ECO food dehydrators
i graduated from collage of agricultural ,with up to 15 years experience in food dehydration, my innovation granted a patent from Egypt academy for scientific research and technology (the second one is in process ),i granted a diploma in entrepreneurship from EU Switch me program , my innovation granted several awards :- we are the winners of UNDP/IDEASS/EBN international award on human development innovations and honored in the Royal academy of sciences Brussels, winners of EU/UNIDO Switch Med regional program, winner of GESR innovating for a cause program , winner of GREEN APPLE award UK,winner of Aid innovation challenge award Brussels , winner of Tony Elumelu African entrepreneurship program Nigeria, winner of ENERGY GLOBE award Austria
African countries provide more than enough food to feed their growing population despite that they suffer of poverty and hunger, urbanization, climate change and scarcity of natural resources soon will force farmers to provide more and more food from less and less land and natural resources , farmers don’t harvest crops when cost of transport exceed market value, that forms great loss for their income and natural resources, social norms prevent rural women from working outside their homes, ECO provides farmers with needed tools to turn crops surplus that usually goes to waste into powdered food in just 6 hours, while extending crops shelf life for several months with no need for cold storage, reducing crops bulk by up to 20 times for cheaper transport, creating in house sustainable income for rural women, preserving environment by reducing greenhouse gas emission and conserving natural resources by increasing efficiency of farm inputs
Up to 40% of Egyptian fruits and vegetables goes to waste every year, Egypt the 5th worlds tomato producer imports both of fresh and processed tomato while up to 4 million ton of its tomato produce goes to waste every year that leads to up to 88 million m 3 methane gas emission, Egypt imports up to 60% of its food needs while up to 35% of its agricultural produce goes to waste, in the same time scarcity of natural resources will prevent Egypt from reclaiming more land to feed its growing population, while the imposed lock-down blocked farmers from getting their crops to markets and high transport cost force them to leave their crops with no harvest, that increases food waste, the problem is huge (if we may consider only 4 million ton of Egyptian tomato waste) and not possible to be solved by one or more programs, even huge factories can't absorb (process) such huge amount of tomato waste, while fruits and vegetables are highly perishable , thus there is a need for quick appropriate method to enable farmers process as much as of fruits and vegetables surplus in shortest amount of time before rot can be occurred
ECO is a multiple awards winning only Arab provider of patented, specifically tailored food dehydrators, it’s the only Enables farmers for the first time turning highest amount of crops surplus that usually goes to waste into powdered fruit drinks and powdered tomato sauce in shortest amount of time (average 6 hours) at highest quality that meets international market quality standards, and lowest operation cost (lower than traditional sun drying method) mainly based on renewable energy, ECO reducing crops bulk and weight thus transport cost by up to 20 times to enable them access high value distant urban and export markets , and extending shelf life of fruits and vegetables to be sold in high price off season by reducing (evaporating ) their moisture content from up to 90% to the safe level for storage (about 10%) ,ECO provides several models of food dehydrators that can serve on family , small and medium commercial scales, all are not conventional or traditional , specifically tailored to serve efficiently and economically at local conditions of target segments,
ECO targets:-
-Smallholder farmers (up to 10 million ) who suffer of poverty, hunger, and high rate of post-harvest loss due to marketing problem, high transport cost and low market value of their produce at harvest season it enables them to extend shelf life , and add value of their crops to be consumed by their families or be sold at high price off season, while reducing crops bulk thus reducing transport cost to enable them access high value distant urban and export markets
-rural women who suffer of social norms that prevent them from working outside their homes and villages as it can form in house sustainable income in food processing to empower them socially and liberate them economically
-ECO enables low-income families to reduce food expenses, secure more healthy food for their children and bridge the gap of nutrient supply around the year by dehydrating fruits and vegetables in low price harvest season to be consumed at high price off-season
-ECO also targets families who prefer to process fruits and vegetables at home level due to health concerns
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
farmers suffers of poverty and hunger despite that they left their crops with no harvest when cost of transport exceed market value , tradition prevent rural women from working outside their homes and villages thus they depend economically on their husbands and families, food prices raises so fast that prevent low income families from securing enough food for their children
Egypt , Africa and Arab countries in general suffer of poverty, hunger, and high rate of unemployment, despite food dehydrators can form solution its industry is absent in Egypt and Arab countries , thus ECO committed to turn such huge need and wide market gab into business opportunity , in Egypt 4 million to of tomato go to waste , some international organizations established programs to help farmers export sun dried tomato , however sun dried tomato suffers of many shortcomings :-
1- Does not environmentally friendly as some people think:- because sun dried tomato should pass by additional energy consumer process for sanitizing before be ready to use, it needs energy consumer cold storage, and includes up to 50% of its contents water and salt thus 50% of cost of cold storage, transport , shipping and packaging go to water and salt not tomato
-does not economically viable as price of exporting one kg of fresh tomato after drying most of time less than selling it in local markets thus most farmers prefer not to dry tomato naturally and leave it to waste for reasons above ECO worked hard to find appropriate solution for such unsolved huge problem
ECO team recognized the huge need and wide market gab of food dehydrators industry, it recognized only one South African food dehydrators provider all over Africa, the unsolved problem of 4 million ton of Egyptian fresh tomato that go to waste every year, rural suffer of poverty and hunger while leaving crops to rot with no harvest ,Egypt imports up to 60% of its food need some are dehydrated fruits and vegetables while up to 35% of its fruits and vegetables produce go to waste every year , thus ECO committed to find solution for such huge challenge , in the same time and just creating Facebook page we received hundreds of orders to deliver our products not just to Egyptian customers but also to many of Arab and African countries that form huge blue ocean market to ECO
ECO based on a team of professionals, its team leader graduated from collage of agricultural with up to 15 years' experience in food dehydration, such deep experience enables ECO team to offer unique customer service ,ECO shortlisted by 2 European universities (in both Italy and Turkey )as potential partner in 2 proposals offered to EU funded PRIMA project to improve food dehydration/dehydrators industry in Mediterranean countries, ECO innovative products granted a patent and 9 awards from around the globe, despite there are many of food drying/dehydration methods, till now only traditional , unreliable ,sun drying method is the most famous known in Egypt, Africa and Arab countries, the absence of experts in modern technology of food dehydration is one of main reasons of absence of food dehydrators industry, ECO is the only that can bridge such gab not just in Egypt but also in Africa and Arab countries, ECO team also passed many of entrepreneurship programs from different countries
ECO faced 3 main obstacles:- 1- financing prototypes :- ECO team used its private money to manufacture first 2 prototypes (small commercial model food dehydrators ) , then it offered its prototypes to national and international entrepreneurship programs with a call for financial support that enabled it to secure some money to manufacture another 3 prototypes for another 2 models (family and medium commercial scale models) , however it still strives to get some financial support to manufacture the most needed , its big dream the large commercial scale model
2- despite ECO can pay for itself in just few months, cost of operation was a great challenge , we solved this challenge by powering ECO by both of conventional and biomass sources of energy that reduced operation cost by up to 3 times
3- dehydrators Capacity: - most of our customers ask for higher capacity food dehydrators to enable them dehydrating as much as of fruits and vegetables in shortest amount of time :- ECO team after many attempts and thanks to pre-dehydrating fruits and vegetables by biomass managed to reduce crops bulkiness and moisture content thus increase dehydrators capacity and reduces operation time/cost by 3 times
ECO team committed to build the first Arab industrial base for manufacturing food dehydrators
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
for profit , limited liability
ECO is the only enables farmers for the first time turning crops surplus that usually goes to waste into powdered fruit drinks and powdered tomato sauce IN JUST 6 HOURS, with highest quality that meets international quality standards and lowest operation cost, unlike (tomato traditional sun drying method foe example ) tomato dehydrated by ECO is ready to sell with no need for additional processing steps, not in need for cold storage, 100% pure that reduces cost of transport , storage and packaging by up to 50%, of high quality keeps most of natural enzymes , vitamins and color that increases revenue by up to 10 times comparing with traditional sun drying method,ECO can serve by both of renewable and conventional sources of energy,ECO also provides not just food dehydrators but a whole system for food preservation and storage , it based on a mix of next generation of food dehydrators and modified traditional methods of food drying and storage
Increasing farmers' income increases their ability to pay for children schooling, and to pay more for health care, increasing food security reducing hunger and children malnutrition/and mortality , creating in house sustainable income for rural women empower them socially and liberate them economically to be active members at their communities while contributing in reducing gender inequality , helping families to reduce food expenses helps them to secure more nutrient food for their children, engaging all community members (farmers rural women , and even urban families) in food dehydration can considerably contribute in solving the problem of post harvest loss
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13. Climate Action
- Egypt, Arab Rep.
- Nigeria
ECO targets up to 10 million of small holder farmers in Egypt
ECO has a plan to establish a sister company for food dehydration to dehydrate fruits and vegetables for farmers who do not afford cost of its products for a fee , such company will enable ECO to accept % of price of its products (profit margin) as in kind payment (fresh fruits and vegetables ) to be dehydrated and sold via its sister company
ECO also has a plan to extend its activities to other African and Arab countries
ECO suffers of financial weakness that limits its ability to achieve full potentials,it seek collaboration with international organizations and overseas business partners to access African and Arab countries markets
ECO has huge impact on socioeconomic situation of small holder farmers ,it can considerably contributes in achieving the UN sustainable development goals thus it participated in many of national and international competitions with a hope to attract financial support, it has already received many call for collaboration with overseas business partners from Arab and African countries that can ease access such huge markets
ECO included in 2 proposals for 2 European countries (Italy, and Turkey ) as potential partner in EU funded PRIMA program for improving food dehydration /dehydrators industry in Mediterranean countries
ECO generates revenue by manufacturing selling and maintaining 3 models of food dehydrators that can serve on family , small and medium commercial scales, it markets channels are Facebook page, business partners from inside target rural communities to assume responsibility of advertising and selling adopting word of mouth , direct sell utilizing social nature in such communities, hypermarkets , gifts shops , direct sell through its main center, its team will adopt strict quality control in ECO main center, fairs
Key Resources:-Physical Center , Tools for quality control, office supplies, internet, transportation truck Human Outsourcing and business partners, -Website developer -, net of distributors, Intellectual: - We granted a patent and have ready development program
Cost Structure:-
-Cost of product development 80%
- Cost of assets 10%
-cost of R/D 10% ECO committed to spend 10% of capital investment on implementing improved technological innovation in design in order to stay competitive , for future competitiveness, and ability to achieve long term profits , it also committed to reduce labor and operation costs by adopting outsourcing
ECO prepared a ready development program that enables it to contentiously launching new very attractive products,it has a plan to launch additional components that can be installed with its existing models to increase performance and reduce operation costs , it also has a plan to establish a sister company and extend its activities to other African and Arab countries
ECO raised up to 10,000 $ from 3 national and regional entrepreneurship programs (EU/UNIDO Switch Med program ), Maser el Kheir innovating for a cause national program , and Tony Elumelue African entrepreneurship program that enabled it to manufacture prototypes for additional 2 models of its products and cover the cost of company registration/implementation
ECO seeks between 300,000 to 400,000 $ in form of grants, or equity
financial support , networking , media cover, capacity building ,coaching , marketing
- Funding and revenue model
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
we seek funding to enable ECO achieve mass production thus reduce cost of its products ,to implement a sister company for food dehydration and to manufacture prototypes for its most needed large commercial scale model, we seek media cover to attract attention of international organization that share ECO its targets and goals , we seek legal assistance on how to access international markets and deal with overseas partners, we seek marketing help to access African and Arab countries markets