Activate a girl Initiative
I am a skilled and forward-thinking Social Scientist with over eight years experience in project management, strategic planning, youth mentorship and formulating creative solutions to problems.
I am the Founder of Activate a Girl Initiative; a program that serves 300 needy girls in Kajiado and with free sanitary pads every month.
A founder member of Kenya Slum youth Development Organization, Business Incubation Association of Kenya and The Kenya Concierge Society
I am the inspirer of Slum brand and The Jamaaz Forum, I sit on the board of Management of The Autism Foundation International. (TAFI) as a Board member.
I am Currently serving as the Executive Director of Strategic Community Development Network. (SACODEN).
At the onset of menstruation, girls encounter mixed experiences neither are they informed on what they expect nor what to do. It is also at this point most of them try out on sex. During this C0VID -19 Period, there has been a steady rise in teenage pregnancies across the nation. Many girls in rural areas and informal settlements are not adequately informed on menstrual hygiene and sexual reproductive health hence facing humiliation during menses. This has led to many having low self-esteem, missing schools and poor academic performance. “Activate A Girl Initiative” will has not only provided sanitary pads to the needy girls but also sensitized and empowered them. The project which has been piloted in Kajiado and Nairobi Counties in 2019 will later be replicated in other Counties. We target to identify and give free sanitary towels to more than 500,000 needy girls in 5 years.
Menstruation remains a challenge to girls in Kenya, especially due to water shortage in schools and in the informal settlements. UNESCO estimates that one in 10 African adolescent girls miss school during menses and eventually drop out because of menstruation-related issues (All Africa, 2011). The government initiated a programme that was mandated to provide sanitary towels to school girls, training teachers on hygienic usage and disposal of sanitary towels, monitoring and evaluation. However, the supply is neither consistent nor adequate hence adversely affecting girls during menses for lack adequate solutions to manage menstruation.
Teenage pregnancy remains a global challenge, Kenya is no exception and the actual numbers of pregnant teenagers are unreported due to stigma associated to it. According to a research conducted by Plan International in (2019) across nine counties in Kenya, unintended teenage pregnancy was a huge issue for girls, significantly impacting their lives. The research found:
98% of pregnant girls were not in school, and 59% of the pregnancies among girls aged 15-19 years were unintended.
54% of sexually active adolescent girls in Kenya did not intend to get pregnant and have an unmet need for modern contraception
COVID-19 could have worsened the problem; incest and rape.
Activate a girl Initiative is a Community to Community program that Involves members of society "donors" who are willing to help the needy of same society they live in.
We identify needy girls within the community and enroll them in the program.
The Community volunteers approach community members/donors who are able and willing to adopt a girl/s by contributing Ksh 10 per day through our Sms and/or M-pesa platform.
The money collected at the end of the month is used to buy the sanitary pads which are then distributed to the needy girls in our program.
We also have individuals and corporate institutions who donate the sanitary pads in kind.
Activate a girl Initiative serves vulnerable girls and teenage mothers living in informal settlements of Nairobi and the poor rural of Kajiado County.
Apart from the distribution of free sanitary pads, we sensitize them on sexual reproductive health education, gender based violence, harmful cultural practices, menstrual hygiene and engage them as “Activate a girl initiative” ambassadors.
We also empower their caregivers to start small income generating activities, form group savings and table banking and training them on financial literacy and management of small businesses.
- Elevating understanding of and between people through changing people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
Women and girls especially those living in the slums and poor rural face myriad of challenges particularly sexual exploitation; they are most vulnerable and continue to encounter sexual violence in their daily lives as they seek food, water or even in search of a place to relief themselves. Gender based violence, Defilement, rape and incest are life-threatening acts committed on women and girls.
Apart from life skills empowerment, our initiative addresses the taboo of silence that surrounds menstrual hygiene, teaching the community to support girls to return to school after pregnancy; we mentor and brand girls as ambassadors of change.
Naserian is a Maasai girl born in a small village in Kajiado. She was defiled by her uncle in her formative years. She severally missed classes when she started her menses due to lack of sanitary towels. Luckily, Teacher John offered to be giving Naserian sanitary towels. Over a period, he started making sexual advances which led to her pregnancy and eventually dropped out of school. She never got a chance to go back to school ever after. This is just one of many stories I encounter in my daily work in the slums and rural parts of Kajiado.
When Safaricom foundation called out for creative community ideas “NDOTO ZETU” in 2018, I had this idea in mind for starting an initiative that could touch lives. Luckily I was among the few who received a donation to realize my community dream. During the implementation of my community dream I encountered the real need and desperate situations from girls in the schools I visited. Because of poverty and the need of sanitary towels these little girls were unable to resist offers made to by older men who latter preyed on them. I took this bold move to address this issue.
I meet several young mothers in the community; most of them are school dropouts due to pregnancies. Some are unable to continue with the schools because of their little children. Surprisingly, condoms being given freely in our public hospitals, condom dispensers are allover in public lavatories while sanitary pads which is a basic need for every woman and girls is sold. I can’t afford to see a girl miss school for lack of sanitary pads.
In my quest to eradicate poverty among the vulnerable groups and improve the wellbeing of marginalized communities in urban slums and poor rural, I found out that empowering women while they are still girls can be more effective. Despite difficulties in measuring girls’ school attendance during menses, both girls and parents confirm it is a common habit for girls to stay home during at least some days of their monthly menstruation. Many girls tell that they stay at home from school due to fear of a menstrual accident, to menstrual cramping, insufficient menstrual hygiene materials, unsupportive environments and inadequate water and sanitation facilities in schools.
Provision of sanitary towels is a major success of preventing girls from missing school, increase the attendance and performance
I am a skilled and forward-thinking Social Scientist with over 8 years experience in project management, strategic planning, risk analysis and formulating creative solutions to problems. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated the highest levels of service and commitment to the mission of any organization I have worked for. I have practical knowledge and skills in formation and management of safe space for girls and women empowerment. My relevant field experience with humanitarian and development programs has in great measure contributed to the development of my leadership, conceptual and analytical skills.
I am highly regarded for initiating successful projects that have positively impacted the community, For Instance, My Street Apprenticeship Training Model has seen 1, 200 street children trained on graffiti, beauty and therapy and artisan courses and kitted to start their micro-small enterprises. The Mathare teen’s group of Artists mentorship program has seen the rise of great artist such as Dj Phill. I am a confident self starter with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. I can efficiently coordinate various project activities identify the needs and facilitate capacity building sessions for local authorities, religious and other community leaders.
I am specifically interested in reducing stigma associated with teenage pregnant mothers, the taboo of silence that surrounds menstrual hygiene and after pregnancy return to school support for teenagers.
I have a creative mind with creative ideas, and very tenacious. One instant that stands out and gives me the ability to persevere and transform obstacles to opportunities is; While working with one NGO, formed a talent development group in Mathare slums some ten years ago who did tremendous work of performing and creative arts, we performed and showcased in different embassies, high commissions and exhibitions.
However, the mismanagement of the organization made it go- under and was deregistered. Despite the de-registration of the organization and disappearance the owner, I took upon myself to proceed with this youth mentorship program. The program finally bore fruits some of which gave birth to the renowned Dj Phill, street graffiti and other creative designers.
While working with different groups in the community, I have learned that: Developing networks with key stakeholders in the community will give you and upper hand in accomplishing your project goal. Through these encounters, I developed a strategic mindset, integrity, an eagle’s eye for high impact social programs, stewardship, leadership, and Research techniques.
This initiative has not only prompted a community dialogue on this subject, but has also attracted people and organizations to consult me on community project approaches.
“When you see the red spot on her white skirt, it’s not a sign of impurity. It’s a sign of life. It’s a sign of your existence, my existence. It’s a sign of existence of the entire human race. You can’t share her pain, but you can make her feel confortable.” Unfortunately not many of us make deliberate efforts, or go an extra mile to make another comfortable. I am out to make a difference, reaching out to willing and able members of the community to help the needy persons within their communities. I empower girls to be the ambassadors of change, boys to be voices of hope and the community to break the taboo of silence on matters that concern them.
As a mentor and leader of “Men of Valor” a church based program that mentors boys to men, I noticed a need for leaders in different departments of the church. I started identifying and mentoring talented and gifted young men who take up leadership roles. The three young men whom I regard today as the pioneers of youth leadership have each managed to mentor at least 5 more young men and our church today has great team leaders.
- Nonprofit
Sanitary towel is a basic need for all women that is why the government of Kenya embarked on giving free sanitary towels in public schools; unfortunately, their supply is neither consistent nor adequate. These efforts must be supported. The Guardian states that “7 out of 10 women and girls in Kenya cannot afford sanitary towel”; this is approximately two thirds of the female population. While the State is legally obligated to provide free sanitary towels for girls in Government schools this has not been so, and many of the girl’s resolve to other means of menstrual remedies.
Our project stands out because: -
☑️ Activate a Girl Initiative is a community to community Program- Involves members of society who are willing to help the needy of same society they live in and thus it is community owned leading to sustainability.
☑️ It targets all classes of people/Donors within the community who are willing to contribute towards sanitary towel for the needy girl: - Allows one to donate little amounts making it attractive to get community support.
☑️ SMS is a powerful tool - Through Sms we can raise monies from individual (donors); Allows donor to take personal commitment towards the initiative, making they supply and distribution of sanitary pads adequately consistent.
Women empowerment is a good thing but only if it’s done at the right time. The community has solutions for the challenges they face, and I believe empowering women when they are girls with the available recourses within the community can go along way. I meet several teenage mothers in the community; most of whom are school dropouts due to pregnancies. Some are unable to continue with the schools because of their little children or their parent refusal to get them back to school. Surprisingly, condoms being given freely in our public hospitals, condom dispensers are allover in public lavatories Contra to sanitary towels which are a necessity for every woman. I can’t afford to see a girl miss school for lack of sanitary pads.
During the pilot period of Activate a girl initiative, we have been able to support 300 needy girls to be in class and this has improved their academic performance, self- esteem and reduced stigma towards teenage mothers. Activate a girl initiative seeks to generate enough resources to address this and other related social problems.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- Kenya
- Kenya
- South Sudan
The pilot phase reached 300 girls in both Kajiado and Kibera. We target to reach more than 5000 needy girls by next year advocating for free and affordable sanitary towels. In five years Activate a girl initiative will metamorphosize into a model project that not only empowers women and girls economically, but also the leading institution in giving free sanitary towels to more than 500,000 needy girls from highly vulnerable households in Kenya and across Africa.
- Our main goal is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; we are achieving this by ensuring girls never to miss school for lack of sanitary towels. We plan to give free sanitary towels to more than 500 needy girls from highly vulnerable households in the next year.
- The project will also educate more than 5000 girls and women on menstrual hygiene, dangers of harmful cultural practices and gender based violence.
- We want to be the voice of teenage mothers, break the taboo of silence that surrounds menstrual health and advocate for their return to school after delivery. The girls who successfully go through the Activate a girl initiative will be crowned as community ambassadors. Their Success stories will be documented and shared with relevant stakeholders.
- We target to engage the community especially boys/men and caregivers in open community dialogues and sensitization on matters menstrual hygiene and teenage pregnancy without fear of intimidation and stigmatization.
- Finally, the project is concerned with improvement of girl’s academic performances and their involvement in social activities
- Myths and mis-conception in the community and the belief that sanitary pads is one of the family plan methods or birth control mechanism, that after giving birth one becomes another and can no longer go back to school.
- Inadequate water and sanitation facilities and unsupportive environments in most parts of the country contribute immensely to poor menstrual hygiene among women and girls which may lead to infection
- Some families do not consider sanitary towels as a priority especially at the period of Covid-19 due the level of poverty while some have exchanged the sanitary towels given with other needs.
- A high tax on menstrual hygiene products has caused many to resolve to other alternatives which may be hazardous to health.
- We will educate and sensitize the community on menstrual hygiene, demystify the myth and misconception that surrounds teenage pregnancy, sanitary towels and the need for the teenage girls to go back to school after giving birth.
- Will work hand in hand with the local government, schools and our community ambassadors on locating our beneficiaries, provision of sufficient water and incinerators.
- We intent to provide the use and discard pads that will reduce the hustle of washing the used pads and to reduce infections which some girls are not comfortable with.
- To economically empower women groups in our program, we will engage them to locally produce quality pads for the girls.
Safaricom foundation provided us with sanitary towels which we have been distributing to the 300 girls in Kajiado County and Kibera Sub-County.
In partnership with Polycom; we were able to empower young women in Kibera on how to respond to the sexual violence and exploitation through Prevention and Self Protection Education sports. We will engage Polycom in the production of sanitary towels for girls and women.
In the last quarter Activate a girl Initiative registered 1000 community members who are able and willing to give Ksh 10 per day towards our sanitary pads kitty on our M-pesa platform.
We project that by the end of this year, we will have reached 5000 members. This comfortable help serve 2,500 needy girls.
Our five-year plan is to reach 25,000 community members/donors from each of the 47 counties each contributing Ksh 10 per day this will comfortably serve 500,000 girls.
With the plan to engage the media, we will be able to reach 25,000 community donors. The funds received will be planned and spread throughout the five years.
Part of this funds, will be used to initiate income generating activities that will boost the project and for sustainability.
County Governments and National government
We have been working with Kajiado and Nairobi counties in the pilot phase. The county and national governments commands a millions in their jurisdictions. Our reason for partnership with these governments is to increase our capacity to reach many girls. Since some of the county governments are already involved in similar project, we will seek to have them to adopt this model.
US dollars 2,500- Donations from Safaricom Foundation.
Us dollars 3,000- Initiative local fundraising.
We seek to raise USD 460,000.
Training – USD 21,037
Community sensitization- USD 30,737
Sanitary towels- USD 30,600
Administration- USD 10,225
Teenage pregnancy, incest and sexual abuse has been on the rise in Kenya due to the Covid-19 containment measures. The funds from elevate will:
- Catalyze and boost our efforts in helping prevent teen pregnancy by provision of sanitary towels.
- Advocating for the return of teenage mother back to school.
- Break the silence that surrounds menstrual hygiene, incest and gender based violence.
- Will help establish a safe house/space for gender based violence victim and teenage mothers who are facing stigma/discrimination and abuse.
- Funding and revenue model
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Marketing, media, and exposure
From the pilot stage our initiative has exhibited significant impact to the beneficiary and hence, has high potential for growth. However, with support or partnership in:
- Funding and revenue model – we would want to partner with organizations that would steer us to reach larger masses with service delivery.
- Marketing, media, and exposure- we would endeavor to work with partners who would help spur to reach a wider segment of service delivery through media support. Further, we would want to pitch our initiative to wider online and offline platforms. Through workshops, seminars and exposure visits, the organization would like to work alongside those organizations that would provide such avenues for exchange programs.
The UN women and UNFPA- Will assist in provision of technical expertise and help strengthen our response to gender-based violence through working with policymakers, justice systems, health systems and humanitarian partners. It will also boost our efforts in eliminating harmful cultural practices.
USAID-Will help provide both technical expertise and financial support in implementing the project across the country.
UNICEF- Will support us technical supervision in working and giving information to teenage mothers on child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation and Child protection from violence and exploitation.

Project Manager