Jupyter-based GUI for statistical machine learning: an environment for SML learning, modeling, execution, reporting, data curation, and development.
1. The greatest manpower shortage in the future will be those who can implement and use SML models. (Cf. NYTimes 10/22/17.) We're creating a tool to simplify the tasks, and bring ML to the masses.
Think of spreadsheets: 30-35 years ago, they were used by few; now they are ubiquitous, and required for many jobs. We believe this will be true for SML skills in the future.
2. We believe that a simple user interface will empower a large group of people to gain SML facility. Again, think of the first spreadsheets. (I was there.)
3. Mynerva will initially be used to teach SML skills to people in Puerto Rico. (I have been in contact with office of Sec'y of Economic Dev't there, which has been supportive; former Sec'y of Econ Dev't has agreed to be on advisory board.)
I believe talent is evenly distributed worldwide, but opportunity is not. In my small way, I want to help address this imbalance.
(Friends have suggested that teaching these skills in Mideast could help promote peace there.)
Btw, I was both computer science and, separately, public policy major in grad school at MIT; my policy interest was government support of private sector innovation.
- Upskilling, Reskilling, and Job Matching
- Other (Please Explain Below)
it's an application of GUI into Jupyter environment to solve specific problem. Shockingly, this hasn't not been done before afaik.
I'm teaching next-gen technology using modern technology-based pedagogical tools.
finish implementation and roll out deployment in PR.
I hope to disseminate tools and course content on open-source platforms, leading to broad assimilation of SML skill set worldwide.
- Adult
- Lower
- Middle
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- US and Canada
I plan to initially work with government agencies to identify those most interested.
none so far; PoC still in dev't
Mynerva will initially be used to teach SML in PR. I believe the first cohort will be 30-50 students, and hopefully double or triple every year for the first few years.
SML experience will raise the standard of living of participants, who will hopefully go out to disseminate what they know to fellow citizens, helping educate the broader population.
- For-Profit
- 2
- Less than 1 year
I have 35-year history of successful SW development, and I know key players in the initial market, as well as partnership targets.
there's obvious arbitrage between what market will pay for SML skills and how much they will cost us to develop.
PR also offers government support through its tax policy (Acts 20, 22, 73), making investment dollars extraordinarily efficient.
as I'm socializing the solution, partnerships are important. Solve will provide visibility.
honestly, the SW is pretty straightforward: I don't see any technology roadblocks. I see Solve as an accelerator to success and not a catalyst.
- Organizational Mentorship
- Technology Mentorship
- Impact Measurement Validation and Support
- Media Visibility and Exposure
- Other (Please Explain Below)