The problem that am committing to solving is the problem affecting those who are mostly affected by the transformations of work and give solutions on how they cam improve their livelihood.
Please, Permit me to define entrepreneurship as simply looking inwards to Discover God's purpose for your life and turning it into a business opportunity.
This God's purpose For your life is "your talent" and it is directly connected to what you are passionate about.
At this juncture, I make declare as follows:
Entrepreneurship Development is the solution to the unemployment crisis ravaging our youths. This is because, entrepreneurship Development helps you create a job for yourself, which is known as Self-Employment, as against search for Paid Employment.
The ultimate goal of any youth Development Program is to build the capacity of youth, in order to make them productive and contributors to the Development of the country. Thus, Entrepreneurship leads to Self-discovery.
To embrace entrepreneurship Development, There are few things you must know.......
1) Your Qualification Does not matter i.e. your audacity and guts determne your survival after school, not your certificate.
2) What you need is Personal Development
3) You need a new mindset i.e. you ought to see opportunities where others see risks.
4) There is nothing like a Perfect Idea
5) 99.9% of multi-billion dollar business started small, therefore, you should start small.
6) Only passion builds a successful Business; According to Warren Buffet, "you should do something that makes you want to dance to work everyday.
7) Funding should not be a challenge, start with what you have.
8) You also need a MENTOR, don't be afraid ti make friends with successful people.
I wish to remind you that there no jobs anywhere, anymore...... So the only alternative is create a job for yourself.
Therefore, the main take away for you from this write up should be "there is a multi-million dollar business idea hiding inside of you and this can only happen when you identify it and maximize the potentials within you".