Energy Eevolution - efficient use of energy and human labour
By using self production of energy we can solve two problems in one shot.
2 .My solution is to create a home electric mini powerplant. this powerplant will use sun, wind and kinetic energy to produce electricity that will be charged back into the existing electric network. the kinetic energy could be created by a treadmill that while running on 'jhon and jane do' could produce electricity the will be charged back into the electric network.
3. I beleive that the pending revolution of ai and 3d printing will force humanity to think of a new economy model' my solution can change the way we produce and use electricity. i believe that if billions of poeple will run on treadmills that produce electricity we can find something for poeple to do and get paid for and reduce the depandance on the existing polluting electricity producing industry(and help poeple get fit...).
- Other (Please Explain Below)
- Human + Machine
My idea is based on the notion that humanity needs a new economy model when millions of workers could potentially become unemployed and if we calculate population growth that problem is one of the most importent problems humanity is facing.
the technology i am thinking of is the a smart computerised system that will charge electricity from different inputs, like sun, wind and using a treadmill to convert kinetic energy into electricity. this system will be able to charge that electricity back into the electric system and/or use it for own consumption. that system would work as a network where as poeple around the world would could measure there electriciy consumption and production and use the network as energy efficiency tool and and income source.
the next stage of my solution is to build a prototype, ones i will get the support of solve it will be possiable.
i would like to first build a prototype, so i would be able to demonstrate it to investors. ones the inevsotrs would put money into it i would like to sse it working on a small scale as an experiment of a local country and go from there.
- Urban
- Rural
- Suburban
- Lower
- Middle
The communitis will have access to my solution at there homes, one the solution will be viable and working. for start it will be open as a demonstration at the experiment stage.
none, since the solution is at the idea stage.
probably localy dozens at the 12 moths mark and thousands at the 3 years mark.
- For-Profit
- 1
- Less than 1 year
I have experience with funding and would probably hire proffsional employees for marketing and finance.
my revenue model is web like model of deploying a project locally and expending worldwide since the potential impact is global and endless.
I liked the challange and where thinking i am able to contribute. i think the model you present could help the like of me that wont to develop and idea from scratch.
The scale of the change is enormes and has socio economic and political issues.
- Organizational Mentorship
- Technology Mentorship
- Connections to the MIT campus
- Grant Funding
- Debt/Equity Funding
- Other (Please Explain Below)