Zunder Dapp solves the biggest problem in the Smart Cities industry, the middlemen element.
By implementing a revolutionary combination of cutting-edge technology such as Blockchain, AI and IoT focused on tokenizing the data via hashing.
We are developing the first decentralized peer to peer marketplace for Fintech products and services powered by Smart Contracts features using Stellar and Ethereum WEB3J.
Zunder is a decentralized data marketplace that lets users share and monetize data while guaranteeing control, auditability, transparency and compliance to all actors involved.
Centralized data exchanges / Marketplaces fail because they lack fair and flexible pricing mechanishm, data providers lose control over their assets, and there is a lack of transparency in how the data is used, So data remains locked up due to a lack of trust.
Zunder keeps user information + data privately safe and ecnrypted at any moment. User’s data belongs to the user –Net Neutrality– and the consumer has full control over his data as well as the option to trade with it or sharing it with intended businesses.
Zunder is using Blockchain as a Core. This leads to provide a real-time data marketplace for IoTnodes (Mobility services). IoT nodes are connected to the Blockchain network and under the same protocol layers and rules.
Zunder App is powered by the Noise Protocol Framework, which supports mutual and optional authentication, identity hiding, forward secrecy, zero round-trip encryption, and other advanced features.
- Upskilling, Reskilling, and Job Matching
- Other (Please Explain Below)
We are adatping our product to the current market needs. We are using a group of differetn cutting-edge technologies to create an innovative solution for Innavitive markets where Smart Cities can be more connected.
Face recognition system with holographic memory and stereovision technology (FARSHAS). The reconstructed various-angle views of a face with computer graphic (CG) technology using three-dimensional (3D) data provided by the stereovision technology are recoded into the decentralized database (BigchainDB) as reference data. The system offers a high authentication rate even if the face-to-camera angle varies.
We are implementing a revolutionary combination of cutting-edge technology such as DLT, AI and IoT focused on tokenizing the data via hashing.
Our solution goal is to connect parties (Smart Cities, Smart Citizens and IoT) better. Reduce the cost of this, and provide equal opportunities to cities or locations where innovation is difficult to reach due to the cost involved.
Gradually, expand Zunder through thhrough Europe, USA, Asia, Africa, South America and Australia. Due to the main advantage of Zunder (removing the middle men element withouf affecting the trust agent), scaling is proportional to the user participation to Zunder. In other words, the more users using Zunder, the more scalable it becomes.
- Child
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Non-binary
- Urban
- Europe and Central Asia
- US and Canada
Customers can access the solution via smartphone. We are implementing a system that does not require stable Internet connection.
1612 at a local environment in a waiting list.
300 000- 750 000 at a local/capital environment without waiting list.
4.13- 8.62Mln at a national environment without waiting list.
+100 Mln by 2022 at an international level. With an increment gradually over the users using the platform, by adding different functionalities to attract new customers, where collaboration is rewarded through invitations and ratings.
- Hybrid of For Profit and Nonprofit
- 4
- Less than 1 year
Analytical and Research skills.
Attention to detail
Zunder is powered by Smart Contracts. We are selling the smart contracts within the marketplace. A user with knowledge on smart contract can upload its own smart contract or buying from the marketplace, where other users list their products, including us.
I believe Solve is the ideal tool to boost our desire to create a fair, transparent technology-driven hub of work where productive and prosperous livelihoods are more connected by providing advising and/or funding.
Lack of funding - In blockchain is popular to raise funding with an ICO (Initial Currency Offer). However, we do not believe in this process could be adequate for us, as we are using DLT (Distributed Ledger Technologies) for a utility product where there is 0 speculation and/or 0 cryptoccurrency.
Oportune Information - Some tmes there are decission where we face up barriers of expertise, such as itnernation expansion or international laws.
- Peer-to-Peer Networking
- Connections to the MIT campus
- Grant Funding
- Other (Please Explain Below)