Impacting Deaf and Blind Children
Ernest Appiah is a Social Worker with a combined experience of over 15years. What he brings to the table is his personal taglines which include building teams, inspiring confidence, inspiring excellence, elevating marginalized groups and generating results.
Having worked with Governmental Organization on Partner Projects like the Rural Enterprises Project he harnessed great deal of experience in the field of Rural and Small Scale Businesses in Africa.
Ernest’s acquired experience in Project Management earned him an enviable position as a Project Coordinator in the year 2010 when he formed the Sports for Development NGO called AGORO NE OBRAPA with the mission of harnessing the potential of the youth and children particularly the differently-able based on the principles of gender equity, social inclusion, education. Currently Ernest is the Executive Director of AGORO NE OBRAPA PROJECT. Ernest Possesses Masters in International Relations from the European University of Lefke, Cyprus.
There are over 5000 deaf and blind children in the central and western regions of Ghana. Majority of these children come from very challenging backgrounds and deprived communities. As a result of their condition, many of these children are stigmatized, isolated and form the excluded sections of the society normally referred to as the breed apart. Many of these children are either bundled up in institutions or left on the streets to fend for themselves.
ANOPA Project is using different types of sporting activities such as swimming, volley, football etc. as a tool to promote their education (formal and informal), provide them with equal opportunities through integration, social inclusion and overall access to sport. These children would acquire a great sense of belonging, acceptance, and sense of purpose and develop confidence as a result of our intervention.
The Project also provides skills development for beneficiaries.
ANOPA Project as an Organization uses sport as a tool to provide education for deaf and blind children within the Central and Western Regions of Ghana. In addition to the provision of education is the creation of systems and structures aimed towards providing social inclusion and integration opportunities for these marginalized, deprived and isolated kids. Many of these children numbering over 5000 are stigmatized and come from challenging backgrounds with very limited opportunities in life. Many of those who are fortunate to receive certain forms of assistance are bundled up in institutions, isolated and left on their own with limited support from their parents or guardians.
According to the Ghana Red Cross Society, out of the total population of 30,000,000 an estimated number of between 222,000 and 321,000 are blind. Nonetheless the Statistical Service of Ghana reports 211,712 deaf populations in Ghana as a whole. According to the Ghana Health Service the prevalence of deafness and blindness especially among children stems partly from malnutrition. As stated earlier many of these kids come from poor and challenging backgrounds and as a result have direct impact of the disease. However ANOPA Project is resolved in helping these kids through its interventions.
Our project Impacting deaf and blind children is committed to promoting education and fostering inclusion through sport for deaf and blind children aimed at reducing inequalities.
During our recreational activity modules, blind children are paired with their non-blind counterparts to indulge in games such Simon says, dancing chairs, blind football among others.
Our basketball games bring together students from the Senior High Schools and the students from the Cape Coast School for the deaf and blind. Here both deaf and non-deaf students come together to play basketball. To foster more inclusion and integration, non-deaf players teach their deaf counterparts dance moves, while the deaf players also teach their non-deaf friends sign language on the field of play after every session.
Our swimming program also brings together deaf and non-deaf groups of students and community children who learn how to swim and survive in water. This idea is to help foster community acceptance of differently-able children and appreciate their skills and abilities. In addition to competitions are special educational symposiums, seminars and workshops to create awareness on disability and the need to provide equal opportunities for all and existing opportunities available for differently-able children within our organization and beyond
Our NGO is working with communities within the Central and the Western Regions of Ghana. As the educational and industrial hub of the country these regions can relatively boast of some of the best schools and industries within the country as a whole yet deaf and blind children within them face the most deprivation and exclusion in the worst marginalized form.
We conduct Needs Assessments on the children through their schools, in their communities, one on one approach and their guardians/parents.
This approach gives us a clear and better understanding of their needs, aspirations, and their general situation. It is noteworthy however that about 90% of these children come from very challenging homes and there are many families with between two to five children who are either deaf or blind and sometimes both.
Through our intervention many of these children who are not in formal education are enrolled and placed in schools through scholarships and other support. The long term plan is to support those who are not able to continue their basic education to learn employable skills like carpentry, masonry, barbering etc.
Our inclusive sport activities help in fostering social inclusion, integration, acceptance and confidence building among others.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
Our Project seeks to give desired opportunities to deaf and blind children who are traditionally marginalized as a result of their condition.
Our inclusive sporting activities serve as a catalyst in mobilizing deaf and blind children within our communities in order to help drive positive transformational change such as social inclusiveness, acceptance, confidence building etc.
Our education through sport for marginalized children equally gives educational support in the form of scholarships, educational materials and food relief items. Our outreach seminars educate the public on issues of disability and the need for acceptance and contribute to attitudinal change in the public.
Agoro Ne Obrapa (ANOPA) as an Organisation began in 2010 as a Sport for development NGO with the mission of using Sport as a tool for individual development, promotion of gender equity, peace building among others. However in September 2017 the Organization decided to impact also the lives of deaf and blind children who are highly marginalized. The idea to include the deaf and blind children in our programs was conceived in a dream.
The Project was initially funded with private funds because we had no funding from any organization. In August 2018, Memphis Depay, an international footballer with Olympique Lyon, France through his Genesis Project became a partner to ANOPA in providing funding support deaf and blind children from the Cape Coast for the deaf and blind. He actually visited ANOPA Project and the Cape Coast School for the deaf and blind to see the children.
In September 2019, Memphis foundation again became involved in further funding support to ANOPA in support of elevating the deaf and blind children. The same year Sport4development, RYTHM Foundation, and the French Embassy of Ghana all signed partnership agreements with ANOPA to further provide assistance to the deaf and blind children through sport.
As its mission outlines ANOPA Project seeks to use Sport as a tool for individual development, promotion of gender equity, peace building among others for children and youth within various communities and schools. Addressing the problem of marginalization, deprivation and seclusion of deaf and blind children is very important to me as a result of the high prevalence of issues within the regions the Organization is situated. Cape Coast in the Central Region of Ghana and Sekondi in the Western Region of Ghana occupies two of the first schools for the blind and deaf in the country. This is as a result of the regions having some high numbers of children with these conditions. I personally had my senior high education in the Central Region where the Cape Coast School for the deaf and blind is located. As an enthusiast sport person with laurels in Taekwondo, tennis and swimming, it had always been my passion to use sports to influence lives of children positively. However my motivation to particularly address the issue of deaf and blind children doubled after an encounter I had in a dream to lend support to these children in helping to address some of their challenges.
As a young man I possess a combined experience of over 15years with regards to Project Management and Rural and Small Scale Business in the country with personal taglines of team building, inspiring confidence, excellence, generating results and elevating marginalized groups.
I possess a 10year continuous experience in Project Management in the specific field of Sport for Development. Having worked for ANOPA Project since 2010 has earned me practical experience on the field in using various sports to promote development.
I acquired scholarships in 2013 and 2014 by the German Government to study Project Management and Advanced Project Management Courses respectively at the GIZ Academy in Badhonef, Germany to improve my knowledge in Project Management.
Partnering with institutions such as the Sport youth-Germany, Sport4development-Germany, German Football Association, German Swimming Association-, Memphis Foundation, GlobalGiving-USA, French Embassy-Ghana and the RYTHM Foundation from 2010 to 2020 has accorded me the unique opportunity to learn perfected systems like Monitoring and Evaluation, report writing, TOC, among others. My 10year experience again afforded me the opportunity to meet different people (volunteers/interns) from all walks of life and from different countries like Germany, Netherlands, USA, UK, and Australia among others having learned more skills and acquired knowledge through our very good working relationships.
I am a passionate young man with the desire to help children and the youth especially those with special needs and therefore I believe together with my experience, skills and knowledge am well positioned to bring transformational change in their lives.
ANOPA project as an Organization started in 2010 as a fully funded German Government Project. The funding period lasted between 2010 and 2015 after which the funding resources came to a halt and the Organization earmarked to fold up in December 2015.
Due to the passion I had in supporting vulnerable children and the youth I decided to continue on my own. Single handedly I mobilized financial resources, material resources among others to make sure the continuation of the Organization becomes a reality. Amidst funding challenges I used my personal resources to manage activities, run programs and provide support for beneficiaries.
The ensuing year (2016) became quite a challenge due to lack of funding for the running of the Organization and its programs. Through determination, commitment and hard work Memphis Depay through his Genesis Project and the Memphis Foundation noticed the good work on Social media and came in to support financially. In 2018 other funding proposals I had written also began to materialize and the effected results were partnerships with Sport4development e.v, French Embassy-Ghana, RYTHM Foundation, Memphis Foundation and the GlobalGiving. Today ANOPA Project is back on its feet rendering support to the vulnerable through its programs and projects.
Living in this world as a vulnerable and deprived child is already a big challenge especially in Africa where there are fewer opportunities. As an Organization most of our beneficiaries are within the vulnerable and deprived circles. As an individual I have always used my leadership potential in bringing relief to the vulnerable and highly marginalized.
Emmanuel Kojo Acquah comes from a very poor background around the fishing communities in Cape Coast. A 12 year old boy whose mother died at childbirth bringing him to this world faces a lot of discrimination due to his very low IQ. He would not be accepted into any school because of his condition. As the leader of the ANOPA Project having adopted him into our swimming program decided to groom him to become useful in the society since 2010. Emmanuel exceled to become the best swimmer for Central Region and I used my position to secure admission for him in the Senior High School a feet he wouldn’t attain without my intervention. Today Emmanuel is 22years old and works with ANOPA Project as a certified Swimming Coach with license from the German Swimming Association and certified under the Ghana Swimming Association.
- Nonprofit
Our Project impacting the lives of deaf and blind children has very unique and innovative ways through which the lives of these children are positively impacted. Firstly ANOPA uses different sports approach in driving the desired change for beneficiaries. Some of our all-inclusive Sporting activities include Swimming, Football, Basketball, and other recreational games which brings ordinary community children and the deaf and blind kids together with the aim of promoting social inclusion, integration, tolerance, acceptance among others all geared towards reducing inequalities.
Secondly our interventions go beyond the field of play to the classroom where children are supported to enroll in school through scholarships, provision of educational materials and food relief support. With a sound mind through PLAY one is highly ready to learn even better in School.
Thirdly our community outreach programs during the covid-19 pandemic places us ahead in giving our marginalized beneficiaries the required information on the pandemic and the ways and means to stay safe, stay active through exercises and also study while at home as schools are still closed.
Apart from our highly qualified staff and local volunteers are international volunteers with different skills and background on disability who also bring on the table new and innovative ideas.
Our monitoring, evaluation and learning system assesses all our beneficiaries and every input as a determinant of TOC. Among the tools we use are the Rosenberg's self-esteem scale, evaluation of non-differently-able (non-disable) children, and evaluation of differently-able (disable) children, monthly report and attendance and development of participants.
As an Organization the mission of ANOPA is to improve the life conditions of children and the adolescents in the region of Cape Coast and beyond. Students and young people including the vulnerable and the marginalized are strengthened through our sports, social and education programs in developing their personality, building character, and developing life skills necessary for their livelihood.
In addition are the creation of networks and structures in the field of sports and social services available for these marginalized children within their communities, regions and the country as a whole. ANOPA uses Inclusive Sport as a tool with the unique power to mobilize children and youth from all backgrounds including the differently-able in harnessing the effects of SDGs such as reduced inequalities, development of sustainable society, and increase in economic and infrastructural growth and guarantee the well-being and health of individuals.
ANOPA theory of change focuses on the various outcomes as a result of our sports activities. Some of our short term outcomes are providing the opportunity for the deaf and especially the blind children to be outside, to learn new skills in their inclusive environment with other children from the communities and other schools, team work and increased interaction leading to improved social skills thus decreasing anti-social behavior. The medium term outcomes of our sport program provide increase in self-confidence and self-esteem thereby increasing overall self-worth among others.
Physical activity such as swimming, football, basketball, recreational games among others in the long term promotes improved health, improved fitness level, agility, weight loss and improved social skills etc. The opportunity to effectively socialize in an inclusive environment would ultimately promote better relationships with friends and family.
The Educational opportunities accorded these children through scholarships and provision of educational materials gives them a sense of belonging to a recognized group, and the chance to participate in schooling just as their other non-disabled counterparts with opportunities after the completion of their education.
Our skills development programs for drop outs and those with special needs would also impact the general livelihood of the beneficiaries with special skills in masonry, barbering, hairdressing etc.
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Ghana
- Ghana
ANOPA has served quite a number of people (children, adolescents, youth and community members) since its inception in 2010 and since the beginning of its project impacting the lives of deaf and blind children in 2017.
Currently, our project is serving 370 children within the central and western regions of Ghana. These beneficiaries are from the Cape Coast School for the deaf/blind, Sekondi School for the deaf, Ghana National Basic School and those in the communities who haven’t been to school yet.
The project seeks to reach out to a minimum number of 1,110 children within a year in the above mentioned regions and beyond through the organization's effective inclusive programs.
In five years’ time, this project/initiative would serve and meaningfully impact about 5,550 children.
Our impact goals within the next one and five years hold us accountable to ensure that we work directly with disadvantaged and underserved children and families to help remove barriers and obstacles and replace them with opportunities.
- The creation of desired opportunities for vulnerable low- income students and families (Deaf and Blind) to attend high quality Schools for special needs through our School enrollment program and school placement programs.
- ANOPA will provide network opportunities for parents and guardians who have no knowledge with regards to where to receive support for their differently-able wards. Our Community outreach program has brought to our attention the inability of some parents to seek for support from the appropriate quarters for their wards.
- Within the next one year our interventions would help promote social inclusion, integration geared towards reducing inequalities through our inclusive sport activities.
- Provision of career opportunities through our skills development programs for deaf and blind children who drop out of school or for one or two reasons haven’t had the opportunity to attend school at all and have become adults. Supporting low-income families as they navigate out of poverty.
- The attainment of good health and general well-being through our sporting activities.
- Decrease in anti-social behavior that would eventually lead to better relationships with families and friends as a result of our sport activities.
ANOPA Project as an Organization has managed over the years to secure several funding opportunities for its projects and programs within the last three years.
However financial constraints still remain one of the barriers that exist in the smooth implementation of its projects and programs. This is because funders do not cover all program expenses in most circumstances. For instance some funders only fund recurrent expenditure for programs and not that of administration and infrastructure.
Cultural barriers
In the Ghanaian society, most people do not want to associate with differently-able (disable) children. People sometimes stereotype these marginalized children leading to stigmatization and discrimination. In some instances children with such conditions are deemed cursed by the gods and it becomes a taboo for other children to play or associate with them. Parents with children with these conditions tend to isolate their wards and keep them away from the society deepening the issue of exclusion and discrimination.
In five years;
Financial barriers
Most funders also do not fund long term projects up to five years. This trend becomes challenging on the issue of sustainability. As an Organization our long term funding at the moment is three years and would end in 2021.
Without continued funding support there would be challenges ahead in driving sustainability of our programs in the next five years.
As a country there are not too many trainers and teachers with special know- how in dealing with these special needs children especially in sport and education.
As an NGO with no income generating module we are constantly in search of funding opportunities that are likely to fund all available cost including administrative, human resources and certain infrastructure(refurbishment of sports facilities etc.) cost.
Through our seminars, workshops, and sensitization programs in the communities and among parents from both sides, there is constant awareness creation on the issue of disability with particular emphasis on deafness and blindness aimed at reducing discrimination in schools and in our communities.
Medical and religious experts are brought to these seminars and workshops to throw more light on disability and to alleviate the fear of traditional curses from the gods which is not the case.
In the long term we seek to find funders that are long term within a funding cycle of between three and five years or even more to enable us reach an appreciable impact with our programs and projects.
In partnerships with some of our funders like Memphis Foundation, there are periodic workshops and seminars for trainers, coaches and social workers aimed at giving the required training for further engagements with our special needs beneficiaries. In September 2020 there would be training for blind football in Cape Coast in partnership with Memphis Foundation and the Ghana Blind Union.
The German Swimming Association (Northrhine -Westphalia) also periodically organizes swimming clinics for our local volunteers and staff.
In partnership with the Ghana Deaf Association is our sign language class to foster effective communication on the field.
ANOPA Project as an Organization has many different partners with different partnership modules including financial, training, and others.
Financial Partners
RYTHM foundation-Singapore together we provide Sports for development program dubbed Education through Sports for Deaf and Blind Children. With regards to this program, we engage deaf and blind children in swimming, basketball, and recreational activities. As part of this program is the enrollment and provision of scholarships and educational materials for children from poor backgrounds. Inclusive of this program are seminars and workshops to create awareness for the need for inclusion and integration.
Memphis Foundation-Netherlands: This partnership provides 'enhancing inclusion for deaf and blind children through sports'. With this program, the deaf and blind children are merged with the non-deaf/blind in the field of play to foster inclusion, integration and acceptance. This program uses football as the sport medium. In addition is the organization of technical training programs for trainers, coaches, staff and volunteers.
Sport4development e.v-Germany: Working together on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Approaches. Support for a comprehensive MEL development for our projects and programs.
French Embassy-Ghana: Working on generally impacting deaf and blind children and provision of a literature on the myth surrounding the prevalence of deafness and blindness in families and siblings.
German Swimming Association: Provision of technical training in swimming for coaches, staff, volunteers and Physical education teachers.
Ghana Blind Union: Partnership on technical training on blind football and goal ball for coaches, volunteers and physical education teachers.
Ghana Swimming Association.
As an Organization our financial sustainability depends generally on donations and grants. Throughout our work we focus on soliciting for funding through the writing of proposals. This is achieved through referrals from organizations, institutions and also through surfing the internet for calls for proposals.
Organization Amount (USD) Date Duration
- RYTHM Foundation 113,300.00 20-08-2019 3years
- French Embassy-Ghana 20,000.00 20-02-2020 18months
- Memphis Foundation 11,000.00 22-09-2019 6months
- Sport4development 7000.00 10-11-2019 10months
As an Organisation we seek to raise funding grants for our programs and projects geared towards providing assistance to deaf and blind children within the society through the provision of educational opportunities, access to sport and recreation and general sensitization awareness on disability and infrastructure.
We hope to raise yearly grants of about 150,000USD for a period of three years or more by the year 2021.
Description of the item
Amount in USD
Renting of Football Pitch, Volleyball Court, Basketball Court, Swimming pool and Office Space
Sport Equipment
Utility Bills
Communication Cost
Legal/Licensing Fees
Transportation Cost
Seminars and workshops on deaf/blind awareness
Community outreach programs (donation of food relief items & educational materials)
Publicity Cost
Bus rental cost
Food and refreshment
Skills development training
Community sensitization programs
140, 840 USD
- As an Organization with minimal financial sustainability the opportunity to win some financial prize would give a lot more added opportunity to include many more programs with the deaf and the blind children towards their elevation in life by providing sustainable programs, basic sport infrastructure, special skills development programs, Sensitization programs, and Sport equipment. It would also support ANOPA in its financial sustainability drive.
- ANOPA through the Elevate Prize would receive technical support in Professional Management and development services, Technical and Capacity building and networking among others.
- Funding and revenue model
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
As an Organization, our partnership goals include
- Sustainable development: Sustainability is a crucial part of NGO development especially in Africa where there are fewer opportunities especially with disability programs and projects.
- In order to grow as an Organization Coaching and Mentorship from a bigger institution, organization and or professional body is very important. ANOPA seeks to receive more professional coaching and mentoring to help in its Inclusive Sport for development agenda.
- Other partnership goal is to attain financial sustainability through a sustained partnership.
- Partnership for new learning approach.
ANOPA Project would like to partner the following Organizations
PLAN International- USA
Grants to support our inclusive sports programs to promote gender equality especially for girls
CARE- Geneva, Switzerland
Grants to facilitate emergency outreach relief programs among deaf and blind children in Ghana
Foundation of Sport, Development and Peace- South Africa
Provision of technical assistance on Sport Development issues and programs in Africa
Helen Keller International -New York City
Assistance to combat the causes and consequences of blindness, deafness and malnutrition.
FINA (International Swimming Federation) Lausanne, Switzerland
Technical assistance for deaf and blind swimming
Play International- France
Grants and Technical assistance

Executive Director