Learning of Marginalized in University
I am working as the head of research and translation center at Al-Razi University. During my work, I have registered the university and coordinated in the Millennium Fellowship for the university students. The accepted fellows performed several social projects. One of these was to help marinalized children to come back to schools. I was the project coordinator. We seek to decrease the inequality of the marginalized group in our country because it is very common.
Many Marginalized young leave high schools and stop their learning because they are very poor and not accepted by the other community. However, according to a survey conducted by Al-Razi University in three residence places in Sana'a, Yemen. The survey results showed that about 98% of the marginalized young stopped their education by the end of their secondary schools. The survey showed that their community is in urgent need for primary services particularlly health services such as nursing, midwifery and medicine. Maternity death is very common in their places because they do not go to hospital in case of difficult of delivery. Therefore, we propose to decrease this inequality among community. Those marginalized young should be similar to other people and this will be by involving them in university learning and improve their equality awareness.
Marginalized young in Yemen are out of higher education. They have no interest to join it. The community lives in isolation. It needs urgent services primarily health suc as nurses, doctors and midwives. There are about 2000 marnginalized young in Sana'a who have finished high school and need to join university education.
The project aims at helping marginalized young to join university education. Al-Razi University will admit 10-20 boys/girls from this group to join the nursing and midwifery program every year. This number is small because of the financial capacity of the university. The project will be extended and the number of the students can be increased if the university finds funding support for that. The university seeks to convince the ministry of higher education to issue a resolution to commitment all universities to participate in the project.
The project will serve the marginalized group in Yemen specially those living in Sana'a. They are living in isolated places. They are excluded from society because of social factors. Al-Razi University has conducted a survey to analyze their education need and social situations. It found out that about 98 % of the young stopped education after finishing high schools. Their needs primarily were health needs suc as nurses and midwives. Al-Razi University provides medical programs including nursing and midwifery and aims to attract a number of this targeted group to join these programs freely. They need a lot of efforts to make them interested in joining the university of their negative and poor background.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
Making marginalized young joining university learning is well-aligned to increasing their opportunities for them to be similar as other groups of people.
According to the mission of Al-Razi university for providing education quality to all group of people with no discrimination, some of these marginalized young came to the university as staff of the cleaning company. They worked in the university as cleaners. During that period, I conducted informal interviews with them and found out that they have desire to study university but they feel that they are poor and the society will not support them. This issue was discussed with the university administration and came up with the idea of the project.
The marginalized people are similar to us. Humanity motivated me to address this problem. Al-Razi University is looking to be a lead in education quality and this problem is one of such to achieve the university mission. We need to provide education for all with no discrimination.
Al-Razi University has very highl professional staff in academic and administrative section to hold such project. It is a member in the UN Academic Impact and has participated in the UN Millennium Fellowship 2019 with 14 styudents. These fellows performed five project to serve community. One of these project was to target marginalized dropped out children and made them back to their schools and provided them with school bags and uniforms. The fellows followed up the children learning process for one semister.
Al-Razi Universty is a member in the UN Academic Impact and has participated in the UN Millennium Fellowship 2019 with 14 styudents. These fellows performed five project to serve community. One of these project was to target marginalized dropped out children and made them back to their schools and provided them with school bags and uniforms. The fellows followed up the children learning process for one semister.
I was a coordinator of the Millennium Fellowship 2019 and followed five projects in serving the community for three months.
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
Al-Razi University is a private univwersity seeks to provide quality education for all, scientific research and community service. The project is considered as a part of the university mission.
It will start new initiative of joining marginalized young in university education for the first time in Yemen.
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Yemen, Rep.
- Yemen, Rep.
In one year 20. In five years 100
To recieve 20 marginalized students in nursing and midwifery programs.
Lack of financial support and security situation
UN Academic Imapct and Millennium Campus Network. We are working with them by sharing logistic and technical activities.
To use it for funding the marginalized young study in university.
- Funding and revenue model