1. Business owners in economically-challenged communities need affordable access to expert advice from business people. Without that advice, they often make costly mistakes, or overlook solid opportunities. The negative effect is that business expansion is stymied, jobs are lost, young people turn to gangs, violence occurs, families are unable to send children to school, and there is mass migration to find safety and economic hope.
2. More jobs mean less violence. We propose a cloud-based BIX forum where well vetted Bpeace Skillanthropists (volunteer business experts) provide advice to equally well vetted business owners from economically-challenged communities (example: Guatemala, El Salvador, Bolivia, Afghanistan). BIX builds on Bpeace's 15-year proven track record of expert advice to owner/founders either in-person or virtually. BIX would allow us to serve wider numbers of established entrepreneurs in more communities.
3. No one wants to leave home. More jobs make it more appealing for people to stay in their own homeland, and build a future of peace and security.