IDEA for Innovative Development
I am Nageswara Rao, born in march 1o, 1967 at PEDAKAKANI-52209, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh,INDIA. And I did my M.A (Social Work) . After completion of my education, I was attended to various training, conferences, workshops and events conducted on training on capacity building, social awareness, legal support, accounts management, project design, planning, implementation, monitoring, equation, social media, mass photography, visual communications, Right to Education, employment guarantee Act. Etc.
CREATIVE ACTION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT(CARD) was established on 30th November in 1987, by few like minded social workers ,professionals and young women leaders who committed for innovative development inspired by humanist values and it was registered under the Societies Registration Act with No. 284/87. It was also got permission under section 80-G and 12-A of Income Tax Act for 100% Tax Exemption. CARD is also was registered under FCRA with No. 010190126.
it's vision is to form a new society based on equality, non-violence, loving kindness and spiritual understanding through the system of education. Their mission is to serve homeless children to encourage a better childhood and to help them become responsible individuals and spiritual human beings.
We support people to discover and express the truth of who they are and embrace the difference they were born to make, because we believe everyone has the desire and the right to contribute their own unique strengths, skills and abilities in a way that feeds their soul and supports those around them. We also aim to support those whose access to opportunities may be more limited than ours.
Elevate Humanity reflects our team’s commitment to “paying it forward” and sharing our time, wisdom, abilities and resources with those who may be less fortunate than us or supporting people or projects that positively impact.
The COVID-19 outbreak affects all segments of the population and is particularly detrimental to members of those social groups in the most vulnerable situations, continues to affect populations, including people living in poverty situations, older persons, persons with disabilities, youth, and indigenous peoples. Early evidence indicates that that the health and economic impacts of the virus are being borne disproportionately by poor people. For example, homeless people, because they may be unable to safely shelter in place, are highly exposed to the danger of the virus. People without access to running water, refugees, migrants, or displaced persons .
We are learning more about how COVID-19 affects people every day. Older people, and people with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, appear to be more at risk of developing severe symptoms. As this is a new virus, we are still learning about how it affects children. We know it is possible for people of any age to be infected with the virus, but so far 29168 positive cases in Andhra Pradesh and among them, 614 children living with positive, older people living with corona positive: 672 Death cases: 268, Active Cases: 4127, Tested cases: 116972. Discharged cases: 5279
Component 1: Emergency COVID-19 Response: The aim of this component is to slow and limit as much as possible the spread of COVID-19 in the targeted areas . This will be achieved through providing immediate support to enhance disease detection capacities through: increasing surveillance capacities, port health screening, provision of technical expertise, strengthening laboratory and diagnostic systems to ensure prompt case finding, and local containment. Enhanced detection capacities will be supported through updated training of existing surveillance workers, improving reporting by frontline health workers using existing surveillance information and, where possible, contact tracing of known cases. capacity to diagnose both potential human and animal diseases at state level and provincial level will be strengthened through: procuring and replenishing supplies of reagents and kits; upgrading virus repository and reference reagents; standardizing sample collection, channeling, and transportation; determining sites most in need of introduction of point-of-care diagnostics; and engaging private laboratories to expand capacity to test and manage COVID-19. Component 1 will also support the GOI to improve capacity to manage COVID-19 cases by scaling up procurement of personal protective equipment, oxygen delivery systems, and medicines, and by retaining skilled health workers through extra payments (such as hazard pay and death benefits
Under the proposed project, we have selected the targeted groups of main COVID-19 PANDEMIC GROUPS will be selected from migrated groups, working groups, child labour, street children, disabled people, older people, young girls who are having early marriages and living as widows, women small farmers, youth from SC, ST, BC, EBC, communities suffering with health, education, economic, social and mental issues during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Direct project beneficiaries:
These are the direct beneficiaries of the project : 12471 corona positive people, 296 children who are living as child labour, migrated children, homeless children, 124 aged and older people . They are all is having corona positive . Therefore, they are all be covered under direct beneficiaries and get such support by the project. And who could participate in the training, project management, planning, implementation and participate in all aspects.
In-Direct Project beneficiaries:
Who are the corona positive groups, their family members and community groups these are the in-direct beneficiaries, sometimes called a secondary beneficiary, is someone who is not directly connected with the project, but will still benefit from it. This could be other members of the community or from the area or family members of the participants.
- Elevating issues and their projects by building awareness and driving action to solve the most difficult problems of our world
CARD and other partner NGOs is already having good relationship with the targeted groups and formed various committees by women, youth, man, and village committees to take care of the developmental activities at community level. . In rural and urban areas, it was involved in the COVID-19 issues and working along the people for their safety and providing emergency needs by the NGO and Government. However, Each village and urban areas, we have to form a special CORE TEAM with two women members, two man members, two youth members two community members and our staff. Totally 12 members joined us
CARD can use the Modern Technology to safety the data and eradication of the pandemic from roots at micro level. Increasing traceability and transparency by sharing data During a pandemic, clear messaging to the populace is critical to make sure they are informed and reminded to use appropriate precautions. Several groups are using the trending technologies like mobile, AI, ML and more, to provide visibility on the outbreak: Microsoft Bing launched an interactive COVID-19 map to provide widespread disease news. Social platform like TikTok has partnered with WHO on COVID-19 to help keep their users knowledgeable with correct, timely facts, along with a live stream from the WHO where users will be able to ask questions and seek answers. In India, telecom operators like Jio, BSNL, Airtel, and more, are using the caller tunes to spread awareness about the pandemic. CARD can tracking people with facial recognition and big data In case of pandemic management, big data analytics can help in quickly identifying infected individuals, connect with them, track who they have come in contact with, and so on. Facial recognition technologies along with data can accurately identify people even if they are masked. Such technologies can help in monitoring
Since 1987, CARD NGO is with the community groups and working on their issues. Formed women, youth, farmers societies, established village, mandal level committees with the targeted groups and liked with Government schemes for their sustainable development .Other partner NGOs is also doing in the same manner at their respected community.
Still the positive cases in increasing day by day and most of the people victimized for food, medicine, shelter and livelihood. CARD has selected 5 districts to work under the proposed project for their well being life under BYBACK PROGRAMME.
Before enter in to the project an idea, we have discussed the targeted groups and selected who are the direct beneficiaries and who are indirect beneficiaries in the project benefits and according that, it was created the project with deep involvement of the community . As per the advice, suggestions, sharing their views we are presenting this project before you. This project is need based project and create a new life with new technology using for recovery of data, past communication with affected groups, storing the information and using the internet, phones and past technology for get INNOVATIVE CHANGES among the people who are the needy and necessaries.
CREATIVE ACTION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT (CARD) was established in 1987 and registered with committed social workers who are having high level professional education and experience in project management, planning, implementation, monitoring and training skill on various subjects. CARD was got legal authority to receive funds from global level and having TAX exemption from Central Government, having FCRA with bank account. Previously, CARD has been implemented various developmental projects with grant support from International donors like, CORDAID,THE NETHERLANDS, CARITAS NETHERLANDS, MEMISA, THE NETHERLANDS, KKS, GERMANY, EPO, GERMANY, IGSSS,GERMANY, KFO, AUSTRIA, OPEN MEADOWS FOUNDATION,USA, OTF, CANADA, LUCIAS & EAVA EASTMAN FUND,USA. GOVERNMENTS AND LOCAL DONORS.
CARD was completed 33 years service of people with 27 full time, 75 part time staff and 223 voluntaries working in five districts of Andhra Pradesh state in India. CARD is having 18 rooms of own administration building with good technology system in all aspects. Board members: CARD executive committees is all are high qualified persons and doing well baying communication skills in all level on project management. Present staff members is also having master degrees like, MBA, MSA,, MBBS, BDS, B.phamcy,, BSc, etc. . Present staff is gone under training on various subjects to related the project implementation, field structure, administration , financial capacity, monitoring, evolution, assessment, RATING , designing, success indicators has been achieved at their level. Therefore, we are assuring you that we can do 100% justification to the proposed project with hand work and sincere services by all of us
In the crisis , we have to work with COVID19 positive people and their family to protect and provide safety life in security manner by social awareness, empowering, building skill developments for income support to women , food security , better health by improvement of immunity development , eradication of migration by providing work resources at their places through involvement of all their family members who are able to work . To rejoin their children in to the schools and provide bright future.
The project aims to achieve these lasting impacts: improvements in the training of technical workforce will bring benefits in terms of higher employment rate, fewer accidents, and an enabled private sector. The trainers will be better capacity and connected to provide relevant and targeted training. Moreover, the project is expected to benefit the wider society as end-users of elevators and escalators, which would now be safer to use and continuously maintained for lesser disruptions. With 100% of the work done, it aims to deliver before the end of the project period, the successful establishment of training courses and execution of the awareness campaign and training on the safe and efficient use of elevators and escalators.
CARD is the main partner and other NGO partners all are having highest experience in implementation of the developmental projects like this. CARD since 33 years it has been implemented more then 25 projects to related the community based on Health, Education, Construction, Relief, Community Development, Women empowerment, Capacity Building of partner NGOs under net-work, Sustainable Agricultural, Protection of Environments, Child Rights .Etc.
Previous Funding partners of CARD :
Personal Experience:
As a NGO head, I am my self was attended to various events, workshops, trainings, seminars at national and International level to improve my personal capacity for further development of project achievements.
Resource Person: Now, I am giving some training to the women SHG members, Government officers, CSR sectors, private sectors and NGO members on skill development, project preparation, capacity development, transference of accounting system. Attending to project monitoring, Evolution, rating and assessment at administration and field level. In addition this, i got special training on apprise the project with quality measurements
- Nonprofit
No, it is not longer organization it is a grassroots level non-profit organization working in Andhra Pradesh State with head quarters in at PEDAKAKANI,GUNTUR ( near Andhra Pradesh State Capital ), Andhra pradesh state,INDIA.
During the COVID-19 situation, most of the rural people they went to towns for their livelihoods do to seasonal works and living as agricultural laborers. Therefore, due to lack of shelters, better treatment, immunity capacity, financial resources, even their children is also was affected by the corona virus. Mostly affected the migrants, working groups, homeless families, child labour and destitute persons is high.
CARD is already has given the following advices to the community has advised the people to follow the per
- To protect human life from the corona virus in the targeted areas by providing preventive methods
- To Empower the people to avid close contacts and maintain long distance from person to person
- To provide best treatment by supplying the simple medicines for immunity against corona virus.
- The corona virus pandemic presents an opportunity for the human working to fight COVID-19 and achieve the project Goals who are suffering today and struggling against the corona virus, says . However, so many people do not have access to even basic hand washing facilities at home. So, we have to supply door to door
The corona virus lockdown has comfortably cooped most of PEOPLE at home. At the other end of the spectrum, however, a majority of targeted groups are struggling to make ends meet. These include marginalized communities in the unorganized sector, such as daily wagers, street vendors, construction workers, and laborers, who are terribly affected by the economic and social repercussions of the corona virus.
Poverty eradication
Andhra Pradesh has adopted the global MPI structure with three dimensions (education, health, and living standards) and their associated 10 indicators. This enables the state to benchmark itself against a large number of countries for which the global MPI estimates are available. The dimensions of education and health have two indicators each (years of schooling and school attendance, and nutrition and child mortality, respectively); living standards has six indicators (access to electricity, improved sanitation, improved drinking water, flooring, clean cooking fuel, and asset ownership).
- higher order capacity building of the institutions of the poor households to perform more efficiently and effectively;
- leveraging Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems for improved project implementation;
- ensuring inclusion of the poorest and the most vulnerable who were left out and those who regressed back into poverty due to the recent food and financial crises;
- improving health and nutrition status of the poor households;
- expanding and strengthening their livelihood activities; and
- increasing their access to social safety net benefits and entitlements and creating wider convergence with the government departments implementing anti-poverty programs.
Community resilience initiatives
Community resilience efforts include any effort that bolsters our ability to care for all life in our communities, both human and non-human. Examples include efforts to support the immediate social and emotional wellbeing of our communities; efforts that support community-led projects that foster greater resilience among communities now and in the future through initiatives such as local food production and any other effort which strengthens our ability to respond together in times of crisis
Training on skill and capacity development
There is a strong need of basic trainings at various level for project partners, staff of the NGO recruited under the project, Filed and Administration staff, Community level leaders, beneficiaries, health workers, core team and at all level who have been involved in this project directly or indirectly. Monthly once, Quarterly once, 6 months once at least
CARD is has promoted NGO net-work and working together against the social issues by putting our collective efforts along with people movement at micro level.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- India
- India
Under the proposed project, the following people will cover and get benefit as direct beneficiaries and indirect beneficiaries: ( from West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam and Nellore 5 districts of Andhra Pradesh State:
Direct Project Beneficiaries: 105918
positive people: 9540
positive Children: 614
positive Older people: 672
Active cases: 4127
Discharged: 5279
Positive Disabled people: 3812
B- Other Needy people: 34174
Child Labour: : 5211
Street Children : 7365
Youth : 9560
Young Girls: : 12038
C- Families of positive people: 47700
Indirect Project beneficiaries: 234739
Migrants : 61421
Working Groups : 78361
Young Widows : 12957
School for Drop Outs Children: 82000
COVID-19 pandemic
Humanity needs leBut the pandemic is much more than a health crisis, it's also an unprecedented socio-economic crisis. Stressing every one of the countries it touches, it has the potential to create devastating social, economic and political effects that will leave deep and longstanding scars. CARD is the technical lead in the project socio-economic recovery, alongside the health response, Every day, people are losing jobs and income, with no way of knowing when normality will return. leadership and solidarity to defeat the corona virus.
Mobilize all sectors and communities to ensure that every sector of government and society takes ownership of and participates in the response and in preventing cases through hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and individual-level physical distancing.
• Mobilize all sectors and communities to ensure that every sector of government and society takes ownership of and participates in the response and in preventing cases through hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and individual-level physical distancing.
• Control sporadic cases and clusters and prevent community transmission by rapidly finding and isolating all cases, providing them with appropriate care, and tracing, quarantining, and supporting all contacts
. • Suppress community transmission through context-appropriate infection prevention and control measures, population level physical distancing measures, and appropriate and proportionate restrictions on non-essential domestic and international travel.
• Reduce mortality by providing appropriate clinical care for those affected by COVID‑19, ensuring the continuity of essential health and social services, and protecting frontline workers and vulnerable populations.
Ethical Barriers
Small entrepreneur trade is the exchange of goods, manufacturing and services across state borders. In most districts, it represents a significant part of gross domestic product (GDP). The rise of industrialization, globalization, and technological innovation has increased the importance of AP trade, as well as its economic, social, and political effects on the States involved. nationally recognized ethical practices such as the Indian Compact have been instituted to facilitate mutual cooperation and benefit between governments, businesses, and public institutions. Nevertheless, countries continue to face challenges around ethical trading and business practices, especially regarding economic inequalities and human rights violations.
Culture and Global Business
It is typically more difficult to do business in a local market than in one’s home location, especially in the early stages when a firm is considering either physical investment in or product expansion to another market. Expansion planning requires an in-depth knowledge of existing market channels and suppliers, of consumer preferences and current purchase behavior, and of domestic and local rules and regulations. Language and cultural barriers present considerable challenges, as well as institutional differences among countries.
With the process of rural and increasing it is unavoidable that different cultures will meet, conflict, and blend together. People from different cultures find it hard to communicate not only due to language barriers but also because of cultural differences.
By the small entrepreneur, women will get more income to eradication of migration and protect their children also by joining in the schools for their bright future.
So many barriers is coming up and by our full and honest work, it will return back from the main development of activities. Since beginning the project, each and every people could participate and their own and feel much more about their responsibility and they can put their efforts to achievement of the project goals .
- For rural women : we have to start dairy unit with buffalo and start their milk collection centres for selling in the local market by getting more money.
- For urban women: we have to start the manufacturing unit of masks clues teaching by showing machines with motors.
- For youth and young girls : we have to start the computer training, data collection by internet, mobile, phones, with technical system by using the modern technology ,
Implement targeted health education
Integrate disease prevention and control in daily activities and lessons. Ensure content is age-, gender-, ethnicity-, and disability-responsive and activities are built into existing subjects. (See Section on Age-Appropriate Health Education)
Support vulnerable populations
Examine any specific implications for girls that may increase their risk, such as responsibility for taking care of the sick at home, or exploitation when out of school.
a) Improve the quality of education for elementary and secondary school students
b) Monitoring the longitudinal performance (including assessment of learning levels at the beginning and during the academic year) of the students to assess the gaps in student learning and teacher training
CARD was created a SAFETY net-work with 54 small NGO partners and at State of Andhra Pradesh and we all working together on various social issues and putting our efforts against those issues. Under the proposed project 9 NGO partners is participating as project partners ( CARD, WANI, DF, MWS, SKS, FUNDS, CDS, HSS, ANCURAM, selected from the districts of Chittor, kadapa, Nellore, Prakasam, Guntur, Krishna and West godavari of Andhra pradesh. These NGO partners all belongs to our network members.
Networking activities support the NGO's own activities, and facilitates linkages with other organizations in other sectors, including government agencies. Networking also assists NGOs in administrative, financial and legal problems that they
As more and more groups of people decide to set up NGOs, they have begun to face a twin dilemma: (a) building capacity and skills internally, and (b) ensuring and enabling trust and accountability externally.
Internationally, bilateral, international and UN agencies have also assisted NGOs better understand how they work, and how NGOs can assist them in their programmes. Such 'NGO liaison offices' help NGOs to network with each other, play a more significant role in global affairs, and at global levels.
Examples of activities of such support centers include:
- Providing information on a wide variety of issues and topics
- Assisting in project formulation and implementation
- Helping in organization of seminars and workshops
- Organizing exhibitions and fairs
- Facilitating idea exchange
- Arranging meetings with other stakeholders/partners
- Sharing resource persons
- Building capacity through training
- Publishing reports, newsletters and websites.
This is most important task to reach by economic empowerment. When the economic stability will raise by the people, we certainly be achieved our main goals to control those social impacts and all the people should move to gather and fight against the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.
During the corona time, more then 90% of low income people were affected and victimized by health, education, food, water, sanitation, medicines and an urgent needs. However, present, our planning is to create the business and income generating activities among the rural and urban community by creating manufacturing units, dairy milk produced units and earning more income by these units with local market.
Computer training and software development unit foe youth and young girls for data collection and internet accretion. By these 3 units, every year 1500 members will get benefit of Rs. 450/- to 700/- per day and if the family maintenance should comes a rounding of Rs. 25/- to 350/- per day. However, every day 1500 members can save their income up to an amount of Rs. 180000/- per year. With in 5 years. It come 15 times. ( by quarterly , batch will complete and new batch will start. ) Rs. 27000000/- After completion of the project period, people can run the programmes with their own funds with out asking and defending on an others. With in the project period, 22500 families will get sustainable economic empowerment .
When the project work has been started in the field level, at that time, we can start the business activities by the targeted people and raise funds for continue activities at micro level. However, by grants of ELEVATE /solve , we are planning for small entrepreneur, manufacturing of masks, dresses, school uniforms, modern technology for data collection by computer, internet, mobile phones, even other job works, trainings to unemployed youth, we can get more income. By dairy unit is also we can get sufficient income to maintain its project activities. So, We are asking the grant support from ELEVATE/ SOLVE, up to USD: 297500 for two years budget. But project will continue for five years with out asking grants for next 3 years from yours. By local support USD: 16500 as peoples contribution , all together USD: 314000.
We can also get such income by selling the products of MASKS, CLUSES, UNIFORMS, DRESS, MILK, PROVIDING COMPUTER TRAININGS, SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, JOB WORK.ETC. Guntur is very close to out project areas and market is nearest to us to sell all products in the local market. Vijayawada and Guntur is the national highway No. 5. Andhra Pradesh state capital is only 15 KlM. So, we don’t bother about the market and everyday public will come surrounding villages to this place for purchases.
Previously, CARD is having grants from various donors and implemented such developmental activities by its funds. But now, we don’t have any funds from national or international donors to run our activities. In the last year, we have mobilized local funds and implemented our activities and people is also was contributed for kind and man power. However, an other organizations is also a smaller NGOs, No funds from any where to run their activities at micro level.
When the project activities would start at field level, people they come forward and supporting for specific programme and extending their fullest personal support for better achievement of those activities. Even Government is also supporting by providing all resources to us to complete our programme will done.
At present, women groups and rural committees is looking all the financial matters for up taking activities with their own contributions. Health check camps, plantations, legal camps, social awareness camps, distribution of cloths, medicines, water supply and distribution of education materials, some of the local donors has supporting their contribution by purchasing the items by their own cost.
Last year for the period of 2019-2020 budget of USD: 25365 is spent on various developmental activities according the budget plan and financial statement was issued by the Auditor. The total funds are received with in the country not out side of INDIA. However, for next time, we are strongly trying to conduct the fundraise events for the CARD and as well as to our net-Work partner .
We are here by submitting the online grant applications for relief and rehabilitation support to CORON POSITIVE PEOPLE. But so per , we have not at received any funds from any donors . I have no any hope to get funds very soon from any one. Because, like your, I am submitting some projects by online and asking funds according their priorities and concepts. But still date, there is no any positive reply from donor organizations, .
But for this type of project, this is the first one and we wish to say our happiness about it. It is a challenge task and very good an idea to create the project. However, if it is get sanction by yours sir, we have to show excellent results on this project .
For next coming years, we are having hope to get something financial support for continue activities of our CARD and net-work members. Because, CARD is planning to organize a special event on fundraise and 30 years anniversary to be held on 10th December,2020 at GUNTUR,INDIA. At that time, we wish to invite national and international delegates to attend the event and facilitate them with honor and awards. We have to mobilize funds up to USD: 500000 for women empowerment, protection of girl children, Economic support quality education and health activities along with our net-work members. We would like to collect membership, event fee, and special funds will be mobilized by various level to achieve our goals for next three years.
At present, we don’t have any commitments from any donors, but we are trying to mobilize funds for next 3 years by various resources from national and international donors and also will get funds from companies under CSR . Local State Government is willing to support some developmental projects to related the women SHGs for their social, economical empowerment by skill trainings, account management and income generating activities directly to the women groups with out any participation of the NGOs. But CARD is as should get some cost of Resource training and motivate the people to utilize those funds at grassroots level. And at that movement, we can cover our targeted people under the Government projects.
CARD is having a vision 2030 for sustainable and innovative development of community groups by providing integrated activities and by the Government and peoples support, we can reach our vision and 13 district, 52 Revenue Divisions, 56 Municipalities, 14 Corporations, 276 Mnadals, 2500 villages and 2.75 lakhs of families and 13.5 lakhs of people could cover by all activities with out any drop backs
We are having 20 rooms of own building and running our administration in the building , and also having good office set-up with 12 full time staff, 125 part time staff and 450 voluntaries . Funds will be collected by our members , local contributions and project support by donors at global level.
Societies’ recoveries to COVID will be essential to ensure people can thrive and are able to ‘build back better’. Examples of digital innovations which can assist in the recovery from COVID include:
• Digital support for re-opening of the economy
• Personal symptoms/ health tracking
• Public health event notification
• Resilience building, e.g. digital coaching/ therapy/ mental health support for people most affected by COVID-19
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Board members or advisors
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
CARD is linking with some of our partner NGOs who are working under the net-work concept since 2007 with us . Our net-work main goals is
1. Working collectively for common cause
2. Fighting against social issues, like, gender equality, anti drugs, child labour, early girl child marriages.
3. Working for implementation of sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
4. Power to powerless people by empowering , educating the community
5. Sharing experiences, conducting trainings, camps, seminars, workshops
6. Partnership with Government programmes
All NGO partners are working with same an ideas, issues based , peoples empowerment, fundraising, eradication of social discrimination and and we all the NGOs doing journey with one boat. Therefore, we all were joined hands together and working together for innovative development with support by Government , community and donors.