Sustainable Livelihoods & Fair Climate
Am a Development-Catalyst close to three-decades with an emotional relationship with grassroot-communities having strong exposure in eco-development & community-resilience-process with an enhanced-outreach with micro-macro linkages. Am deeply advocating localize the SDGs and pursuing for local-action towards risk-informed-resilient-development.
Am spearheading UDYAMA as Secretary & co-Founder, embarking on citizen-actions on mainstreaming DRR, END-WATER-POVERTY campaign, deepening governance on water and local biodiversity conservation. ,
My engagement is very much focused-activities on community-livelihoods resilience & adaptation to climate-change includes landscape advancement, wise water use, and ecosystem-based-initiatives & life skill building integration, community adaptation-process to climate-change with grass root innovations & inclusion is well reflected into-action. We at UDYAMA advocate broad based-livelihoods in cultivating solutions adopting Culture-Nature-Science based innovation for people & planet that has added-value for money to resilience-building connecting to social, ecological, human capital building in undertaking emerging issues to Next-Development-Challenges.
links: ,,,,,udyama&ei=aOh4XuzwNpDgz7sPwoyUsAY&start=50&sa=N&ved=2ahUKEwjsxKrChrHoAhUQ8HMBHUIGBWY4KBDy0wN6BAgLEDQ&biw=1024&bih=489
This Project is intended to strengthen the implementation of the sustainable livelihood program in Odisha
This project has focused to ensure food and nutrition-security through Institutional Process for Learning, and Management of Common-Resources
• Community-Mobilisation and Group-Formation
• Knowledge-Building on Sustainable-Livelihoods
• Management of Individual and Community-Assets
• Scaling-Up of Successful-Interventions
• Demonstration-effect and Engagement with other Stakeholders
• Influence-Benign-Policy towards Livelihoods-Security
Promotion of Climate Adaptive-Sustainable-Livelihoods-System through
• Sustainable-Farm, Forestry, and Fishing-intervention
• Soil and Water-Conservation
• Micro and Village based Enterprise Promotion by Value-Addition
• Nutrition-Water and Sanitation-Awareness
• Non-Farm-Intervention – Individual and Groups
• Demonstrative Sustainable-Energy Interventions for Potential-Scale-Up
This project has implemented in the districts of Bolangir, Nayagarh districts. The project aims to ensuring livelihoods security & incorporation of green energy among tribal, Dalits, fisher folk and other backward families in by enhancing production and income of 4200 families through community resilient farming systems to climate change
Erratic rainfall, undulated terrain, fragmented ecology followed by frequency of droughts and disasters has severely affected the state of economic affairs in Odisha since last few decades. Ill-conceived policies, inadequate positive political will has fuelled to marginalisation manifold affected life and livelihood , climate chaos , leading to distress migration upto half a milion.Vulnerable eco-system, devastated livelihood, ravaged resource base, deteriorated quality of life, malnourished environment, lack of confidence and capacity for entitlement and access to resource base has created immense imbalance and embarrassing caused impoverishment of vulnerable sections, Introduction of commercial cropping without giving thought to conservation, has widened the social gap. Major issue & threats are secotral and compartmental approaches have not reached at bottom have not adequately reflected to the ground reality due to non-integration. The problems of poverty and deprivation in the tribal regions are complex and intense and not fairly addressed due to lack of political will and governance.
UDYAMA has demonstrated onsite activities and its responsiveness to social, ecological development and change Management towards mitigating drought, added green energy, protecting environment and connecting livelihood development is well reflected. Link to the broader view of poverty , Highlights the crucial role of local‘ context’), Gives space to local perspectives, Build on what exists - integrated perspective is the essence with an objective of backward and forward linkage. this is one of the successful activity that has linked to Farm & Non-farm based livelihoods.
Objective is towards strengthening and building capacities of local communities towards rejuvenating human, ecological, social, economical capital & well-being improvement with a view to changing the culture of cultivating solutions towards resilience in blending with time honored improved technology transformation with well articulated development communication incorporating inclusion, innovations to address next development challenges . Protecting land mass from degradation, utilizing ecologically sensitive indigenous and alternative methods for land & water utilization, rejuvenation followed by adoption green energy, biomass conservation can help to achieve important prerequisites for environmental sustainability & livelihoods empowerment on enterprising mode to make community sustainable is the main thrust.
The project has aimed to ensuring livelihoods security & incorporation of green energy among tribal, Dalits, fisher folk , ultra-resource-poor, women and minority of backward-clases. Government, line-departments are working this areas but despite demonstration, there has great gap . Activities are in sporadic , not in clusters, fact that the area is vulnerable eco-system, deteriorated quality of life, malnourished-environment and capacity for entitlement and access to resource base has created immense-social and economical imbalance, Introduction of commercial-cropping without-giving thought to conservation, has widened the social-gap in ecology & inconimy. Major threats are secotral-approaches have not adequately reflected to the ground reality due to non-integration. The problems of poverty and deprivation in the tribal regions are complex and intense and not fairly addressed due to lack of political will and governance.
There are two major components:
I) Promotion of climate change impacts resilient integrated ecosystem based livelihood models with Green Energy,
Ecosystem based Preventing Degradation & Agro- Ecology Development,
Life cycle based Micro-water resource development, Water Harvesting, Conservation, Restoration, Rejuvenation,
Gearing Green Energy, Greening , Biodiversity conservation
II)Community institution building, Green Technology transformation scaling models
- Information, communication & knowledge management platform
- Skill building for women ,
- Eco-prenureship towards revenue models
- Elevating understanding of and between people through changing people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
3500 model micro-projects-developed on water-related &harvesting initiatives & Crop-diversification
30 CBOs and 10 smaller-NGOs federating-together working-towards scaling-up livelihoods
200 barefoot-trainers are from distressed-migrant self-engaged
248 nos. of women-SHGs engaged working with local governance system
100 hectares of Systems of Rice-Intensification demonstrated & linked with Bring-Green-Revolution to Eastern-India
200 farming-community Promotion in Eco-Agriculture
500 hactars of Cereals-covered-under National-Food-Security-Mission
1000 hectars of green-forest-protected by community
2500 Home solar home-lighting-system-distributed under green-energy
3000 fuel-efficient-cooking-stoves-distributed and shaved 75% forest-biomass & Carbon
45 schools practicing of self-driven-sanitation-hygiene
2000 women-groups undertaken-responsibility of home-production-nutrition
07 nos of Citizen Action on WASH , Poverty , Climate-Justice and Resilience:
Udyama is an enabling and Development-Organization facilitating small efforts of the communities with a big-dream towards a resilient-society that is capable of mitigating the current development-gaps while sowing the seeds, nurturing to grow and meeting the next-development-challenges. Thus, Udyama’s Vision lies in the its value that small, specific scale, SMART and sustainable (SSSSS) efforts can bring about the desired change in building a Resilient Society. Udyama has been undertaking and facilitating-modest attempts in a sustained manner, primarily to restore the networks that can rejuvenate the resource base. Additionally, it empowers the communities in searching-alternative-means to live with dignity and face the ‘Next Development Challenges’ for a lasting-solution to risk-informed-disaster resilient-development and adaptation to climate-change-vulnerabilities through a process of participation, learning and positive-action. In addition, Udyama has embraced-integrated and convergent-action, meticulously embedded into the community-led programmes for mitigating related-issues to address broad based livelihoods like WASH, bringing innovation & inclusion in Ecosystem based adaptations, Life-skill-building, green-energy education, nutrition, local biodiversity-conservation , entrepreneurship and health that have a significant-influence on the lives & livelihoods of the poor in both rural and urban-settings. Poverty & marginalization & inquality in this areas has brought us to do different things differently, & successed.
UDYAMA has proven track record towards development initiatives particularly resource conservation and mobilization working with networks and various stakeholders. Since there has good-synergy with community to begin with we have worked-together with more than 45 Partner CBO for end water poverty, poverty of environment . We understand our community & issues well, thinks is how to demonstrate community action with realities only to likn micro-macro linkages & networking to share our approach & learning & leveraging resources.UDYAMA is embarking on local citizen actions green growth with the frameworks in order to maximizing benefit of readiness, preparedness, better restoration of livelihoods infrastructure in influencing policy to add value on cross cutting programs like ecosystem services & nature based solutions, wise water use in bringing small innovations in livelihoods infrastructure for local peace and harmony at community to optimize resource use as People & Planet matter. As Networking & Garnering collective effort to leverage resource, UDYAMA has kept on continuing sustained effort to maximize adaptation ability & minimize loss & damages, allied risks & vulnerability in leveraging resources and preventing degradation in conserving local biodiversity. Capitalizing mainstream resources impact to livelihoods of small holdings connecting climate-justice are well demonstrated.
Am a Development-Catalyst close to three-decades with an emotional relationship with grassroot communities. I haves been working with various constituents having strong-exposure in eco-development & community-resilience-proces to connect-community with a culture-nature-life-livelihoods-lifestyle. Besides community-action on resilience building , i have engaged well in influencing policy for localizing-process inachieving-SDGs
Chronology of Networking with Organizations & institutes:
2006- Best NGO Award for Rural Reconstruction & Environment
2008- Award for the year of International Year of sanitation
2009- best Social organization
2010- best organisation in social service
2010- Utkal Gourav award - Sishu samaj
2010-Accredited to End water Poverty Campaign
2012- Accreditation from UNCONGO
2012-Partner To Global Water Partnership
2012- the e-ngo award
2014- International Award for Environment -
2014- member organisation Citynets
2014-Accredited to NIOS National Institute for Open Schooling
2015 Accredited to Low carbon Development Strategies
2015 Accredited to Sustainable Water and Sanitation for all,
2016 Accredited to Global Environment Facility
2016-UNESCO-water Digest Award for Best NGO on Water Harvesting
2016 Partner In sanitation & Water for All
2017- Partner with Sensitize to Sanitize (S2S)
2017- Accredited to UNEP & UNEA
2017- National focal point of GNDR from South Asia
2017-Multistakeholder Advisor Committee to Sustainable food Systems Powered y FAO/UNEP under SCP-10YFP, Now UDYAMA is one of the Partners
2018- Accredited to Global Soil Partnership
2018- Roster Expert CANADEM
2018 Roster Expert NAP
2018- GEICO on Green Energy
2019- Best NGO Award for Environment by BWW
2019- Best NGO support to communities in Cyclone FANI
2020- Accredited Observers to Green Climate Fund
We can take the recent case of COVID-19.UDYAMA has responded COVID-19 pandemic as one of the members in action & to influencing policy for entitlements to extend-possible for humanitarian-services looking-ahead of criticality with shared responsibility for sustainable solutions to cope-with the impacts & to suppress-spread, speed & scale of transmission & stop pandemic & save lives. we triigered the government to urgently to strengthen the resilience pathways to stregthen health systems, to trigger food system, WASH system, immunity system, education system with regard to economies & livelihoods for all. Now there are more pro-people-programs have grounded to address the pandeimic .
- Sharing & Circulating government advisory for social & physical distancing, stay-home, hand-washing, stay isolation & house Quarantine
- psycho-Social-counselling & behavioural-change for stranded & returned-migrants
- monitoring the entitlement & mobilize network for immediate humanitarian-support & mainstreaming
- Sanitizer, Mask other basic requirements during-quarantine
- Strategic-support to government for community-resilience
There are three major pathways to make communities Resilient now & we look forward to Beyond COVID-19 & adaptation:
I) Humanitarian Response to support for returned migrants, stranded labours on COVID19 Pandemic
II) Building Community Assets & Promotion of ecosystem-based climate change-resilient integrated-livelihood models to support-Health-system
Am a hard core development practiciners, believe in action , i belive in ground reality for good reflection and adaptive reaseach.
these are my areas where i have engaged and demonstred well
- Changemanagement with catalysation-process
-Landscape & Life Cycle Based Resource Management
-Ecosystem-based Climate-Change Adaptation &
- Institution building for Community Livelihood Resilience
I have facilitated several citizen actions on minimizing risks due to climate induced disasters , advocating local action practicing & promoting Do No Harm , Peace building , justice & against social stigma & wellbeing improvement with global-networking towards disaster-resilient development and environmental sustainability in connecting Food, Water, Environment & livelihood as right to protection and promotion at Urban , Rural Coastal & Hilly region
-Women & Child Health, Education, Nutrition, Sanitation & Hygiene as right to development,
-Do No Harm, Peace & Facilitating Mainstreaming-DRR, Preventing Degradation and Combating Desertification & Climate-justice as right to participation
-Self-Employed-Life-Skill-Development of Youth adolescent dropouts & minimizing vulnerability, Reducing-Drudgery & Distress as right to inclusive to Resilient-Development-process with innovations , Green Technology Transformation
Am team-player working in tough & challenging-conditions & managing-major conflicts are my strength and am personally & professionally associated with many local, national international institutes
- Nonprofit
With our steady and sustained effort on resilient development process, UDYAMA has-bagged UNECOSOC status, Accredited to UN-Global-Compact, UN-CONGO, UNISDRR, 10YFP-UNEP,CTCN UN STP, UNSBC,UNSFS, UNFCCC, GEF, UNCCD,CIVICUS, ESP, WOCAT, UNURBAN GATE-WAY, Global-Citynet ,GWP ,UN FAO,IFAD, GCF,stakeholders ’forum, NIOS, GoI-NPO , TISS-CSR HUB, IICA, FICCI, CII, WCC,, weAdapt, CANSA,GNDRR, ACCCRN, WSSCC, End EWP, SAMHITA, SWA, CAF, GCF,CDRN, AADRRN, GACC, CLEAN ,SPHERE-India®ion_id=&country_id=109
Innovationis in thinking, action & tranformation of inclusion community-led process with science led approached in blending with time-honored traditional technology . Incorporation of appropriate-development communication, catalysation-process with strong advocacy, reflection, adaptive search & reflection adding with green-energy, low-carbon development strategies are the innocations in tribal-hinterlands. Bringing grate participation, multiple-pathership and engagement of PRIs , local governance to carry forward a sustainable-livelihood-program is a very much inclusion process. besides advocacy, adaptive research, UDYAMA has demonstrated onsite activities and its responsiveness to social, ecological development and change Management towards mitigating-drought, added green energy, protecting-environment and connecting-livelihood development is well connected.
objective is to link to the broader view of poverty , Highlights the crucial role of local‘ context’), Gives space to local-perspectives, Build on what exists - integrated perspective is the essence with an objective of backward and forward-linkage. this is one of the successful activity that has linked to Farm & Non-farm based livelihoods. Despite well demonstration, the catalization process has maximized social-good due to work in clusters in addressing larger issues on vulnerable eco-system, devastated-livelihood, ravaged resource base, deteriorated quality of life, malnourished environment and capacity for entitlement. this process has opened access to resource-base has created immense social and economical security and conservation od resources and minized secotral approaches . This out come has reached at bottom, well reflected to the ground reality due to integration. The complex and intense problems of poverty and deprivation in the tribal regions have now fairly addressed with a good governance.
Theory of change is working defferenlt & deminstrate different thing for busilding sustainable communitites. UDYAMA primarily aims towards strengthening and building capacities of local communities towards rejuvenating human, ecological, social, economical capital & well-being improvement with a view to changing the culture of cultivating solutions towards Resilience in blending with time honored improved technology transformation with well articulated development communication incorporating inclusion, innovations to address next development challenges with a broader objective of Facilitating Risk informed Development & Catalyze Agents of Change ,Cultivating commitments for insulating solutions community resilience.
Change is bring more community ownership of program that UDYAMA given priority for community participation for all initiatives and this process has immense community confidence to invest labour contribution where it is appropriate towards sustainability and ownership, and participatory process is the key to community resilience, thus before , during implementation, and UDYAMA has generated huge community contribution in kind and cash too, there are successful models that has helpd make some models.
Integrated Activity Verticals that has connected communitites to collaborate, converge with constituents:
- Landscape Based ecological advancement towards larger food system ,Community Climate adaptation to responsive development in harmony with Nature-Water-Culture, Crafts-Life Style ,Habitation & Settlements
- Inclusion of Women & Children towards WASH & innovation in Education,
- Application of Digital Learning & ICT access , knowledge transformation
- Life Cycle based Skill Development for sustainable communities
- Ecosystem based Model building on wise water use & watersheds
- Nature based adaptation connecting to Nutrition Fortification
- Cross Sector Integration resolution for people & planet:,udyama&ei=aOh4XuzwNpDgz7sPwoyUsAY&start=50&sa=N&ved=2ahUKEwjsxKrChrHoAhUQ8HMBHUIGBWY4KBDy0wN6BAgLEDQ&biw=1024&bih=489,+%22udyama%22&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi06MmlwsXfAhXMgI8KHSlgCHQQ7Al6BAgEEA8&biw=1024&bih=409
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- India
now are 17 , with five years it will be 25 in numbers. however UDYAMA will promote network of partner organisation to help support for undertaking community resilience and climate crisis initiatives .
Our community led program will reach upto one lakh i.e 100000 families directly and indirctly 350000 & more
To make a process of choice has been building ‘Community Resilience’ towards enhancing adaptation to vulnerability and changing the attitude of dependency to that of self-reliance. Udyama’s role is focused on strengthening the local community with local-specific development communication, capability building exercises and participatory tools on community resilience adding technology i.e AI.ML, Apps & digital & ICTs that can help to minimize resource use and maximize out come.
Barriers are :
- Recurrent disasters ,
- Heath Pandimic
- Climate crisis
- Polical will
- sustainable finincing & funding
There are enormous oppotunity to connect-community in using our strength of action & networking for broad-based-partnership for a sustainable livelihoods-engaging-community
Our enhanced learning outreach with local to global organizations on micro-macro linkages towards-resilience-building will help in mobilizing resources. since UDYAMAis deeply-advocating localize the SDGs and pursuing for local action &global-networking, many-opportunitites will be carved out as Human-Development-matter will leverage immense-partnership opprtunitites to scale-programs.
In oder to Empower community youths and women towards self resilient towards gearing greening and green energy and promote Eco-prenures for good income and self dignity , mainstrem resources will be linkedUDYAMA strives for four strategic directions to maximize livelihood diversification, risk reduction:
- Private-Public -Partnership with various like-minded institutions/organizations for specific themes
- Institution Building & Process Development through social and economic empowerment
- Facilitating to enabling environment for risk reduction and livelihood promotion Program diversity with value based assurance and insurance with a revenue models
There are two major components: I) Promotion of climate change impacts resilient integrated ecosystem based livelihood models with Green Energy and, ii) setting up institutional processes for learning, management and sustainability of project interventions.
- Promotion of ecosystem based climate change resilient integrated livelihood models
- Setting up institutional process for learning, management and sustainability
- Ecosystem based Preventing Degradation & Agro- Ecology Development
- Life cycle based Micro-water resource development, Water Harvesting, Conservation, Restoration, Rejuvenation
- Gearing Green Energy, Greening , Biodiversity conservation
- Community institution building, Green Technology transformation scaling models
- Information, communication & knowledge management platform(Resource Hub)
- Skill building for women , Eco-prenureship towards revenue models
UDYAMA is working with department of Agriculture , Government of Odisha and ICRISAT towards Science led livelihoods and accelerating production and productivity, soil mapping and crop planning with added demonstration, capacity development
• we have a good convergence in our sustainable livelihoods & fair climate initiatives with DDA& DDH , Bolangir, & Nabarangpur, Nayagarh
• DDM NABARD from Nayagarh & Bolangir are supporting for promoting FPOs with added skill building and building collectives and marketing of Agro Products.
• Research and Technology Transformation with India Water Partnership with host organization WAPOCOs
• Climate adaptation & Innovation with CANSA & IGES Japan, CTCN
• For DRR and risk reduction with Global Network for Civil Societies for disaster risk Reduction
• Food , Nutrition & livelihoods Resilience with Sustainable food Systems powered by FAO and UNEP- Under SCP-10YFP
• Micro-Watershed & Resource conservation under micro project with NABARD for a micro watershed in Dasapalla block of Nayagarh
• Nutrition & Food Security with Coalition of Food and Nutrition Security, New Delhi
• Promoting Farmers Producers Organisation, institution building, Marketing linkage establishment with NABARD & guided by SVA & FICCI
• For Sustainable livelihoods & fair climate and Post harvest &Agri-business, ICCO Netherlands
• Promotion of Green Energy Solar water lift, Village Solar-Lighting with CLEAN & MNRE,
• Skill Development & placement with Vision Net media accredited with NSDC/SMART, FVTRS,
UDYAMA has strong partnership/accreditation with IICA, TISS-CSR Hub, UN Global compact,
Within saving life there will be Social Business with a revenue models during COVID-19 & climate crisis , further-disaster to become more-complex and deadly. The Indian State of Odisha, considered as one of the backward states in human development index,
The solution lies in prevention followed by social & health protection, and provision – increasing readiness to address these crisis and reducing the impacts of future climaterisks & disasters. there is a dire need for short- and long-term actions to promote sustainable, resilient communities with There are three major pathways:
I) Social protection to support returned migrants, stranded labours on COVID19 Pandemic. setting up call centres and enabling area sanitization using technology.
II) Building community assets &promotion of ecosystem-based, climate change resilient, integrated community livelihood models c& sustainable food system as part of innovation connecting post harvest technology.
III) Creating an enabling environment &setting up an institutional process for learning, management and sustainability that includes Community institution building, knowledge transformation, scaling up, call centres & ICT, employable skill-building and social enterprises, Eco- Tourism
This COVID-19 Pandemic crisis presents us with a huge opportunity to rethink the way we work, educate our children, our cultural customs,to realign these towards social, economic, environmental sustainability. The scale of the disaster requires new ways of working, and innovative partnerships to ensure interventions go to scale and support efforts to prevent transmission, promote positive transformation where the impact will be greatest, and ensure that efforts to combat the climate crisis puts people first.
UDYAMA has proven track record towards development initiatives particularly resource conservation and mobilization working with networks and various stakeholders. Since there has good synergy to begin with we have worked together with more resource organisathions those who are concerned about people and planet and more than 45 Partner NGOs together we have demonstred for end water poverty, resilient & sustainable livelihoods.
UDYAMA has partnered with Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Mumbai one of biggest corporate philanthropist since more than half a decade towards well being improvements on ANRM along with gravity flow irrigation, Minimizing adverse impact of distress migration, Skill-building at source & destination , we have done best of engagement.
ICCO, The Netherlands an international donor has been supporting on Sustainable Livelihoods & fair climate initiatives in Odisha and together with supporting community based WASH , Nutrition as one of broad based livelihoods. now we both have entered with an MoU for strenghtening Farmers producers compant to evten support Agri-business , marketing & process along with the collaboration with NABARD.
Now The One planet network has approved our concept for strengthening food system close to one million USD for doubling framers income , followed by NABARD support for micro-watershed , ICRISAT partnership for science led livelihoods & enhancing production.
There has a possibility of CSR co-financing with other corporate as UDYAMA has strong partnership/accreditation with IICA, TISS-CSR Hub, UN Global compactCertainly UDYAMA will raise funds to keep continuting our communty resilience process on .
However UDYAMA will focus the same ares on intervention with added innovation and technical inclusion of post harvest technology, AI, ML, APPs & ICT & digital technology in order to dimistfy the development & bring SMART services along protect of environment keeping the core concept of sustainable community.
UDYAMA will generate fund on the following areas including social protection , climate crisis & minimizing health crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic
There are two major components:
I) Promotion of climate change impacts resilient integrated ecosystem based livelihood models with Green Energy and,
- Ecosystem based Preventing Degradation & Agro- Ecology Development
- Life cycle based Micro-water resource development, Water Harvesting, Conservation, Restoration, Rejuvenation
- Gearing Green Energy, Greening , Biodiversity conservation
ii) setting up institutional processes for learning, management and sustainability of project interventions.
- Community institution building, Green Technology transformation scaling models
- Information, communication & knowledge management platform(Resource Hub)
- Skill building for women , Eco-prenureship towards revenue models
- Eco tourism
However UDYAMA will deligenly inform item wise expenditure & revenue generated well.
there will an estimated expenditures around 1500000 USD
opportunities are plenty to address the complex issues , that UDYAMA has aimed at providing as a catalyst to support people to reduce disasters or vulnerabilities, health pandemic in order to the following
- Prepare for, plan to withstand and recover from stresses, shocks & drudgery
- Take in hand root causes of degradations & disasters , impacts and vulnerabilities with lasting solutions
- Adaptive Action Research , entrepreneurships and Innovation focused on the challenges and opportunities
- fact that Our appeal for Odisha as it is grossly impacted by COVID-19 & recurrent climate crisis. Thus we must invest our best effort, time & resources towards people & planet. To bring raise Support & Solidarity at this critical time for any initiatives in Small or Big in number is matter , but Be with Communities at this distressing-period because Odisha is considered as one of the backward-states in human development index. - siince Odisha is having multiple pandemics,there needs a long-term action as it is reported there has a greater-attention to Restore Livelihoods & Prevention to Save lives will be linked to systemic risk and cascading disasters , to provide a social-response how we need to recover and build back better & work forward to resilient livelihoods & institution building and promote culture-nature-science based solutions & initiatives to accelerate to enhance immunity with better nutrition, health boosters, safe water, hygiene,sanitation & building capacities & strengthening adaptation capability in maximizing disaster risk informed resilent development as global solidarity is crucial to leave no one behind
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
UDYAMA is a Catalytic Development Organization with an emotional relationship with communities, institutions & working with various constituents on Community Resilience & Adaptation Process.
Our enhanced learning outreach with organizations is for on micro-macro linkages towards resilience-building . UDYAMA is deeply advocating localize the SDGs and pursuing for local action & global-networking towards risk informed resilient development as Human Development matter. UDYAMA, is advocating to maximizing benefit of readiness, preparedness, better restoration of livelihoods infrastructure in influencing policy to add value on cross cutting programs like ecosystem services & nature based solutions for local peace and harmony as People & Planet matter.
UDYAMA strives for four strategic directions:
- Private-Public -Partnership with like-minded institutions
- Institution Building & Process Development for social and economic empowerment
- Facilitating to enabling environment for livelihood promotion
- Program diversity with value based assurance and insurance.
- UDYAMA attempts consistently to build back better & capital building
UDYAMA has continued partnership & networking since long.With our steady and sustained effort on resilient development process, UDYAMA has bagged UNECOSOC status, Accredited to UN-Global Compact, UN-CONGO, UNISDRR, 10YFP-UNEP,CTCN UN STP, UNSBC,UNSFS, UNFCCC, GEF, UNCCD,CIVICUS, ESP, WOCAT, UNURBAN GATE-WAY, Global Citynet ,GWP ,UN FAO,IFAD, GCF,stakeholders ’forum, NIOS, GoI-NPO , TISS-CSR HUB, IICA, FICCI, CII, WCC,, weAdapt, CANSA,GNDRR, ACCCRN, WSSCC, End EWP, SAMHITA, SWA, CAF, GCF,CDRN, AADRRN, GACC, CLEAN ,SPHERE-India
Further Would like to extend partnership with more organisation with common interest to take forward community resilience & adaptation in more societal, econimic vibrant with building sustainable community.
Secretary & Co-Founder