Repair of Broken Boreholes & Sanitations
I am a Kenyan Citizen by birth,residing in Gem Rae Village,North Nyakach Ward,Nyakach Constituency,Kisumu County, Kenya.Founder of Generation for Hope Youth Group,I brings in local tremendous local knowledge which is very instrumental in community entry,Innovate,Develop and a fundraiser for Generation for Hope Youth Group and also Gem Rae Youth spokesperson.My past experience include being Charter/Past President Rotaract Club of Lake Victoria Kisumu,Rae Young Professionals Secretary General.
Mechanically rehabilitating, servicing and maintaining 60 Brocken boreholes to start providing enough lifesaving clean drinking water to meet water needs of the 5,000 Gem Rae /Gem Nam Community Women, Girls, Children and people with disabilities to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases and fight COVID-19 pandemic.
The project also aims to train 100 communities water management committees to become skillful technicians in boreholes repairs and sanitation to continue repairing their boreholes and sensitization, trainings, raising awareness of their peer community’s members to keep environment clean through digging/constructing 65 pit latrines using local building materials to improve hygiene standards to maintain healthy sanitation among the communities in the project locations. Availability and access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services is fundamental to fighting the virus and preserving the health and well-being of Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community.
- Gender Based Violence and Lack of access to Clean drinking Water - Women and girls are facing the brunt of inhumane treatment during this COVID-19, there are prevalent cases of physical and sexual violence against women and girls due to reason such as walking long distance in search of water in the river Awach, many Boreholes got spoiled in the past and has not been repaired in Gem Rae Community, North Nyakach Ward. Water pipe channels also got spoiled due to current road expansion from Kisii to Ahero Road making the community vulnerable for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. They are not able to access water easily and wash their hands putting Women and Girls and the entire community at risk. Kenyan Government closed schools due to COVID-19 rise making Girls very vulnerable as some men lure them into prostitution. There are cases of rape when Girls walk long distance to fetch water leading to pregnancies in Gem Rae Community.
- Lack of Sanitation –The previous flooding in Gem Rae Community destroyed Pit latrine of many vulnerable families, leading many to use bush for defecation.
The purpose of this project is to mechanically rehabilitate, service and maintain 60 boreholes to start providing enough lifesaving clean drinking water to meet water needs of the 5,000 Gem Rae Community Women, Girls, Children's and people with disabilities to fight COVID-19
1.1. Main activities
1.1.1. Rehabilitating, servicing and maintaining 60 boreholes to make it functional.
1.1.2. Form and train 100 community water management committees in mechanical boreholes repairing, servicing and maintenancing 60 Boreholes They are also to be trained on hygiene and sanitation skills, mobilize community participation in hygiene promotion, waste management, opening water drainage, practicing hand washing and sanitation/hygiene education in market places. After their trainings; they will also train others in hygiene and sanitation promotions.
1.1.3. 100 trained community water management committees to continue repairing boreholes, Sensitizing, training and raising awareness of 200 community’s members in Gem Rae in importance of keeping environment clean through digging/constructing 65 pit latrines
1.1.4. Procure 2000 water fetching tap jericans to be used for Hand washing to fight COVID-19 in Gem Rae Community.
Our Solution serve Youth, Women,Children's and People with disabilities in Gem Rae, North Nyakach. The proposed project is linked with Sustainable Development Goal 6 clean water and sanitation for all people. "Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
The projects is impacting lives in Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community
1.1. Through rehabilitation of broken boreholes, servicing and maintenances they are able to access lifesaving clean drinking water to fighting the virus and preserving their health and well-being
1.2. Through continuous sensitizing, training, raising awareness in digging/constructing 65 pit latrines for those who lost their Pit latrines due to previous flooding in the area, improved hygienic standards, the community now participates in waste management, opening water drainage and digging/constructing pit latrines using local building materials for excreta disposals, practicing hand washing and sanitation/hygiene education in market places to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases and fight COVID-19 pandemic.
1.3. High mortality rate among the young children, pregnant women, lactating mothers, old aged persons and persons with disabilities caused by water borne diseases is reducing.
1.4. Distribution of 2000 water container jericans enhanced hygiene standards to 2000 households.
- Elevating issues and their projects by building awareness and driving action to solve the most difficult problems of our world
The Elevate Prize talk about elevating humanity and inspiring others to act as engines for social good this is related to Generation for Hope Youth Group Project on SDGs goal 6 on Access to water and sanitation are basic human rights and are critical sustainable development challenges. This means adopting values and practices that aim to safeguard long-term availability of clean water and the provision of sanitation in Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community are deeply very important.
The birth of this project is after a Girl was raped while walking to fetch water in River Awach which is far away from their home, the issues of diarrhea that cropped due to usage of dirty water source, female psychosocial stress caused by walking long distance to collect water, destructions of Piped water channels through Road extension from Katito to Ahero Road disconnected water channels. The COVID-19 pandemic cause scare that without water in the Community the disease can easily spread because people will not be able to wash their hands regularly. The flood which affected Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community destroyed several pit latrines and many vulnerable households left without pit latrines, resorted using the bush for excretal, there are occurrences of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases therefore Generation for Hope Youth Group saw a need to rebuild destroyed 65 pit latrines for vulnerable families to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases and fight COVID-19 pandemic.
Availability and access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services is fundamental to fighting the virus and preserving the health and well-being of Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community.
The impacts of COVID-19 could be considerably higher on the urban poor, who don’t have access to clean water as now Kenyan Government lifted restriction on movement. Many people are travelling home to see their loved ones. We are passionate about this project to reduce Gender Based Violence among Women and Girls, physical and sexual violence against women and girls are rampant due to reason such as walking long distance in search of water in the river.
There are cases of child mortality, morbidity and impaired child growth. And that this is best done through collectively addressing practices in the areas of WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
People with disabilities are not able to walk long distance in search of Water, there is need for them to access clean drinking water without facing challenges of movement. This project is tailored to contribute to gender equity by increasing access to GBV services, prevent and Respond to GBV issues. Women, girls, men, boys, people with special needs will benefit from it.
The organization has a long time presence in the project location i.e. in Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community that goes back to 2013. The team will be supported from our main office in Gem Rae and access required stationery, printing, email and power to be able to generate reports that will be shared with the MIT Solve and other stakeholders.
Generation for Hope Youth Group staff represents a diverse background to show our commitments to global values. We are mix of indigenous team and expatriates from across the region. Our partners in community service both having deep experience in WASH programs.
Moses Ochola – Chairman - Program Manager
Moses has got vast experience in implementing Water Sanitation and Hygiene, facilitated repair of Brocken Boreholes, Sanitation awareness in Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community.
Carolyne Atieno Odeny – Assistant Chair lady – Gender Based Violence Project Officer
Gender Based Violence Project Officer with long experience in managing Gender Based Violence, distributed dignity kits for women and adolescent girls to protect their dignity during ministration period in Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community.
Faith Anyango Owuor - Finance Manager
Faith has qualifications in Finance and Accounting, and she is in charge of keeping records of financial transactions for the last three years.
James Ochieng - Logistics Officer
James Ochieng is experienced staffs who is served in the transport and logistics sector with different organizations in Nyakach for the last 3 years.
We always have the right mindset that has help our group to overcome physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and financial adversity. Our thoughts are essential and has help us frame the triumphs or tragedies of our work. In Generation for Hope Youth Group we are not afraid of the future, we always avoid making excuses among ourselves but letting each success to energize us.
Generation for Hope Youth Group has vast experience leadership, with qualified personnel’s on different fields. We have been working on repair of Boreholes, how to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases and Sanitation in Gem Rae /Gem Nam Community for the last 6 Months. Generation for Hope Youth Group increased public awareness about the role of the youth in combating community conflict using social media platform. In the past worked with National Council Churches of Kenya,Rotaract Club of Lake Victoria, Rae Young Professionals on inter youth dialogue forums in the neighboring Counties across and talk openly about community conflict prevention and responses and distribute information, education and communication materials on the role of Women and men in combating community conflict. Increased community awareness on community conflict prevention and responses, with a holistic perspective that includes reconciliation, mediation, negotiation and peace building, by forming a multi-sector advocacy network on social media and whats app.
Facilitated local community members of Nyakach, Kisumu to engage in peace-building by promoting dialogue, mediation and community interdependency initiatives.
Supported women and youth’s roles in the peace process in Kisumu County through radio interviews.
- Nonprofit
Generation for Hope Youth Group will digitize the rural water system using WaterTek Africa system which will allow Generation for Hope Youth Group to serve as a mediator to improve service fee collection from people using the digital tap metre and a tap card to pay for their water on a monthly basis at affordable fee of Ksh 50. Generation for Hope Youth Group hopes to streamline this process. The structures connect people to the tap by supplying them with WaterTek cards that make for an efficient transaction. The fees will be used to maintain water project. Our role is to improve service fee collections. This ensures transparency and it is an efficient way to collect service fees from users and effectively maintain the water supply sources and infrastructure. The pit latrine will be raise with hardwood to prevent them from collapsing incase flooding occur.
Addressing problems of 60 Brocken boreholes that has not been serviced, maintained and rehabilitated to supply Gem Rae/Gem Nam with clean drinking water. Lack of training of community water management on repairing, servicing and to maintain of Boreholes. Insufficient skills on hygiene education and sanitation promotion, waste management.Collapse several 65 pit latrines in Gem Rae/Gem Nam community due to previous flooding. Our goal is to enhance the performance of the drinking water and sanitation for effective, equitable and sustainable service delivery in Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community. We assume that after implementation of this project water accessibility within Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community will increase the access to sanitation and hygiene to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases. Generation for Hope Youth Group will work closely with the community, because this project will be directly beneficial to them to achieve the project desired outcome. We will also involve partners and the community administration. We will coordinate with our team of experts to make sure this project is visible and helpful to the community.
The project success will be determined by the number of Gender Based Violence among women and Girls reduced in Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community, the number of High mortality rate among the young children, pregnant women, lactating mothers, old aged persons and persons with disabilities caused by water borne diseases reduced. The number of broken boreholes rehabilitated, serviced and maintained to provide lifesaving clean drinking water for the communities in Gem Rae Community to fight water borne diseases and COVID-19 pandemic. Number of households dug/constructed pit latrines using local building materials and are being used for human excreta disposals. Number of communities’ water management committees formed, trained and they are in turn sensitizing, training and raising awareness of their peer community members in digging/constructing 65 pit latrines using local building materials to improved sanitation/hygienic standards. Number of water fetching tap jericans for hand washing distributed to vulnerable households.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- Kenya
- Our solution is currently serving 750 people desegregated on gender 200 Women,200 Men, 250 Youth - 100 ,Persons with disabilities and 120 Children's
Total beneficiaries 750
- The number of beneficiaries for one year desegregated on gender 1,600 Women,1,290 Men,2,000 Children's and 110 People with disabilities
Total beneficiaries 5,000
- The number of people we will be serving in 5 years’ time 2,000 Youth, 2,500 Women,2,000 Men, 110 People with disabilities and 1,300 Children's.
Total beneficiaries 7,910
The Goal is to enhance the performance of the clean drinking water and sanitation for effective, equitable and sustainable service delivery in Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community. The overall objective of the project is to rehabilitate 60 broken boreholes to provide enough lifesaving clean drinking water and to improve sanitation and hygienic standards of the communities’ members through sensitization, training and raising their awareness to keep environment clean through digging/constructing 65 pit latrines using local building materials in their households in Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community, North Nyakach Ward to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases and achieve improved healthy sanitation and hygiene and fight COVID-19 pandemic.Distribution of 2000 water fetching tap fetching jericans for 2000 vulnerable families to keep washing their hands with soap in fighting COVID-19 pandemic.
- The uncertainty of political context may hamper project intervention.
- Global financial crisis adversely affect the business strategy of the public and private sectors.
- Targeted regions are ecologically vulnerable and subject to severe flooding.
- Insufficient Funds to accomplish the project Objectives
- COVID-19 Pandemic Scare
- Lack of communication (internet connectivity)
- Generation for Hope will closely monitor the situation of political affairs and will make necessary adjustment during the mid‐term review.
- The coordination and collaboration mechanism planned in the project will closely monitor the issue. Consolidation of planning will be made. A mid-term review has been planned to make necessary adjustments depending on the evolving situation.
- Generation for Hope Youth Group will work closely with meteorologists on issues of flood prediction
- Generation for Hope Youth Group will continue to source for other funds for sustainability of the project and will request the community to see this project as their own and support it, we will also reapply in case there is an opportunities.
- We will do sensitization and awareness and donate mask, gloves,Soap and sanitizer to project beneficiaries when implementing the project with them to control the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Generation for Hope Youth Group will use modems for internet connectivity on communication and sending mails.
We currently partnering with;
Rotaract Club of Lake Victoria Kisumu -
- Rehabilitating, servicing and maintaining of 4 boreholes to make it functional to allow community access water
Gem Rae Youth Development Group -
- Training of 5 community water management committees in mechanical boreholes repairing, servicing and maintenance of 4 Boreholes
Rae Young Professionals
- Helping Generation for Hope Youth Group to train and raise awareness to keep environment clean through digging/constructing 5 pit latrines of the most vulnerable women which collapse due to previous flooding in the area.
Generation for Hope Youth Group provide value to the population we serve through fundraising, Members subscription, through well-wishers contributions. We serve Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community, North Nyakach Ward. The beneficiaries are Youth, Children's,Women, and People with disabilities.
Generation for Hope Youth Group has beenCarryout community based participatory planning mobilization to assess beneficiaries’ critical needs, priorities and choices through analyzing technical,financial,environmental and social feasibility to ensure beneficiaries understand the project and take ownership of the project to enhance successful implementation and sustainability of the project.
Main activities
1.1.1. Rehabilitating, servicing and maintaining 60 boreholes to make it functional for Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community to access clean drinking water.
1.1.2. Form and train 100 community water management committees in mechanical boreholes repairing, servicing and maintenance 60 Boreholes. They are also to be trained on hygiene and sanitation skills, mobilize community participation in hygiene promotion, waste management, opening water drainages, practicing hand washing and sanitation/hygiene education in market places.
1.1.3. Train 100 community water management committees to continue repairing boreholes, Sensitizing, training and raising awareness of community’s members in Gem Rae/Gem Nam, North Nyakach Ward.
1.1.4. Dig/construct pit latrines using local building materials to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases and to improve hygiene standards to maintain healthy sanitation among the 65 vulnerable families who lost their pit latrines due to previous flooding.
1.1.5. Procure 2000 water fetching tap jericans to be distributed to vulnerable families for Hand washing to fight COVID-19.
1.1.6. Monitoring and Evaluation
Generation for Hope Youth Group focuses on sustainability. We are only satisfied when we have created a lasting change. We achieve this by applying our integrated approach, focusing on behavioural change and making people owner of our projects. Our interventions focus on long-term solutions, creating a behaviour change that is generational. Generation for Hope Youth Group looks at its work using the FIETS (Financial, Institutional, Environmental, Technological and Social) sustainability principles. Fee collection from people using the digital tap metre will also to maintain water project.
After completing the project activities, we do not plan to stop our operations. We will ensure that we have internal resource mobilization mechanisms to help us sustain and own the activities in the future. We will also encourage the community members to see this project as their own, support it and ensure it continues. The trained 100 communities water management committees to become skillful technicians in boreholes repairs and sanitation to continue repairing their boreholes and sensitization, trainings, raising awareness in their community’s to keep environment clean through digging/constructing pit latrines using local building materials to improve hygiene standards to maintain healthy sanitation among the communities in the project locations. Community strengthening - Generation for Hope Youth Group knows how important it is to engage communities in the entire process. We involve local people every step of the way. For example, when projects are implemented, we take into consideration the opinions of the local community regarding organisational arrangements to maintain implemented services and facilities.
Seeking more than $ 30,000 grant for this project implementation
Our estimated expense $ 30,000
- Generation for Hope is applying for the Elevate Prize to mechanically rehabilitate, service and maintain 60 Brocken boreholes to start providing enough lifesaving clean drinking water to meet water needs of the 5,000 Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community Women, Girls, and people with disabilities to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases and fight COVID-19 pandemic
- To train 50 communities’ water management committees to become skillful technicians in boreholes repairs and sanitation to continue repairing their boreholes and sensitization, trainings, raising awareness in the community’s to keep environment clean.
- Dig/construct 65 pit latrines to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases and to improve hygiene standards to maintain healthy sanitation among the 65 vulnerable families who lost their pit latrines due to previous flooding in Gem Rae/Gem Nam communities.
- To sensitize, train, and raise awareness on waste management, opening water drainages, water treatment, hand washing and provision of sanitation/hygiene education in market places to fight the viruses and preserve the health and wellbeing of Gem Rae/Gem Nam Communities.
- To procure 2000 water fetching tap jericans to be distributed in the Markets and vulnerable families to continue washing their hands with Soap to fight COVID-19 in Gem Rae/Gem Nam Community.
- Funding and revenue model
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Marketing, media, and exposure
- Funding of this Project - Repair of Broken Hand Pump Boreholes for Provision of Live Saving Clean Drinking Water and Improved Sanitation to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea and other water- and faecal-borne diseases and fight COVID-19 in Gem Rae, Gem Nam Community, North Nyakach Ward.
- Mentorship and Coaching on Chemical and physical water quality test and report including testing for arsenic by licensed laboratory, Bacteriological test,How to Clean and disinfect the boreholes with hypochlorite calcium solution and How to Flush borehole by compressor to remove silt and debris and to estimate yield
- Marketing ,media and exposure - Exposure on our organization and project for like minded donors working with youth groups or any other donor interested working with our Group in Gem Rae Community,Kenya.
Generation for Hope Youth Group would like to partner with Kenya Water for Health Organization in Kisumu collaborating on drilling boreholes and sanitation projects. We are also like to partner with other three (3) well established Registered Youth Groups in Gem Rae. (Rae Young Professionals, Rotaract Club of Lake Victoria Kisumu, Gem Rae Youth Development Group and also Youth Service America (YSA)
We would like to partner with them to implement this project through training as they also having experts in different field on Water and Hygiene and Sanitation.


Assistant Chairlady-Gender Based Violence Officer

Logistics officer