tech Inclusion and creation participation.
Our 120 plan is simple. Structure the company and build engaging community events and activities to get the general public interested in Tech. For all that is done today, there are still so many who do not have the opportunity to learn and participate. Especially in Rural areas. Over the next 12 months, we look to develop a plan to take our programming to the communities that need it the most. We will become advocates for Retooling and Reskilling the Workforce and put definition to what that means for the largest companies in the US.
Over the longer term, we want to help our participants build companies and create jobs. We feel that the demand for education is far greater than that for entrepreneurship, so we are giving instruction on Blockchain, Design Thinking, Decision Science and other emerging technologies. We anticipate increasing the interest level of those who are outside of the sphere of technology creation and bring them into to fold. Our impact is designed to be felt across all generations and have coined the term "Gen-C", as the connected generations all have common attributes and behaviors.
- Adult
- Male
- Female
- Rural
- Lower
- US and Canada
Through programs run and designed by municipalities.
Corporate HR and Training avenues.
Local Civic organizations
None today as we are in concept.
In the next 12 months, we are targeting State Level Workforce readiness programs and proposing a Cybersecurity Readiness program, which will create Cyber Warriors for jobs in network readiness. The idea is to begin with training alternatives for those in community colleges and nearing their time to join the workforce.
In 3 years, we feel that we will solidly have in place, training, labs, hardware and software development capabilities for those in the community, who are not affiliated with a university, to flush out and build their ideas within our program.
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- 3
- Less than 1 year
Problem Solving Skills
Technology Industry
Start up Experience
Thought Leadership
Our revenue model would comes from the sell of services to Corporate entities. Other revenue streams would come from membership and event fees. Long term, we anticipate new revenue streams that would come from equity from the companies we create and launch.
We need Solve to assist us in bring focus to our target audience. Because the problem is not well defined, we believe that Solve can shed light on our business and revenue model to help us make 50|50 Tech, as strong and profitable company, while serving and enriching the community.
Definition to the business model. Because we see this as much more than an academic or technology solution, we are looking to build something new and unique that prepares the workforce, while building and repairing the community. Our philosophy is a person should contribute as much as they take from their community and have a sense of pride and ownership again, in where the live, work and play.
- Organizational Mentorship
- Technology Mentorship
- Impact Measurement Validation and Support
- Media Visibility and Exposure
- Preparation for Investment Discussions