Ease is a platform that connects artisans to clients all over the globe. Machines can't do everything. Man is gifted.
Going back to the origin to building original entrepreneurs that machines can not replace. There are lots of people scattered across the globe with genuine original talents/skills that machines can not totally do or can not do at all. This people are widely sort after and sadly difficult to find except one recommends and this takes time. Specific product farmers (cocoa,cotton,cassava,palm ), carpenters, wood carvers, painters, photographers, Mechanics, Electricians, Sports Trainers, Tailors and a lot more.
Ease.com will be a platform to connect these people to clients all over the world and in return creating a better living for all and eliminating fear of being replaced by machines.
The world will see hope. People will embrace entrepreneurship and the need to acquire a skill and equip on existing skills/talents for survival. Ease.com will open a wide door of endless possibilities. The future is safe with EASE. I was faced to think of an idea such as Ease.com after so much difficulty to get artisans when urgently needed in Nigeria,so I thought there is no trusted platform for this in Nigeria and partialy in the world and this would better the lives of several individuals and generate income to Ease Inc.
- Upskilling, Reskilling, and Job Matching
- Inclusive Supply Chains
- Other (Please Explain Below)
EASE is a new technology,no entreprise combines the services of artisans and farm together. Ease is combining the offering of services of artisans to clients across the globe and opening opportunities to farmers to likely connect to the world and supply products to industries
The Ease platform is a technology based enterprise. It will have online presence to make it easier for sign up and sign in of our member teams and signed up artisans and a platform to connect with our clients and a show session of jobs rendered. The ease will also have an App to enable easy access.
Ease will create entrepreneurs across the globe, Ease will create an ease and trusted access to services for clients, Ease would create an online farm platform to distribute farm produce to industries across the globe. Ease will open doors to endless possibilities
In the next five years, it would be obvious that Ease has created job opportunities for millions and people enabling them provide basic needs of their family and ensuring people embrace entrepreneurship if they tend to survive in a world where machines are thriving
- Adult
- Male
- Female
- Rural
- Lower
The media is a strong influence so as recommendations from a satisfied customer. We will do massive online and offline promotions within and outside our geographic regions. We will take advantage of the prominent and influential people in the world by sending proposals to them and rendering services to them so they can recommend us to their cycle of reach out. An Ease shall maintain an excellence in delivery.
Ease is still at germination stage
In 12 months Ease would have served a minimum of 500,000 clients within Nigeria and in 3 years over a million clients world wide
- Hybrid of For Profit and Nonprofit
- 5
- Less than 1 year
We have a business Administrator, An Accountant, A web developer, photographer and farmer
We are still in the germination process. But we should generate millions in revenue
Solve can provide me with the essential mentorship required as well as networking and funding. Solve will enhance my business that if chosen will create so much acceptance and recognition and the world would be expectant
Finance, networking and mentorship
- Grant Funding
- Other (Please Explain Below)