TUMARINA Artificial Wetland
My name is María José López, I am an Environmental Engineer from the Escuela Politécnica Nacional. It is very important for me to tackle environmental problems and even more those related to the water sector, since it is a subject that represents a real challenge for our time. During my student life I had the opportunity to work as an intern at the Center for Environmental Research and Control, Ecuador's first accredited laboratory in the area of scientific research. During the last university years I have been able to carry out some research. The treatment of domestic residual waters by means of artificial wetlands and the evaluation of the seeds of Moringa Oleifera for the removal of fluorides in waters for human consumption. The latter was my thesis research project to obtain my Environmental Engineering degree. Ecuador is a developing country rich in natural resources and human talent
Wastewater generation is a current environmental and public health problem. In this project, the influence of the species Canna indica and Racinaea fraseri on the removal of contaminants present in domestic wastewater was studied, through artificial wetlands, using concrete filtering media.
The physicochemical characteristics of these waters make it possible for this type of liquid waste to potentially affect 245,000 km2 of marine ecosystems, with a 20% increase estimated in 2050 due to the eutrophication of lakes with harmful algal blooms. The organic matter present would also increase bacterial agglomeration in rivers, increasing the oxygen demand and causing anoxia. Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) are responsible for increasing the population of primary producers in bodies of surface water, causing an imbalance in the aquatic food chain
Artificial wetlands have proven to be a good alternative to remove organic matter and dangerous substances present in wastewater.
Wastewater generation is a current environmental and public health problem. According to data from AQUASTAT (FAO, 2016) the world's freshwater withdrawals correspond to 3,928 km³/year, of which 56% (2,212 km3 per year) are discharged into rivers as municipal, industrial and agricultural drainage wastewater. Some international organizations point out that 80% of the wastewater produced worldwide does not receive an adequate treatment (UNESCO, 2014). In Latin America the picture is similar, since it is estimated that 70% of wastewater is returned to rivers without prior treatment. In Ecuador, the volume of water consumed is close to 414,000,173 m3/year and the total volume of wastewater that receives treatment corresponds to 61,928,393 m3/year corresponding to 15%. It is worth mentioning that 75% of the treated water in Ecuador comes from the urban area .
Artificial wetlands have proven to be a good alternative to remove organic matter and dangerous substances present in wastewater. These natural systems act as ecological reactors that retain suspended solids and favor biological and physicochemical processes that produce the elimination of nitrogen and phosphorus . Artificial wetlands emerge as an attractive alternative for rural areas, due to the use of minimal external energy, lower investment and maintenance costs, as well as their environmental friendliness due to the lack of or low generation of sludge.
The use of ornamental species for the treatment of wastewater by means of artificial wetlands, is not frequent.The different parts of the plants provide benefits within the wetland; the aerial parts provide an aesthetic function and store nutrients for this reason we use the specie Canna indica due to the aesthetic contribution that can be made
The search for support means that favor and optimize the process within these passive treatments, will favor an increase of values greater than 50% in the phosphorus removal efficiencies.
The filter medium inside an artificial wetland constitutes the most expensive input, equivalent to 50% of the construction costs, concrete has an additional advantage that is a residue resulting from construction demolition
In the province of Imbabura, several freshwater bodies have been affected by wastewater discharges. According to an article of local diario, it was found that in San Pablo and San Rafael, domestic wastewater discharges go directly to streams and ditches that end in Lake San Pablo. This lake is a cultural symbol, especially for the indigenous people, who historically have carried out rituals and ceremonies on its banks. Likewise,it is reported that the Peguche waterfall is contaminated. In this place, the kwichuas people of the area perform the ritual bath of the Inti Raymi; however, due to the quality of the water it is not suitable for direct contact. On the other hand, Yahuarcocha lagoon is facing an environmental crisis materialized in a greenish, thick and bad-smelling color of the waters due to wastewater discharges from hotel and tourist sites. Therefore, the search for suitable and appropriable alternatives for the rural area is a priority.
Consequently, the treatment of domestic wastewater emerges as the viable alternative to avoid the problems described above and even reuse these treated waters in agriculture, especially in rural areas
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
The idea of the project occurred to me from the university when I saw that the costs for wastewater treatment are very high and these costs cannot be borne by the indigenous communities that are the most affected. That is why we were looking for a support material that is a residue and can be reused in the artificial wetland. Environmental management in Ecuador is very low since concrete is discarded in streams thus contaminating the environment, which is why it wanted to give this waste another useful life. It was also intended to decorate the place where the treatment plant was to be implemented to make people feel comfortable.
I am very passionate about this topic because it is a simple way to help the most vulnerable people in my country. Imbabura is a very beautiful province, it is known as the city of lakes, it also has some waterfalls and rivers in the province. These are some of the reasons why it was declared a World Geopark recognized by UNESCO. However, because there are no resources, several lakes are already eutrophication and for me it would be very sad to see how the province where I was born is contaminated and there is no way to recover it. That is why I take every opportunity that arises to allow me to improve the quality of life of people in my country with respect for the environment around them.
Aware of the knowledge necessary to participate successfully, I have attended some courses and seminars in addition to my university learning. Among the most important are: "Management of Water Resources", I Seminar on Biodiversity, Water and Life and Reduction of Unbilled Water, etc. In college. I believe that research is the fundamental pillar for a student who wants to learn. Therefore, during the last university years I have been able to carry out some research. Some examples of these are: The analysis of the water quality of the Ushimana river (Quito, Ecuador), The analysis of the water quality of Lake San Pablo (Imbabura, Ecuador), The treatment of domestic wastewater using artificial wetlands and The Evaluation of Moringa Oleifera seeds for the removal of fluorides in waters for human consumption. The latter was my thesis research project to obtain my Environmental Engineering degree. I tutored for two years the winning project of the Stocoholm Junior Water Prize Ecuador of the year 2019 and 2020 with the construction of a pilot system of artificial wetlands for the removal of pollutants present in wastewater obtaining efficiencies greater than 70%
In the year 2019 where I tutored the winner of the Stocholm Junior Water Prize Ecuador, we did not have the financial resources, reagents or a laboratory to carry out the project. That is why it was carried out in a simple way with the materials found in the house to do the simulations, for the analysis I asked my university for help talking to my former teachers so that I can do few physical-chemical tests to see if in reality The artificial wetland was operating, this is how the project that won first place in the national category works.
Not settling with the data obtained that year, I sought the sponsorship of private universities to develop this project in a more scientific way, so I got to speak with the dean of the University of the Americas and opened the doors of their environmental engineering laboratories.
When I'm passionate about something, I look for ways to reach my goal
Learn about the importance of good interpersonal relationships within and outside the workplace. These skills were acquired throughout my student life, when I was elected as "President of the Student Council" at the school and "President of the Association of Students of Environmental Engineering" at the university, where I developed several talks and seminars on the environment. . In addition, I organized that several students join the exhibition of university projects in the Habittat III developed in Quito in 2016. Thus, learning to work as a team, be sure of myself and lead a group of people with the same objective.
- Nonprofit
My project has the use of waste from the demolition of buildings supporting a circular economy, it also has the use of native and ornamental plants from Ecuador
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Ecuador
For next year we want to implement the project for an indigenous community with a population of 500 inhabitants.
In 5 years we want the project to be implemented in 50% of the province of imbabura
The main barrier is the economic aspect for the implementation of the project and the physical chemical analysis of the effluent from the artificial wetland.
Seek support from non-governmental organizations and participate in competitions in favor of water sanitation
We are currently working with SR3invent, this organization is the one that organizes the Stocoholm Junior Water Prize Ecuador contest, and as part of the 2020 award they are helping us in the implementation of the project in a specific place