Faspa collections and company
Am Rosette Nambuya from Uganda aged 28 and currently working in United Arab Emirates. I did Fashion and Design at Young Men's Christian Association on diploma in 2015, and started modeling from school. I featured on some fashion shows at on weekends worked as an usher on parties. After school I started working from home with a sewing machine and worked in salon part time. I participated in church and did community work to get customers. They were inspired by my designs because I was my own model. I used social media platforms to share my works and get more customers but with time because of competition i joined a friend in Kenya and who was doing jewelry. I learnt alot because his market was big both local and international. Every year I have been learning something new to expand my skills in interior, clothes and jewelry.
Faspa company will aim at providing services to people bringing items at doorstep. Employing the unemployed for example delivery and sales. It will save time, traffic congestion and transport costs. So with this it will uplift people's way of living through helping in transportation, families for those who are unemployed will get needs plus themselves, satisfaction of getting items on time and quick.
Faspa will mainly want to solve a problem of delayed items being delivered or getting them at stores. It is looking at functions that are taking place in villages where it's still remote. These locals travel all the way from their home areas to town for only a wedding dress and shoes plus accessories. Functions that are ruined and they need a substitute at that specific time yet they cannot afford to travel back that long journey to town to get a substitute because of limited resources. Since most of the resources are centered in the city yet these other small towns don't have a have access to them they tend to flood the city. Faspa is looking for a way to help them.
Faspa collections and company is an online shopping platform that will provide, promote, market and sale products of store owners while bring services to people at door step. It is not only online based but will have main stores having different store owners' products in every town to help those in remote areas have access to these items. It will have an application where one is required to choose the item he/she desires, compare prices and add to cart then enter the location of your area then pair with the store owner of the item and it will be delivered. Cash will be either on phone using mobile money system or direct on arrival. Here no one is cheated since the price is displayed. We shall work with Uber and safe boda to deliver the items to people. For services for example salon one needs to choose her location then the salon owners with his/her location, pick the style of hair, nails, hair cut you desire then the price displays, pair with him and will reach you where you are to work on you anywhere provided the location is there.
Faspa company is looking at serving the locals mainly living in remote areas since they don't have access to most of the resources yet they want to keep up with the standards of living like people in Kampala. Being the majority are poor in my country yet they have the biggest market and face alot of challenges so this brings in faspa company to help. It will open up main stores in these areas to assist those who don't have smart phones and computers. A toll free line will be in place to help those who still cannot afford to but recharge cards.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
I started sewing at an early from my mom who was a tailor by then. I picked up swatches to make for my dolls clothes later I took a fashion and design course. I majored in clothes because it's wide with different items. I have always loved our cultural wear and traditionals but with competion from the West that is America is taking over and our traditions are fading out. I want to inspire the young generation to modify our cultural wears and balance with the west. Coming up with faspa is to give a platform to people especially the young generation to exploit their gifted talents, get market and boost the economy.
Am passionate about fashion at large clothes, interior designs, shoes, bags, jewelry which are changing at a fast rate because of technology. I don't want us to left since Africa is behind from the world and I want to be among people who have brought change because I have traveled to some countries like Egypt, Oman and United Arab Emirates where things work differently. I have been inspired and got ideas that can be shared in my country to bring development and meet international standards.
I have studied fashion and design and am always updated with the latest trends and products that are on market and those that are out of market. I know what problems, challenges and risks people take and face in this industry.
I have traveled to United Arab Emirates and is the number one tourist destination which has good products, services and learnt how business works. I have got some inspirations from people, interactions that will push me in business.
I was a model and participated in fashion shows in Uganda while still a student. I interacted with big names in the industry, musicians, politicians and actors.
Am not a rich person but I earn what I lay my hands on. I came up with faspa company with a colleague from scratch. Every step we took was a thorn but we have managed to reach where we are now. It would have started operating already during this lock down but the person who was working on the application plus dashboard was arrested for not following quarantine rules of not working.coming up with faspa collections company was just trying out names since I had several of them. Trying to explain to people what it is and how it works they take long to understand. Am paying rent yet I haven't yet physically started.
I come from an average family where everything is provided good or bad you choose. My parents decided to travel to Rwanda for a wedding. I was left with my older siblings since am the youngest little did I know that they would party for two days since my parents were gone. We spent a lot of money and wasted resources at home on guests they had invited. When the two days finished my parents were coming back but we didn't have any food and some of the things were broken. My siblings were still drunk so I took the initiative to start cleaning up and called a few friends for help. I prepared breakfast for everyone plus the guests who were stiil around, went to the market to buy food. I prepared lunch because my parents were on the way. Hardly had I finished to do all this, they arrived and everything was back to normal though alcohol was still smelling. I saved the day.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Faspa company is not like these other online shopping platforms but it combines all whether only or not. Connecting different professionals models, tailors, hair stylists, sales personnel, marketers designers. All these unified boost the economy. Faspa will have major stores open in different towns which will be accessible to the locals within yet online shops only have one main store centered in the capital.
- Rural
- Urban
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
Currently Faspa company will first operate in the capital to stablish itself and it will attract 1000' of people but after one year in operation it will expand to small towns and the numbers will increase slowly but within 5 yearsit will have grown from 10,000 people and to millions of people.
Faspa company is starting small since online business in uganda is still growing but at a faster rate so it will brand itself first as the biggest online shopping in Uganda is out competing the small ones like jumia.
It will have promotions and gives aways end of the month 10% to 35% off on items and at the end of the year free offers and rewards its consistence customers and 60% off on new years. t will then expand to other towns from the capital holding big names and small of stores but all in one.
It will register for and employ newly graduates who have pursued in fashion courses and business. These will have exposure and expand it fast.
It will have to reach the standard of international market both advertising and sales using internet, televisions, billboards.
It will cooperate with transport company vessels like uber to enable it deliver items till it buys for itself.
Financially Faspa company is not well funded and its mainly from salary fund and personal savings. It's looking for partners to help it expand and grow fast.
Technically Ugandans the biggest population percentage of 56% are still living in rural areas where there is no internet a few have computers and still don't own smart phones. For faspa to grow fast it needs online because here it's after than approaching physically.
For market barriers people are not willing and open minded about online business. They still need sensitising and exposure on how it works. Competion from other online shops and copying similar ideas in operation.
For finances faspa will partner with big companies and business men who are aggressive in business. Looking for opportunities like elevate prize. Profits from its commission.
Opening major stores in different towns to attract locals who do not have internet and smart phones. Creating a toll free line for customer service incase of no recharge card. Advertising using media like radio and television sets.
Opening up different stores in different towns and expanding to other neighboring countries to out compete the small ones. Exposing people teaching them the value of using online and how quick it operates.
Faspa company since it will register store owners so it will help them sell their products and provide services to hence getting commissions to raise funds.
Faspa is looks for grants from big companies and investors who are willing to see its goals and objectives in operation becoming into a big enterprise.
Raising investment capital through making partnerships with business personnels who are aggressive in business and what to expand and be part of faspa investment.
Since elevate prize is giving me a platform here incase I don't win atleast I believe business people will read my ideas and if will grant me 25,000$ or more but with that I can accept. But if a debt then payable after 2 years. We can make a contract or sign an agreement with monetary interests.
I haven't yet started but 2021 when operating and looking at 50,000$ and more since it will be new I business so the start will be rough. It will mainly come from services and registration of people with no physical stores.
Faspa company is not like these other online shopping platforms but it combines all whether online or non online. It will be the first in the country and believe in East if it grows fast. With elevate prize this idea will be realized.
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Since most people in Uganda with the biggest percentage of 56% who do not use internet and smart phones they need exposure on how online business works. They need to step up to compete with the outside world in marketing their products. They need to know which media works better and faster in sales and market using websites, applications, social media among others which people have not fully engaged in.
Since am in United Arab Emirates I would like to partner with Amazon and Ali express because their dash boards comprises of all most everything one can think of in small or large quantities of which I still lack because of limited resources in Uganda. I can get some of th e items from them and Bing them to Ugandans without one traveling to come shopping thus boosting our economy.
Designer entrepreneur