Yunior Ernesto Torres, as a CEO at Consultoria I am a project manager and enviromental manager my goal are: integrate smart and sustainable plans and offer jobs remotely for experts with out discrimination for raze color skin,religion,sexual oriented,country or age. Helping most vulnerable areas and people Coordination of volunteers or private expert teams precently or remotely with integral dashbord leading teams developing smart plans for goverments or private sector urbanist taking legal actions in aggreements of social as well enviromental welfare.
I am committed to human development with its enviromental implications,assuring the correct use of technological advances to integrate smart and sustainable cities, which in turn will be environmentally friendly and sustainable. My proposal addresses a platform for the integration of project development working groups based on what is required by the United Nations: sustainable development goals. This platform in turn needs an interdisciplinary group of developers to integrate multiple fuctions into the platform that integrate technology such as google maps and three-dimensional sketches such as augmented reality, as well as multiple calls such as zoom to connect to the team, a manager and planner such as wrike but that it integrates global databases for schematics and real-time statistic that includean electronic invoive for financial procedures and payments as works progress.
enviromental issues
interconecting remote team works
study cases,databases,polls,getting more knowledge about project manager,landscapes design,environment sustainabilitystudy cases,databases,polls,getting more knowledge about how to lead and integrate teams like project manager,landscapes design,environment sustainability and technology
- Elevating issues and their projects by building awareness and driving action to solve the most difficult problems of our world
it's a current issue without integration and it's the time than technology became to this a solution that was projected, building smart and healthy cities as well sustainables promoting ecofriendly policies.
The initiative was born as a mechanism for integrating remote working groups for professionals concerned with environmental issues who do not have a centralized platform to apply their knowledge and obtain a remote source of employment by integrating technologies similar to big data, wrike, google maps, zoom and a billed for administration, monitoring, monitoring and digital payment breakdown with a payment transparency system according to the progress of works or projects. I want a group of developers to integrate this into an app and not interconnect interactions, but rather solve global problems in a coordinated way.
To solve environmental issues for our future generations.
i am multitasker and resilient
well, i am preparing myself since 8 years sturing in diferents platforms relatively on sustainabily dispete the lack of opportnites to grow on this field in my current country in Guatemala i saw opportunities to apply the actual advantages and solve a lot problems in a easy way and offer remotes jobs in this pandemic time.
i was leading groups of young people in cultural projects as well in other fields.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
interconecting remote team works around the world.
global communities needs to face enviromental issues,learning remotely programs, face pandemics and betters jobs etc at the same time , so they need and integrative solution using the nowadays advantages and i offer an integraty solution. An hibrid virtual agency that integrate multi sectorials team aimed to UN-sustainable depelopment goals.
a hibrid model we can cooperate with non-profit and goverments at the same way because our mision is sustainability with multisectorial team workers and stakehoulders of get a right development.
Not yet .any income or help support.
Grant support to start.
i don't have a budget yet it's depend of the salarie of employees in the start up stage.
thinking in future generations like our children and the enviromental sustainability it ispiring to me to do me best. If i going to win this prize it will let a lot of people to integrate knowledge in the best goal a sustainable development goal.
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
get support and mentorship.
to cooperate with:
International monetary fund
World bank
Non-profit organizations
And private sectors (enviromental activist)