‘Igniting MINDS ! Empowering LIVES !’
My wife and I live in Lexington, KY, USA.
After closing my active Gastroenterology medical practice by December 1997, I decided to help the less fortunate worldwide & supported several non-profits over the years. In Apr. 2011, founded & launched the International We Serve Foundation (IWSF). Our motto: 'Empowering Billions'. IWSF is a registered Public Charity, IRC-501-C-3 approved, tax-exempt non-profit, located in Lexington, KY, USA. IWSF collaborates with thousands of organizations, institutions, Non-profits & volunteers in many countries, currently serving about 4.8 million poor in India, Kenya & USA under several charitable Missions and Projects.
Education & Experience: Diplomate in Internal Medicine and in Gastroenterology;
1978-1980: Fellowship in Gastroenterology at the Johns Hopkins Institutes, Baltimore, MD.
1980-1997: Consultant in Gastroenterology - Kentucky
1984-1986 Past President of KY Chapter AAPI
1989: Past President, BIACS (Bluegrass Indo-American Civic Society
Paul Harris Fellow & Honorary Rotarian, Rotary Club of Lexington-KY.
Poor quality education, teacher shortage, classroom overcrowding without individual attention, etc. affect poor students in rural & urban public educational institutions, resulting in absenteeism, poor academic performance, school-drop-out, child-labor, denied opportunities, prolonging poverty.
IGNITING MINDS & EMPOWERING LIVES shall use AK-EDUSAT Nano-Satellite to provide FREE access to quality education, employable skills and authentic knowledge, developed by reputed scholars, educators and institutions in many countries. CapEx is less than $0.005/student to benefit 500+ million poor students globally is quite affordable. Multimedia contents enhance regular syllabus, enabling purposeful teaching & asynchronous learning at one's own pace & convenience. This bridges existing education quality gap, overcomes teacher shortage & the using an app, the teachers track individual performance to guide students accordingly.
Well educated, skilled graduates shall compete on level playing field, elevating opportunities for all people, especially those traditionally left behind. With friendship and multinational cooperation, they shall elevate humanity.
In India, 97 % (400+ million) children below age 14 are enrolled in schools. 8 million more trained teachers & 10 million more classrooms are needed. 7th grade students cannot read or comprehend 2nd grade text books, do simple addition or multiplication. 60% (240 million) drop out before 5th Grade & 30% (120 million) before 10th Grade. 15+ million college graduates are unemployed, being unskilled/under-skilled. Similar problems exist in other countries, affecting 3 billion poor.
Huge gap in quality, teacher shortage, no individual attention, etc., in rural & public schools lead to absenteeism, poor academic performance, school-drop out & worsening child labor menace. Poorly educated & unskilled, they have no opportunities for gainful employment, widening the disparity between the haves & the have-nots, perpetuating poverty, discrimination, injustice, inequality, etc.
By 2019, only 4.1 billion globally had internet access. During the Covid-19 pandemic, 3 billion poor cannot tele-commute, use tele-education, tele-conference with no access to the internet. Quality education is the proven gateway to eradicate poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, inequality, disparity, discrimination, ill health, injustice, and many other social ills currently affecting 3+ billion globally. The solution must be accessible, affordable, effective, impartial, inclusive, proven, practical & scalable.
‘Igniting Minds ! Empowering Lives !’ launched in 2012 promotes quality education, literacy, knowledge & skills through many projects to 3+ billion poor & millions of their children worldwide. Collaborating with willing partners, in Sep. 2015 IWSF designed the ‘AK-EDUSAT’ Program, a Communication Nano-satellite to be developed by about 60 bright Students, with the guidance of Space Tech experts.
AK-EDUSAT is a three-axial, communication Nano-satellite, [18x18x18 cm3], with Ka-Band Transponder Payload, orbiting the earth 14 times /24 hours, in LEO (~ 700 km) reaching >95 % of humanity. It shall relay high quality educational contents uploaded from Ground Stations for automatic download by receiving antennas on the ground installed in schools, colleges, primary healthcare centers, libraries, etc.
Free access to quality contents shall bridge the education gap, overcome teacher shortage, enable individual attention, impart employable skills and authentic knowledge to >500+ million poor students. Multimedia audio-visual seminars, symposiums, Virtual Labs, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Steam (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture & Math) Education, Kalam Space Clubs, Kalam Innovation Hubs, etc. shall foster creativity, innovation, enhance learning & ignite their minds. They shall compete on equal terms with the affluent, securing gainful employment and be productive citizens, enriching the world.
Igniting Minds; Empowering Lives shall serve billions worldwide over the years, starting with the following:
a) Sixty+ bright students developing AK-EDUSAT have the unique opportunity to learn from reputed Space Scientists & Satellite Experts & pursue graduate / post-graduate education & employment in Aero-Space related fields, Cube-Sat design, development, etc.
b) 500+ million poor students worldwide shall have free access to quality education, employable skills, authentic knowledge, competing with affluent students on equal terms for opportunities to be gainfully employed, productive citizens.
c) Thousands of Teachers & Faculty shall have free access to Multimedia, podcasts, audio-visual seminars, lectures, etc. developed by reputed scholars from many countries to enhance their teaching, making it purposeful and enjoyable. Software apps shall help teachers monitor & guide individual students in real-time. This will overcome teacher-shortage and enable individual student attention, including in rural & remote parts of the world.
d) All 7+ billion on earth shall benefit (directly or indirectly) from the World Knowledge Platforms in several disciplines relayed by AK-EDUSAT.
e) Victims of Disasters: Relief Organizations shall use AK-EDUSAT for critical communication for directing relief efforts to the affected victims, if land-based network is out of order.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
This project shall ELEVATE opportunities for thousands of teachers & millions of students, especially those traditionally left behind, even in remote corners of the world, with free access to (i) high quality education, bridging the quality gap, (ii) multimedia courses, seminars, lectures, symposia, etc. from reputed teachers, educators & scholars in many countries, overcoming teacher-shortage, (iii) > 80,000+ free Digital E-Books and (iv) software to monitor individual students. With ignited minds the students shall compete on equal terms with the affluent, enriching the world as talented artists, poets, musicians, scholars, scientists, explorers, discoverers, inventors, entrepreneurs, leaders, visionaries, etc.
In Feb. 2015, the honorable Dr. Abdul Kalam (Former President of India) & I discussed how to encourage children & youth of the world get interested in emerging disciplines (Nano-Info-Bio-Eco-Space, etc.) & STEAM Education. After his sudden demise in July 2015, IWSF decided to expand the Igniting Minds Mission, with AK-EDUSAT Nano-satellite, Kalam Space Clubs, Kalam Innovation Hubs & World Knowledge Platforms, etc. AK-EDUSAT is to be designed, developed & deployed ‘BY the STUDENTS, FOR the benefit of STUDENTS’, to inspire millions of students worldwide to explore their own potential and benefit millions more.
In July 2016, IWSF, collaborating with many Non-Profits in India, arranged a national contest for all high schools & colleges in India. From Oct. 2016, the winning teams of students from many educational institutions are trained by experienced Space Scientists in Cube-Sat (design, develop & deploy) technology. They meet monthly and are now ready to develop the AK-EDUSAT, Payload Ka band Transponder, the Engineering Module & the Launch Module. Contents from AK-EDUSAT shall help thousands of teachers worldwide empower >500+ million poor students with quality education, skills & knowledge, ignite their minds for a bright future solving many global problems.
Quite frankly very few individuals get an exciting & challenging opportunity to make a real difference in the world; natural for me to be passionate about a truly unique, transformational project that shall:
- Ignite the minds of millions of poor children & youth worldwide to enrich the world
- Use modern CubeSat technology at an incredibly low cost ($ 0.005/student), for the common good
- Facilitate multinational friendship, understanding, mutual respect among Teachers, Faculty, Students, Healthcare providers, Scholars & Scientists with diverse backgrounds, cultures, traditions & nationalities.
- Promote multilateral Research, Projects, Seminars, Symposiums, Student & Faculty Exchange Programs.
- Combine core competencies to solve many global problems, including poverty, ignorance, illiteracy, injustice, inequality, ill-health, global warming, terrorism, pandemics, disasters, etc.
- Collaborate with brilliant Scientists, Scholars, Educators, Leaders, Institutions, Healthcare professionals, generous individuals & Organizations to launch World Knowledge Platforms in many disciplines sharing authentic knowledge with all 7+ billion
- Engage young minds through Kalam Space Clubs & Kalam Innovation Hubs, Scientific exhibits, experiments, etc. fostering curiosity, creativity, discovery & innovation.
- Protect fragile eco-systems in rural areas, forests, mountains, islands, etc. saving billions of dollars by avoiding installation of under-sea optical cables, landlines, cell towers, etc.
International We Serve Foundation (IWSF) cherishes collaboration & invites the active participation of local, regional, national & international organizations (Non-Profit & For-Profit) & volunteers in empowering billions. IWSF partners with > 2,000 Non-profits & For-profits in India, USA, Canada & other countries in various charitable Missions & Projects. The Missions (i) Igniting Minds (ii) Disaster Relief & Recovery (iii) Green Earth (iv) Health Promotion and (v) Empower Africa, currently benefit > 4.8 million poor children, youth, women & men in India, Kenya & USA. Thousands of Non-profits & 80,000+ volunteers in many parts of the world strengthen IWSF by ensuring the ‘last mile delivery’. That makes IWSF well-positioned to implement the Igniting Minds & Empowering Lives Project and deploy AK-EDUSAT. The following are with IWSF, ensuring millions in many countries shall benefit, especially the less fortunate who are traditionally left behind.
- Thousands of bright students in Schools & Colleges – support IWSF & AK-EDUSAT
- ISRO & Space Scientists – volunteer to guide, teach the students all about Nano-Sats
- Abdul Kalam Vision India Movement (AKVIM) with thousands of volunteers helps in many projects
- Aeolus Aero Tech Pvt Ltd (collaborates with Space Tango & the International Space Station)
- Rotary India Literacy Mission, 40 Rotary Districts, 3,650+ Rotary Clubs & 144,000+ Rotarians in India
- Hundreds of Lions Clubs, Jaycees, many Non-Profits, etc. in India
- Hundreds of international Institutions willing to provide high quality educational contents
- Reputed Scholars, Scientists, Educators and Leaders willing to share their vast knowledge
IWSF does NOT have any salaried staff. All the projects are implemented by collaborating local non-profits and dedicated VOLUNTEERS, who donate their precious time & valuable expertise. IWSF is grateful for their help in handling adversities, ensuring accountability, integrity, non-discrimination & transparency.
Solar Power Supply to 14 Rural Schools in Rameswaram, India: No central coordinating body; no internet access, > 10 hours of power failures daily & vast distances - made it impractical for the 14 rural schools in Rameswaram Island to respond even after four months. The International Rotary Club was about to cancel this project to benefit > 150,000 poor children over 20+ years. I became aware of this inordinate delay & asked for one week time to obtain the signed documents from all 14 schools; right away contacted our local volunteers, at about 10.30 PM IST local time. The next day, our volunteers personally visited every school & secured all the required documents. IWSF submitted the signed documents within 48 hours to the International Rotary Club. This enabled approval for the Rotary Foundation Global Grant (US $ 70,575). The historic project was implemented by June 2016, in record time, within 3 weeks of funds receipt.
On behalf of the University of Kentucky and the non-profit BIACS, I took responsibility to organize the visit of Dr. Abdul Kalam – the 11th President of India in March 2008. Started planning a year in advance. Inviting the President of India required attention to every detail & coordination with the University of Kentucky, Mayor’s Office in Lexington, KY, Governor’s office in Frankfort, KY, Special Security Team, Embassy of India in Washington DC, the FBI, Foreign Office of the Govt of India & the President’s Office in Delhi.
Dealing with the highest Office in India required full understanding & conformity with top level security measures & adherence to strict protocols. It was imperative to implement tight security measures in every event during the entire visit, with no margin for error & no excuses. Presidential Security Commandos, bomb-sniffing dogs & snipers on roof tops were deployed to secure every inch of every venue; coordinated the security arrangements with those in charge at each event. It was gratifying when every event was well attended & executed successfully without any problem or hitch. The honored guests and the audience in every event enjoyed the entire visit to central Kentucky.
- Nonprofit
‘Igniting Minds & Empowering Lives’ Project is truly innovative:
- Uses modern Space & Cube-Sat technologies for the common good at an incredibly low <$ 0.005/student, providing FREE access to quality educational contents & skills for >500+ million poor students worldwide
- Brings together World-renowned Scholars, Educators, Scientists & Experts from many countries to launch World Knowledge Platforms and share Knowledge Connectivity with all 7+ billion
- Bridges quality divide in education, knowledge, skills, employment, etc. between the haves & have-nots, to compete on level playing field with equal opportunities
- Resolves teacher shortage in public schools worldwide & enables individual attention of each student
- Provides free access to > 80,000 E-Books in public schools, digital libraries & in remote / rural areas
- Promotes STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture & Math) & emerging technologies (Nano-Info-Bio-Eco-Space Techs), Virtual Labs, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, etc.
- Kalam Space Clubs enable discussions on Space Science, Space Technology, Space Exploration, Space Travel, Space Solar Power, Cube-Sats, Micro-gravity Research, Asteroid Mining, etc.
- Kalam Innovation Hubs foster curiosity, creativity, discovery & innovation with hands-on experiments in many disciplines
- Promotes international collaboration & Faculty–Student Exchanges
- Facilitates combining core competencies to solve global problems, pandemics, disasters, etc.
- Enhances friendship, goodwill, mutual respect & appreciation for other cultures, traditions, etc.
- Protects fragile eco-systems in rural areas, islands, forests, mountains, etc. by avoiding installation of optical cables, landlines, cell towers, etc. & saving billions of USD in expenses
Poor or affluent, every child born in this world has innate abilities & unique qualities. Mensa-India IQ test on 4,000 poor children in Delhi in Oct. 2015 showed most children had normal IQ and 102 had very high IQ 130 & above, in the Genius range. When children, especially from the low economic background, get equal opportunities to achieve their potential & compete on a level playing field, humanity shall benefit immensely. Gainfully employed as productive citizens, the ignited youth from poor families shall ensure basic amenities such as food, shelter, water, sanitation, energy, healthcare, education, etc. are available to all, including rural & poor urban areas. Igniting the minds of these bright children with education, skills & knowledge shall significantly change the dynamics in eradicating poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, discrimination, injustice, etc.
Igniting Minds & Empowering Lives Project shall ‘inspire action, mobilize people’ by collaborating with thousands of dedicated individuals, socially conscious institutions & concerned organizations. This project shall combine the core competencies of bright scholars & scientists from many countries to launch several World Knowledge Platforms that enhance Knowledge Connectivity, relayed to every corner of the world through AK-EDUSAT. Free access to quality education, necessary skills & authentic knowledge shall bridge the gaps at many levels between the haves & have-nots, ignite the minds of millions of children, ‘especially those who are traditionally left behind’. AK-EDUSAT – as a powerful instrument shall ‘catalyze positive, transformational change’, to eradicate poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, discrimination, inequality, injustice, ill health, global warming, etc.
Igniting Minds & Empowering Lives Project via AK-EDUSAT expects to enable the following changes:
- Eliminate discrimination & disparities in daily life that suppress the potential of poor billions
- Enable Free access to quality Education, Literacy, Skills & Knowledge to ignite minds
- Enhance equal opportunities for gainful employment, prosperity & better quality of life
- Eradicate poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, inequality, injustice, ill-health, global warming, etc. and
- Enrich the world with goodwill, friendship, peace, harmony & happiness.
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 4. Quality Education
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- India
- United States
- India
- United States
Current Beneficiaries:
[1] Igniting Minds Mission and the many projects under that currently serve over 4.8 million poor children, youth, women & men in India, USA & Kenya.
[2] AK-EDUSAT program now directly serves 60 students. 400+ college students participated in the AK-EDUSAT Symposium in 2018 in Bangalore, India. 12 Kalam Space Clubs (KSC) serve 500+ students in 12 institutions.
In ONE year:
[3] In one year, 60 students shall be busy developing AK-EDUSAT, subject to raising required CapEx. 200 KSC shall serve 6,000+ students in many schools & colleges; 10 Kalam Innovation Hubs (KIH) & STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture & Mathematics) Education shall serve >40,000 students in India
In FIVE years:
[4] AK-EDUSAT shall serve 500+ million poor students worldwide. 4,000 KSC & 10 KIH in many countries shall serve >200,000 students.
[5] Relaying the contents of World Knowledge Platforms in many disciplines, AK-EDUSAT shall serve all 7+ billion worldwide with free access to Knowledge Connectivity.
[1] Igniting Minds & Empowering Lives: AK-EDUSAT Program goals:
2020-2021: Design, develop, test, validate & launch AK-EDUSAT @ 500 ~ 700 km LEO
2022-2023: Monitor AK-EDUSAT effectiveness & end-user feedback.
2024–2025: Based on demand, launch 47 more Nano-Sats – total 48 Nano-Sat network for (12/7/365) access
2026-2027: Launch 48 more Nano-Sats – total 96 Nano-Sat network for (24/7/365) access
[2] WORLD KNOWLEDGE PLATFORMS (WKP) shall be launched over the next five years providing free Knowledge Connectivity via AK-EDUSAT to all 7+ billion.
- World MEDICAL Knowledge Platform
- World AGRICULTURAL Knowledge Platform
- World SPACE-Science Knowledge Platform
- World ENGINEERING Knowledge Platform
- World FINANCIAL Knowledge Platform
- World NANO-Science Knowledge Platform
- World INFO-Science Knowledge Platform
- World ECO-Science Knowledge Platform
- World BIO-Science Knowledge Platform
[3] KALAM SPACE CLUBS (KSC) shall promote Space Science, Space Technology, Space Exploration, Space Travel, Space Solar Power, Microgravity Research, Exo-medicine, Nano-Info-Bio-Eco technologies, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture & Mathematics) Education. Enable international friendship, mutual understanding, appreciation for diversity, collaboration in projects, research, combine core competencies to solve global problems, etc.
[4] KALAM INNOVATION HUBS (KIH) enable hands-on experiments, scientific exhibits, seminars, competitions, etc. to nurture curiosity, creativity & innovation.
Oct. 2019: 10 KSC launched on Oct. 5, 2019 in Hassan Dist., Karnataka, India
2020-2021: 400 KSC & 10 KIH in India (after Covid-19 pandemic is safely resolved)
2022-2023: 800 KSC & 20 KIH worldwide
2024-2025: 4,000 KSC & 100 KIH worldwide
2026-2027: 10,000 KSC & 300 KIH worldwide
Fund raising: Most non-profits (>93 %) report significant reduction in charitable donations since the pandemic started and is true for IWSF as well. Donations pledged for AK-EDUSAT Nano-sat are no longer available as these have been used for pandemic relief. Need to find soon alternative sources to raise CapEx $ 1.5 million.
Beyond reach: Tele-Commuting, Tele-Conference, Tele-Education, Tele-Medicine, etc., are available to the affluent 4 billion. Poor 3 billion cannot afford to purchase or use these tools or the internet service, especially with massive unemployment, lock down, etc. This has widened the income disparity and technology gap between the haves and the have-nots. Must provide the poor affordable access to technology, to make a living.
Forced Delays: The pandemic lock-downs in India have delayed AK-EDUSAT development. Setting up Kalam Space Clubs, Kalam Innovation Hubs, STEAM promotion, Educational Symposia, Technology Exhibits, interschool competitions, etc. have to be postponed by several months & must wait to restart when it is safe to do so.
‘Last mile delivery’: Reaching 500+ million students & 3 billion poor requires proper planning and thousands of dedicated volunteers & non-profits to provide ‘the last mile delivery’. Must resolve lack of modern ICT tools, internet access and remote areas not easy to access.
Vested Interests: Vested interests would resist any change from status quo, so that they could continue exploiting the poor. Must find ways to change perceptions, taboos, traditional practices, misunderstanding & attitudes worldwide.
Fund Raising: IWSF & Collaborating Partners shall approach local, regional, national & international organizations keen on promoting education, poverty alleviation, pandemic relief, etc. to raise the CapEx $ 1.5 mill.
Improved access: The shrunken job market will demand highly skilled, educated & knowledgeable workforce. E-Learning Smart Classrooms, Digital Libraries, Primary Health Care Centers, public schools & colleges in every country shall have free access to high quality educational contents. Local leaders, volunteers & non-profits shall set up the antenna & server to make the best use of Knowledge Connectivity. Now, more than ever, promoting education & skills to empower people is critical as part of Covid-19 pandemic relief measures.
Resuming development: The 60+ bright Students are using videoconferencing to interact with the mentors. When the lock-down is lifted and it is safe to travel, they shall resume AK-EDUSAT development. When safe, Non-Profits shall resume setting up Kalam Space Clubs, Kalam Innovations Hubs, STEAM Promotion, Seminars, Exhibits, etc.
Reaching millions: 80,000+ volunteers, > 200,000 Rotarians & Lions members & hundreds of non-profits in India, USA & other countries shall provide ‘the last mile delivery’, by reaching out to millions of students, especially in rural & urban public educational institutions in their parts of the world.
Changing perceptions: Non-Profits, Volunteers, etc. shall meet with local leaders to discuss the benefit by empowering the poor with knowledge and better quality of life. Real time examples of progress in other parts of the world would help change minds, attitudes & perceptions.
Rotary India Literacy Mission (RILM), >2,000+ Rotary Clubs, hundreds of Lions Clubs, Non-profits, etc. in India, USA, and many other countries are collaborating with IWSF in this project. They shall help installing Ka band antenna, server, etc. in local schools & colleges and help them set up Kalam Space Clubs & promote STEAM learning.
Abdul Kalam Vision India Movement (Non-Profit) with thousands of Volunteers helps IWSF in setting up school libraries, Home Libraries in poor families & conduct various competitions (Poetry, Essay, Speech, Leadership Development, etc.).
Several Institutions: Universities, Colleges, Schools, Scholars, Educators, Scientists, Teachers in many countries – are willing to share quality educational contents in many languages. They shall make use of the automatically download contents from AK-EDUSAT for their own students. Kalam Innovation Hubs (KIH) shall help children, youth & students do hands-on experiments to foster creativity & innovation.
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is well known for launching many Satellites successfully over the years. They are the Technology Partner of AK-EDUSAT. ISRO shall help with Ka band licensing, approval of dedicated VHF & UHF, and help launch AK-EDUSAT per their launch schedule.
Aeolus Aerotech Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India is a start up in Space Tech. It has volunteered & is helping with coordinating the student-teams from all the institutions, monthly meetings, periodic Seminars, AK-EDUSAT Symposiums, etc. to ensure Project benefits thousands of students in many locations.
IWSF is a registered Public Charity with IRC 501-C-3 approval. Igniting Minds & Empowering Lives facilitates promoting and maximizing potentials, talents and skills. It enhances intellectual resources, international collaborative efforts in solving global problems. AK-EDUSAT promoting education, literacy and knowledge shall ignite the minds of 500+ million poor students & empower 3 billion poor with skills for gainful employment. With equal quality education & opportunities, especially to those traditionally left behind, the entire society benefits in several ways. AK-EDUSAT nano-sat success ‘By the Students, For the Students’ shall inspire thousands of students to work hard, improve themselves and help others in the world.
AK-EDUSAT Promotion Committee, a dedicated group of volunteers from many walks of life provides ideas, guidance, suggestions, etc., to benefit millions of students & billions of people worldwide. They collaborates with Non-profits, For-profits, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Healthcare Institutions, Rotary Clubs, Rotaracts, Lions Clubs, Lions Cubs, Jaycees, etc. in many parts of the world & support KSC, KIH & STEAM learning.
World Knowledge Platforms (WKP) shall be developed & updated periodically under the guidance of a group of reputed scholars, scientists in each discipline. AK-EDUSAT shall relay all the WKP providing free Knowledge Connectivity to all 7+ billion.
The project shall promote STEAM Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture & Math via Kalam Space Clubs (KSC) in schools, colleges, villages, etc. Reputed institutions shall set up Kalam Innovation Hubs (KIH) to offer children & students hands-on experiments, develop curiosity, creativity, discovery, exploration & innovation.
Capital Expenses US $ 1.5 million: IWSF seeks donations & grants from generous individuals, foundations & support from local, regional & national governments. IWSF is submitting several grant proposals to a number of charitable foundations that ask for RFP to promote education & literacy, especially to the less fortunate.
Local Non-profits, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, etc. shall take up fund raising to set up Ka band tracking antenna, server and local WiFi network in schools, colleges, primary healthcare centers, hospitals, etc. They shall approach businesses, industries, etc. to tap the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds to sponsor STEAM promotion seminars, scientific symposiums, visiting scholar programs, Faculty-Student Exchange programs, multilateral research projects, etc.
Operational Expenses: Funds are needed to cover fixed costs & ongoing operational expenses of AK-EDUSAT. Public institutions (educational, research, healthcare, etc.) worldwide shall register online for FREE ACCESS to download AK-EDUSAT contents. For-Profit institutions shall remit a nominal monthly subscription, to cover part of the administrative & operational costs. The rest shall be raised from donations, earnings from endowments, etc.
AK-EDUSAT Endowment: IWSF anticipates the successful use of the orbiting AK-EDUSAT by millions of poor students worldwide would convince & encourage generous Donors, Foundations, International bodies & Governments to support & expand free Knowledge Connectivity to all 7+ billion. With the generosity of willing donors, IWSF shall establish ‘AK-EDUSAT Endowment’ to generate sufficient annual revenue to cover expenses for administration, operations, update, maintenance, replacement, upgrade with emerging technologies, etc.
IWSF is a Tax-exempt, Public Charity with IRC 501-C-3 approval. It received $ 14,000 from multiple donors in 2018 for the AK-EDSAT program, under the Igniting Minds Project. This donation helped with some of the expenses for holding the ‘AK-EDUSAT Symposium’ in Sep. 2018.
IWSF is a Non-Profit and does not have any revenue generating endowments or investments. IWSF is submitting several RFP for grants from a number of Foundations and reaching out to generous individuals to raise the CapEx US $ 1.5 million.
AK-EDUSAT Promotion Committee volunteers are reaching out to RILM, Rotary Districts & Clubs, Lions Clubs & Districts, Businesses, Industries, Corporates, etc. to seek donations & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Funds in India. Pledges made for AK-EDUSAT in 2019 by some donors and organizations have been redirected & used in Covid-19 pandemic relief measures. These funds are no longer available for AK-EDUSAT.
IWSF seeks grant funds from Foundations such as The Elevate Prize in empowering 500+ million poor students & 3 billion poor. Since inception in Apr. 2011, IWSF has received funds and in-kind donations. Annual Tax returns (Form 990) and other details are available at: https://www.weservefoundation....
Igniting Minds & Empowering Lives Project has three components that require funding.
- AK-EDUSAT Nano-Sat development & launch CapEx $ 1.5 million
- Ka Band Tracking Antenna, Server, local Wifi Network budget $ 4,167/school
- Kalam Innovation Hubs (KIH) budget $ 25,000/KIH
Minimum required to launch AK-EDUSAT in orbit: $ 1.5 million
Will install Tracking Antenna, Server and set up KIH based on available donations.
By the end of Dec. 2019, IWSF had received pledges from some donors and organizations for $ 139,000 to support AK-EDUSAT. When the Covid-19 pandemic started, they decided to use those pledged funds for pandemic relief. IWSF hoped to secure CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) donations from the business sector in India. But the pandemic forced shutdown & loss of business revenue and would take most businesses several months (24 to 36) to recover. That leaves no CSR funds during that time. The Pandemic has reduced regular donations to over 93 % of non-profits in many countries.
The objectives of The Elevate Prize & IWSF in helping the poor worldwide are identical. IWSF sincerely hopes The Elevate Prize shall support the Igniting Minds & Empowering Lives Project and AK-EDUSAT. This in fact would help millions forced into poverty during the Covid-19 pandemic with quality education & skills to seek gainful employment & a better quality of life. Any grant from the Elevate Prize is welcome. If less than $ 1.5 mill, IWSF shall approach other foundations & charitable organizations to raise the balance.
AK-EDUSAT Budget has three components.
[a] Project Components:
Materials, Components, fabrication and testing of EPS, OBC, TX, REC, for UHF/VHF, Magnetic torquer, Antennae $ 69,445
Procurement of sensors, Reaction wheels. MEMS gyroscopes,magnetometers, GPS $ 41,665
Development of control Algorithms and simulations $ 69,445
Materials, Fabrication of AK-EDUSAT Structure & Subsystems $ 55,555
Development/procurement of Ka band Communication Payload & Antennae $ 416,665
Subtotal $ 680,555
[b] Program Components:
Labs: (MATLAB, Electronics Design Lab (ECAD), Mechanical Design Lab (Pro-E) $ 97,220
RF & Antenna System Lab (ADC), clean room & satellite checkout system $ 27,780
Ground Station (Antenna & Pedestal System) & Mission Control Centre (MCC) $ 111,110
Development of Ku/Ka band Ground Transmitting & Receiving terminal $ 125,000
Ku/Ka band Ground Data processing, Application software & hardware $ 250,000
Admin & Travel expenses $ 41,665
Miscellaneous Expenses $ 83,335
Testing charges $ 27,780
Subtotal $ 736,110
[c] Ka-Band Antenna, Local Server, WiFi network / location:
Local WiFi enabled Serve, Ka Band Receiver-Antenna
Smart Classroom with WiFi enabled Projector, screen, etc.
Laptops for 4 Teachers use in 4 Classrooms
Local WiFi network set up, wiring, etc. $ 4,166.75/each
For 20 Public Schools $ 83,335
[a] Project Components $ 680,555
[b] Program Components $ 736,110
[c] Receiver set up in 20 schools $ 83,335
AK-EDUSAT Budget (Aug. 2020 to Jul. 2021) $ 1,500,000
Covid-19 pandemic proved convincingly how ‘interconnected and interdependent’ we all are, making it quite obvious “we are all in this together”; whether one is a ‘developed’ or ‘developing” country. All are equally vulnerable, irrespective of how ‘sophisticated’ the healthcare system is. Globally millions are suddenly unemployed, with no income, pushed into poverty. This hurts the vulnerable young, old, disabled & the poor disproportionately.
This pandemic has reinforced the urgency for all humanity to come together, care for, protect & support one another. Bright minds from many countries must combine their core competencies to find effective solutions for the pandemic and other global problems such as poverty, inequality, illiteracy, pandemics, etc. Affordable modern technology facilitates bringing ignited minds with ‘empathy, wisdom, friendship, mutual respect and love’ together for the common good.
Igniting Minds and Empowering Lives using AK-EDUSAT as the catalyst, shall ‘ensure all, including those traditionally left behind, have equal access to quality education, effective health, safe environments, a green planet earth to live & prosper’. Elevating humanity to compete on a level playing field with equal opportunities for a better quality of life will lead to a happy, prosperous, peaceful world for all 7+ billion.
The Elevate Prize and IWSF with common objectives are a natural fit to collaborate in empowering the poor billions worldwide. Igniting Minds & Empowering Lives Project with AK-EDUSAT shall genuinely help the poor acquire adequate knowledge, quality education & employable skills that are in demand for gainful employment & overcome poverty.
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
IWSF appreciates help in many areas.
Funding: AK-EDUSAT development & launch requires CapEx US $ 1,500,000; need to contact donors, organizations & foundations worldwide.
Technology: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) scientists are collaborating with AK-EDUSAT & the students; need to contact Space Tech firms & Organizations in other countries.
Non-Profits: Need to contact several Non-profits in many countries to install tracking antenna, server, local WiFi Network, etc. in public schools & colleges, public libraries, primary & tertiary healthcare centers, etc. in their area.
Volunteers: Need to recruit Local Volunteers for the ‘last mile delivery’ in every location to set up Kalam Space Clubs & Kalam Innovation Hubs to promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Math).
Knowledge Sharing: Need to contact scholars, scientists and educators in many countries to guide World Knowledge Platforms in many disciplines and to share Knowledge Connectivity with all 7+ billion.
Morehead State University Space Science Center in Morehead, KY – works with NASA & tracks many satellites in orbit. Their participation shall help Kalam Space Clubs & millions of students.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, helped ‘World Medical Knowledge Platform’ (WMKP) launch on Oct. 15, 2017 for Healthcare Professionals to keep up to date. IWSF invites all medical institutions to participate in the WMKP.
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, India helped ‘World Agricultural Knowledge Platform’ (WAKP) launch on Oct. 15, 2018. WAKP shall provide contents in natural, organic farming, Aerobic Rice Cultivation, Fresh water conservation, reducing harmful Methane & Nitrous Oxide gas emissions, Micro-gravity Agriculture Research in space, etc. All Agricultural Universities & Colleges are invited to contribute to WAKP.
Kentucky Educational Television (KET) public television can share its educational programs through AK-EDUSAT with millions of poor children worldwide. Those providing free online educational programs (National Library of Congress, NIH, CDC, WHO, UNESCO, Khan Academy, MOOCS - MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Indian Institutes of Technology, EkStep Foundation, STEAM Learning, etc.) in many countries are invited to share their contents through AK-EDUSAT.
IWSF is eager to partner with International Foundations, Organizations & Institutions, Rotary International, Lions International, etc. promoting Education, Literacy, skills & Knowledge, and the World Knowledge Platforms. AK-EDUSAT shall provide free access to Knowledge Connectivity to all 7+ billion worldwide, ‘elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind’.