Last Updated June 26, 2020
2020 Elevate Prize
السلام في العالم
Team Leader
Amira Hamdi
About You and Your Work
Your bio:
Project name:
السلام في العالم
One-line project summary:
تعليم الناس الغات للتواصل وفهم الناس الاجانب
Present your project.
تعليم اللغات في العالم
اريد ان يكون لكل دولة لغتان عالميتا
مثل العربية والانجليزية
او الانجيزية والايطالية ...
What specific problem are you solving?
الجهل في العالم
What is your project?
قهر الجهل
سلام و امان
Who does your project serve, and in what ways is the project impacting their lives?
. اصدقاء .ثقافة.الحصول على العمل والوظيفة
Which dimension of The Elevate Prize does your project most closely address?
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
How did you come up with your project?
فقط فكرة
Why are you passionate about your project?
لانه ربما سوف يوفر هذا امشروع العمل للعاطلين عن العمل
Why are you well-positioned to deliver this project?
لا شيئ
Provide an example of your ability to overcome adversity.
لا شيئ
Describe a past experience that demonstrates your leadership ability.
في الابتدائية كنت اقود قسمي دائما للنجاح
How long have you been working on your project?
منذ اعوام
Where are you headquartered?
ورقلة، الجزائر
What type of organization is your project?
- Nonprofit
If you selected Other, please explain here.
More About Your Work
Describe what makes your project innovative.
What is your theory of change?
Select the key characteristics of the community you are impacting.
- Poor
Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your project address?
- 4. Quality Education
How many people does your project currently serve? How many will it serve in one year? In five years?
لا يوجد
What are your goals within the next year and within the next five years?
الحصول على منحة كاملة للدراسة في كوريا الجنوبية
What barriers currently exist for you to accomplish your goals in the next year and in the next five years?
How do you plan to overcome these barriers?
What organizations do you currently partner with, if any? How are you working with them?
Your Business Model & Funding
What is your business model?
What is your path to financial sustainability?
If you have raised funds for your project or are generating revenue, please provide details.
300000دولار امريكي
If you seek to raise funds for your project, please provide details.
اريد جمع المال من اجل الجامعة
What are your estimated expenses for 2020?
The Prize
Why are you applying for The Elevate Prize?
من ا
In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Please explain in more detail here.
ابعاد الجهل
What organizations would you like to partner with, and how would you like to partner with them?
لا اعلم
Solution Team:
Amira Hamdi