Difficult Conversations
Dalhia Perryman is a published, multi-disciplinary artist, advocate and intellectual whose work benefitted women's safety/education in Tanzania, the Middle East, Haiti, Louisiana etc. She's held memberships in American Mensa, AmeriCorps, the International High IQ Society and the International Street painting Society. As a National Senior Trainer, she taught 30,000 students, law enforcement, mental health providers and survivors of mass violence including Parkland, Sandy Hook Elementary School and Aztec High (New Mexico). She participated in a Guinness World Record attempt, had work on CBS Sunday Morning, contributed 6,000+ lifetime community service hours and 1700+hrs. with the Corporation for National/Community Service. She helped rebuild 4 homes in the 9th Ward in Louisiana, used digital mapping to help save girls from genital mutilation in Tanzania, Trained to reunite victims/records of victims of the Holocaust and victims of International wars, Shipped supplies to victims of the Earthquake in Haiti, Did Midwest Flood Victim telethons,
I am a National Trainer who has trained 30,000 people. Marjory Stoneman Douglas and the Fort Lauderdale Airport, sites of mass violence are in my service area. I live where the Arthur McDuffie police/race riots occurred 40 yrs ago and the Black lives matter protests are happening today. During the hurricanes one year my students of Mexican and Brazilian descent would not get free food because they were scared of deportation. I survived someone trying to take my life and the loss of loved ones to homicide, suicide, domestic violence and AIDS. I am a black woman. Solution: 3 national town hall meetings in Miami facilitated by me. subjects: 1) race/policing, 2)immigration reform, 3) anti (mass) violence in school/ community. Invite panelists from various national initiatives. Participants must leave with a viable and immediate action plan for moving forward in their cities/agree on the terms with those in attendance. Accountability.
Problem: Few people talk about these 3 major issues in my community, and the same groups of people are always gathered to solve them; so answers remain the same. Solution: To get diverse national/local main players in a room to come up with small easily actionable agreed on plans to progress.
Currently Black Lives Matter Movements are in every US state, in Australia, Tokyo, the UK, Ireland/ South Africa etc. The nation is ripe for these talks, Juneteenth, The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Rayshard Brooks in quick succession, the possible lynching/suicide of two California men/deaths of Black Lives Matter activists/the 40 yr anniversary in Miami of the Arthur McDuffie death and nooses at raceways say its time. 1 in 1000 black men and boys will die by police. 2.5 xs the national average. (leading cause of death for US black men. Black women are 1.4 times more likely to die at the hands of police. There are 699,350 DACA recipients in the US . There is an immigration detention center within 30 miles of my home. My previous home (Palm Beach County has a large migrant population whose work is a major economic boost to area.
3 separate town hall like meetings/conferences. Each meeting will be on a separate topic. Meeting 1 (race/police relations), Meeting 2: Mass Violence in Schools/Community, Meeting 3: Immigration Reform. Multiple Day Event (I envision the sessions to possibly be held in the Adrienne Arsht Center, Downtown Miami. There would be an opening session with talks from professionals in the field. Break out sessions with like minded/non likeminded people and mass discussions/reporting. Information Packets. Multiple facilitators/security to monitor rooms., lunch/breakfast provided). Goal: To come up with small actionable steps that can begin upon arriving at their home states. Example of guests (anti mass violence (survivors/parents of parkland and Aztec New Mexico High School, school board, commissioners, school superintendent, researchers in the field, law enforcement. The police/community town hall, may have black lives matter activists, the Camden Police Department (different police model), researchers and educators in the field, Miami PD, Mothers of the movement (mothers of young black people who have been killed, lawmakers etc. Secondary Goal. An additional goal of having people from around the nation participate is that they will take a little of what they learn back with them and BEGIN work in their own communities armed with new tools/insight
The best skill I have as a trainer/facilitator is listening. I drive my conversations based on the direction the group takes me. FIRST I would ask the GROUP to come up with Rules of Engagement to deal with each other respectfully. I would then like them to tell who they are/why they care about the matter/how they feel it can be addressed. I want it to be an onsite conversation so these groups can develop meaningful friendships/connections. We are more alike than we are different. I want there to be continued connection with these groups after the initial meeting. through zoom/ email and message boards, newsletters etc. I want the people who attend to become a part of a larger community that is not the original community they know. Communities to be addressed may be survivors of mass violence/ school board, police, black lives matter, DACA recipients/ICE. I would honor the people in the immigration community to possibly have them write their stories and have actors read them, so as to protect their anonymous status (not forced to be on site). There are activists in that community who don't mind sharing and I would like to invite them as well.
- Elevating issues and their projects by building awareness and driving action to solve the most difficult problems of our world
Go Big or Go Home. My project also strongly encourages "understanding of and between people to change beliefs (3rd choice). I chose the 2nd because it ends in concrete ACTION to 'solve the most difficult world problems. They say if you educate a woman you uplift her community. I want to take the current leaders in these fields let them learn from each other and re-embed them in their communities to INVOKE change. Global change starts small. My model 4 this project is all of the 'global peace talks' + MLK, Gandhi, Mother Teresa. They were 'just talkers' like me
My anti violence work began after threats of violence on my life and the loss of loved ones to homicide, suicide, domestic violence, suicide and AIDS. I've played with the idea of engaging the school anti violence players for a year. While beginning to plan that, Covid/recent deaths of black people on video happened in quick succession. I had nothing but time to think about it/process it through my writing and art, but I feel like at this moment in my life I have the capacity to deal with this in a high level ie not as a protester (which I have been before (peaceful protester) but as a thought leader. I just had a boot camp of sorts working with many different types of people around the country and how to engage them, and I believe this time I have the skillset to engage them appropriately. Many years ago my undoc. students would not get free food during crisis to not get deported. On the news a few days ago I saw undocument. people again not getting deserved resources because they're scared of deport. "We hold these truths to be self evident that ALL men are created equal.
I am a part of most of the groups that I desire to serve. I worked with migrant/undocumented students. I've had students miss their loved ones death, but cant go home because they might not be able to get back into the country. I have seen my students work alone in the states for 10-15 years at a time to try to get enough money and or through the paperwork to bring their entire family from another country. I can't imagine, what that feels like. I remember so many situations that broke my heart. It bothers me that I am scared for the young men in my family to get stopped for anything, and I worry about those of my loved ones in law enforcement as well. I have had students tell me they saw someone with a gun in school or that they knew of someone who wanted to end their life. I have ALWAYS felt like I have had a bigger life purpose than to work or live small every day. To Whom much is given much is required. I have a lot of gifts and talents and I believe they are mine to impact global change
Trained 30,000 students, administrators, mental health pros and law enforcement Nationwide in anti violence,anti mass violence anti mass violence and anti suicide. I have worked with survivors,victims of trauma, homeless, minority communities, title 1 schools etc. Trainings have been through FEMA, The Red Cross, The IRS, The Kennedy Center LEAD Conference (Ledership Exchange in Art and Disability, Insight (Holocaust Related). Cultural Competency, National Holocaust Museum and Memorial, Experience in Event Management, Hospitality, Management, Facilitation, Workshop Facilitation, Member of Mensa, Member of International High IQ Society, Member of AmeriCorps, Done work all over the US. Nationally Trained through RED Cross, in AIDS, FEMA Incident Command Certificates, Emergency Management Trainings, Incident Command and Bag check Trainings, OSHA trainings, degrees in studio art and Mass Communication. Great speaking skills, writing skills, Great Ability to diffuse situations, great under pressure. Maryland Crowd Management Training, Worked with economically challenged persons, dealt with the homeless and minority populations.
My life is my testimony. I have a lot riding on this. My situation is dire in many ways, more than I care to put on a public application. Amongst the people closest to me, I can count the people that still believe in me on a few fingers. Some tell myself and others of my "failures" daily. Its enough to make you give up. However THAT IS NOT MY M.O. I am driven by something only I can see....I was born for this and for this moment in history. Despite not being in the best moment in my life, I am still pursuing which to many seems ill advised and wishful. Yes I am a dreamer but I am also a visionary and a prophet... ie I see a bright tomorrow for myself and my community. It doesn't matter what my circumstances look like I know what my brain tells me is true....Brighter days are on the horizon. So until that moment, I put my blinders on and sit in this library to access the wifi to do this application.
As a theater manager I often had situations training couldn't prepare me for. Ie having someone have a massive heart attack in the front row of a theater when the lights went out and having to get them out safely to get care. I have been manager and had to deal with protesters from major disagreeing (international) nations during a show, safely and discreetly). They say the show must go on, but in theater management its VERY true, exactly what do you do when all of the lights in the theater go off and you have 2000 people to care for. What do you do when someone rolls a suitcase into your lobby post 911, or if they bring a weapon into the building. How do you deal with that. How do you deal with someone dropping a thousand fliers onto a slick floor at intermission from the balcony. All of these things have happened to me and I am thrilled to say I survived them all. I have a pretty cool head under pressure. in addition I always identify my resources and allies, and advisors, to help me through situations that are bigger than me as well.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
My legal structure is I am operating as a sole proprietor within the State of Florida. I operate under the ficticious name "The Black Dalhia" and the federally Trademarked name, "The Black Dalhia International Enterprises :Artist, Activist, Warrior, Queen. This project will be a major initiative under the Black Dalhia umbrella.
My work as a whole has always been unique innovative and disruptive because I bring all of my intellect, my skills from life, business, activism and art together to attack problems from a different angle than most. My work in this area is disruptive in that I want to put several key players together to talk (its been done) what's different is that the followup should include research, studies and documentation after the event as well as whatever initiatives spring from the interactions. Just like in art (my field, there is cross pollination when people work together. Ideas naturally spring up when people are to work together. What's more important however is I believe the time is RIPE for disruption in a positive sense. ie. When have you EVER seen the whole world, Mobilizing over race and equality. Students are moving the needle toward change in reference to their own safety and voices in school and in government they are driving the legislation. Young DACA recipients have earned their rights through the legal process this week. The world is ready for change!
I have no magic bullet for making pressing global issues disappear by holding a conference. What I do know however is being in a safe space/learning from experts allows people to let their guards down enough to learn/be motivated/engage in positive action with foes/unknown people who you may or may not have pre conceived notions of. Successful International Peace Treaties where warring factions agree to terms of peace or cease fire demonstrate this.(ex. Treaty of Versailles ended the first world war.) The United Nations is an example of a safe space to air international conflict grievances. Everyone speaks. My idea for this project is directly drawn from the concept of the United Nations/Peace Treaties. If it can end international wars, it certainly should be able to quell local tensions, even is just within my home city: Miami. A sore can not heal when it is covered up. The fact that riots/protests/social unrest are being held forty years to the date in my city, for the same thing that spurred it 40 years ago is not lost on me.
Activities: Three national separate town hall meetings/conferences held on the subjects of anti violence/mass violence in schools, immigration reform and police community relations
Output: Participants gain a greater understanding of subject matter, pros v cons and understanding of opposing views. Beneficial dialogue is had.
Short Term outcomes: Participants begin the learning, discussion and questioning process during the conference. A tangible agreed upon list of actionable items that can be done immediately after during the conference
Long Term Outcomes: Participants gain greater understanding, participants began seeing opponents as comrades in a common problem. Workshop participants become the leaders in their own communities that facilitate the conversation in their hometowns.
Company Incubation -Participants scale the outcomes, bringing new information to their communities with fresh eyes and ready to engage their communities in the critical window of inspiration right after the conference where you are still motivated
Knowledge creation and Public Dissemination- Community is engaged through Facebook Live, Instagram Live, Live in person sessions, post covid, zoom meetings, educational publications and research papers
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- United States
- United States
Current Persons Served: 0
I am just beginning this project as an official, fully realized idea.
Persons served in 1 year: Realistically For one conference,I anticipate serving on the low end and ideally 150 people directly through the conference. This is important for being able to accommodate, serve, and facilitate the comings and goings of the people. I think a cautious but feasible estimate (post conference in outreach through conference attendees networks might be 600 people reached. (450 total people reached for three conferences on site). (1800 people reached for all three conferences post conference through networks year 1)
Persons Served In Five Years: In a span of 5 years, I anticipate that initiatives spurred on by the conferences, new policies, new connections should be in effect in a few select hometowns of conference participants. Not everyone will build a foundation or initiatives but a few will. Taking the information back to their communities, I believe would exponentially increase the numbers of people impacted. I anticipate in keeping with first year numbers: The number of people who can possibly be reached post event through conference attendee networks could viably be approximately 9,000 people indirectly.
Event Goals
* Begin reaching out to key figures surrounding the three (topics) This is currently happening as I am seeing news reports and reading articles about key figures on all sides of the issue.* Secure Venue and Date, Secure Hotel and Food Sponsors, * Recruit Volunteers * Secure Speakers and tech.Design the Physical Program * Design the program of the day or two days, * get participant gifts/gift bags, lanyards, name badges, toys, books, compile workshop folders and articles of interest. Ask participants with companies to bring donation items (promotional items).
Impact Goals
Getting people to show up. Getting Participants to set rules of respectful engagement ang getting everyone to abide by them. Getting participants to engage. There are a lot of walls that need to be broken down before the work can begin. (alot of these goals can be achieved specifically by bringing my A game as a speaker and facilitator. You have to be quick on your feet and able to respond to whereever the crowd takes you or learn to ignore that which will lead to a tangent with the audience or cause commotion or hurtful interactions. etc.
Five Year
Begin seeing new initiatives building in certain cities. Begin seeing certain legislation and or company policies, matching the conference wish lists beginning to be seen in various cities across the country, where participants are from.
Nothing will limit my impact. I do my best to get over under, around or through every challenge. However, the BIGGEST challenges facing me in this moment are not in the facilitation of this event or the follow-up afterward as many of those things fall into areas where I already have extensive experience. My biggest issues lie in the fact that my own circumstances are challenging. Trying to conduct something this major while struggling with major personal challenges is daunting but not impossible. The NUMBER 1 hurdle at this point is that covid is not expected to be over until approximately two years from now. People will be unwilling to travel etc, until that is over. The biggest hurdles in that instance will be convincing 150 people of influence to come to Miami to discuss what they have already been wrestling with and talking about and mobilizing around in their communities DURING AN INTERNATIONAL PANDEMIC (that hopefully by the time this event becomes a reality will be ending). Another hurdle will be convincing people to drop their preconceived notions at the door. One cultural issue I can think of specifically with the African American and Hispanic Communities in my community (gained through conversations) is there is an underlying major distrust of people in local authority. Trying to break thru dialogue surrounding these issues will be challenging but not impossible.
In terms of my personal situation I don't have a lot of resources, but my intellect is strong and my HUMAN resources are solid. This means that while I don't have alot of financial backing or resources. I do have some very strong leaders that surround me in my life. I think as far as trying to get different cultural communities to mesh, I believe the problem is also the solution. Talking to the very people you may be wary of may show that there are some really nice people on the other side of the negotiation table from you. I believe that will help begin the healing. In addition: many people locally dont feel that they are a part of the process. Just sitting and being able to engage (at the negotiation table) will also fill a void that has existed for many for many years. In terms of "The Prize" being able to help me. I think the founders of this organization have skillsets that could benefit me. A conversation about best practices from one or all of them could assist me. Marketing could also be of assistance. At least one of the Solve advisors, I think I could benefit from a phone conversation with, as much of the work I see myself doing in the future, not just in this project, lines up with where they have already been. (Katja Iversen).
I am not partnering with any organizations at this moment as this project just went from ethereal concept to concrete actually tangible project. I anticipate working with people on accounting, legal, food service and hospitality, the Adrienne Arsht Center. Some of the local Mayors and City Commissioners of Miami Dade County, Miami, Miami Gardens, Miami Beach etc. The Miami Dade Police Department, a Local Security Company.
In this particular project, the services that I am providing are workshop presentation and facilitation, event planning, hospitality, reception, training, logistics, negotiation and consultation. People will care about these services because the timing has come within the United States where people are addressing race and police/community relations, immigration and gun violence in schools/community. All of these things are in the news and foremost in peoples consciousness at this moment. People are more receptive than they have ever been. In the past many of these issues were not well received. That is not the case now. My key communities/clients pertaining to this project being served are students, DACA recipients and police officers, minority communities, school board members etc.
My best bet for funding this initiative in my eyes is through grants. I have had the most success with them and I write fairly well. My goal is to apply for beginning funding for this project through the Knight Foundation, the Department of State Grants division, the Pollock Krasner Foundation, Oolite Award (funding from an arts organization), I plan to Apply for Echoing Green and Kennedy Center Citizen Artist Fellows (opportunity, connections, networking , not money). I would like to get donations of in kind services, for food, hotel maybe flights and gift bags in some cases,
I have not yet secured funding for this project but I have also just began searching for funding as well.
I would like to secure starting funding through applying for Non -matched grants. I believe a good starting goal would be $100,000. I have never received that much in grant funding , so I don't want to lose secured funding based on the fact that I may be unable to raise an additional $100,000. Ideally, I would like to secure it within 6 months of this application. I do know that some applications can take up to six months or more to hear back but that is my goal.
Estimated $121,000 annual
Includes facility rental $10,000, tech $3000, food $6000, gifts $8000, accounting $3000, legal $4500, speakers $15,000, insurance, advertising $4500, supplies $8000, shipping $500, hotel support staff, phone $960, wi fi $1680, licensing$3500, printing $1800, customer service/support staff $6000, postage $$200
As a little girl I believed I would help solve national/global issues. I was told that was not possible, it became my goal to work towards those things. I was worried about Holocaust survivors/genocide, genital mutilation, global women's access to health/safety/education. AGAINST ALL ODDS my work has impacted many of those areas. I did that with no training, no access, no money, no plan of action, just desire/tenacity. At this point in my life I want to scale my work. I don't want to affect a few people in a remote area of the world (although I am proud of that) I want to strategically impact, large volumes of people abroad and locally with my "Difficult Conversations" Project. This Prize would allow me assistance with marketing, scaling my project, to make it a way that it is sustainable and the opportunity to learn from mentors and other participants and other 'human resources". I need a network to get to the next phase of what I envision. Also I have never sought the money to fund my own initiatives, meanwhile my gifts/talents garnered money/opportunities for others. This would help me push something I believe in. At one point I thought it was selfish to focus on your own empowerment (projects, ideas, etc. ) Now I see it as absolutely essential to fulfilling my purpose here on earth. I was meant to serve humanity. I am a servant/thought leader. I have finally given myself permission to walk in my greatness
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
- Other
Accounting/Taxes. Money is great however it is critical (for me) to have advisors/a network of trusted people around me helping to get me where I need to go. I have been searching for those advisors for a very long time, through various projects and this one is no different. I want what I build to be on a stable and solid foundation. I want it to be something that may even outlast my lifespan. I am an intelligent person; intelligent enough to know that you don't build something like that without first talking to people who can teach you the proper way to do things. I know of way too many stories of people making legal, accounting, financial etc. mistakes that take very promising and well meaning initiatives into a downturn. I don't want to be that person and I welcome the guidance, help, support, lessons of experience.
American Airlines Arena, Hardrock Stadium, Adrienne Arsht Center, Broward Center for the Performing Arts (venue spaces to meet), Camden Police Department (example of a different police model that has proven to be effective and built community trust), Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Sandy Hook Elementary School Parents, Dade County School Board, School Superintendent, Principal of my High School, Miami Dade, Miami Gardens, Miami Beach Police Departments, Police Union (For Professional and accurate experience based information, Sabrina Fulton and Mothers of the Movement (lost sons to violence), Black Lives Matter (Barnes and Noble and a local black bookstore to possibly donate literature to workshop participants to study, Fed Ex Kinkos to help donate or discount printed workshop materials, Racial Equity Institute for workshop presenters, Barbara Chieves (workshop presenter). US immigration and Customs Enforcement, Florida Immigrant Coalition, National Immigration Law Center. United States Holocaust Museum and Memorial, Kennedy Center, Echoing Green, Creative Capital, TED/TEDx