Sustainable inclusion for all - SI4A
Reuben Mutofwe is Zambian male aged 31, student at Ballsbridge UK univesity studying Bsc Degree in agriculture science, holder of Diploma in Animals science, posses 10 years working experience in agriculture and livelihoods programme.
Sustainable inclusion for all is project aim at providing support to the highly marginalized the blind, disable, albino, youth, women and children etc with a view to improve thier lives. the project is aimed at advocy for inclusion, provision of business capital, linkages to services and service providers,increase thier acess to inputs.This will increase their skills, assest holding, finacial, income and confidance to partticate, compete favourably.
Further, sensitize on the need for reduction in stigma in the community, equality and fair treatment for all.
The problems includes
1. Descrimation of the people with disabilities, the people displaced.
2. poverty and hunger
3. lack of access to resorces such as farming, busisness inputs
4. lack of participation and youth, wemen, inclusion in positions and plocy making bodies
Sustainable inclusion for all is project aim at providing support to the highly marginalized blind, disable, albino to improve thier lives. the project is aimed at advocy for inclusion, provision of business capital, linkages to services and providers, market,increase thier acess to inputs.This will increase their skill, assest holding, finacial and confidance to partticate, compete favourably, sensitize on the need reduction in stigma in the community, equality and fiar treatment.
Sustainable inclusion for all is project aim at providing support to the highly marginalized blind, disable, albino to improve thier lives. the project is aimed at advocy for inclusion, provision of business capital, linkages to services and providers,increase thier acess to inputs.This will increase their skill, assest holding, finacial and confidance to partticate, compete favourably. reduction in stigma in the community, equality and fiar treatment.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
The project relates to elevate prize in that is aim at meeting the highly marginalised people through providing support to the highly marginalized blind, disable, albino to improve thier lives. the project is aimed at advocy for inclusion, provision of business capital, linkages to services and providers,increase thier acess to inputs.This will increase their skill, assest holding, finacial and confidance to partticate, compete favourably.
Further, increasing sensitizition on the need to reduce stigma in the community, provide platform for equality and fiar treatment for all.
The projec twas developed through migling, working in the rural communities, schools and personal interviews with peiople left behind and people living in adverse poverty.
further, through walking in client to submit their needs, complaints and concerns.
I am cvery passionate and excited about this project because it adresses the immidiate needs, provides solutions to the highly affected persons. further, the model can be scaled up at global level to help solve the global problwems. the project works on sustainable manner to reduce povety, hunger, stigama and discrimination
Based on my 10years working experience in livelihoods, working with rural communities in rural development programmmes, understanding of rurla communities and needs for btter lives. i poses hands own skills in the same fields aimed adressing the challenges these people are facing.
People in mayukwyukwa where am living are refugees of mixed origins, the areas is not left out in the million challenges people in rural areas are facing its laocated 87km and 200 km from the near by town, with very poor raod network, poor network connectivity its against this backgournd these people suffered poor market access, lack of farming inputs however, through working in this area introduce contract supply, digital market and smrtphone mobile platform with different processors, companies and introduction of agro credity facilities. This market system stregnthened local market structures, and promoted value chains there by also created jobs for the youth and women at differen levels of the value chain
I have save as the ceo in the organisation called reuben enterprises, co-operative chairs for mayukwayukwayoung stars, mwashekabo co-operative and region respesentives for the 15 co-operatvie available in the region. during the introdaction and promotion of bulking, and aggregationof produce in te quest to link the rural community to the external market
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
The Name is Reuben Enterprises the mother body of 15 co-operative in the region providing coguarantee, representation at all platforms, also doing all the adminstrative and project planning, mangement while the co-operatives implement at community level.
The major inovations includes
use of mobile platforms, radion listesing groups
Use of community voluteers in reaching to most rural areas
Full engagment of traditioanal leadership, govt and other stakeholders in soving the problem
The theory include leaving no one behind, and sustainable inclusion for all
- Women & Girls
- Elderly
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 5. Gender Equality
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 13. Climate Action
- Zambia
- Zambia
Curently 500, and we target 10,000 in the next four years
to reduce povety
increase inclusin for the marginalized
improve livelihood of the marginalized
Lack of financies
lack of logitics which includes fuels, off road transport
seeking for funding.
Through lobby and advocacy, parnership with several orginasations
Use of community voluteers
At the moment its the Government and the working partnership is very well dispite its officers on the ground facing similar challenges of transport and resources.
The model includes provison of business capital inform of grants, laons and inputs based on cretieria. provision to market to produce, use of digital platform for trade such digital scales, mobile phone payment. adovacate and lobby for inclusion
Through the laon repayments, seting up the factory to process the purchased produces, add vale and sale for profit. bulking and agregation on behalf of large companies on a fee
We seek to raise a grant amounting to $500,000.
$400,000 for seting up the factory to create market, provision of grants and start packs, credity facilities to beneficiaries.