JAN SAYHOG KENDRA,Hazaribag is 15 years old organization with experience on rural development. Since its inception,it is working for the upliftment of ST.SC,OBC community of Jharkhand. Expectise include-watershed,agriculture, piggery, goatery,poultry,fishery, water and sanitation,,horticulture, differently abled, formal and non-formal education and strenthening Gram Sabah.
Over the years the organization has worked in 5 districts of Jharkhand,India with the support of state and central goverment grants,CSR and overseas funding. The organization fucus is hard to reach area of Jharkhand with eithr no facility or minimum faciltiy of health care,public transportation,access to road,education and market.
Problem:- Increseing dry land in the village due to less rain leading to reducation in income of the household. Less income from agriclute is the main reasion behind poverty and migration for rural community is dependeded on agriculture. Less income form agriculture is forcing rural community to cut trees ,which is leading to deforestation.The dry land is becomeing waste land and it is victim of soil erosin.
Project Proposed:- integrated approach to make dry land productive through solar irrigation system and horticulture and timber wood tree plantion. The entire area will be covered with intercroping system. Intercroping include wheat,sesame, and vegetables. Thus,cultivation will be carried out throughout the year.
The project will increase annual income of the rural community and enable them to come out of poverty and hunger. It will generate emplyment opportunity for the rural unskilled. The rural community will earn from intercroping,horticulture and timber wood.
Following are the specific problems being solved:-
1. Poverty and hunger:- with the increasing use of dry land for cultivation,income of the poor household increase. The rural community is at least able to gather grains to support food for entire year with the additional income from dryland. Migration in search of livelihood will reduce and with generation of additional source of income and cutting of trees from the forest to sale to purchase food will reduce. As the rural community will be engaged in multiple source of livelihood activities,they will not cut trees and sale to purchase food items.
2.Soil erosion:- with the plantation of horticulture and timber wood, soil erosion is checked.
3.Multiply source of income and reduce migration:- The annual source of income of poor household does not depend on agriculture alone but horticulture, vegetable cultivation,and timberwood. With the incease in multiple source of livelihood option in the village itself,migration is reduced.
4.Education:- with the increase in income, the rural community is able to send thier childen to better schools for education.
5.Health and sanitation:- maternal and child health improved for the rural community is able to bear expenditure of medical needs. Thus, maternal and child death reduced.
The project is implemented through Gram sabha. All the dry land is identified through PRA exercise and potentiality is market. The traditional knoweldge of the village is used to find out the potentiality of agriculture in each section of the land. Producer group is formed out of 50 to 100 households. All the dry land is clubed and then plan is to install solar irrigation system.
Farmers are trained in horticulture,timber wood plantation, and intercroping. Intial seed suppot is given to the farmers to maintain productivity. Farmers are trained to carry out intercroping in each seasion. Horticulture plants are purchased from the government nursery or government authrized nursery and planted as per the guidline. Timber woods plants are grown in the nursery built in the village itself. All the farmers are given plants as per the land size.
The solar irrigation system is managed by Gram sabha and annual user charge is taken for all the farmers for maintance. Account opened in the name of gram sabha and all the collection is deposited.
Thus,with this approach the rural community is able to earn from A grade land and waste land as well.
The project serve ST,SC,OBC community of Jharkhand who fully depend on agriculture and living in hard to reach areas with minimum facilty.The community, whose livelihood depend only on agriclulture. As the income from agriclture is reducing, they are forced to migrate in search of livelihood to cities.
With decrease in annual rain, the upper land is becoming dry and waste land;thus, income is radically decreasing. Decrease in income is compelling the farmers to migrate to avoid hunger and death. With the global pandamic,all those who had migrated are back home. Thus, income from agriculture is the same and conditon of the family is becoming worse. The situation is created to die of hunger if immediate action not taken to support them. This project creates alternative source of livelihood for the farmers.
The only alternative source of income is from sale of firewood.If the situation continues, the tree coverage of the forest will get over within no time to quench hunger and thirst. Thus ,the challange will be to protect forest cover and one will have to make a choice-either to save life or protect environment.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
The problem is poverty and hunger ,which is addressed through Resiliand agriculture in dry land with integrated approach of intercroping,horticulture and timber wood plantatin. The rural community is depended on rain and lack of sufficient rain, the income from agriclulture is reduced.Not able to support need of food for entire year. Thus, forced to migrate to cities.
The project idea came from the rural community. The only concern that they shared was unavilibilty of water. Thus, the team of MBA gratudes and technical expersts visited the locality and discussed and analysied the situation and found the idea of the rural community is viable and sustainable. The team shared other aspects that could be connected to address the issue and the rural community agreed with the traditional knowledge and analysis.
Rural community is most vulnarable community for they have only one source of income,that is agriculture. Mass community live in this section of the society and if they are not supported ,majority will suffer. Reduced production of agriculture products will increase price and it will impactnot only the rural community but entire society. However, this will have more impact on rural community itself for they have only one source of income. Thier purchasing power parity will reduce and will be forced to poverty ,hunger and death They will not able able to buy food items and ultimatley they will be forced by the situation to hunger and death.
Thus, seeing the urgant need of the time,the organiztion is greared up to support rural community,so that the rural community is able to face the tragedy created by global pandemic.
Since the foundation of the organization,we are working for the cause of the rural community. To elevate them form povety and hunger. To increase income by giving them technical training and guidance. We have 14 years of experience in this field. We have been working for ST,SC,OBC community living in hard to reach area,where no one dares to go.
Apart from that we have dedicated staff with good experiences.
All of our project was implemented in naxal affected area of Jharkhand without public transporation facility. The area was very difficult to reach becasue the villages are located in the forest locality. The area is affected and monitored by naxalits but due our good relationship with the public,we were able to implement all the projects. Some times,staffs were threaten but that never stoped up. We kept going with the good work and ultimately won their heart.
Yes, the past experience demonstrate how we work and our leadership quality. it is easy to work in an area where there are not problems but working in an area affected by nexalits is of great danger. The times, when our staff were cought by them ,we were able to deal with the situation and be able to release them from their clutches. We had to hold meeting with the extremist to negociate based on what we do for the rural community. Only after satisfaction,our staffs were released.
- Nonprofit
Our project is innovative for it uses dry land to increase income of the rural community and to generate aditional emplyment oppotunity. We work with the local traditional knowldege of the community and build on that with addition of technical knowledged devleoped to add more value to it.
Use knowledge of the community to help to over come hunger and poverty with use of local resources with addition of technical know how developed over the years through reseach.
- Rural
- Poor
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 13. Climate Action
- India
- India
Currently our projec serve more than 275000 people. In one year we expect to support 75000 people and in five years near about 584000 people.
1.Provide employment opportunity to the rural community to decrease poverty ,hunger and death due to lack of food.
2. Create options for increasing income with the existing facilty with use of technical now how to reduce migration.
3. Reduce soil erosion and maintain/increase forest cover.
lack of sufficent fund is the greatest barrier to accomplish our goal. Our goal is to raise grants to support rural community within a year or so, so that , the rural community will be able to cope with life and difficulties created by global pandamic.
The only barrier that we have is lack of fund. We will work hard to get grants either goverment,foundation or CSR to support the project.
At present ,we work with state and central goverments and apart from that CSR wing of public enterprises.
Our business model is based on increasing income by creating additional livelihood options. As the rural community will be engaged in agriculture throughout the year, income from the same land will increase. Our effort is to provide system(solar irrigation system) for irrigation so that farmers can continue farming activity throughout the year in all the lands.
The business model is based on agriculture,horticulture and timber wood. This is based on intercroping. The farmer will get income from agriculture, horticulture, and timber wood.
Our model adds value to the rural life and the community by creating additional livelihood options. Generating emplyment opporunity in the village itself so that the rural mass is not compled by the situation to migrate to city in search of job. With incresed livelihood option in the village itself-poverty,hunger and death due to hunger will stop.
We have not raised funds for this project till date.
we seek funding grants support of USD 200000 to 500000 to be able to support rural community for five years in an effective manner.
The extimated expense is 125000USD for the financial year 2020.
The Elevate prize will enable us to reduce poverty and hunger. It will enable us to eleminate death due to hunger for we will be able to create additional livelihood options in the village itself.
With the project, we will be able to achieve two SDG goals.(1)No poverty.(2) zero hunger
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
We seek for partnership support to collect sufficient grant to support the community for without the financial back up we will not be able to support the community to face the situation created by global pandamic.
Monitoring and evaluaion is another aspect which is very important for successful implementation of the project.Thus, we seek support of the foundation in this regard so that our work will be more effective and result oriented.
We don't have potential partners in mind for grant development but we do have MBA colleges in mind. XISS,Ranchi and Vinoba Bhave university of Hazaribag,Jharkhand.
We will partner for project development ,monitoing and evaluation.